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                                                     DON  SAYS... 




Feb. 3, 2025 

Dear Mr. President:

You have caused enough anxiety  and misery  in Canada and made the US look
twice to US concerns over the your dictatorial manner toward a neighbor and
friend...Canada .Please back off and show him you are not just a greedy 
American with no compassion and sense ad your wars have shown.

The Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada

                                                                               Posted January 29

                           ANTI-RACISM: A RECIPE FOR RACIAL SUICIDE 
                                                           by Don Andrews

White Nationalists are in a unique, powerful position today, more than at any other time that I've seen
them in politically for the 72 years I've lived in Canada., and boy, can it get cold and grungy. You don't
want to wait in the open for any bus. However, when our enemies self-destructed, first with the globalist
Jew cultists' self-revelation of the meanness and destruction of their fellow cultists in Gaza and the
West Bank with no condemnation from any of them (outside of Israel). Then, the commie leftists and
White bleeding hearts protest in favor of Palestinians and Hamas, that was the end of that ideological
romance that was false from the start.  
Pro-Israeli war Jew globalist  cultists can't go too far right: either
their phony anti-Semitism is in the way -- these ruler cultists have the nerve to pretend they the are
anti-racists now; that as they say, is real 'chutzpah'...but they're known for that, aren't they? 

Jews still run the show but one of their flunkies Donald Trump, might be harder to control; he has his
son to deal with: on how, history will judge him later. Trump is playing to his White racist base with
shackled Third World criminals being escorted onto US Air Force cargo planes to be shipped to Colombia,
which Trump had to 'threaten' to take their criminals back. Hopefully Trump doesn't fall in the same
overboard reaction many dictators pursue, even when advised otherwise, as we have with Trump. He gets
more mail, etc., from smart White Nationalists to concentrate more on a southern wall than heartbreaking
media stories and pics from people in distress caused by the "Whites" leader Donald Trump.  It's not good
for our side and White race survival, which does not happen in a multicult /diversity/anti-White racist
experimental women's and queers' society. 

So let's keep Trump in line -- he's dependent on our ideological approval, starting from the dumb idea of
supporting other peoples' cults (Zionism) to idiotic White racist hate laws that put fear in the hearts of
natural men, not just perverts and naive idiots. Lastly, let's not forget the anti-White racist media morons
-- they have a lot of apologies to make  starting with the racemixed murder, whose perpetrators they
brought here. Don't let these anti-racist liar snakes relax when you spew your word-venom at them in
any letters to the editor, until they change their tone on the imbeciles' idea of unnatural anti-racism ... 
a recipe for racial suicide. 

                                                                  Posted  January 28:

                               White Nationalism works Well
                                                  by Don Andrews   
Two enemies of natural racism are on the ropes, almost defeated. First the ruler Jews show
their hand  by the miserable treatment of poor Palestinians against the tanks and jets of a cult
Nation called Israel.

Then came all these natural disasters like the fires in dry California when people in charge
found out that women were  in charge as mayors and fire chiefs, making feminism look inept ,
rightly or wrongly

Sadly, these two politically powerful groups can be blamed for some of the ensuing misery
and danger these people have put the great White race in. Most feminists are failing nature
by not having enough children and the self-. centered cultists failed to promote child rearing,
the most important task in Nature for a species to survive.That  by selfish mind set must end
and it starts by admonishing the so-called la-de-la celebrities in the anti-White media
 harshly whenever they stick their ugly head above ground to spread their mental case
anti-racism while promoting black pride, etc. Let's shut down these sick idiots whenever they
spill their evil Jonestown. suicidal bile. The first order of business is to show us criminals and
evildoers' faces in their Jewsmedia where they routinely try to hide to promote their failed diversity--
these bastards and bitches try to avoid nowadays.
  Let's shout, scream and swear at them until they show the populace who's committing all the
criminality in our land and who brought them here. One thing is for sure: White racism or
nationalism. is working for all who want the benefits of a peacefully and prosperous country--something
we all want  but let's do it nicely...Tell Trump / we will. 
Email: press@trump



                                    IT'S THE WHITE MAN'S WAY   

                                                               by Don Andrews 

Some people given power don't know when to stop with their depredations. So it is with Jew cultists from the violent Middle East.
Not only are Jews considered the 'bad guys' already by many Leftist and the Racist Right's minds,  but now they have become an
embarrassment  for their powerful stooges like the UK and USA; Seeing death and destruction in Gaza and the West Bank by Jew
cult settlers does not make them any friends or war allies, especially if they are not part of the privileged people supposedly chosen
by a Middle East deity as his 'chosen people'. Who wants to follow such a bloodthirsty deity?  Christians in particular have a lot to
answer for favoring a such a war-bloody group, with over 12,000 political (Arab) prisoners in their jails.  They are not nice, cute, nor
funny; anyone who thinks otherwise has a mental block to compassion -- something I've never seen shown toward their enemies by
the 'self-chosen God's people claims. 

 All non-Jew war Zionists should keep their heads down in shame. Not enough condemnation has been given to these mean people.
Be sure to tell the Christian leaders to speak up against this new terrible war in Gaza and the West Bank, bent on a genocidal Jew
plan to get rid of the native Palestinians once and for all. I'm particularly disgusted with the Jews' latest puppet Donald Trump, who's
doing everything he can for the cultist land grabbers, even stopping all actions on Jew settlers and helping them in the contested West
Bank and Gaza. Stooge Trump assured his Jew masters that they can go to war against  the poorly-armed Palestinians after just a
"ceasefire" to make him look good on his inauguration day (which was full of flubs, including a missing Bible to swear his oath of office).
Some Christians with a heart can now say Trump is an "illegitimate" President.   

White Nationalists need to contact all Christian leaders on this issue -- otherwise, stop this 'Prince of Peace' b.s. , because no one is
buying it when you ally yourselves with cultists with bloody hands. Christians need to show their compassion when it's needed.
Let's start today -- or  just shut up.



      January 20, Martin Luther King Jr. Day

                                   GOD BLESS MARTIN LUTHER KING Jr.
                                     FOR WHAT HE DID FOR HIS PEOPLE


Posted January 17


by Don Andrews 

There's a lot more Whites in  North America than in Europe, because we live with non-Whites daily, so
race is a much bigger  concern here than in Europe, unless you want the continent to become another
racemixed India. One East Indian suggested that that to me. Now, Donald Trump, in his second term as
President of the United States, plans to implement a deportation plan which will engineer a lot of grief
and anger from Whites, especially their women; this will create a lot of hatred. How is that good for
White Nationalists, just as Whites realize that their escape from extinction depends on natural racism? 
Don't believe the anti-racist bullshit artists with an agenda they don't even believe in, out there in their suburban enclaves. Our White race is the weak link for our survival.    Overly-compassionate Trump just might be a White bigot not graduated to a White racist, so he definitely has
to be reminded of the danger to our White future.   

The best thing to do is to build the wall on the US Southern border and patrol the Canadian border better
on both sides, which to his credit, Justin Trudeau has really started well. The Liberals will be sorry to lose
him; what did he do that was so wrong that he should have such an ignominious exit? To the world, it's an
embarrassment on all of us. I don't care how any anti-racist Liberals can pretend they are (by the way,
what's a "liberal"? Does it change every day?)  We don't need the misery spectacle that a huge proportion
mass deportation will definitely present when you consider the evil globalist Jewsmedia, who definitely
want North America to look like India with all of its problems.  So, let's e-mail, write, phone -- any way you
can, to contact the White house after Trump's inauguration, as he's feeling pretty alone right now, fearful
he might not make it with potential assassins out there on the continent. it will be a hard task, considering
who we have to work with, but it can be done. But not without White racial pride and understanding of who
we are. Donald Trump is just a man like you and I, with compassion and rationale. So, let's remind him of
his humanity and appeal to his better side. Flattery will get you everywhere and now we need peace,
always, and a good indispensable place to prosper and grow.

Here is his address at the White House:

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington DC 20500

His Email address:

Let's shower him with good advice if you participate... we will (my two favorite words)


Dear President Trump:

The Nationalist Party of Canada congratulates you on your victory as you
head back to the White House  and we extend our hope that you will stop and
condemn all torture of prisoners in US custody, particularly military prisoners
subjected to torture such as waterboarding. Torturing others is not the
White Man's way and must not be used by any government department,
especially the armed forces. 

Nationalist Part of Canada
Toronto Canada
January 14, 2025


January 12. 2025

                                                WHO ARE THE HOUTHIS? 

                                                                by Don Andrews  

Today's Newscasts are mostly globalist media-slanted propaganda. So when I hear the people in charge
complain they "don't know what to do" with  the Houthis in Yemen, you want to know who they are...and
why.  I've always liked the underdog in a fight, especially if they're independent in their actions and
Yemen's Shi'ite Muslims, named after one of their  leaders,(Hussein al-Houthi) are one such group. 

 As you know, in Islam, a Middle East God religion is shattered  into two main groups: the originals, and
the latter converts (Houthis) are the Shia Muslim cultists in Yemen, while the rest of the Arabian peninsula
are the original Sunnis of Mohammed. I suppose they they were influenced by the proximity of the Aryan
Iranians who twisted Islam to their satisfaction. Yemen is the perfect  place for that with  its  mountains,
desert and valleys. Even the Ottoman Turks held it precariously ; I noticed them when I saw a Yemeni
warrior who was naked from the waist down with a long-barreled rifle slung over his shoulder and , I
thought that's different -- nude down under with your dong hanging out proudly  (their current leader is
Abdul  Malik- al-Houthi.)    You wouldn't think they had the expertise and smarts to handle long-range
missiles, yet they can and have decided on principle to attack faraway Israel with modern missiles every
now and then without Iran's direct involvement. This is the Houthis' moral prerogative --  to help fellow
God-cultists when in trouble. No one told the Yemeni Houthis to do anything; they operate on their own
views and their own advice. All Israel can do is to bomb them every now and then, like they do to all their
neighbors pretty well when they want to.  Jew cultists are the new kids on the block  --it's up to them to
establish good relations with others when re-inventing a new Israel 2,000 years after the last one, with
a different ethnic Eurasian element never seen there since that of the  Caucasian 
Crusaders 500 years ago. 

As for the Houthis, punish them occasionally but generally, leave them alone to self-destruct eventually
of their own volition. 

Sent to Ontario Premier Doug Ford:


  Premier Ford:

Congratulations on your speech today defending Canada.

You truly are a leader as Premier of Ontario  on behalf of the nicest Whites
in the world.

Don Andrews, leader

Nationalist Party of Canada

Toronto Ontario

January 13, 2025


December 4, 2024



 by Don Andrews 

 It's a nervous situation up here in Canada, people pretending it's not important: the sentiment of Canada
becoming "The 52st State". But the lack of outrage for nationalism is rather disappointing. Our media
failed to wave the flag. Very few pundits have said anything negative about 40 million Whites joining the
great USA. They all probably love it and because of generations of queer feminism and a lack of reading
history, very few Canadians can tell you why there's a Canada separate from the USA. Certainly all new
Canadian immigrants would love to see our big border open and have a go at America's rough-and-tumble
rides; their dollar is still worth more than Canada's, no matter how much land we hold up here. That's a lot
of it and the whole world knows it; poorly defended,  except for the presence of the other 50 states. 

It's all bound to happen when one goes small and vice versa, eventually. But the good thing that came
from Trudeau's trip to Trump was the understanding that Canada had to do its part in curbing the
mistreatment, especially from the Third World and China. So far the blame has been on the rise in guns.
But they fail to point out who's holding the guns: if any migrants are causing any serious crime in the
near future, there'll be hell to pay,  just like Trump promised if the Hamas captives were not released.
What should he do -- bomb the hell out of Gaza and kill the women and children or invade the place and
hold it for six months and see what's in every house; either/or, it would be a bloody mess. So it's better
to try to negotiate to get the hostages back. Israeli Jews can always recapture any Palestinian prisoner
that they release; these people are at their mercy. 

But when it comes to Canadian nationalism, it sounded like a whimper. We needed we should encourage
our politicians to act a little more patriotic when it's required even if it's for show. What do you think
Americans make of our attitude? It certainly won't dampen their desires to incorporate Canada into a
"51st state". Canadian culture and attitude has to become more historically knowledgeable  and
nationalistic. No one reads a new country. However, we operate on a higher level called White Nationalism,
which looks to see similar ties and get along in an ever-expanding family of comfort, care and history.
Right now, we're the nicest Whites in the world, loyal White Canadians still filled with a pioneer spirit
holding the Great White North.

by Don Andrews 

The year 2024 has been  a great year for White Nationalism. The world is unfolding as it should and those
responsible for any great ills in our society  are ready to be exposed, similar to a hundred years ago, as
Man is a natural creature of habit. 

White Nationalists need the globalists to be  defeated with their multicult racemixing crappola that no one
really wants, not even their most ardent purveyors when they get old and weak. Liberal regimes are
officially cutting back on Third World foreign students(mostly in public places). On top of that our main
organized cultist globalist opponent Jews are looking like hell in a Gaza / Palestinian extermination try
that White liberals have taken up as their cause, creating all kinds of moral trepidation for Zionists as they
try to explain their "genocide" escaping theirs in the last century. They'll have to give a lot of free vacation
visits to Israel to buy off this heartfelt mob for Palestinian suffering; it's all very tenuous at best. Canada's
rising racism  and supposed anti-Semitism is not helped when the only pictures of the evildoers that the
liberal anti-racist newspapers can point out are non-White. Same goes for the courts, the paddy wagons
and cells -- the prisons are no place for a White person.  Bleeding heart Whites are against Jew cultists
and realize they can be nastier than their enemies, with Gaza's Palestinian babies  now dying from the
cold.. how does that look for Christian Zionism's supporters? It will take  a while for Jews to automatically
again become the good and moral guys --if ever. 

Let's let 2025 be the last year that the lying racemixing media gets away with their propaganda. They know
we're watching and people are not to be fooled with, as this is about a species' survival White Race
existence, because racemixing is forever--that's Nature's rule. White
Nationalism will not go away-- it can
only grow, especially  as our race dwindles. Now is the time to pick up common sense, good will and fair
play rules and activities in all our dealings, like Nature, without emotion.. That's why I'm asking Donald
Trump not to rush into any "repatriation" program of newcomers already in the country if they haven't
committed any crimes. Our women and anti-White media can't take it or exploit it , pulling at their bleeding
heartstrings. Just build and finish your Southern wall and think about what more you can do  to Canada's
sieve northern border, thankfully making both populations think twice about what kind of country's
neighbors they really want.  We here at the Canadian White Nationalist Party are trying to help you make an intelligent, lasting decision.  

God bless all White Nationalists and their allies in 2025. 

President Trump: We wish you a great and successful 2025 and all health to you and your family!

by Don Andrews

You know, speaking as an alien observing the White race they would have to admit that while they are
pretty technically advanced, but for preserving their race, they are myopically stupid. When all other
races replace in any DNA mixings your race,  if you want to preserve it, you'd better have your own 
exclusive habitat that others can visit as tourists. Differences are what made the nations and people
all over the world, No it wasn't  a caveman game show: let's pretend we are Lithuanians, no Latvians
-- better still, Estonians. I've lived and drank with all of them and I couldn't see much difference. But
they could and did recount their history from Mesopotamia, and now they're up there in the Baltics. 
All three have their own languages, customs and dances. It's like living in a big family, with pride.

Modern day globalism doesn't go for that. These snotty dilettantes  hate their families for the privileged
road they had not taken. Instead they're preaching White race suicide through word-slogans like
"multiculturalism" and ""diversity". Just as any anti- White nationalism, Jews have lost  their innocence
and charisma with their onslaught of horror perpetrated on Gaza. People won't forget, and don't like it
when ex-victims go overboard  with 45,000 dead Palestinians in Gaza compared to the attack on Israel
that killed 1,500, plus 100 prisoners in Gaza.. Most people are sick of this pointless carnage, especially
in a non-religious country when it comes to pointless religious wars. 

Now we must deal with the Third World influx into Canada already taking hold in major cities like
Toronto and Montreal. that's why the Establishment, seeing all this, decided to have fewer non-Whites
on Canadian streets by cutting down the most active  (their students) through the closure of programs
and numbers. etc.  Slowly but surely, Whites are waking up in Canada to the world's racial realities and
are thinking, Where do I fit in? Localized White Nationalism will be your only safeguard for any
DNA future. 


                                     FANTASIZING TRUMP'S FASCIST FLAVOR

                                                            by Don Andrews 

They say what Man has done before, he can do again. And so it is, with Adolf Hitler's and Benito
Mussolini's rallies, and today, Donald Trump's rallies. Both are in the tens of thousands in marches,
in the past, even more. The same enthusiasm seems to be there; the same adoring, smiling faces for
most cameras. Even Hitler, Mussolini and Trump appear to be a little dazzled by the adoration, but take
it in with pretended naive stride. The crowd, too have a gripe to bear against the system that they've
turned against these (some would say) undeserving people to lead and maker history with these hurrahs!   

It's the gripes that keep these people together and creates their heroes who are already making the
Establishment react to the White peoples' gripes, but cutting down the foreign student program by 30%
(less active non-Whites around) well before next year's Canadian election, which is supposed to  be a
reaction to a failed multiculturalism and diversity policies which left out French and English as the priority.
People see who the criminal elements are on their TV screens and occasionally, in the newspapers, which
I'm sure have an active anti-racist policy of not showing the truth and hiding the dangers from the populace
-- don't think that they don't in their editorial boardrooms, as fewer and fewer Whites appear in serious
criminal cases while crime rises and there's more racemixing and more criminality, never mind their 'woke'
crap. making multiculturalism and diversity the norm. These policies have totally failed and have even
scared many Whites for a future.  No wonder They like Trump -- he'll fix it as though it were in the past...
kinda...they hope... we think.  But until they get some uniforms and marches, they're just a rough imitation. 
What Man has already one at least once: now must come the Trump Fix.


                                                                                                                Posted November 16, 2024

                                       Louis Riel-- a Great Canadian

Louis Riel -- (22 October 1844 – 16 November 1885) was a great man who not only saved Canada,
but was part of a new race in North America: the Metis, and created the province of Manitoba. He
 fought against the persecution of the Metis at the "Riel Rebellion", for which he was imprisoned.
He was even elected three times for a seat in the Canadian House of Commons. 

His death and life are commemorated on November 18, with ceremonies to held across Canada.
(you may get information on these at this link):

Posted November 9, 2024


by Don Andrews

Although he has reason for revenge, I don't think he has the meanness of such a character. Donald
Trump has the name--he's either a hero or a villain. Donald Trump is a modest man, considering his
personal life, and he doesn't like to show off too much, standing there on stage in front of a huge
audience with just his son Baron and the East European statuesque beauty Melania.

  I don't think I could be that restrained. Donald Trump will control the US presidency office and Congress
both by a deal -making sliver, but that's all Trump needs. Trump will bring peace to the Middle East by
dealing directly with Iran  and will find out for himself what they're like; Israel and Jews in general don't
want Trump in office... he's a 'strong man' that the cult will have to court, and don't think they won't,
telling anyone who will listen or read the the assassin(s) came from Iran-- we have 'their word' on it  --
the next time, they will get him; "look, it's Iran!" while they worry and deny.   If any president was a target,
certainly Trump is, hopefully not. But just look at (Clark Kent) JD Vance as the vice-president, ready to
look presidential, looking like a well-dressed mannequin. 

Everyone should hope that Donald Trump is a nice guy, because he doesn't have to be with the virtual
power he wields. First on the agenda will be to finish the southern border wall, then wait and see if the
Canadian Prairies become sprinkled with strangers from Peru or the Congo looking for the US border
line. That globalists' Jew Zelensky will be the next to step up for Ukraine and make peace with their
Russian Slav cousins -- what's the Ukraine, if not the vast Pale where everyone ran away or got kicked
out, much like North Americans.

 Hopefully, and with prayers too, there is no other Trump assassination attempt. But just in case, the
stage seems to be set--think now, what foreign actor would want Trump eliminated,  while they push
in the media that Iran wants him dead,Why Donald Trump took this dangerous job with cutthroats and
liars every step of the way. And, Donald Trump is on their path, from an anyone-can-do-it/be-a-millionaire 
to the most powerful office in the world.


 Trump's "Save America" book was an inspiration.


by Don Andrews 

Well, I'm not impressed by our Jew cult rulers, because they are losing so much support through their
meanness in the "Holy Land" toward non-Jew Palestinians. Israel is a well-equipped war machine where
much of the citizenry carry guns and are ready to deal with any of the unruly native Arabs whenever it's
necessary. These Eurasian new Jew converts are learning about their Semitic religion inventors who
have settled here -- how long and how hard have these Khazars had the experience and backing of the
world's ten million Jews? However, I wouldn't count on it. However, I wouldn't count on it. Gaza will be
their undoing; their siege and starvation of Gaza, now brought down to rubble, won't be forgotten in
impressionable young minds watching Al Jazeera TV. It's worse than Dresden, and mirrors Nagasaki and
Hiroshima. And then you see people wandering around and kids' bodies rushed to medics. It's all hard to
watch, and every day there is new horror footage.  It doesn't make you want to hug the perpetrators,
now does it?   

 People don't like to find out that those they felt sorry for once, are found out to be almost as nasty. In the
final analysis Israel will have to be abandoned and cut down to a Vatican-sized holy land to satisfy the three
Semitic religions, plus a bunch of orchards to make the desert bloom. That's all the people -- and the
planet -- need there. So, let's do it nicely.

                                                                                                    Posted October 24, 2024

by Don Andrews

It's taken awhile for an effort by the idiot liberals to learn their lesson: people don't want a multicult
racemixed society. It might be nice during  festival and carnival time, but in ordinary life they don't like it
and often-times it's scary. So, our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau  has decide to cut the student  and
immigrant levels down for a few years, until you get used to the mess they have already created in crime
and welfare services. It all shows that the White races were right. Now, the latest thing is to get on board 
the Trump Train, as the old Jewesses in the TV ads are promising to do because of all the purported
anti-Semitism (this time from the Left); so much of it that they are afraid to go out...really! 

 Leftists have been abandoned by the Jew cultists since they criticize Israel's deadly and harsh actions
against the defenseless Palestinians. Right now Zionist Jews are looking for a political home; it will be
hard to resurrect Jews as victims when people have seen on their TV screens entire multi-story buildings
brought down from bombings by their well-equipped Israeli jets and artillery; The Jewsmedia is trying to
shift the blame to one Jew (Netanyahu), and it won't work. Jews are now aggressors, especially when you
see thousands of children  and women killed by their fire, going after Zionists to prevent them from
reporting properly on the Gaza and Lebanon conflicts for the world. In fact, all schools, hospitals and
civilians  are targeted by the hate-filled Zionists, so much that even the Jewsmedia has to report some of it.

The Holocaust was bad, but when ex-victims go on a rampage against ordinary people, no one has
sympathy for the unsympathetic. Seeing lots of women and especially children on hospital gurneys
proves the point that this is basically an ethnic cleansing operation that Jews condemn against others.
The worst-looking in all this slaughter (over 42,000 killed alone) is the USA, standing around and waiting
for their Jew masters to give the next order. The Jews have made America look immoral when it comes
to doing what's right; a great nation has to wait for a little resurrected Jew state after 2,000 years to tell
them what to do. That's the power of secret societies and  cabals that rule many Western countries much
to the ordinary citizens' dismay. Shame on the American selective morality...  What would Jesus say?


                                                                                               Posted October 20, 2024


by Don Andrews

  It's hard to believe the polls who are in league with the anti-White Jewsmedia, which claim that an
outright unknown dame, Kamala Harris, is neck-and-neck with a former president and well-known
politician, Donald Trump. They are ready for the next fixed vote results in the US, like Biden's last
"win".  To believe this is correct is to admit that American society is divided along gender lines,
right down the middle. That's a lot of visceral hate that only White race traitors  and naive feminists
have; the feminists keep saying on any network and station -- that the result of the next election will
be a "close one", that one, I've heard repeated on various channels and by various dames. It's as if
they're trying to get you used to the idea of another down-the-middle split vote for two political
parties which are basically ideologically the same. It's as if they want the voting public that they are
split, while only one side shows enthusiasm (Trump's)  for the election. it shows the Establishment
rulers and their feminist minions are scared and might be forced to pull another 'victory' out of the
jaws of defeat after you go to bed and wake up the next morning: "Surprise! Harris won by just a
sliver." Yeah, sure-- fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, should be your a miracle candidate  with nothing to offer, comes first over a well-known and well-loved by many politician.  They didn't want to fool the public again against a popular politician
they don't control. That's the beauty of Trump -- he's politically unpredictable but still well-trusted by
his followers to do the right thing, like not supporting any foreign wars on either side with guns, ammo
and money -- as it should be. 

Russians and Ukrainians have to live side by side, as they have for centuries. So let them figure out
their mutual borders and shame on both of them if they don't, especially if they invite others to meddle.
NATO, or North Korea -- stay out of it. Certainly it's not because of the nastiness of the Russians,
when you look at Israeli jets bombing the hell out of Hamas and Hezbollah (Party of God) positions,
neither of which has an air force or navy; no Western Zionists are crying over this unfair fight. 

And while I'm at it, I might as well complain about the continued caption readings at the end of
announcer-spoken programs...are you people mental?  No one wants to get up close to the TV and
quickly read the usually important captions, or what happens to the culprits in any real crime program.
Public revenge satisfaction is important to maintain good public morality. Proper punishment is

                                                                                          Posted  October 16, 2024

                                      SUICIDAL WHITE RACE POLICIES 

by Don Andrews

The two Trudeaus know they are hated by thousands of Canadians -- that's thousands for sure, if not
millions, especially White men. Hate is not a good feeling to hold for a long time; it destroys both sides
of the situation and  and I'm sure the Trudeaus feel disdain and contempt for their detractors when Justin
told the fawning media that the reason there is a need for globalist immigration recruitment, when he
almost proudly announced that  Canadians are not having children. So there -- that's why we have to 
import foreign cheap labor to keep up with "m'lady's " desires in the last days of White civilization in North
America , aside from pockets here and there. 

 Trudeau can't get racial, like a White Mandela. Whites have be taught to self-loathe, the only species on
the planet who is always sorry for something; only White pride is frowned upon. What's that tell you?
There's something rotten somewhere when it acts suicidal , like adopting multiculturalism and diversity
as your nation's clarion call. It's like calling chaos peace, as everyone hides ion their enclave. 

Whenever you see or hear or read any White race traitor's crap, it's your unpleasant duty to clean it up
(the legal way). Let's not make the White race a slow Jonestown death with official suicidal of diversity
and multiculturalism.  Only a White civilization will do.

                                                                                                    Posted October 11



by Don Andrews 

 It's almost a phenomenon: the natural visceral hatred some people (especially women) have for a 
Donald Trump presidency. No, in fact his first presidency was and is considered a success, with
Trump's job-increase numbers and the economy in general and no open wars like today in the Ukraine
and the Middle East. On top of it all, wages went up under Trump. 

Basically it all comes down to money. People need more today, with the cost of living skyrocketing.
Trump's plans to deport thousands of "got-aways" and other criminal migrants might make some
White women unhappy but the majority of White men are already for 'macho Trump', so much that
it's only a matter of time before some of their women join Trump's silent supporters who'll make their
voices heard on November 5th in the continuing gender battles of the 'New World".  One thing is for
sure --  Trump knows his way around the world. As a billionaire, he's not easily fooled or mesmerized
by anything except common sense and good will by our enemies. After Melania, Donald doesn't need
anything, other than bringing peace to various war theatres of the world; I'm sure he could do that,
being 'friends' with Putin and having the nerve to tell the Jews to vote for him because he's been the
most Zionist for them.  I'm sure there are people in the Jewsmedia whom Trump would like to go after,
but if they hold their lying tongues, they might have a chance. However, if Trump is cheated a second
time, all bets are off, and the hate-filled stench will last for four more years until the men come back
with a vengeance next election for sure. Otherwise the 'United' Sates of America will disunite again.

It's hard to figure why White women don't like Trump (he knows them too well?). I've complained
about the treacherous-to-their-race White females already. Now we can see how this over-critical
genderism can be detrimental to nature's race survival. Sadly, Donald Trump is just the tip of the
White self-loathing hatred for your own kind throughout five generations now, with anti-racism, to
the point of their own extinction. It's as if our White women are trying to become dodo birds on the
road to that extinction. White Nationalists will lead us out of this abyss. Be proud and procreate -- 
as for hating Trump, that's a waste of time ... like blowing in the wind.

                                                                                                Posted October 2


by Don  Andrews 

 Israel is a 2,000-year old experiment country created by non-Semites and Eurasians, that new Khazar
Jews proselytized just hundreds of years ago and disseminated throughout Europe and the Americas
in their so-called 'return' to  land where they never were. Israel is a militant state -- it has to be, to impose
themselves on the land their Semitic religion teaches. Israel has used the stick so far with the indigenous
Arab neighbors. Now it is time to use the rich carrot the world cultists have. 

Western Whites feel closer to the  Jews in Israel because of their similar background. However, Whites
have abandoned once White-led nations like Rhodesia and 
South Africa. So, you can see how a different
religion Whites
, like Europeanized Jews, could fare if the US goes into the Middle East quagmire a second
time after the Iraq disaster, which has left a still-weakened American state.

Wester Whites must stop meddling around the world with weapons and troops. No one wants continued
tension as the Jews have created there with few benefits to their neighbors. I'm sure the Jew would love
the US taking over its defense; the UK and the US  are already knocking down Iranian missiles aimed at
Israel, No one voted for that -- or any future war for Israel. But that's the cult's clout in the Western world
run by other secret societies, whoever you vote for. White Nationalists who want peace should speak up
for peace and tell the Jews to get off their high horse by suing for peace and reconciliation; it will be good
for all concerned. Let's stop this foolish tit-for-tat deadly cycle, if Israel is to last another generation.
It's not good for a California-like ancient land to visit, or settle.

                                                                                             Posted September 29



by Don Andrews

 Who do the cultist Jews think they are, "Spartans" with their bellicose attitude? Are they trying to
re-establish  that cult's ancient territorial control area from 2,000 years ago, when the majority of
today's Jew cultists never heard of Israel -- or vice versa -- from their Russian steppe Khazar empire?
Its emperor declared all his citizens as Jews when he lost some battles and decided to hear all other
religions and god's  advocates to choose a new religion for his empire. Bulan II was no dummy; he
chose a god for his people who has supposedly chosen them as his favorites.   

 Short, stout Khazars are not tall Semites, hence, the big mix among Jews today, especially when they
have further been Europeanized from their Eurasian newcomers over the centuries. Jews, being a
mercantile people naturally joined the trade and intermarried with the rich to climb to the top in many
royal families and households in Europe. Now you can see how others might be jealous and resentful
of them: Something the cultists never ask is why. With so much anti-Semitism and pogroms against the
cult you would think they would have understanding, help and explanations at the ready to counter so
much deadly hatred. But no, true to their arrogant form, they always choose the stick instead of the
carrot when dealing with their detractors, although they have the political and monetary means to soothe
the emotions of their enemies, for all their rabbis' smartness. Today's Jews need more humility and
understanding toward their critics, not their anti-White race hate laws. fines and jail punishments that
only make more people angry and more afraid of them in any public place. Sure, fear is close to respect ,
but that closes your eyes if you are the disseminator of their fear and loathing of their fear and loathing:
you can't survive on fear alone. 

 More and more elements of White society are turning against the Jew cultists, acting like their Neo-Nazi
enemies of the past; all they need are some marches and uniforms to complete the picture. Everyday
commies and leftist Whites are turning against Israel; as a start, some go even as far as being against
Israel's existence, which now holds about half of their 20 million cultists worldwide. Religion is not
respected nowadays, especially ones coming from the fractious  Middle East, with Christians still waiting
for the second coming of Christ.   

Race trumps religion, and as the White race shrinks it will become even more important. That's the
future of the great White race, whatever our religion; to do otherwise would be against Man's creation.
Jews will have to abandon their unnatural anti-racism to join the White Nationalist cause, because no
one else wants them to have a viable future with us. 


                                                                                               Posted September 27


                                                                              by Don Andrews 

Well, I have fist-bumped occasionally when someone has surprised me with a fist bump. But I consider
it too aggressive (making a fist anytime is an aggressive action) and non-White. An open hand of
friendship and feeling is offered in a White man's handshake -- you can almost feel it when palms touch,
how the other person is feeling toward you. Hand-shaking has been around a long time. It's the White
Man's Way -- so let's not change it just to look modern.  Conservatives should be in the lead of such
natural reactions, but unfortunately nowadays, the only thing they care to 'conserve' i are their
cheapskate selfish pocketbooks (wallets).

I've grabbed a number of hands to shake them correctly sometimes to the surprise of the other person
but I always feel right about it -- and so should you. Tradition is every important to a people and the
handshake has been at the bottom of the White Man's Way, for common sense, good will and fair play,
according to our historical morality; let's keep it that way. There is no need to change it now, not even
for another "the-sky-is-falling" flu.  Whites must get off their asses and show some gumption on such
basic issues as human contact with strangers  and friends, and keep our society running smoothly
                                            -- the White Man's Way. 

Posted September 24



by Don Andrews 

Racial unity has failed among the Semitic Arabs. They don't have any, with millions surrounding
an Europeanized Jew cult-state of Israel; They can't stop this later crusader war state supported
by the long-ago, kicked-out Christian states. Semitics who succumbed to Eurasian Turks for
centuries under Ottoman Empire rule, kicked out the original Crusaders until the Christians came
back after defeating the Turks in World War One and suggested a new Israel by the English

Israel is in essence a Western Christian creation which will only last as long as the Western
nations support it. What Jew wants to go to Israel right now, with such a shaky future? Israel is
an experiment that won't last in its present state...if at all. However, the worst aspect for the
20 million Jew cultists in the world is the realization of the population on just how much power
Jew cultists hold over so many countries who have given them arms and the right to "defend
themselves" by invading and bombing neighboring countries with total international impunity,
as if they're gods. A lot of people resent this special status for Jews, who promote and jail their
critics with restricted free speech "hate laws" . No one respects those whom they are afraid of -- and this attitude is certain when talking about the Jew cultists.     

All the White Nationalist info and propaganda could not achieve this new realization of Jew
privilege ruling your world. On top of all of this are the nice Jews and all their American Anthony
Blinken's hot air, they are really quite mean and out of control. That's not gaining anyone else's
love and admiration -- just embarrassment . All the deaths in Gaza (over 41,000 now) will not be
forgotten when its' the Jews' turn  to bring out their dead after the bombardments. It doesn't look
like the Semites can beat the Israeli Jews, requiring  Eurasian Iranians to fight for Palestinian
Semites' rights, since the Lebanese are too divided to do it while the other Arab states like Saudi
Arabia, Jordan and racemixed Egypt and divided Syria are totally useless in these wars.

One thing is for sure: Israel is not worth getting into a World War III, just like the new Ukraine
border war with Russia. Let's isolate these conflicts and definitely, not feed these wars that could
be settled peacefully. Tell this to Biden and Trudeau or any other Western leader who's gung-ho
for another Middle East war for someone else's daydream and ancient myth. Remember, today's
Jews are not from the Middle East, but are Eurasians who picked up the religion (Khazars) a few
hundred years ago when Jews 
proselytized their religion in Eurasia. So what right of return is
there for them -- or anyone for that matter --  after their last Middle East kick-out? Whatever Man
has done before, he can do again. Other than a Vatican-sized  "Holy land", I can see it happening
again .... another exodus. 


                                                                                             Posted September 17


by Don Andrews   

Having phone pages of ordinary people blow up in their hands is definitely a war crime by ex-victim Jews, killing and wounding
almost 3,000 Lebanese civilians (Jews are now almost exclusively called 'Israelis' by the stiffingly refusing mainstream
Jewsmedia). Who can be on the Jews' cultists' side in this evil case-- certainly not the world. This is something all decent
people should be against. It's obvious that Zionists consider themselves above all other peoples while pretending they're
the same. 

Aside from Jews and Israelis, Jews are just fooling themselves if they think decent people are on their side, other than
bloodthirsty Semitic God extremists and their dumb followers. Underneath it all, they are feared, but then again,  these boss
types consider 'fear' to be close to respect -- and that's not good enough for this arrogant cabal. Jews have been wandering
cultists for centuries; setting up a religious cult-state is not has not been their experience for the last 2,000 years. Rather, they
rule from behind the curtain various world regimes (as they still do) including the US, the UK and Canada.  Jew shyster policies
have made lots of enemies, especially from the White Nationalist right because of their racial treachery, and now, the moral
'Left', for the Jew cultists' inhumanity in Gaza and now Lebanon. What's wrong with Islamic countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia
for not defending fellow Muslims? The Western world has lost its moral bearings following Jew cultists into a Third World War. 

 Those who are in favor of justice and peace cannot support purposely attacking civilians with pagers blowing up in their hands
and faces. Jews don't seem to care. Contact your local  newspapers and outlets and demand condemnation of Israeli Jews'
evil actions against civilians. just look at what they have done to Gaza...

Contact Justin Trudeau at his email address, 
and Joe Biden, here:

PS: Another good sign that the Liberals are worried about is their pro- non-White immigration policies, by realizing that the
fewer you see around,  the better, by putting a cap on mostly non-White foreign students wandering around in the public
squares in Canada's major cities.

Posted September 16


                                                       by Don Andrews   

Donald Trump needs more older women around, young females. We all know that this
millionaire has had enough bimbos in the public eye but more senior women -- that's
another story, right in Kamala Harris' backyard. Yeah, that's where Trump should play
his politics, where he would be admired the most,  among the most 'feared', too: mothers,
grandmothers. and JD Vance's dwindling, barren cat ladies -- they all vote too, even from
their hospital beds, and Trump should go to old age homes. It's the business of older
women to meddle in peoples' lives or politics. Donald Trump needs to charm them-- I
mean, how many old White guys look so good at 78? Older women like a successful man.  
The globalist Jewsmedia is already making the US election a 50/50; I don't believe the
fixed polls, but by making it look gender-driven the other side is automatically given
almost 50%.

Sadly,  there is no need -- in fact, it's a racially suicidal policy. Just look at how the leftists
and their ilk portray White racists with such malice.  That's why Trump will appeal for calm
and peace to his detractors and as he wrote to us, he said he will never surrender. 

Bless, still, the White people's choice ... Donald Trump.


Posted September 8, 2024



by Don Andrews 

 Why doesn't Justin Trudeau cut all military aid to Israel, whatever it is, until they make peace  with the Palestinians
they have dispossessed?  I'm surprised how tolerant, meek and mild the Palestinians and other Arab immigrants
have been to the Israeli Jews' outrages in the near-totally destroyed (90%) of Gaza City, with the same population
that Toronto has, now reduced to rubble.

Jew cult nastiness won't wash  among the latest anti-Zionist protesters when they see how mean and nasty the Jew
cultists can be, and they're supposedly the most religious ones of a biased, vindictive Middle East deity.  They can't
pretend, "Oh, we're some Jews' ancestors of a persecuted generation of people who look at them and then think,
why and could it happen again?" Yet with all this destruction, mayhem and massacres, Trudeau The Nice Guy has
nothing to say in condemnation; as they say, "fear is close to respect": Must be the only reason a supposed human
rights activist can try to weasel himself out of a moral drama. The same argument goes for the 'civilized' Zionists:
How  can they justify Gaza's total destruction other than purposeful 'ethnic cleansing' ,which is totally abhorrent to
the Western anti-racists... unless of course, their globalist masters are doing it.

It's too bad the Jews have set up another cult-state 2,000 years after they were kicked out of that area, to wander
around and do a little proselytizing occasionally to similar kinds. The sooner that Israel becomes the size of a Vatican
state, the safer it will be for all Jews abroad. When it's news that some Jewess is going back  to fight for Israel,
you know that there is no rush to live in a war state. Let's ask Trudeau to be more fair on Israel.


                                                CAN SAVE OUR RACE 

                                                                                                     by Don Andrews   

There is something wrong when White racists are jailed . It's unnatural and very convenient
in the eyes of the other amazed other natural races. Even when they pretend otherwise
they're happy at our stupidity in a race rare the weaker females run the show. I ascribe
this situation to the feminist choice of a Middle East religion known for other ISIS-type
cults. It's mostly pushed and "believed" by women and adhered  to by enterprising "seeing
the Light" men. Their priests, even though they were men, had beads and wore gowns.
There are very little numbers of horny guys looking for women to procreate with in the
Jesus story: just some old prostitute. now a saint and pal of Jesus mother Mary (also
called Mary Magdalene), who swears she saw the crucified guy three days later (oh, yeah,
all this was recorded in stories finalized hundreds of years later, in today's Bible).

Now with all the fighting going on in the Middle East , Whites just don't want to get involved,
the main problem with White women running our racial existence is that it's slated for
extinction if they don't want to have kids. We're not even at the replacement level for
survival (there is a good graphic on the Daily Stormer website, 

The White race is dying off by the second and this trend must be reversed. No matter what
we have an obligation to nature or our creator to reverse any guaranteed course to racial

suicide that makers no sense. 

It all starts with us -- will it be the sane or "insane" who will rule our race? the self-loathing
apologetic death cult, or the hope for life cult called natural, which dictates survival. Every
day that more White racists are made (not less) the evil media knows it. That's why 
they are
so concerned about the level of dialogue in the public square: the race traitors can't take the
heat , especially when they know they are private bigots in real life. They don't have the
confidence of their own multicult diversity treachery. Let's shut them up and sweep them
aside at every election and in every letter to the editor, with White Nationalism rising. 

                                                                                                Posted September 5, 2024


                     YOUNG WHITE DOGWALKERS
                                NEED CHILDREN!  GET REAL!

by Don Andrews 

There doesn't appear to be anything really new in the "news" when everything seems to
be at a  stalemate, like the stupid Slav war over the newly-created  country called the
Ukraine (the Frontier), which does not have any particular ethnic group, mostly Slavs
and other kickouts and runaways into the 'Pale'. Every new country needs new borders
that the neighbors don't need and that foreign meddlers and their arms need to settle,
wrongly. White Nationalists are against any wars that will diminish the already-dwindling
White population on the planet: there are no more -- that's it, with some 600 Whites
now supposedly around.

 Selfish feminism has destroyed the White race everywhere; that's why the Whites'
Pope, while in Asiatic Indonesia, complimented the people there or three, four and
five children instead of the one or two. Whites  have some , just barren, and walking
dogs. We can blame this suicidal activity on the feminists and globalist cultists
(Jews) who put down proud White racists who want to procreate for our continued
civilization. Right now, India is in America's historical place when there were still
Whites around before they desperately tried to stay alive as a people with their
caste system rules. Where are India's Whites today?

White people are slowly waking up to the criminal horrors of "diversity" and
"multiculturalism" (an oxymoron if there ever was one). Sadly diversity has become
a bad word too, when it means you don't know what  or who you are going to get
with the next real horror show or mass murder and mayhem in our daily lives.  I
blame it all on any anti-racist idiot or bitch, that needs that needs to be shut down
with a groan or sarcasm if they oppose White racists or restrictive Third World
immigration policies that the government seems to notice: all of sudden, they're
cutting down on how many non-Whites you'll see in public by lowering foreign
student intakes and curbing immigration. The globalists' evil regimes have seen 
what happened in Britain when a dozen-plus cities joining in on anti-immigrant
protests before they happen here. 

Globalist anti-White racist Jew cultists have shown their ugliness in Gaza, so much
that even nice Whites don't like the. The feminist anti-racists have shown that their
society is full of non-White criminality. The only thing left is to retake control of
juveniles who are getting away with murder and to drop the lax rules and punishments on

killer delinquents in a still-fatherless feminist society too sad and dangerous to
procreate to be replaced by dog-walking. 

Ugh! Get your green bag ready!


Posted August 24,2024

                                                               by Don Andrews

  When i first got involved in anti-communist activities with the Edmund Burke Society, which I created along with an Ottawa
teacher, Leigh Smith and university student Paul Fromm, it was to confront growing street communism during the Vietnam
War days. When we opposed the reds, we were called fascists, for standing up for victims of Marxism. Soon I had all kinds of
characters, from anti-communist East Europeans, to conservative bigots who didn't like the hairy rabble demonstrating at the
US consulate on Toronto's University Avenue. Leigh Smith suggested the name 'Edmund Burke' , who at the time we had never
heard of. So I said, "Why him?", and Leigh replied: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do
nothing". Well, I thought that was good, and communism was evil. So... that was good enough for me, and it still is.  A lot of
anti-Establishment types joined who were against a police state and more restrictive laws against free speech. Some said they
followed Ayn Rand's libertarianism (her real name was Alisa Rosenbaum, another alias she used was Alice O'Connor) and her
writings on the 'virtue of selfishness'. It turns out that  she was a mean, bigoted cheapskate, belonging to a matriarchal Semitic
god-cult where males' genitals were mutilated. So I wasn't that interested in what a super-feminist cultist had to say as a life-
attitude . It's all mean and selfish common sense, but without much humanity or compassion, when selfishness becomes a virtue, that civilization is finished.

"That's mighty White of you" was a common phrase before the feminist White self-loathers took over. It shows our race's
humanity, especially when called out on it. Even the Russians stopped their weak assault on Ukraine's borders when the world
was all aghast. Now it's the 'Whites' in Israel who have to show their humanity after what they did with the destruction of Gaza,
with probably 50,000 dead and many still under the Jew-created rubble. You might not like the Arabs (Palestinians), like a lot of
White men I meet, but morality commands to oppose such death and carnage especially when the perpetrators of the thousands
killed outguns the other ten-to-one: it's no contest-- it's a massacre. But surprisingly, there are still Hamas fighters in the ruins,
even where the Israeli Jew cultists are. The Palestinians' secret weapon remains their numerous children from a patriarchal
religious society (Islam) that the women-run Jews cannot compete with.

Unless Israel withdraws from the occupied Palestinian land from Gaza to the West bank and donates billions to  rebuild Gaza
and pay for Palestinian refugees in all the camps any way they can, no new Jews will go to Israel. It's already becoming a story
on the mainstream media especially  when when a Jewess called back to fight for it now.
 The Jews can't do much now; they
have lost their victimhood card of long ago -- their six million to their 50,000 dead Palestinians. Israel looks like dry California;
many will go there as the wars continue.

Now is the time for all Whites to unite under the banner of White Nationalism-- the only way to save our civilization.

                                                                                      Posted August 21, 2024

                                             RACEMIXERS TRYING TO RULE AMERICA! 

                                                           by Don Andrews   

 Where did they find the arrogant Obamas, all of a sudden trotting the marriage team out to
support their racemixed presidential candidate Kamala Harris? Who the hell are the Obamas
to tell Americans how to vote -- Why didn't Michelle Obama run instead, since they are so
mouthy now on who should run in America... non-Whites again!   Oh yeah, there is no carrot
to the Whites in America  as they praise  their non-White origins. Racially-aware Whites see
little future for a White moral society in their country; Trump is their only answer-- another
reluctantly proud White guy, if you can get that out of his globalist Jew-controlled mouth.   

All this is pushed by the evil Jewsmedia which hates Trump, fearing that underneath all the
usual blather, Trump's supporters are still White  as more non-Whites realize that's the smart
side if they want a White world's prosperity. Trump is smart enough to say he likes the
Obamas and respects them to a CNN  reporter, but underneath it all he hates them for zeroing
in on him, just because mostly Whites support him. Ditto for his nice attitude toward RFK Jr.
-- he's ready to give him a seat in his next administration if he quits his presidential bid and
endorses Trump... fat chance!  Trump is trying the nice guy approach to his detractors, but it
won't work since they're all White self-loathers, Kamala and RFK Jr. , they have no racial pride
or identity. In fact they would probably choke if they had to say "White race". That's how far
Whites, led by their feminist women have sunk to, afraid to state their race proudly...sad and sickening.

I listened to the Obama's speech; what a lot of greeting car crap! Nice empty words that mean
nothing in the end -- no policies, no plans, just hatred of Trump and fearfully, of his mostly
racially-aware, mostly White supporters. Interestingly, I did not see any racially-aware young
White men, actually few men at all in the old White-haired of racially disloyal White women.
Nothing will change for the White race for the better until this sick generation  is gone for
good. Their days of White self-loathing are over and only a few Whites will regret it.

The USA is at a crossroads: will it go full racemixed like a 'Brazil North', or will it split up along
racial lines and geography? As it is, there is a bleak future for proud Whites who will go into
their corners and let the anti-racist idiot Whites lead them to extinction. Remember, race
is all-- don't find this out the hard way.

                                                                                               Posted August 17, 2024


                                FOX NEWS SHOULD MOVE TO TEL AVIV-- TELL THEM!
                                                                       by Don Andrews

Oh, they are so might as well be in the old Soviet Union -- only you're not. You are in
Jew cult-ruled America. Yeah, this matriarchal cultist group ( you are not a Jew unless your mother
is not Jewish) still stands in their Jewish society. It's Jews and their opinions 24/7 , that even CNN
goes for it. All other channels are ruled by them...only al-Jazeera tries to be a little more fair. But
they're all afraid of the big Jewsmedia in newspapers and stations that rule the feminists' degenerate
West, where real masculinity is hard to find. In fact, manhood is eschewed, and no, meanness is not
manliness, no matter how the neurotic male Jew cultists insist; their depredations in Gaza and the
West Bank against Palestinians is sickening.

More opposition is needed  against these evil bastards whenever they open their anti-White racist
mouths, pushing Zionism. The evil media is out of touch with real White men. These dilettantes in  suits
all look like their mothers dressed them -- and their morning shows reveal it, as they sit their like talking
dummies. emotionless to the misery their Jew masters have created in the Middle East through their
numerous wars whenever we think they deserve it, because they are against us...the White Nationalists. 
Even Donald Trump has to be reminded who is base is -- racially aware Whites, not feminists or Jews
who secretly all hate him but hope he'll be bellicose to the Palestinians, because they're not as White
as the Semitic Jew cultists who were kicked out of that area 2,000 years ago, and now come back with
the new cultists the acquired over the ages,  from Khazaria to Europe.

Fox News should move to Tel Aviv.

                                                                                               Posted August 14, 2014


                                                             by Don Andrews   

Donald Trump's candidacy, continually on the anti-White Jewsmedia, has revealed the bottom 
line of our dwindling race's destruction... it's our White women. These dizzy dames go right to
the hundreds of haired heads at a Kamala Harris rally. I note how the Jewsmedia gives a back
shot to her audience to try to hide the failed mean feminists' faces. this is the matriarchy's
last gasp of importance before they start a third world war. Trump's raucous rallies are right
up front, as if to record the 'culprits' by the anti-White idiots. They never pan right or left trying
to minimize the large crowd; Last week, some small town had 25,000 in its arena and another
24,000 outside watching, according to one anti-Trump station.   

Interestingly,  Kamala Harris has few original  idea or issues, so she just unfairly picked up all
of Trump's ideas: no tax on tips, securing the border -- but don't count on on keeping her
anti-racist naivete and keeping her word on anything if and when she is elected. Anti-racist
commie globalists don't have any love of racial realities, like a lot of White women, In fact, they
run away from required racism while their sisters get raped and murdered in the cities.
Unnatural multiculturalism and divisive diversity is making them run away to small towns
in the hinterland until their stupid racemixing reaches them there.  I put the blame on sex-
whipped White wimps, always portrayed like begging dogs  on hind legs waiting hopefully
for a treat. It's pathetic -- no wonder this species is dwindling  to eventual extinction, little
wonder the feminist-run West is meddling enough to stoke a border war in a new country of
31 years, The Ukraine (the  Frontier) into a possible Third World War. It's crazy and mean but
you don't see the feminists complaining, so morality goes out the window if they don't like
the guy.  Feminism pretends to be humanitarian but it's willing to go out and meddle in all
kinds of male-oriented societies like Somalia, Iraq and Afghanistan, beaten back by male
rebels with less power but more moral fortitude against foreign invaders.  Meanwhile our
Western women vote for  race traitor wimps to being us to a third world war invasion.  All
this is influence by the Jewsmedia where most White men are wimps, from Dick Van Dyke
onwards, Heterosexual masculinity is absent. White racial pride is ridiculed or frowned on
while others are complimented if they're a proud minority. Even Donald Trump's running
mate  JP Vance called out 'childless cat ladies', the best that one such feminist could retort 
was "I'm a dog lady (wow, my animal's shit to take care of at the end of your life).

Another thing I've noticed is the general absence of dresses on  women--they all look like
Kamala Harris in pant suits , especially on the matriarchal cult's Jewsmedia (you're not a
Jew unless your mother is), giving women a lot of special power, but clever. it's ridiculous--
you can't be born a natural man-- that's a man-made idea --rebellion, that's not nature, so
all they have to do to stop being a Jew is to say that Jews are not a race--they are a cultist
religion with self-made cute crap that you were born a religious creature. It's nonsense, but
good for continued recruitment to a cult.   It's their world, not nature's, when I see all the
varied racial types in Israel alone. Certainly they are not the Semites of the Old Testament
that are in charge off their new cult state--Israel.

Today's White generations don't go to  Semitic god-cult churches; they don't know the Bible
stories and consider Israel a potential war problem as they enjoy themselves in a hedonistic
gay parade society. they're hardly crusaders. On top of that it's been revealed just how much
power the Jews have over  the West that. Without request from Israel. all kinds of Jew-run
Western regimes are preparing for war or engaging in it on Israel's side; already, Iranian
drones are heading for war state Israel. Who gave the US, the UK and others the right to join
a Middle East war for  Israel? We'll see if there are feminist peace protesters who say anything
about this -- or are they hypocrites? 50,000 dead should repulse anyone... the whole
Gaza strip is worse than Dresden or Hiroshima.  

                                                                                                Posted August 10, 2024


by Don Andrews

 I don't know where to start on America's main problem: criminality of all kinds, especially murder. Perhaps, at the entrance of one
of their  cities facing Europe, the Statue of Liberty, where there is the proclamation:

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

In other words, "give us all your losers". So what did you expect would happen? They are not considered 'losers' for no reason from
the places thy came from.  When you are a greedy 'loser' morality goes out the window -- lying, stealing and other petty crimes are
laughed at in their mostly Jewsmedia; Getting something over on someone else is considered smart and funny; so is being duplicitous
considered being clever. Religious morality is mocked and laughed at. Being a Boy Scout-type is looked upon as weak and naive by
the smart-assed Jewsmedia. standards; truthfulness is not cherished, just like fatherhood. the whole country is a whorehouse and
eventually a charnel house full of dead bodies: children, women and men of all races. 

 I've seen a thousand real crime shoes, not with the made-up Pollyanna fictional  ending crap, but a bloody mess creating misery and
fear of all those around. Yet the denizens of this country blindly walk around in feigned bliss. There seems to be little rhyme or reason
for the criminality in a country where it's hard to starve or get a roof over your head with all the social services around. Those camping
out on the streets are there because they don't want to follow any civil rules to coexist with others in a tense, racemixed society.  All
kinds of people get murdered, from women to babies; Even seniors in their nineties are murdered. Yet there is little reaction and rage
that could prompt White protests, like those in England, when an African youth killed three little White girls, almost decapitating them.
No new child mass murders, or anything like the, would dare not happen now by any foreigner or non-White thug.

All this can be laid at the feet of anti- racist Whites, some of who are still pushing this unnatural diversity crap to cover their stinking
asses. They must be challenged, confronted and shut down, in no uncertain terms, until these mostly-barren morons die off. But in the
meantime they must be informed regularly on how much they are hated and cursed. Definitely, do not vote for these race traitor bastards
and bitches; they will die in  ignominy, hated for all eternity. 

Feminism will be the death of the White race; their mostly childless existence will mean nothing in the future, except thoughts of disgust,
like our prancing PM Trudeau and his anti-White race father-- all who pushed Orwellian multiculturalism and diversity, and are the walking
dead now, and will be objects of hatred and ridicule later as Whites see what they have done to ruin a once beautiful  and good White
civilization prior to the stupid hippies' generation. Those "men", still with long hair, look so pathetic today, weak and lonely. Some of these
goofs know they were wrong. But it's too late now for the racemixed mess they have left in our cities. They deserve no respect, unless
they publicly apologize. You can't get recessive gene Whites from racemixed unions, so only separation will do. America will be split
along racial lines, and it won't be pretty, no matter how much race traitor politicians like Robert Kennedy Jr., running for president,
eschews America's "tribalism" as he wrongly and purposely calls it. Race is all, you arrogant, rich dummy -- tell him. We will.


                                                                                                                                                           Posted August 8, 2024


                                                             by Don Andrews 

 I notice the white-haired (mostly women) marchers in the  White idiots' anti-racist protests in Britain...
they're mostly dumb White women with a spattering of queers and other mean White wimps who claim
they are for democracy. Ask them about White racists' rights in their so-called democracy and watch
them pull out Orwellian 'anti-hate' laws and call the police. They are a bunch of hypocrites and liars
trying to be 'woke' to placate their mostly-barren White women. White male anti-racists are pathetic
cuckolded  creatures afraid of their own shadow. I've argued and fought with them; they're just mean
because they know White Nationalists are right and the future will be when their self-loather ilk are
gone -- only White racists will be around. The sooner, the better, that's what Nature says for all White

Anti-racist Whites are such cowards; they're afraid to see who's doing most of the violent crime. When
they check the evil Jewsmedia papers, it's all blacks and other non-White-sounding names. There is a
definite effort by these anti-racist Whites to hide the pictures of the criminal culprits, except in a
prominent case they can't ignore. Soon it will all be non-White criminals mugs as their new immigrant
pets are misbehaving with guns and drugs and  violence. Anti-racist Whites will die happy knowing that
their 'Pollyanna' attitude toward race was all false and a big mistake -- that some will even suffer from at
the hands of the criminal minds they brought into our land. 

In essence, White anti-racists, wherever you are: you are the walking dead. Hopefully for them, if they
have any children, they will learn that to survive in the future, they will have to drop the racially
suicidal policy of anti-racism. 

 Posted August 7, 2024

                                 COMMIES AND LEFTISTS ARE NOT 'PROGRESSIVE' 

                                                                     by Don Andrews 

Communism is a failed ideology. Don't let the evil media steal the word 'progressive', It's a
good word that should not describe communist policies under the rubric of being 'progressive'....
tyranny is not progress. Whoever is peddling it -- feminists, queers, or other White media 
morons and wimps. 

Give the wrongful users and obfuscators hell with their 'progressive lies whoever they are. These
are the real hatemongers in our society, particularly against racially-aware proud Whites.
Evil Orwellian words do not apply to White Nationalists. Don't be fooled, and complain 
right away-- we will.

                                                                                                       Posted August 5, 2024

                                              UK WHITES  WAKING UP

                                                                                             by Don Andrews   

                                                                                                Happy Simcoe Day!

Well, how do you like the White pride and reaction to non-White crime (three little White girls stabbed to death by a black migrant in the UK? People are waking up; only a few barren feminists and White wimps are against White Power and White pride in a White country. The sooner these dilettantes die off, the better. Fortunately they have not reproduced that much to spread their weak genes into the future. Only a sick creature would be against  their continuing racial survival...we don't need them. I was pleased to see some White women joining in the anti-non-White joining in the protests, which included Whites of all areas, including youths.   

The stupid anti-White media such as the BBC and al-Jazeera tried to blame social media (like ours) for the protesters, whining about how they can't stop it. Both networks tried to hide the killer's racial background but it won't work: Only a hate-filled immoral bastard would kill little girls with a knife. The morality of all races is not the same, obviously, to do something like this in another people's country.

I love how the White wimps can't find a leader or the head of the protests--just websites of proud they don't like. Let's watch who speaks out against the White protesters (mostly feminists and queers of the evil media, so far). Of course the nasty bitches are peddling censorship of Internet sites, just like commies would do. White Nationalists across the world should verbally attack the anti-White evil media whenever they raise their ugly voices against us anywhere. We are!

   Posted July 30, 2024

                                                 LIKE KAMALA HARRIS! 
                                                   by Don Andrews

  You must know I've met them all in my fifty-five years in White racist politics-- conservatives, socialists, 
nationalists and just plain bigots looking to belong in their shrinking White world thanks to race traitors
who pushed multiculturalism first, now, "diversity" to racemix all major Canadian cities; and I have. 

 The worst are just plai
n cheapskate 'conservatives'  who mask their natural racial bigotry under the slogan
of 'tax breaks'; the only thing they wanted to conserve without a racial component. They're no different than
any other party. That's why it's hard to figure out who's a Republican and who's a Democrat in the US. Same
 goes for Canada -- they all want to save us and not overtax us as society goes down the drain with fear and
loathing with multicult and diversity criminality. People split a long time ago when they realized that's not
the way they wanted to live in a racemixed society. Nature knows best -- not the queers, the feminists and
barren White wimps with their unnatural Pollyanna crap daydream that just doesn't work or flourish-- just

look at Latin America and the USA--they're all a criminal mess. 

If you can't conserve your basic self and a society around you, then you're a failure as a civilization. Empires
come and go but civilizations stay...or else.  That's the point: either North America is a scared racemixed
society or a vibrant, White civilization.  The anti-racist Whites are civilization destroyers--there's no two
ways about it. Any White idiot or imbecile who dares contradict this is an enemy of the White race, or a
White self-loather totally unnatural, something that hates itself without pride or purpose.  This is why  we
call them kosher conservatives...they only care about their pockets. These people must be brought (dragged) out of their bigot closets, just like Donald Trump, who so far has the quiet backing of racially-aware Whites, especially since the evil Jewsmedia 'hates' him so much .

But that's not enough, unlike Kamala Harris, the Democratic contender who's calling on her supporters on
a racial line--first black women then White men, at media events showing she's not afraid of any evil media
backlash. Let's ask Trump: when will he recognize America's different races and appeal to them?



                                                                                                                                                                                     Posted July 17, 2024

                                       EITHER GROSS NEGLIGENCE
                                                OR 'A CONSPIRACY' 

                                                                      by Don Andrews 

  I don't trust any inquiry conclusions with the Secret Service around; they're the supposed security 
professionals par excellence, yet they allowed a 20-year-old "kid" with a scoped rifle to climb and sit on
top of a roof, waiting for his shot while admittedly Secret Service spotters were all around that very
building. Even after dozens of people pointed to a gunman on a roof before the shooting, all the cops
did nothing except play dumb.  Huh? One cop even confronted the 'kid' with a gun on the rooftop, then
strangely, backed away a half an hour before the shooting of Trump. The whole situation stinks. How
convenient for the 'conspirators' and/or negligent people, that the cops shot the shooter in the head...
dead men tell no tales.  The idea that Trump or his entourage arranged the assassination failure is
ridiculous, as the shot to the ear shows, too close for comfort.

However, all who knew the shooter must be questioned, from his friends to his family, doctors, teachers,
school associates -- his TV watching, reading choices, any girlfriends past or present, and especially, if
he was seeing any psychiatrist. Who influenced this young man to such immorality (father, mother, etc.)?
Obviously he was into politics giving money to Democrat liberal causes while sneakily joining a conservative
Republican Party (for what...this?) The only reason I can think of for the stupid police inaction is that they
don't like Donald Trump, a hatred which the evil media created. Either way, it's a lazy-minded conspiracy
at least.


                                                                                                                Posted July 15, 2024

                                              LOOKS LIKE A CONSPIRACY!

                                                                   by Don Andrews 

Being less than 400 feet from Donald Trump,  a 'crazy' young man 20 years old  (Thomas Matthew Crooks,
a real SOB and reportedly a Scottish Jew) was able to avoid all police scrutiny on the ground or from the
sniper's rooftop positions.  Yet they didn't see a man with a rifle climb to a two-story level roof to take
position, take aim to shoot White people's choice for US president Donald Trump in the head. Fortunately
the bullet intended to kill him just grazed his ear as the blood on his face showed when he gave the raised
fist salute and yelled at his supporters to "Fight! Fight! Fight!"; what a thoughtful showman.  With no
questions asked, the assassin who killed a fire captain and Trump supporter Corey Compertore and
wounded two others, as Trump said, "God or luck saved him (probably both?)".

For all this hatred you can blame the anti-hatred phonies who hate White racists a lot, more than any
White Nationalist -- right to the point of killing anyone in a position to affect their White self-loather
unnatural anti-racism. That's how sick and evil White anti-racists are -- they're ready to kill you; it's not
the other way around. More investigations of Crooks' family, particularly his father. who bought him the
gun, should be conducted: What's their politics? Also, what about his teachers or anyone else who had
an influence on him? Also, let's find out what TV programs he watched, even what music he listened to. 
I don't trust the US police, especially the Secret Service; they can't be counted on to tell the truth, and
haven't for years on major criminal issues. What Nationalists should demand all this from their local media
outlets. Don't let Trump's Jewsmedia detractors get away with silence. They are partially responsible for
this outrage and violence with their continued negativity toward natural White racists. Looking at all the
police "failures", it's hard not to believe this is more than one young loser's evil action
...what do you think?

                                                                                                                   Posted July 3, 2024

by Don Andrews 

So why are they so afraid of Donald Trump? Is it because his first and prime supporters are White
racists? Sure, now some blacks and Latinos are coming on board the Trump Train. But initially the
evil  globalist media and the politicians they support are all anti-White anti-racists (while secretly
practicing private bigotry); such hypocrisy is as common as lying politicians.

The globalist Establishment and their media don't want the Whites to think racially so they hate the
guy that Whites only supported the most --that's Donald Trump who wants to protect White society
by closing the border to ex-cannibal killers from Latin America and America, and racially proud
Asians reproducing quickly. Trump's plan to close the border is just common sense that the Zionist-
run wimpy Biden types just don't get.

The media pundits and reporters should be asked why on past performance they hate Trump, never
mind the 'dictator' stuff -- or are they afraid of a day of reckoning by the angry mob they witnessed
once for their evil deeds against White race survival? 

It's good when White race traitors are keeps them at bay for a bit. 


                                                                                                                                                                        Posted July 1, 2024 



                                                                       by Don Andrews

Just like the Jews who have destroyed their 'victimhood card' with their brutality and destruction
in Gaza. so have White anti-racists destroyed their multicult crap and diversity b.s. with the non-White
crime upswing and nightly gunfire in parts of Toronto. These dumb failed ideas are leftist-globalist 
and Jew cult-led. They too have been proven dead wrong! 

Now let's look for and find the evil White idiots pushing a racemixed society without any White
racial loyalty and put them out of political power -- and plan your own family with at least three
children. You'll be happy you did!


                                                                                Posted June 23, 2024


                                          TORONTO THE BEAUTIFUL 

                                                                       by Don Andrews say a major multicult city is beautiful? How's that? Well, I can't explain it sufficiently until
you have visited or live in Toronto. Even the city's name sounds cool, kind of Italian. But no, it's a native
word for "meeting place, and how nice and convenient. For them. a gently sloping escarpment from the
North, emptying three rivers into the Humber in the West, the Rouge in the east and the Don in  the center,
all with their gorgeous creeks and ravines flowing into them and camouflaged by trees and brush cover
for all to find in the many natural walkways and parks all around. 

Thankfully, Toronto is still generally clean -- yes, you can find a mess somewhere but that's not what
Torontonians tolerate. wherever you come from. There are interesting ethnic area, from three Chinatowns
--two in the east and one downtown; an East Indian area in east Toronto, fancy Jewish shops and people
in the north-- rich, old-money Anglo holdouts in well-groomed Forest Hill . and all kinds of East European
food and people in West Toronto. I live in the east, populated by hard-working mostly-Anglo Whites, the
ancestors of the Barnardo children when Britain decided to get rid of all of their "Oliver Twist" street
children and dumped them as free labor into English Canada along with the British troops who stayed here 
to resettle. These were the grunt force that drove Canada through two world as useful idiots. 

 But let's get back to Toronto the Good, another nickname it acquired in the last century.  Aside from the
farmers' revolt in 1837,  Toronto's citizen's are well-behaved, with occasional crime spurts when new types
come over; now it's the non-Whites' turn, and mostly, they are keeping their criminality in Chinatown or
black bars.   Whites are wimpier today than in days gone by, as their households became feminist bastions
with very little, if nothing, for males, especially since the queers took over an pretended to be men.   White
Nationalists have plenty to do, answering all the anti-racist lies about multiculturalism and idiots' diversity.
But we must take the time to enjoy the flowers on so many front yards, have a picnic in a park under some
gorgeous tree-- and now you can have an alcoholic drink (which I'm personally against), go to a splash
pad, have a swing -- our beautiful city of Toronto is waiting. I am.

And don't forget July 1st is Canada Day, that all Nationalists love...I'll  have a beer then.


Posted June 19, 2024

by Don Andrews

I'm so tired of two phrases commonly used today that mean nothing: " Having said that" is one of them-- all of a sudden  we forget what  the
hell was said because  here is the excuse for it: It doesn't matter as we we forget what they said when they go into their real concern aft the 

having-said-that phrase....what did they say? I forgot.   The second is the salesman's preamble comment before their pitch, "Let me ask you
something without your permission, they pretend they have been allowed to ask a possibly personal question, pretending there is natural
acknowledgement of the conversation content. 

Another amazing view is the video footage of Gaza's Palestinians wandering around almost aimlessly as they make their way around the rubble
the Israeli Jews have bombed out of their neighborhoods, No one is shouting curses on the Jewsmedia; they just appear to be going about their
business, blithely. Another recurring scene is the sight of Muslims' wrapped-up bodies, dead Palestinians of various sizes (kids too) lying on the
ground in white sheets before the praying Palestinians. There are so many scenes like this during their rebellion (Intifada) against the Europeanized
new settler Jew cultists claiming their land after a two-thousand absence of the original Jew cult state. I wonder what Jews think when they see
the nasty handiwork of their fellow cultists. What do you think? 

Vladimir Putin's trip to North Korea makes me look at the map around there. God forbid another Asian war starts, this time it might be China's turn
to invade Japan while it's still unarmed: a lot of payback in Chinese hearts for what evil Japs perpetrated on the mainland in World War II. They were
just awful and murderous, as is they weren't Orientals off the continent too. 'Pirate Islands' off a continent should definitely be controlled. If war
breaks out South Korea is finished -- Americans won't go for another Asian war for bullshit democracy? Who wants to be for the Asiatics --
not the dwindling deluded White man.


                                    OF GAZA




                                                   In a topsy-turvy world, sometimes this is how I feel:



from the 1932 movie "Horse Feathers" starring Groucho Marx

                                                                                                 see it at the link below:



Posted  June 16, 2024


by Don Andrews

There is way too much crime in North America, especially by Whites who perpetrate it. It's way below
our White Nationalist racial standards. There is little excuse for  crime today other than greed;
unfortunately, no one is starving--help is available as long as you are willing to become a bureaucratic
problem for the myriad of social worker types. The squeaky wheel gets the grease and bureaucrats hate
to be bothered. But you can get all of life's needs with patience, not violence.  

However, the spoiled brats raised in fatherless homes can't wait for their pleasures -- so they rob, steal,
burglarize and murder to get their way. Criminals are not people to be admired and yet in North America
their is an entire folklore about them. Admiring crooks makes you a little crooked at least, and once you
start on that road, hell is open.   I see too much real crime shows that makes me miserable toward humanity.
It's so depressing, you want to come back as an avenging angel to thwart the crooks and killers just at
the right time to prevent their misery-causing deeds with triumphant glee. Elevating criminals is a losers'
game: they're so boring, banal and shallow, to listen to their dumb excuses for their weirdness -- as boring
as a TV commercial you have seen already. If nothing, criminals need help with their morality to live with
the rest of us. Shysterism is no good; a "little bit" of larceny; getting away with lying and cheating is
no good, especially when it comes to other peoples' security.   

Today no one teachers morality out of fear of the queers and feminists. Religion is laughed at or feared
from the Middle East (secularism cannot defeat any religion, but racism can).  Someone once said "But
I was born a Jew"; well, no -- first you were born a White man, a black man or an Oriental man -- then you
acquired a religion, even if it was put on you after your birth. You don't have to be a Jew or a Protestant,
even if they mutilated your private parts without permission. Race trumps religion, and there is no
exemption. Crime has no place in the White man's way. 

Posted June 11, 2024


by Don Andrews 

All of North America needs amoral revolution against the crime and misery it creates. No one
is really safe in any part of North America, starting with Mexico, which has over 30,000 murders
per year, to the USA, with almost 22,000 murders and finally, nice Canada, with almost 1,000
murders. This doesn't account for attempted murders, rapes and robberies across the continent. 

 I remember hill folks around Sarajevo, Bosnia (at that time Tito's 'Yugoslavia') asking the boy
who was going to America, ' which one, north or south?'. When I told them North, they all smiled
approvingly: 'Oh, good, that's the good one'. Little did they know of the horror that takes place in
such a greedy, racemixed kickout/runaway continent of secret cruelty. Besides the obvious
criminality which some fools try to minimize or hero-worship, the mean criminals show the mental
state of the population. Criminal killers should not be praised, even if they are posing as
patriots-- the two don't mix when morality is at stake. 

Basically there is no moral advocacy voice in North America. Christian leader are reticent to
display their morality in a racemixed that Whites know, that they are part of this insane unnatural
thinking: Idiot Christian leaders lump all of humanity together and ignore nature's reasons for
separate development. This think one uniform fits all while non-Whites know better, but demand
what we have. Nature's racial realities are again dominating Whites' lives on where and how they
live. Separation is taking place all across North America-- the next step will be new borders and
boundaries for the whole continent as the US Southwest goes entirely racemixed Latino.  Canada
has been on the edge of disintegration, with the French  Canadians in Quebec wanting out of the
Confederation. They have tried a number of times; The Metis (French and English Whites mixed
with Indians) in Manitoba under the hung-by-Limeys Louis Riel. His story is well worth reading.   

 With so many various types of people around it's natural the like will find each other and start a
new country sometime soon. Eventually there will be violent, independent city-states and vast
farmlands and other White enclaves as well as armed mini-states. Don't forget that anything that
is unnaturally united will fall apart, but in how many pieces, we can only guess now, like North
American feminists' marriages--you know most will fall apart when unnatural, weak feminists
rule the roost.  But other are watching...and ready to pounce!

Posted June 9, 2024

                                                        by Don Andrews   

Globalists' crazy idea of sending peacekeeping to Caribbean French-speaking Haiti will wend in disaster and failure.
Ex-African slave Haitians have to solve their own problems; anyone who has meddled in the past knows nothing will
change without Haitians in charge-- certainly, no Kenyans from the other side of Africa, or "do-gooder" Canadians, or
the French colonialists who were wiped out by the former slaves. Haiti is a hard, hilly jungle place to hold; one of the
best books on some of their history is The French Revolution in Santo Domingo (the former French name for it on their
half of the lush island of Hispaniola, with the Latinos' Dominican Republic on the other side with a violent history of
dictators, too). 

Democracy isn't for everyone, no matter what the White man thinks. It's unwieldy and compromise, alien to other races.
Wishing does not make it true -- trying to impose our alien ways will only leave the weaker in control until we leave.
Look at all the places where White forces tried to impose a democratic regime-- Vietnam, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan and
Haiti, and where are they today-- all that blood and money for some anti-racist idiot's ideas? No, let's not do it again.

Tell Trudeau--no troops or police for Haiti. We will. (Trudeau's email: 


Posted  May 20, 2024

by Don Andrews 

 What's the use of foreign aid to begin with, unless it's to influence the foreign country; even in a natural
emergency if it's in the name of charity, it's still not what nature intended.   

Foreign aid is definitely making more Third World people in their mostly-overpopulated poor countries,
that it makes more migrants coming to North America and Europe to live the White man's way of life.
Unfortunately for them Whites don't survive in a racemixed society especially if its a barren feminist
matriarchy; we're dwindling daily. Today all White populations have gone down, while the patriarchal Third
World expands, thanks to foreign aid and foreign White meddling support. Foreign aid is just making more
foreign people who will be dependent on our "charity" to ask for more while their poor and greedy
population tries to migrate to the rich land to get it here as soon as they land on our soil. All this new-found
globalists' cheap labor is good for the migrants while clouding the future for the  barren-feminist
host-run people. We are shooting ourselves in the foot, just like the Jews are with their overboard
killings of Palestinians  (35,000 now and still counting in its Gaza offensive). No one likes mean people,

but it's not mean -- just wise -- not to screw up your future generations with foreign aid costs and
White replacement migrants. 

Now is the time to get this idea to the politicians and media and hear them howl. But it's a natural course
for a daily-dwindling race until we once again become a patriarchy with mothers and children, as nature
intended. The billions of dollars saved by stopping foreign aid should be directed to families. Depopulation
of the White race is our biggest problem because if we are not here, what do we care? The White race needs
a new masculine mindset; more concern must be placed with the kind of woman to choose as a partner or
wife, if you want to do the highest thing possible... procreate, or help others. Under these dangerous
conditions for our future we should mind our business globally -- and procreate.   

Guarantee your future and start today. Tell Trudeau at his email,

No more foreign aid
-- give the billions to dwindling Canadians.


 Posted May 18, 2024


by Don Andrews 

When the media's true crime shows say things like "burglary gone wrong" when explaining a murder,
that's the kind of minimizing wrong and evil like 'burglary gone wrong'  when a murder occurs. The
'wrong' already was in progress when the burglary started. There is so much crime in a purposely
racemixed society of diversity, multiculturalism, that only the murders matter... a bit.   The religious types
have receded; they were part of the problems they created today with their self-loathing wimpyness. Race
trumps religion; White Christians are afraid of the blacks; their idiotic anti-racism is a one-way street
against Whites, for White Nationalists, as I've said before, they're good enough to be shaky auxiliaries. if
they have racial pride over religion like blacks do. 

Every program on TV and the dying movie industry is politically correct against Whites; only jokes about
them are allowed. TV screens are full of White self-loathers and White male apologists...getting in touch
with their feeling. It would be hard to raise an army today, as even the pro-West young of the Ukraine have
sown as they look for more recruits in this Slavs' stupid war with fellow Russians. Let's not feed this
border dispute with more arms to either side, let alone troops. You will never have the Western media
condemn this war or even Israel's attack on's not in the globalist rulers' interests. The evil media
is not concerned with what White survivalists are concerned with; they don't care about the globalists'
conspiracy of 'the great replacement' of Whites in their own countries, to have an easier time of ruling a
disunited racemixed mass. White Nationalism is their garlic, always looking to develop a tyrant empire. We
cannot expect any White man's morality from any shysters, whatever secret society or cult they belong to
--that's not the White man's way, the nicest way of life in history so far. Let's not lose it. 

Posted May 13, 2024


                                                              by Don Andrews  

Are Jews abandoning the  multicult crowd? 
Today's cultist members of a religious sect  from the Middle
East, followers of a vengeful god who delegated them as his "chosen people", are finding out  that in spite
of all their power and money they are basically on their own. Even the Christians, who follow a Jew
preacher's teachings of the same mean Middle East god, have been slow to help them in their hour of
need as they pummel poorly-armed Palestinian subjects with their artillery and jets, killing over 35,000 now
as revenge for the 1,200 killed on October 7th, mostly and mistakenly by their own side. For most fair-minded
Whites, that's way too much and overboard, especially by killers who were once 'Nazi victims' in World
War II. No one likes victims to become victimizers of innocent people, and over half of all the Palestinian
casualties are women, children and the elderly. Come on now -- you can't expect decent people to support
that kind of hatred from persecuted Jews today. The battle is totally unfair;  a racial group hiding among the
populace against a modern well-armed military state with an army, navy and air force.

The Jews and their mainstream Jewsmedia will have to back off further, especially since the Israeli
population is about to shrink as fewer Jews will make "aliyah" (the phony return to a place they left or
were killed out of 2,000 years ago). Like I've said before, Israel should be made into a multicult state like
they pushed on us and the rest of the Western world; it's unnatural. Now, let them live with it, or minimize
Israel to a Vatican-size place for Jews and Christians to visit --just a tourist attraction.

Posted  April 20, 2024



  You need to have pretty determined  and have something to say with your 'manifesto pamphlets' to sit down, pour flammable liquid
on yourself and set yourself on fire -- all this in front of all kinds of anti-Trump media types crowded around to see Trump go to court
on trumped-up childish charges to the White peoples choice, up from campaigning happily for president of the going-down-the-
drain criminals' violent racemixed country.

  Yet the evil anti-White Jewsmedia  said little or nothing of what the self-immolated, burned-to-death US citizen thought. That's how
much they care about the ordinary, desperate man.  I hate the snooty media morons; their day is coming. They won't and should not
be forgotten for their anti-White race treachery and idiotic support of unnatural multiculturalism and so-called diversity. Evil media
morons must be reminded how much they are hated for their anti-racism and White self-loathing. They should not live in happy peace, 
especially their slimebag editors who have never given a kind word to White Nationalists and their natural supporters. Whenever you
have a chance, curse them, demean them, give them hell --these unnatural creatures deserve it until they change. The poor who burned
himself to death would at least like to have the world why he did himself in by having his conspiracy stuff explained, but no, not these
evil bastards who hate White racist heroes.  This same evil Jewsmedia makes light of Israeli Jew rampages in the destruction of Gaza,
with 34,000 so far discovered dead under the rubble, mostly women and children. Shame on a Semitic God's "chosen people" for their
murderous attack on Gaza and the Palestinians' West Bank towns! Shame on all Americans and Canadians who support this carnage!

These are not the 'good guys' , even if they are more 'Western' than the Palestinians. Tell Trudeau. Tell Biden.  And finally, tell the slimy
Limey Cameron. We will.

Contact  Prime Minister Trudeau:    Email:
               President Joe Biden:
               David Cameron:       


Posted April 17, 2024

by Don Andrews 

  I watch a lot of real crime shows on TV. They are totally differently than TV drama shows. There is
hardly ever a murder plot where the victim is a White woman and the killer is a negro; for political,
ideological or naive reasons the fools who write the plots of murder mysteries have two things in
common --  no black killers. 

 In real crime stories there is hardly ever a female black victim of a White murderer; Whites seem to
murder Whites and blacks seem to murder Whites  and their own kind. Most White murderers are 
sneaky and disgusting while black murderers appear volatile and compulsive, with the exception of a
few serial killers.  One thing is for sure: Whites in black or racemixed societies get murdered more than
the other way around. Another fact: White murderers come from across their society; rich and poor
immoral murder is often considered. This ugliness is the direct result of fatherless households with the
advent of White women's so-called 'liberation', which in essence which has resulted in White females
not respecting or following their nature's reason as the racial replacement state goes into the negative. 
This self-loathing, idiotic and hedonistic attitude must stop or the race will be eternally crippled if it goes
on for another two generations. It appears that Whites are too smart for their own survival, if you listen
to and watch feminists' lives.  Although feminists still whine about  the downtrodden patriarchy, these
matriarchal morons will be the death of the White race with their narrow selfish lives. Only White
Nationalist ideology and birthrate can save the day for nature's greatest -- but socially faulty humanity. 

It's hard to spot American murderers:  they look and act like the rest of us, until they are discovered --
then all the excuses come out, including a mean or absent father and an indulgent mother in a land
where fathers are mocked misrepresented by the anti-family queers and perverts in the evil media ...
what did you expect?  

White Nationalists are natural crime-fighters, and it all starts with a White man's morality --the only
way we can feel safe and procreate for our future survival. We are the only ones to trust.


Posted April 12, 2024


by Don Andrews   

 That's what one pundit on al-Jazeera said that Israel was based on...words you won't hear on Western
Jewsmedia. Jew cult leaders in Israel are "in a pickle", said another pundit while trying to drag the West
-- especially America -- into a war with Iran. So far the controlled Western puppet leaders are all gung-ho
for the Jews to go "get Hamas" as if it's some disease all of a sudden, to be wiped out...did you vote for
that? Hamas is an Islamic collection of resistance groups to Israeli occupation (and re-occupation) in
Gaza. Lightly armed, they remind me of  Russian resistance to  Nazi Germany's forces in Stalingrad. Gaza
is worse than Dresden-- that's how mad the Jew cultists must have been toward the non-believers. Sadly,
so much brutality in the public's mind will only harden their feelings when its the Jews' turn to suffer.  As
for the sight of Jews infighting in Israel over things we don't care about, they don't look very "God-chosenly", appeasing Christians; What would a Jesus say?

Israel is a state where it's okay in their constitution to  assassinate their perceived enemies anywhere in
the world.  It was apparently judged that way recently; just like it's legalized murder to protect the cult-
state's concerns -- a murder state and with pride, too: only a criminals' America could support that kind of 
arrogance and naivety.  Israel should make peace quickly if they really care about the image of their diaspora
cult kinfolk. They shouldn't forget where they came from and not cause trouble with the threat of war for
their host inhabitants.

People don't like taking sides in a war that is none of their concern and blame both sides for the exercise. 
Don't drag me in, is the first thought; Win or lose, people will remember the misery they placed on all.


Posted April 11, 2024

by Don Andrews   

Everyone's waiting to see whether Iran is a paper tiger, or, will they attack Israel as they promised after
the Jew cultist-state blew up their Iranian generals in Syria, along with a building full of people. That the
Israeli modus operandi when it comes to the Palestinians -- just wipe them all out, as they are doing in
Gaza by hook or by crook, like displacing them into Egypt and even asking other countries to accept
them as refugees. They're trying to fulfill some Biblical myth of a newly-generated Jew state absent from
historical maps for 2,000 years, and now to be resurrected on the bodies of dead Palestinians. 

This is the question for Iran: an Aryan nation standing up for their Semite god and religion (Islam), so a
lot of people are watching and waiting to see when and how Iran will attack Israeli interests and power --
which leads all the way to Washington. DC. The Jews can't go overboard with attacks of this nature,
especially when it comes to their enemies who are reading the Old Testament. But at the same time they
have to be effective. They don't want a total war with Iran (unless they've developed plans with the US to
destroy that regime and its military power.  The last thing Canada needs is to get involved in these ugly
wars where there is no comeback other than more hatred and potential disruption in places such as
Canada and in America's state of Michigan, where Muslims are thriving.

Some people need to learn lessons the hard way, especially if they have been on 'top of the world, Ma',
for three generations.


                                                                         by Don Andrews

The new country called "the Ukraine" (literally, 'the frontier') is exactly that --  a vast, mostly open plain separating
Russia from Wester Europe: a good defense in case someone wants to conquer you from that direction. Russians
couldn't have this territory fall into globalist NATO's hands. If the new country can't be a friend, then at least it should
be self-declared as being neutral in all world conflicts, like Switzerland. After all, it was this vast landscape that
defeated two great conquerors (Napoleon and Hitler), Only the Mongols from the East  were able to take Moscow.

The Ukraine is a bit like North America: It has all the kickouts and runaways from all the nations around them, a new,
unsettled society where Slavic racial loyalty doesn't matter in a country where other ethnics have told me, "Oh, the
Ukraine, that's where the wives beat their husbands," said a Belorussian (White Russian), as a Ukrainian agreed and
laughed.  White Nationalists hate to see Whites killing other dwindling Whites in useless, pointless wars that end up
costing more than they're worth: killing your own people has to stop by the new kid on the block, the Ukraine (oh, now
we're supposed to drop the "the" as they try to pretend they just popped out of the soil of the Ukraine,  also referred to
as the Pale --as in 'beyond the Pale', and now known as the Ukraine. Let's ask their globalist little Jew leader  Zelensky
and Vladimir Putin to a disarmed Ukraine, other than a Peoples' Militia -- cut all military ties and let Russians feel safer
beyond the Pale (Ukraine)...tell the press-- and Trudeau, Putin and Zelensky.

                   Contact pages/email addresses:

                  Prime Minister Trudeau      
                  Ukrainian President Zelensky:
                  Ukrainian Embassy/Ottawa
                  Vladimir Putin/ Russia:      
                  Russian Embassy/Ottawa:   


World Leaders Condemned for 
Not Condemning Israel's Dirty War in Gaza

The following nations' leaders have been condemned for failing to condemn Israel's dirty
War on Gaza:

Great Britain:  10 Downing Street (UK government website:

France: Contact page:

Belgium: Prime Minister's email:

Germany: Chancellor's contact page:



Poland:           Contact page:

Sweden:         Contact Page:

Netherlands:  Contact page:

New Zealand: Contact page:   

This letter has also been sent to Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau,
 Opposition leader Pierre Poilievre,
US President Joe Biden, contact page:
Donald Trump:

The Nationalist Party of Canada is asking you to show condemnation to Israel for its ongoing
brutal war on Gaza and the poor Palestinians .

This terrible war that has been going on for six months has claimed over 30,000 lives, including
women and children, and destroyed  hospitals, schools, refugee centers, infrastructure, power
facilities and left so many with no food or clean drinking water. Putting people in these conditions 
without rightful condemnation of Benjamin Netanyahu is disgraceful.

Speak up for the beleaguered of Palestine and demand a negotiated settlement to this war now.

The Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada

March 25, 2024

March 17, 2024

by Don Andrews   

Right now we have three main campaigns in the White Nationalist movement. One:  to capitalize the letter W whenever referring to our great White
race in the print media. You may think this is petty but all media that capitalizes the B for blacks are purposely minimizing the W when referring to our
great White race. The are oblivious, hateful White self-loather anti-racists. Their evil joke is that White Nationalists are the haters. But you just have to
listen and see their strained faces when they rant against us White racists. These are sick people in power, who must be confronted from the bottom up:
I've seen two reversals.   Dwindling Whites cannot forget their race in all aspects of life, especially if it's being insulted by our enemies by denying our
racial existence with a small "W", as if it's only an adjective to describe the color of some people. We won't accept their nihilistic insult of hateful mental
cases in positions of power in a topsy-turvy, unnatural feminist society. We'll tell them a hundred times if we have to:  capitalize the W whenever referring
to our great White race. Remind them --it's only common sense and fair play.   

The second campaign is to get the multicult globalist Jewsmedia to print the pictures of culprits committing crimes. People already know that most
violent crime is non-White, yet they should get the full ugly story of failed  multiculturalism that the evil anti-White racist media is ashamed of and tries
to hide; Unnatural racemixing is their utopian daydream they have foisted upon the rest of us. 

The third effort White Nationalists must engage in is the anti-war movement. Dwindling White racists know that meddling in other peoples'  wars is stupid
and costly, like in Afghanistan, etc. White people need to regenerate: we don't need no wars-- today's NATO is unnecessary for Canada; the US wouldn't
allow any invasion of Canada. Russia's Jewish-Marxist communism failed, so their Jew commissars became rich oligarchs and put KGB guys like Putin in
charge, with the international Jew Lavrov running his foreign affairs. What use has Russia been against the West's darling Israel, even when they killed
31,000 civilians, mostly women and children? We don't hear much condemnation from Lavrov's office so it's business as usual ever since 1917-- just a
different cast of Jew characters and their stooges. Nevertheless, White racists are against foreign wars and meddling. Let them fight it out --
Ukraine, Gaza or Taiwan -- it's not our business... but we're watching.



March 13, 2024

by Don Andrews 

Our anti-White racist Whites are real scumbags. They introduce unnatural multiculturalism they now call just "diversity" into
Canada; they know lots of Whites won't like it, so they bring in an evil anti-racist real free speech bill (for which I was jailed) to
silence and intimidate their natural opponents. Nowhere in the world has that dumb Orwellian idea worked ; usually, the proud
Whites are the targets (racists, White Nationalists), then come others like pundits, authors and columnists  who said nothing when
White racists were it's their turn to shut up -- or else, jail, to keep their failed social policies alive no matter what murder,
misery and the harm it brings by the number of non-Whites now in Canada's big cities like Toronto that has dramatically risen so
much that the crime spree committed by non-Whites and their pals has risen daily. Now, these same mostly-Liberal Trudeau-led
bastards and bitches have a new free speech-restrictive law for the bigots and racially aware on the Internet .

Who can stop them...only you with your hate against this assault on your human freedom to speak openly  without threat of prison.
These evil Whites -- that's what they are, because  they are against White race survival and must be confronted openly wherever
you find them in real life, or the evil anti-White media and their damned helpers. Race is still the issue for White Canadians -- not
Chinese interference or anything else. Give them hell in no uncertain terms, curse them, wish them bad luck, but don't threaten
them physically. Let's wipe out all White wimps from public discourse. White self-loathers have nothing to contribute to our
society-- they will only lead us to extinction, as our near-barren birthrate shows.

March 9, 2024

                                                      by Don Andrews 

 I don't like Americans in general-- the kick-outs and  runaway greedbags of the world. Oh, I know there's
a lot of decent people there, but they also haven't done enough to stop the murderous evil around them.
It's not enough not be like the disgusting killers -- you have to show total revulsion at the criminals and
all the liars and shysters in the media and populace. It's no wonder a shyster country like the USA would  be friends and protectors of the arrogant just-us Zionist 'Jews' (that's a word that has disappeared from the airways and other Jewsmedia). All Israeli Jews' evil is ascribed to 'Israelis';
now, Jew cultists have nothing to do with them except praise their Semitic god cult-state.  When American support Israeli war crimes they become part of the war criminals, as they are with every bullet and bomb they send toward Gaza, besieged by the Hebrews into starvation (is that how
their god directs?) Christians, just like White Nationalists, are part of the evil committed by the Zionists in
the Middle East, no two ways about it.

As you know, I came reluctantly to North America from the former Yugoslavia, so I don't have this aggran-
dizing attitude to get rich, etc., because the freedoms in a women's society are severely limited. I've been
to prison for speaking out on race under the dirty anti-free speech hate laws-- and now they intend to
bring in more to further control Internet conversations and postings. When you look around nowadays
you can hardly find any "females"... they all look the same and dress pretty much like men. There is no
masculinity in public places any more -- no wonder their birthrate is leading them to eventual extinction,
like the stupid French, who just put the right to kill unborn babies into their constitution. Are they mental
to celebrate this new freedom from life and the future?  That's how mean, restrictive and deadly a feminist
society is.

It's time to reconsider who should vote... It's coming soon.

March 3, 2024

by Don Andrews

Aside from al-Jazeera, most Jewsmedia is hiding the evil perpetrated  on Gaza's population by the
cultist Jew state of Israel. Evan on al-Jazeera all the nasty killings, executions and bombings are done
by an entity called Israel, not by Israelis or Jews --or ever any explanations  who these people are in a
2024 unreligious West; they just arrogantly assume who know who God's "chosen people'' are. "Nice"
Christians must be ashamed of themselves nowadays, so much that they see the source of their
rebellion with these mean people. They are an embarrassment as long as they can't bring peace to their
cult state Israel.

The ruins of Gaza will be around for a while to remind the world who did this damage, and any talk of
others rebuilding  Gaza other than Jews won't sit well, especially with the Third World. Hatred of Israel
will last at least two generations; they should hope karma does not catch up with them and they appear
with empty pots and pans, looking for a meal like Gazans are doing today. Already the Jewsmedia is
blaming extreme right wing war coalition leader Netanyahu for the publicity problems Jews are having
over their destruction of Gaza. How a hardline cultist becomes an extreme politician of a globalist cult
is hard to follow in an official anti-racist state. One things is for sure: you can't trust their sneaky words.

Another thing that's for sure is that all the Muslim Arab (Semite) countries around Israel, including
Eurasian Turkey, failed the poor people of Gaza. Egypt is the worst, considering it's once-mighty past,
now it's past it's due date, cowardly in action or proclamations. Jordan is a little better; they dropped
some food after their boss/neighbor Israel allowed it to -- big deal. Why have a military, you schmucks!
Rich Saudi Arabia has said and done little; hiding in their flowing robes won't save them from history's
gaze . Only far-off Yemen (the hillbillies of the Arabs) has shown great protest support. Now they need
to do more like the Houthis, restricting the Red Sea trade, which angers the globalists; all these people
have long memories, and hate has persisted with them for ages. 

Eventually Jews will leave Israel again to live safe and prosperous lives even if they can't boast openly
it's their country, like so many already in the West, by a twenty-million, pernicious cult, beyond all,
filled with itself.


February 24, 2024

NPC to Toronto Mayor Chow: Keep the Warming Centers Open

Sent to Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow:

White  Nationalists ask you not to close the city's current warming centers for the poor people of Toronto until March 20th.
and to open new ones as needed.

Some now-running respite centers should be kept open all year round for those in need of shelter .

Be compassionate towards all Torontonians.

The Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada C

Posted Feb. 21


by Don Andrews   

We don't need any anti-Semites (anti-Jews) nowadays because the Semitic God-cult/self-chosen people are doing it themselves in
the brutality in Gaza. People are displaced, hungry, thirsty, homeless and desperate after fleeing the machinery of Israelis' military from
land, air and sea, all equipped by criminals' America. Jews, once victims themselves, are acting like the worst persecutors of defenseless
Palestinians who only have poorly-equipped little Hamas for occasional  defense or reprisals against the mighty ruler cult Jew state.
You'll notice how the word 'Jew' is rarely used in their depredations --it's always Israelis this and Israel that, hardly ever the commonly
understood Jews, all around you, in your regimes and media as powerful influencers and rulers. But they're not nice, especially toward
others' racial or ethnic identity-- just their  own "just us" , as one Zionist campaign suggested. 

 This arrogance is displayed daily, with mean and destructive raids on Palestinian villages across the occupied West Bank and Gaza.
They're merciless and will have to answer to God and karma when their turn comes to be in the Palestinians' way. Today, seeing starving
children waiting with empty pots  waiting to get a spoonful of some publicly-cooked on an open fire food in Gaza breaks the hearts of all 
who believe in human rights. These images from al-Jazeera and other more honest Jewsmedia won't leave peoples' heads easily. Jews
need a very large charm offensive with their money and media to fix this awful image of a very spoiled mean ruler-people who hate their
enemies a lot more than any opponents they have and are showing it through collective punishments and civilian bombings, with the
blessings of criminal states like the USA.   

Let's tell 'Mr. Nice' Justin Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister (Email address, , to show some humanity and guts by
withdrawing support for this dirty war Israel is conducting in Gaza and the occupied West Bank. We will!

                                                                                                                  Posted February 19

                                                             NATURE DEMANDS: 

                                                                  by Don Andrews

People in once called "Toronto the Good"  would be shocked and outraged if the evil only anti-White
racist media ever showed the non-White faces of the criminal perpetrators in their fair city. It's
absolute evil for all sides to tolerate this anti-racist charade, and call a spade a spade when you see
one, especially in today's latest 'gunplay' of double shootings, going on daily and nightly in the city
and some suburbs like Scarborough and the Northwest end , where most of them live. 

The solution of course is to give proper hell to the media in no uncertain terms. Just don't threaten
the knivers, working for their failed multicult, even if it kills them. What naive irony; Most men in this
White society are wimps who will go along with almost anything for sex, even if it means their
possible future extinction, following their starry-eyed women to their shared doom. That's what happens
when Nature is reversed in a species for survival, the strong rule. 

Remember, no one is above criticism when it comes to White race survival; we're on the cusp of a
time-thinking stage, when old shibboleths have been shown to be just some peoples' hopes that
didn't stand the test of time -- and judging by  our present way-low birthrate  we will be gone with
those shibboleths. Like today's White society we have made the same stumble for procreation. But,
it's not too late to make 2024 a resurrection year for the White race by having a child with a willing
partner this year. Don't make your life a barren last gasp -- and if you can't, encourage others to turn
the tables on our enemies, like all the children Palestinians have produced in Gaza to prevent the
disappearance as their enemies and our enemies want.   Don't delay!

by Don Andrews 

 I'm surprised, disappointed and happy when I see how the cultist ruler Jews
of the supposedly free Western nations are so stupid and mean. When you're
riding high, the last thing you want people to think is that you are mean and
nasty in reality. That's exactly how the rich ruler cultist Jews appear in their
treatment of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. These Israeli Jews kill
them with impunity; there are no sad stories of the victims' lives as you would
see when when one of the self-chosen "God's people" gets killed -- not just
numbers of bodies of the murdered civilians. 

The rotten Jewsmedia is stuck with telling the evil truth on themselves, and
they're doing  a crappy job as usual. We never see any Hamas fighters, even
in masks -- just heavily-equipped Jew soldiers running around, with their tanks  and jets above, dropping  bombs on unarmed civilians and the infrastructure. Did you see the utter devastation and carnage in the
Gaza videos Lately? Have a look -- it's terrible, and not a word of condemnation from Christian leaders and Western peaceniks all afraid of Jew power.

However, underneath it all, people are aghast, afraid and a little pissed off
when the victims of persecution do the same to others. It's a moral betrayal in
many White peoples' minds, It's unfair--something that the White man demands common sense, good will and fair play and doesn't seem to resound with the self-chosen "God's people" that fewer and fewer people
believe in as the Middle East and all its continual problems are rejected by
ordinary people. I'd like to see the mean moron who this brutality on innocent
others...unless you're an arrogant Jew warmonger in love with your cult crap.

I told a Muslim taxi driver that I didn't believe in God, which took him slightly
 I've seen so much misery, pain and evil, to which he had to reply. I asked him, why doesn't God show himself and prevent this evil -- still no answer. After discussing Muslim prayer practices five times a day and
getting up and stretching on the ground, I  pointed out that this is like some
military exercise to keep you fit, which he agreed with. 

I  reject the God concept, but I gave the taxi driver a heavy tip so that he could
see godless people can be good and generous, too, for putting up with my
ideas. But when bad things happen, I still say, "Where is God?"

                                   -- DON'T STARVE THE PALESTINIANS

February 7, 2024

To: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau:

Please restore funding to the United United Nations Relief Workers' Agency (UNRWA). Why punish two million
Palestinians for a few Hamas operators that might be among the homeless and hungry,  who are benefitted by
the UNRWA. Please don't make Canada complicit in the Israeli Jews' genocide in Gaza.   History is judging our
morality and White men say, restore the funding to the homeless and hungry.

The Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada


Posted Feb. 4, 2024

                                                      BACK DONALD TRUMP 

                                                                  by Don Andrews 

    Well, it's not because Donald Trump is trumpeting White Nationalism across the racemixed violent USA
that White racists support Trump, although he did say a "Hitler-like" comment when he talked about
migrants "poisoning our blood" at a rally when the Jewsmedia went wildly against him (there you have it!
The mainstream Jewsmedia has tried to make a Trump a hateful character worthy only of White racists).
So, globalists can't trust him, as he is a self-made millionaire and must know all the tricks of their trade
before he suddenly went political. He's like a guy "out of control" who doesn't want anyone too much, that
his second presidency would be four year of the loss of power for globalists all over America. Trump has
even use the word 'globalist' referring to all his enemies recently, along with communist, Marxists and
fascists (a last-minute throw-in playing to the Jewsmedia who often accuse him of fascism and the
destruction of democracy in the US. 

  Trump may finish the southern border wall in his next presidency if he is not assassinated. Don't forget,
he ordered the assassination of that Shiite Muslim Jihadist and a Hamas big shot in a selective missile
strike, so karma might be waiting for him  on this issue alone. How would you like an Iranian leader to
order a hit on a famous evangelical American preacher, and their state and media celebrates and lauds it?
It's not saying much for the morality of the 'new Caesar' rulers of the American globalists' empire, is it?
Globalist murders by the CIA  might be as common as the old Soviet assassinations who killed dissidents
around the world. Now it's the criminal Americans' turn with the unfair dirty Gaza war and destruction by
the cultists' state of Israel, with almost 30,000 dead, and the immediate support for such evil by the US, the
UK and Canada (to name a few) shows their regimes' immorality even if the criminal perpetrators are White
(Jews) and the Palestinians are a little darker Semites. Wrong is still wrong and so was Trump when he
okayed murders in the phony Orwellian 'war on terrorism': anyone who buys into that is a mean mental

 The less Whites meddle in the world, the better for them;  a dwindling race needs isolation, not more
racemixing,  which never produces a White man -- nature demands it for our survival. As for Trump, who
walks around looking over his shoulder, he should promise to end the evil war on terror before karma
catches up.  

Posted  Feb. 3, 2024


by Don Andrews

In the classic movie The Bridge on the River Kwai (about White prisoners in a Japanese jungle prisoner
of war camp in Britain's Malayan territory), I remember the Japanese  commander  saying to a caught
British officer escapee, in anger to the smiling Limey, "You British have no shame!", something important
to traditionalist Asiatic, unlike their American and Australia-British prisoners. 

Of course it could also be said back to  the Japanese: "You Japs have no mercy!" from the way they treated
their war prisoners and captive  people they conquered. They were just vicious, especially to civilians and
Chinese. China must not allow Japan to become a nuclear power, otherwise, they're finished, if one checks
out the murderous rampage as they grabbed half of China the last time. No, it's America's and the UK's turn
again to show they have no shame when they give the green light to their Jew cult masters that they can do
what they want to Palestinians in Gaza and the occupied West Bank under the Orwellian rubric of self-
defense for the state of Israel. Limeys and Americans just look mean and hypocritical that only their shyster masters could admire.

The West has lost its moral high ground by being duplicitous  and warmongering, as in the Ukraine/Russia
border war that many new countries must settle with their neighbors, as the Ukraine is finding out (Poland
and Hungary want a piece of it too). As White Nationalists we must be against any racial conflicts among
dwindling Whites. No one should feed the flames of our disputes. War is a failure of communication on a
common sense, good will and fair play level. Whites in a racemixed society are living in misery, afraid for
their safety and future. All these feelings must be laid at the feet of any anti-racist White mental case still
standing. Put their noses into the myriad of any old or new TV real crime shows now on TV--there's no need
of fictional crime when real crime all around you is so varied and terrible in the land of opportunity.

Americans need to show shame for the criminality around them. It's a failure of parenting in White and
black society with missing or denigrated fathers and libertine liberated mothers. It's a recipe for criminal
chaos and immorality, much like Haiti, where the Whites were wiped out. White Nationalists refuse to go
that route;  we're the crystal ideology for survival. 

                                                                                            Posted February 2, 2024

                                                           by Don Andrews 

Charging some Jew farmers who took over Palestinians' land for being too aggressive against local Arabs
in the Israeli-occupied West Bank is the best Biden of the US and Trudeau of Canada can do as the Israeli
Jew nation conducts a destructive "genocidal" campaign against  all of Gaza's residents. It's so occasional
and petty that it's hardly worth opening your mouth for, when an extermination campaign (genocide)
continues against two million Gazans to get rid of them into Egypt, more refugee camps or the desert. This
tiny punitive effort against war-state Israel is a a sop to leftist anti-Zionists, now slowly but surely becoming anti-Semites (Jew-haters), as a new generation of White youth sees the injustice in the Middle East conflict to keep an 'Ersatz Israel' alive before the whole Semitic Arab neighbor-

hood drives them out to end their 2,000 year-old dream of Jews and their Christian servants. 

Israel is a nuclear-armed power and it won't hesitate to use it if it feels threatened; then, all hell will break
out as 'nice' Whites turn against their blood and carnage. Many already think 'enough already' , with the
unfairly-mismatched Gaza War, as they are already yelling at Jew embassies around the world. Jew cultists
have never looked so bad in public; even though they control the Jewsmedia the ugly truth of their activities is getting out through the Al-Jazeera network, filled with scenes of rubble and broken Palestinian bodies including kids buried under the bombed-out Gaza ruins. The Jews' arrogance ad meanness will be their undoing as a whole generation of young people turn against the Jew-owned politicians in the West. This is particularly bad for the Zionists, as many Whites
have abandoned Semitic God cult Christianity too late to bring back the Semites' Bible. The 'Woke' crowd
won't go for it for sure, as extremes of the right and left turn on globalist cult-rulers.

It's up to White Nationalists to pressure Western leaders to stop supporting genocidal Israel with every
e-mail, letter or contact with pro-Zionist media morons peddling the cruel propaganda of the 'Israel has the
right to defend itself' pretext for Arab ethnic cleansing in Gaza and the occupied West Bank. And, send
letters and condemning comments to Israel's lazy, scared neighbors like Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan
who have done little for their racial cousins, the Palestinians.  Tell them all!

                                                                                  Posted  January 28, 2024


by Don Andrews , Leader
                  Nationalist Party of Canada

While White Nationalists battle anti-White race traitors in many ways daily, whether it's in retorts to
White self-loather idiots in general society or private lives, we must also become private vigilantes
against the criminals our White anti-racist policies have created throughout society. We must help our
hard-pressed police to do their duty and get the culprits.

There is so much crime in America that it's the dirty linen of all Whites who tolerate it, just because
they know its mostly a racial problem now as violence grips blacks' society. Our job is to go after the
crime reporters and pundits on the issue. They are the politically-correct morons who hide non-White
crime to spread their failed diversity/multiculturalism and forced racemixing fools -- all responsible for
the high crime rate among non-Whites. All anti-racist Whites are responsible also for the blood and
misery caused by their non-White 'pets'. Anti-racists Whites should be made responsible for the chaos
and mayhem around us, starting with the Jewsmedia bastards and bitches.

Anti-racist Whites are the reason ordinary people are afraid to visit their towns and cities at night;
thanks to these naive mental cases, millions live in fear and anxiety when they go out of their 'safe'
locations -- and for what? Some ridiculous daydream of a peaceful racemixed society, as if nature was
wrong when it naturally separated us through time and experiences. Now we have to do it all over again,
naturally separate without violence and economic loss. That's a tall order.

Let's start with the liar media which hides the non-White criminals and never mentions their race, even
when they're on the wanted list; they just can't say it was a black guy although they know it, depriving
us of all the necessary info to be safe.  The cops are no better --they're just more afraid of the politically-
correct media to say "b-b-black". It's sickening: the Whites' betrayal of their own kind, but not surprising, when you see our great White race always displayed with a small "W"... another project that we're working on to correct. 


                                                                                   Posted January 25, 2024


 by Don Andrews

What heartless idiot could still be on Israeli's side in their war on little overpopulated Gaza, after
more than 25,000 dead and 70,000 injured Palestinians, other than mean selfish Jew cultists?
Certainly not Christian Gentiles, who have been very quiet during this massacre and carnage on a
basically defenseless people. This is a totally uneven contest with a nuclear-powered modern armed
state against a ragtag Palestinian militia called Hamas (meaning 'strength' or 'bravery'), Yet the
Palestinians are putting up a hard fight that, for over 100 days the cultist Jew state's military
pounding them from air, land and sea. The strength of the Palestinians' resistance has shown that
Israel has failed to wipe out Hamas as they promised; now it's necessary for the Jew state to try to
have a no-man's land security area around the besieged Gaza strip.

Jews are now trying to get rid of the 2 1/2 million Palestinians in Gaza, hoping they can drive them
into Egypt (who has smartly closed its borders to prevent another displacement. The longer the Gaza
war lasts, the more anti-Semites are created. Soon it won't matter when Jews cry about anti-Semitism, as it will be real nervy after all the horrors, death and destruction people see that they created. Every time people see war-weary hungry Palestinians they will think of who is doing
this to them take a double take in their minds when they realize it's the forever ex-victim Jews
perpetrating evil on others;  no wonder more and more people hate and abhor   them  in private
company, soon to go more public at protests to come.  Appeals by Christians won't help, as anyone
defending the Israeli Jews' brutality other than the mainstream Jewsmedia  will be and should be
condemned for their bloodletting.

On Friday the International Court will probably rule for Israel to cease and desist their murderous
attacks as a temporary measure, while they mull whether the Jews planned a genocide of sorts in
Gaza as South Africa has claimed. It looks good on the anti-White racist Jews can now only appeal
to White racists to protect them.

                                                                                  Posted January 21, 2024


                                               MAKES A NEGATIVE   

                                                                      by Don Andrews   

"Make America Great Again" , or MAGA in the short form that the media has reduced it to so as
no to have to repeat Make America Great Again -- a definite positive thought 'great'-- right?, it
just becomes the new word MAGA. It almost sound like Klingon, the wimpy Whites' Star Trek 
term, with self-loather Whites racemixing with aliens' crap. Ohh, real scary for these White self-
loather/ anti-racist private hypocrites. It's even spread to Canada.

 Another reason the Left cabal doesn't like Make America Great Again is the "again": these
spoiled brats hate their racist past that beckons to that great era when Whites appeared to
rule and the TV Jewsmedia showed nice and good stuff like The Honeymooners. The word
make also calls for action, and we can't have any more of that like the last great Whites show
of January 6. That showed how easy it would be to take over control of the US capitol: 100,000
can do it and they really didn't try that hard compared to their own amazed faces as they still
walked within the red ropes, looking around in disbelief. They were all easily chased out without
a siege. Like I said, "What insurrection?". The Jewsmedia is definitely globalist and anti-White
Nationalist. It's like looking at  idiots, especially on the newscasts, but they can be replaced by
pro-Whites in the future; no one is going into extinction of their own accord , than the barren
anti-Whites, thanks to the queers and feminists. The fewer Whites there are in a racemixed
society, the more White Nationalists. Our natural ideology is guaranteed, by nature, It's as
simple as that.

                                                                                  Posted January 19, 2024



by Don Andrews   

Whenever anti-racist naive Whites live in a racemixed society, they are slated for extinction.
Under democracy, where the "majority rules", the White race will disappear first by attrition.
Whites don't breed in an unstable environment unlike Semites in Jew- besieged Gaza. You
won't find too many White kids in a schoolyard in a racemixed city (like Toronto). Whites know
things could be safer, so they wait for the 'Good Old Days', when it was only their children
around. We are a very tender race who has 'liberated' their women, now too hedonistic and
scared to have offspring. Things never get better for Whites as soon as racemixing takes over,
like in wimps' and feminists' Canada.

In my 72 years here I've seen Toronto, Canada's top city change to a no-go downtown area in
the last two decades, especially at night. Anyone White who claims otherwise or puts blame on
something else is a liar, a White race traitor and a White self-loather. Official anti-racism is to be
blamed for White civilization's destruction. Just think what happened to South Africa where the
White fools tried to use non-White labor while trying to stay apart under apartheid, a system that
the Europeanized Semitic and Khazar Jew cultists are facing every day in Israel, using local
|Semites to do their "dirty work". If you can't do your own '"dirty work" and be proud of all labor
you don't deserve to survive as a nation or a people-- it's just a matter of time. 

Right now the White race in America is on the cusp of destruction, thanks to the race traitors
around us. Let's make sure that their suicidal tendencies and talk does not affect those around,
with loud condemnation of all race traitors wherever they are. Don't allow mentally-ill ideas to
spread and permeate, especially in the globalists' Jewsmedia and libertine schools and
curriculum.  All White Nationalists are nature's heroes when they speak up for the White race,
culture and survival. The evil haters are the problem, not the solution, to our existence. 
Interestingly, the Europeanized cultist Jews' state is facing  this very problem in their Semitic
cult state of Israel. What to do with the Semitic non-Jews in Gaza and the occupied West Bank;
so far arresting them, imprisoning them and shooting them is not enough, as they are still
procreating well in those areas, as Jews with their empowered barren women fall aside through
their created feminism plaguing the White Western world.

Smart Whites are seeing the folly of their ways. Soon, only polygamy will be the Whites-only
resort to our race's survival as nature forces us to follow its rules and abandon the White
self-loathers' barren feminist racemixing idiocy, while White Nationalists lead the way!

We will ! Don't get voted out of existence!

                                                                                                                        Posted January 16, 2024


                                                         by Don Andrews

  I don't know about you but I enjoy it when my political enemies are unhappy, like this
morning when the anti-White anti-Trump Jewsmedia has to report his victory in nice
liberal Iowa's Republican caucuses on who Americans prefer to be the next president
later this year. The evil anti-White media globalist media has been very active in
painting Donald Trump as an evil wannabe dictator, especially when they know that he
was cheated of his victory in the last election with "found" votes of thousands to give
Biden a stolen victory. They dare not do it again and they know it, as Trump's supporters
are all on watch for any irregularities in the  November 2024 count.

But why do they hate the president who brought most Americans prosperity and peace
during his last four-year reign which he gave up without too much of a fight? The evil
anti-White racist media White self-loathers  are secretly ashamed of their wimpy White
anti-racist attitude; they know race is all, But they persist to mouth globalist cult Jews'
racemixing crap who hate anyone else's nationalism, whether it's ethnic or religious--
just their own. Interestingly now, Jews (especially in Israel) are called fascists, not
allowed for anyone else except God's supposedly Chosen People -- a racemixed bag
of Semites, Eurasians Khazars and intermarried Europeans. All naive anti-racist Whites
can see that White Natioanlists who wish that they had their own state are reviled as fascists or Orwellian "terrorists".

                                                                       Posted January 11, 2024


by Don Andrews 

Globalist Semitic God cultist Jews must be very angry and disappointed when they see
non-White migrants in the West and places like racemixed South Africa and other Third
World countries demonstrating in large protests against the Israeli Jews' brutal  attack on
little Gaza. Various Israeli Jews' statements comparing Gazans to animals that all need to be
wiped out, even with nuke bombs that the cult state possesses; that's all a Jewsmedia secret
in the West.   

Today Jews are not just worried, but deeply hurt when they  see Jew Karl Marx's latest
incarnations shouting anti-Jew state slogans at their embassies across the globe and their
chief mindless big-bully backer the USA, whose regime they have in their pockets. But the
worst part is that today's young generations are escaping their World War II Holocaust
propaganda, since most young people don't care about history that happened almost a
hundred years ago; they only care about now.  Today's youth rejects hardline commie crap
(and to a lesser extent, fascism); they've been taught to hate since birth. However, like all
new generations, they feel that they have their own fair play mindset, and the Palestinians
certainly need some fair play, common sense and good will before they're destroyed,
especially in Gaza, an overpopulated thorn in Israel's backside. 

Jews, as a globalist minority, have always been on the minorities' side. They push for
unnatural multiculturalism, for a globalists' cult racemixed. Now these cultist types need
White Nationalists to protect them. You can't ignore the irony: As long as an Israel exists
to show their merciless arrogance, they'll never get the young back, especially if they're
poor or blackballed by Zionist institutions to go to school or get a job. Even well-meaning
Jews who oppose Israel's nasty actions or don't want it to exist, only brings weakness to
the cultists and more righteous anger for non-Jews when they can point it out... see,
even they don't agree. Jews need to go on a "charm effort" -- not another war to save
them again. 


                                                                        Posted January 8, 2024


 by Don Andrews 

Jew cultists are trying to distance themselves from Israeli Jew massacres in Gaza and the West
Bank. Arrogant cultist Jews can't take legitimate criticism even when it looks like they are committing
genocide against Gaza's Palestinians and in the occupied West Bank towns. This cult-sect has been
in charge of Western leaders for generations,  without explanation of their direction and control, with
phony winner-take-all Western democracies, leaving many angry people fuming at their power.

  Israel is a nuclear power, thanks to all the Christian 'shabbas goy' who gave them the bomb. Israeli
leaders have already threatened to use a nuke on Gaza, with hardly a blink from the anti-racist
conniving Jewsmedia pundits or bought Western politicians. Jew power stretches to East European
countries, where the ex-Red rulers were strongly helped to power by globalist Jews, just like their
ex-commie minions. Putin still has Jews in powerful positions like Foreign Minister Lavrov and others keeping a lower profile now that  nationalism is back in vogue. Jews hate others' nationalism, especially White Nationalists-- they hate anything that trumps their religiosity even
though in the final analysis race trumps religion, when all their White enemies unite against their
racemixing anti-White globalism.  Unfortunately for these cultists, nature has chosen to expose their

cruel barbarism in their destruction of Gaza. They are already whining how they are still 'victims' as more and more people see them as  victimizers also. 

Separating outside Jews from Israeli Jews does not work; no one wants a Third World War to save
the Jews... yet again this constant worry on peoples' minds does not bring Jews closer to their goyim
(Gentiles). It only makes them silently angry for the fear they spread in Western society to stay "On
top of the world, Ma!". It is their main neurotic concern, because when they fall, all hell will break out
for them. they fear.


                                                                        Posted January 3, 2024


                                                     By Don Andrews 

 People always  hate to be fooled, especially by other people who were victims of violence perpetrate
violence on others. Even though you won't hear the word 'Jew' around much on the Jewsmedia.
people still know who the real Israelis are. Jews living  in their own Jewish 'homeland' cults and
religions can have states like the Sikhs, who are still trying to establish their own cult state of
Khalistan (pure state) while Christians and Buddhists and Hindus have their own states. So let the
Muslims have their own patriarchy, opposed to the feminist West run by the two-Marys religion of

Jews were victims once, and they're so powerful politically that they can enforce on the rest of the
population the Holocaust depredations their fellow cultists suffered under the Nazis and other
nationalist groups; now to see Jews acting like 'Nazis' is the epitome of disappointment in most
nice peoples' minds. Charred toddlers and screaming babies buried under rubble--no one wants to
be connected to that. But now, ex-victim Jews are the perpetrators. It makes you wonder about the
mindset of these cultists, carrying out checkerboard military exercises of a modern super power
against lightly-armed civilian-recruited fighters waiting for their onslaught. So far the Palestinian
amateurs are doing well in the house-to-house fighting as Jews destroy North Gaza  and start talking
about getting rid of Gazans by across-the world deportations.

All this makes Americans look bad also, definitely immoral, by siding with torturers and killers. Every
day that this goes on further, Jews and Americans lose the moral arguments for peace. Cities' ruins
and dead babies won't do, while Hamas gains more credibility every day it lasts. Out-of-control Jew
cultists are an embarrassment to most Americans, let alone the Third World, which remembers the
colonialists. That's the other big irony that the people who pushed multiculturalism the most are the
same Jew cultist pro-racemixers for others, and now has to deal with the people they supported in
anti-Israel demos throughout the world. 

 Watch the Jews turn right wing/kosher conservative, while still rejecting White Nationalism. For now,
they're on their own with shaky Freemason allies who have their own cult agenda, while they all keep
an eye on the rising White Nationalist 'extreme; natural right, because race is the issue, not cults, as
Europeanized Jews have found out.



Posted December 14, 2023



                                           by Don Andrews

  Well, first of all, we on the Extreme Right of the political spectrum have been proven right when
we suggested the globalist Semitic god cult of 20 million Jews  were wrong-- and mean to boot.
Finally, with the network out of the total control of the Jewsmedia and social media on the Internet,
the terrible toll on Gaza can be seen. There is utter devastation: bloody children and wailing women
on the hourly news on al-Jazeera alone. Finally the Arab network is showing its difference from the
lying, propagandist mainstream media. There's a world of difference, where shallow-minded
Canadian and US networks feature sports stories first while thousands are dying  in continuously-
bombed Gaza by the cult masters; "nation". Israeli Jews have wrecked and bloodied its two-and-a-
half million population (similar to Toronto's). I can't see the survivors wanting to make "peace" with
such a mean people ...except with a gun.


     Generally the West is pro-Israel, since the centuries-old new Jew settlers of the new Israel don't
look like those of their original Semite origins. Pro-Palestinian Whites don't care  --  they are all anti-
racist and call the Jew cult-state racist from the way they treat the Palestinians they are sitting on
with criminal American morality minds, and the deluded evangelicals; they all have Palestinians' blood
on their hands, indirectly.  The public sentiment on the street is the cursing of both sides if they let us
get into a war, or, "I don't care", which undermines Zionist plans for more and more images of their
nastiness coming out in Gaza.

   The worst aspect of all this is the light being shined on Jews' power in the Western world; many are
asking, why, even as a united cult of 20 million in control of the media. cultist Jews' use of the stick
instead of the carrot will spell the end of its meanness and overboard punishment worthy of a brutal
Semitic God idea: "Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord", is now practiced without pity by the
worshippers of this same God. How long can it last before the (self-)"chosen people" are kicked out
again as racial and religious foreigners? Remember the Crusades!


Posted December 12, 2023


by Don Andrews 

Events are turning out just like White Nationalists could like. Nature is is taking its
first course without too much effort from us. First, multiculturalism and racemixing
have proven to fail and false-thinking. The White anti-racist globalists are all

hypocrite lairs who dare not push this deadly crap considering the non-White
crime wave everywhere and the frightened Whites afraid to go to their downtowns
at night.

And now the third plum to fall into our lap is the destruction of the victimhood card
of the chief pushers of globalism -- the Jewish cult, with its vindictive overboard
destruction of Gaza. The whole city looks like bombed-out Berlin at the end of
World Wart II: Some places, even worse-- that's due to relentless Israeli Jews'
bombardment by air and sea. Two and a half million people (like the population of
Toronto), are running around from south to north to enter, trying to avoid Jew
bombs; the 20,000 killed and 50,000 injured, were all done  
by ex- victim Jews of the
Holocaust (you would think they would be nicer).

That's the big deal no one likes to see-- the ex-victim of a crime doing the same to
another person. One doubts and loses interest in their original innocence; so it is
with the Jews today. Many people who support them with  the phrase "Israel has a
right to its own defense" now wish they had not said anything. Only a mindless
mental case can support the apparent genocide in Gaza. In fact that's what the
al-Jazeera network has, to its credit, entitled their Gaza stories, a genocide. That
will be hard to live down, let alone have to explain ("We had to kill a hundred Gazans
to get a few Hamas fighters". That cold-hearted thinking does not wash with 
fair-minded people. Jew warmongers now only have the mean old failed fart ex-generals
on Fox News and CNN to defend this genocide. Curse all of them for their mean immorality.

And, good luck to the survival of the poor Gazans.


Posted  December 8, 2023



by Don Andrews 

I notice the word "Jew" has disappeared from the mainstream Jewsmedia. Ever
since the bombing and destruction of little Gaza, the controlled Jewsmedia is
stopping the use of the perpetrators' cult name 'Jews'-- now it's "Israelis did
this" and "Israeli forces did that"', not religious Jews. Of course it's on purpose,
as a multicult racemixed society probably does not identify with the Jews' cult;
unlike fundamentalist Christians who wish they were part of a Semitic god's
"chosen people". It's all BS, made up crap that naive fools believe in. If a real
god was concerned about his creation, he would show himself. Don't give me

the old shibboleth that he's all around but still does nothing. Crappy Christian
excuses for his meanness don't wash either; relentless nature is all I've seen
in my life.

Ex-Holocaust victim Jews are a big disappointment for all of humanity when ex-
victims of the Nazis become the victimizers of poor Palestinians whose only
weapon for the future is their women's wombs. That's why only 70% of the
20,000 Gaza dead are women and children, run by a patriarchal religion of Islam.
Jew killings of Muslim Palestinians can go on for a long time until the matriarchal cult succumbs from a lack of manpower. It's already happening a Jews around the world (20 million of them, including 7 million in Israel) decide that it's too dangerous to live in
Palestine. It's no big deal if Israel shrinks like a Vatican for the new Jews of
today, since most of them  are Europeanized semi-Asiatic Khazars who rode
with all the Mongol hordes in the past. They have no connection  to the Middle
East religious myths any more than the White Crusaders of that period.

Israel is only 75 years old. That's nothing for any ethnic nation and harder to
maintain that any multicultural nation, even if it's all one religion. Let's not
let this temporary country lead us into a Third World War.... again!

                                                                      Posted December 6, 2023

 by Don Andrews

Israeli Jews' on Gaza is assuring a generation of Anti-Semites -- maybe two or three, as people see the brutal, relentless
bombings of overpopulated Gaza; images of wounded children, rubble and dead bodies won't disappear from many Whites
with hearts. No cult is worth preserving if it relies on the murder of its opponents. Matriarchal Jews' integration into White
society is ruined in many fair-minded peoples. Warmongers, shallow bigots and naive evangelical Christians are all the help
that Zionists can expect; even some nice Christians are shying away from the Jews' cult: No one wants to be connected to mass
killings, now 17,000 in Gaza at Jewish hands. Jews have never looked worse in my lifetime.

Decent Canadians, Americans and other Whites must demand that their 'Zionist' leaders stop supporting the
Zionist entity called Israel, soon to see an exodus of secular Jews who look for a more easy life outside of Israel. Judaism
is a cult, not a religion, so let's keep that in mind: Jews have not had a religious cult state for 2,000 years-- to re-establish
such a state after two millennia is a mythical wish that won't last long, just like the Crusader states that lasted about the
same time. Supported by most European Christian countries, Israel is an anomaly that does not belong back in the area
that Semitic Jews left and then proselytized Eurasian Khazars and Ethiopians (Falashas), as the new Jews have no
historical connection with the Middle East.

Israel's war excesses against the Gazans spell their end in the Middle East. Fair-minded Whites. Stop the billions in foreign
aid Jews get without question. Public opposition to Israel's will force a re-think of Israel support... it's already happened in Ireland.

Posted December 4, 2023


                              ON THE THOUSANDS OF GAZA CASUALTIES?
                                                  by Don Andrews     

We, like a lot of people who support Donald Trump, are disappointed when the possible
next US president is so silent on the Israeli Jews' destruction of Gaza with almost 20,000
dead and maybe more after the rubble has cleared. Silent Trump has said nothing about this
human travesty. Is he that afraid of the Semitic cult-god Jews who rule America? There's only
20 million Jews in the world yet this cult rules most Western nations, including Canada.   

Trump could have shown his humane, fair-minded side in this totally unfair war on an entire
rich, militarized state (Israel), against a ragtag coalition of anti-Zionist resistance groups called
Hamas. Is Trump afraid of the Jew lobby or is he just a low-level bigot against Palestinians? 
Anyone who is on the side of police/torture state Israel  doesn't have much heart; even some
Zionist Jews agree.

The evil Jewsmedia hates Trump; suck-holing to them is foolish and weak. Trump must be
shored up by more moral supporters to say and do the right thing, starting with condemning
Israel's cruel war method (e.g., carpet bombing, invented by lazy, bloodthirsty Americans.
This is not a fair fight with Palestinians left alone to fight the goliath Israel as Arab states mealy-
mouth anti-war words and do nothing to help the Palestinians. Only the untouched Africanized
Semites in Yemen have done anything, with a few missiles the Jews have had to intercept.  Jews
have nothing to rejoice in defeating little Hamas without a real army. navy or air force, unlike Israel.

The latest Zionist carnage will ensure 'anti-Semitism' for another generation, unlike their parents'
wimpy past. Tell Trump.... we will.


                                                                     Posted December 2, 2023



If anything the latest Zionist Jews' war on Gaza has an eye-opener to the world how much Jews care about other
lives: The Zionist Jews in Israel have killed  16,000-20,000 (perhaps more) Palestinians, while Hamas fighters
have killed 1,200 Israeli Jews in the October 7th attack. When the Gaza rubble is cleared, probably the number of
Arab dead will be over 20,000, with two-thirds of them being women and Palestinian children. Sadly, at least the besieged patriarchal Gazans have lots of kids, unlike the feminist Jew-run matriarchal West.

I have never in my life seen Jews look worse in my life going from victim to victimizer; they lost the "poor us" stuff
of the Nazis' Holocaust on them. How many people today seeing the carnage they have wrought might not think to
themselves, the Nazis were right? People will fear them for the yes-sir Western leaders suck-holing for carte blanche
for murder phrase "Israel has a right to self-defense", that they are learning to regret as the Palestinian body count
goes up. The Zionists' war arrogance is stupid and foolish, making many more fearful enemies everywhere-- how smart is that? Not even their Jewsmedia can gloss over this modern-day ongoing massacre of innocent civilians.

Tell their newspaper editors what you think of their Zionist growling and the Israeli embassy (Email address above)
to stop this slaughter... we will.

                                                                                    Posted November 28


                                                      by Don Andrews 

   White race traitors are afraid of Donald Trump's  return in the 2024 US election. They should
worry about what happens if he is not the victim of a second stolen vote: There'll be lots of calls
for revenge towards all White anti-racist idiots, regardless of their gender or age. All anti-racist
Whites will be hated and shunned for the evil multicult criminality, uncertainty and misery their

self-loathing globalism has wrought on proud Whites. 

 The first enemy of the White race is the evil globalist Jewsmedia that is lately whining about
the deserved hate brought upon them. They're swamped by White Nationalist sentiments by
good people who don't even connect with White Nationalism, yet they are saying the same
sentiments  as we are. Let's spread this righteous hatred against these evil idiots hoping for
a multicult impossible society. Shut them up with all the vitriol you can muster. Tell them what
they are -- race traitors and White self-loathers that are basically mentally ill for hating their own
kind and especially for hating those who want to protect and preserve our great White race
now dwindling toward extinction. White Nationalists have a duty to find out who these anti-White

fools are, wherever and whoever they are. 

We don't need anti-racist laws or anything else to make their voices silent; mental illness like this

should not be allowed to spread like any killer virus. Start with your own family and friends; make
these sick people keep their disease of anti-racism to themselves. Don't let them spread this deadly
disease. Give them hell whenever you can -- we do! And it's working, as these dummies disappear.


                             Posted November 23 2023

                                                                                   by Don Andrews   

 Americans should hang their heads in shame this Thanksgiving for supporting the massacre
in Gaza by Zionists.

That's right -- the US must share the blame for backing their Jewish friends in Israel, wreaking
havoc on Palestinians in Gaza. Pictures of bloodied children and half-buried young men in
Jew-created rubble should be on American minds with a soul, that they are doing wrong, and

have to speak up to their politicians and Jewsmedia that these Semitic God killings are "not in my

It's  hard to watch the bloodied dust-covered survivors crying for their wiped-out extended
families. What did they do against Israel, other than exist? It's amazing how modern police-

state their country has become with facial recognition files, pictures and long waits at

checkpoints. The West Bank and Gaza are nothing but open-air prisons; the Jews don't look
warm and cuddly, they act like alien  overlords over the locals with arrests and jailings that can

last up to twenty years, before they are even charged. Some prisoners have been

sentenced to 5,000 years, while regular life sentences are normal. Since 1967 more than 100,000

Palestinians have been arrested. Don't tell me this isn't an unfair, brutal state, all to re-establish

a Bible myth's "chose people" after a 2,000-year absence. Christians should also hang their
heads in shame for
supporting their revivalists' viciousness. What would Jesus say about the
Gaza carnage (let 
them bomb another day before we have a ceasefire --more children's bodies

This is a very ugly American Thanksgiving; watching Israeli soldiers wrestling little Palestinian
kids to the ground to make another arrest for future hostage exchanges. Who can support this
evil killing spree, now reaching 15,000 dead in Gaza alone? Collective punishment never works
-- but it does guarantee hatred for the future. No one should be a part of this evil.

                                                                                                                                                                                    Posted November 21 


                                            AS THEY  WIPE OUT GAZA
                                                                           by Don Andrews     

  We all saw the outrage in the West when God-cultist Muslims tried to establish a Muslim religious state, as if it could not or should
not exist. Yet these same pro-war idiots defend Jewish God-cultists that they called 'Israel'. It's not called 'Jewland' but 'Israel' : it's
doubtful most Americans can even spell it correctly.  Jews control the Western media with their continued reminder of the Holocaust
-under-the-Nazis sympathy; now they think they can operate like superior tyrants over local Palestinians after essentially being
absent from the so-called Holy Land for 2,000 years.

    I blame the Jew-controlled Limey (British) fools for their unfair promise during World War II to let them establish a Europeanized
Jew population into Arab lands (the Balfour Agreement). It's so unfair and conspiratorial. Now the Jewsmedia fools and pundits
whine about why it is not working ; it's truly colonialism on the backs of Palestinians deprived of their lands. 

   Shame on the other Arab regimes around the world for their chickenshit compliance, especially big-shot oil producer Saudi Arabia
and the little weak Kingdom of Jordan. Only Eurasian Turks and Aryan Iran are against this land-grab and warmongering by a people
who haven't been in their neighborhood for two thousand years. In 1915, only eight percent of Palestine was Jewish; now Jews are
the majority as they try to get rid of the rest of the Arabs in Gaza and the West Bank. Credit has to be given to the Africanized Arabs in Yemen, the only ones carrying out military actions while Zionists destroy Gaza.

Arabs need lessons in racial unity when others attack them -- Whites would.

                                                                                                          Posted November 20


by Don Andrews   

  Over 12,000 dead Palestinians and 1,200 Israeli Jews dead -- it's a ten-to-one killing spree  by Zionist warmongers and yet the
American Jewsmedia still sticks the US and most Western populations with the air raid massacres in Gaza by Jew cultists that
they don't agree with. Only the war protesters and their backers look morally right in this situation. Many people are sick of Jew
cultists control of their 
governments and Zionists' aggressive foreign policies that have killed more than 5,000 Palestinian children
while claiming they are out to wipe out Hamas, a collection of anti-Zionist resistance groups fighting Israeli occupation.   "Not in my
name" is a popular protest sign carried by even more moral Jews in protest to this dirty, overboard killing spree/revenge war for the
Hamas attack that came on October 7th. Rulers' arrogance has blinded the Jew cultists' eyes in their stupid pathetic excuses for this
evil carnage: "Israel has a right to defend itself" carte blanche, to kill more kids by levelling a city to rubble to get some extremists. 

Canada should withdraw its ambassador to Israel to show that the nicest White people in the world will not go along with their
murderous outrage. Certainly, these are not the people to follow if you want to be humane. Canada's Trudeau must be harried and

bugged at every  turn, especially in public, to call for a ceasefire and end this suffering on both sides. That's the common sense,
good will and fair play White man's way. Anything short of that is not morally good enough. White Nationalists must confront the
pro-Jew warmongers in the Jewsmedia; they are the anathema to peace that deserve harsh criticism for their Zionist bloodthirstiness.
Jews bombing schools and hospitals full of frightened refugees doesn't make them any decent friends. The "good guys" in this war
are those looking for peace and not out to wipe out anyone, like the Israeli Jews intend for Hamas occupation resisters. Supporters
of this new Jew cult war are almost equally as the bombers on Gaza.

Give them no quarter. End the occupation of Gaza and the West Bank now -- tell Israel's Netanyahu, Canada's Trudeau and 
America's Biden. Contact them at the pages/email addresses below:

Prime Minister Trudeau:
US President Biden:
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu:


                                                                                                                                                   Posted November 12


by Don Andrews  

Unless they can come up with another Jesus, the Jews are finished in most fair-minded White peoples'
minds after their siege and attack on the poor people of Gaza, now resembling a land of rubble all over the
overcrowded city. Scenes of babies all over the floors of hospitals to be evacuated don't endear Jews to nice


People have learned the hard way, especially in the Middle East, how mean White Europeanized Jews cultists
can be. Their race is insane, as more people learn to loathe and fear their brutality on a poorly-armed enemy
compared to them. Onlookers don't like an unfair fight. You'd have to be a pretty thoughtless, mean moron to
applaud the merciless Zionist side, even if they are White. That's not long-term common sense, let alone
good will and fair play -- the cornerstones of White Nationalism. Until Jews show support for White
Nationalism instead of pushing globalists' anti-racism, no White racially-aware fools should join Zionist
warmongers in any pro-Jew protests like some National Front kosher conservatives in France and England
have reportedly done. Sucking up to the Zionist entity in the Middle East won't save you from the Jews-
media's continual criticism. If you can't pick a side because of your 'bigotry', then just stay out of it.

Just like The Crusades; White mythology, it won't last. The locals will do them in and the dwindling Whites
can't keep their guard there, while their countries are being taken over by dark people by immigration and

migration. The Jews in Israel could offer all Palestinians full citizenship with an initial $20 million endowment
paid by their fellow rich cultists worldwide. Jews will have to pretend to be nice; they're already such-holing
to rightist kosher conservatives. But, if they don't stop their bombing of Gaza most Whites with a heart will
find it embarrassing to support them, are they that arrogant and naive that they don't care?

Don't they understand their history and ask, why?

                                                                                         Posted November 9

Two-faced Jews' ethnic cleansing in Israel while promoting racemixing in the West


                                                       by Don Andrews 

 The biggest multicultists in the West are Jews, a matriarchal Semitic god-cult that rules most Western
regimes nd is very much against White Nationalists in their own countries, while acting like religious
racists in their own land of Israel. They're so duplicitous  that they can't be trusted by either side, racist
or anti-racist. They're just out for themselves, like any arrogant god-cult who think they have the
attention of God on their side.  Everyone else is a second-class citizen in their minds, especially if they
are local Palestinians who they hoped would do all their dirty work for the 'chosen people' -- until they
rebelled  in the latest episode with the Hamas attack that killed 1,400 Jew civilians included.

Well, the Jews' revenge has happened;  over ten times the number of Jews have  been killed; along with
over 10,000 Palestinians so far. Ten-to-one is an unfair amount of vengeance in anyone's book. Yet,
these arrogant people keep on bombing at will with no restraint  from most regimes, showing just how
much control this twenty-million cult has in the world, from wimpy media coverage of their war crimes
to the  leaders of the West. They are all culpable for the death and carnage in Palestine, especially in
Gaza.  Now Jews have to contend with new 'haters' of their activities as young commie crowds
demonstrate against them, the same anti-racists they brought up. White peoples' countries have now
turned on their masters (Marxist Reds) against Jews of Marx's heritage; in fact they're calling Jews and
Jew regimes 'fascist' (the original enemy of Karl Marx, an an irony of their own making). 

Many people will not look on Jews kindly in the future, seeing and fearing how mean and nasty they
can be, to the point of massacres like in Gaza; No amount of Jewsmedia propaganda will change this
after seeing dead Palestinian children and masses of refugees fleeing Israeli Jew bombs. This is not
the White man's way, nor should mean and evil people rule us. Wake up, White people, everywhere!

                                                                                                                                                   Posted November 6

                                                                BOMBING GAZA?

                                                                                                                   by Don Andrews

I'm predicting a second exodus for Semitic God cultist Jews -- only this time it will be out of Israel, the globalist cultists' state set up especially
by British law (the Balfour Agreement, giving Arabs' lands to a globalist cult with Eurasian converts (Khazars) from the Western world. When
the Limeys ran the place in 1915, only 8% of the population there was Jewish; backing off from the situation, especially if you are not Semitic
origin-religious (Christian Jews), you can see how Israel would disappear, as irrelevant to most non-religious people. Israel's existence could
be shorter historically than the duration of the Crusades into the Middle East; interest only lasts a short time. 

The Europeanized Western Jews will be planning to leave such a nasty neighborhood already. They're calling Hamas Semites 'human animals',
and the way they are being bombed with impunity while supposedly dropping leaflets to leave an area to be bombed doesn't fool most
Palestinians -- they know from past experiences of 'explosions' they'll never be allowed to return; that's why they're still in revenge camps
75 years later, after Israel's "founding". Bible mythology or not, I can see Israel shrinking: first, population-wise, then in territory-wise --
eventually it could be like a bigger Vatican for the globalist cult's devout.   

10,000 Palestinians have been killed in the 31-day war on Gaza; some 14,000 Israeli Jews were killed, so I'm sure they won't stop until it's
ten-to-one dead Palestinians. Jews, showing their mean side with a well-equipped military against unarmed poor Arabs, doesn't look good.
Fair-minded people will go with the underdogs. Hopefully, more Western Jews will  call an end to this carnage, or gain millions of new soft-
hearted White anti-Semites.
Are they smart enough?


Posted November 4



by Don Andrews

We're at a history-making moment, when the world opened its eyes on Jews. Far from being nice and funny ,they've turned out to
be Mafia-like, dangerous and cruel if you ever raise your hand to their injustices like the Hamas attacks on October 7, killing 14,000
mostly-civilian settler Jews. They are Westerners like us, but arrogantly believe that they're God's chosen people that millions of
Christians adore.  Let's be honest. These are not Semitic Jews returning to a Semitic neighborhood; they're Europeanized Eurasians
(Khazars) who much later converted to Judaism when they proselytized, like the convicts they got from far-off  China and a few
Ethiopians (Falasha) Jews. So, they're a mixed bag of special people, like all cultists believe in.   

Too bad they're not smart enough to grit their teeth and act nicer, instead of bombing Gaza into dust and besieging them into the past,
that their streets are full of horse and donkey travel. Wait until an Israeli bomb wipes out a horse lying in the rubble -- then you'll see
all the apolitical White dames turn on the Jews. Even their Jewsmedia admits pro-Israel sentiment is shifting, especially among the
young. It's a second  Vietnam anti-war movement, and it comes against those who started the first.

The Jews' abrupt intransigence doesn't help; their taciturn reporting on this dirty war on unarmed citizens makes then look like
boring automatons. The fight against Gaza is so uneven, immediately gaining all their fair-fight types. People don't like bullies,
whatever 'star' they're sporting on their uniforms. Even when the Gaza war is over lots of people will be skeptical toward powerful
Jews, which is never good for a cult in charge of the White world. Blinken of the USA and Lavrov of Russia both wield power-- if
they  are smart they'll end this war sooner than later if they want to stay in power: the rulers must show proportional humility, too. 

Posted November 2, 2023


by Don Andrews   

Well I'd never thought I'd see it in my fifty-plus years in pro-White racist politics, but the chief enemy
of White Nationalists was the global twenty million Semitic god cultists...Jews. Their cult image has
taken a big hit from presumed victim to villain, by their own hands with the last three weeks in the war
on Gaza.  Yeah I know it's a tough job when they all look and dress the same --who's a Hamas and who
isn't (so let's bomb the hell out of them, then we'll go in and clean up a few more, that should scare
them never to surprise-attack us again like they did on October 7th).   

Dropping bombs for three weeks on a dry, dirty overpopulated city is not a pretty sight, with millions
around the world watching it on TV screens; we're forced to feel sorry for the Arab natives instead of
those who make our comedies, who dress and talk like us, but have a mean side to them. Stiff
spokesmen and Jew generals didn't sympathize in their announcements to Gazans to go south into
their cramped city, then bombing the north and south. Such hypocrisy, with never any 'Sorry' to the
goy, who they are always encouraging to say sorry and bow down to the non-Whites. But the joke is
on them--just look at the anti-Israel demonstrations: aside from the 'human rights' females, most others
are 'kinda brown'. One black guy claimed in front of a TV camera that the fight against Zionists'
"apartheid" is the same as the fight they won over the Whites in South Africa.; that's why the commies'
apartheid is used so much in their demos. Who would have thought that the anti-racist crap the Jews
were pitching with their 'hate bill' would come back to bite them? They're called the New Nazis by the
anti-racist humanitarians... what irony.

Jews are now self-isolating until this Gaza stuff blows over, but they're mindful of who was against
them in their 'need' and over-reaction. The nonpolitical public has seen both sides and is choosing
one or the other, but acting above it, and that's not good for either ex-'victim' type. Sadly, their
arrogance has diminished the Holocaust , with new pictures in peoples' minds of little children being
dug up by hands from Jew-bombed ruins...What Holocaust?

One thing is for sure: Jews will vote for and finance kosher conservatives after this liberal/leftist
debacle. White Nationalists will have to put further pressure on these race traitor Whites that they
don't go anti-White Nationalist or change their names... because if you don't conserve your race, don't
call yourself a conservative as nature demands. Remember, race trumps all! 


Dear Donald Trump:

Now is your chance to show the human kindness side of a self-made
millionaire and personality to speak out for the bombed-out poor people
of Gaza by your Zionist Jew pals in Israel. Speak up, or haver the Reds
hound you for your mean 'fascism' wiring to hear you, like all fair-minded
White Nationalists. Enough is enough!

Nationalist Party of Canada
October 30, 3023

                                                   WHITE ISOLATION NEEDED 
                                                                            by Don Andrews   

The more Whites mix with others, the fewer they become; if things don't change our history will be like the myth of Atlantis as the
world again re-orders itself  according to race and color-- that's just the way it is. Some things, we don't have any sufficient explanation
for, like why we are here to begin with: death doesn't seem to give an answer. 

Whites need to have a public conversation with each other for the best course for their race's survival or be forgotten in history,
which is always written by  the non-White survivor victors. The Chinese race, looking for space, doesn't have to invade militarily --
we'll do it for them with our feminized society's low birthrate. It's so painful for newly-liberated women to have excruciating, painful
childbirth as the child-rearing years go by while they are "finding themselves". White men think they have all the time in the world to
have a family as they party on into their thirties. Both sexes are not fulfilling their sexual d'etre, wasting years to have three kids to
keep the same population plus a bit, with childish reasons, mindless of their real sexual purpose to procreate. It will take a White
mind-change to correct this certain path to extinction; you can be too smart for your own good if you don't take care of the basics.

Fortunately, isolationism is being imposed on Whites as they back off from their greedy colonialism which got them into this situation
to begin with. Asia, Africa and the Middle East  don't want know-it-all meddler Whites; after Korea, Vietnam  and Afghanistan, and Iraq
and Somalia loser-wars. White Nationalists must not repeat the mistakes of the past. European Whites need to go back to nature
regarding procreation and get rid of these snide anti-family types on the media full of queers and perverts.  North American Whites
must deal with a minority non-White (sometimes out of control) people. Crime is the big problem which should no longer be associated
with Whites.  Murderers and thieves bring misery. These people need more "bully study" by professionals as to why they are criminals
until they're tired of it.  Eventually North America will split up like everything else 'united':  the confederation of bilingual Canada will be
first with Quebec acting like a sovereign nation all ready to form a neo-French racemixed population, speaking a North American version
of French; A similar situation with the Indian and French Canadian Metis population in Manitoba; they did it before Louis Riel. They're
already getting specific rights now, soon to do it again.

Eventually there will 'Gazas' of poor, displaced peoples in cities across North America. These will be the times for a White Civil War
in North America, if there are any Whites left. This time the racists will win  and the White self-loathers will have a choice: stay or go,
if there are any left. The main things now is not to get involved in a third world war on behalf of anyone or any ideology. Let them fight
it out -- White Nationalists need to rebuild their race and change the slide to extinction. A good barometer of that situation is well shown
on the Daily Stormer website, where  you can watch our White population numbers going in the wrong direction (down), while the
non-White population climbs higher thanks to Andrew Anglin (the Daily Stormer's site is at .

                                                                                                            October 21, 2023


by Don Andrews 

Jews should tread carefully as they have just lost the sympathy of a whole generation, maybe two, after 
TV's Israeli airstrike results  show the destruction of the dispossessed Palestinians in Gaza, the four-letter
word that spelled the end of Jewish public sympathy. Palestinians are getting their victims' message across
the Jewsmedia to the hysterical naive public "forced" to take a side while their rebellious young go for the
underdog Palestinians: what irony.

The US is losing a lot more morality in many countries' eyes for its mean one-sided Zionist stooge attitude.
Jews right now are not popular in most of the Third World while Russia and China secretly chuckle at this
crisis for the rulers of the Western countries, but too afraid of their globalist banking powers. Unfortunately
for the mostly-arrogant cultist Jews, they failed to live up to their human rights public BS now on their biased
Jewsmedia making more of the leftist human rights advocates angry with Emails and texts to Zionist
apologists. The longer this revenge war in Gaza goes on the longer people will remember Zionists'/Jews' 
viciousness their TVs can't stop reporting this wicked war, as Gaza supporters are getting their news from
Internet videos. The ruler-cult Jews are keeping a close eye on anti-Semites of all stripes; France and still-
sorry-to-Jews Germany forbid pro-Palestinian demos while other pro-Western nations (Palestinian flags are
forbidden, biased power many will question).

 Jews had better stop this war quickly or suffer the long-lasting consequence of sympathy of the new
generation they raised in anti-racism and multiculturalism human rights that have come back to bite them
in the ass. Sounding bloodthirsty and vengeful on a killing mission to wipe out Hamas doesn't help -- people
get scared as they see Jews have a license to kill from the highest powers in the world as the rulers' nest-
nation increases the Gaza deaths to over 5,000, mostly women and children.  Tell Trudeau  (at his email
address  to call for a ceasefire before the hatred is ingrained more; the sooner the carnage
pictures of Gaza are off TV screens, the better for Jew cultists. Just looking mean is not a good idea.

                                                                                                                October 19, 2023

by Don Andrews 

 A new order is coming as the Jews' Western multicult world collapses. The old are mostly still with Israel
and the Jews, while the young are demonstrating against the Jews' mean war actions on poor Palestinians
in totally besieged Gaza. It's not a pretty  position to be on the Israelis' side with modern nuke-equipped
Israel bombing the hell out of a captive people in the world's biggest open-air prison, called Gaza. That's
the four-letter word -- G.A.Z.A. that will be their undoing, losing sympathy every day more and more as
many shun people in trouble here and far away.   

Many will ask, is it worth it to have a Jewish state after 2,000 years of absence, again, especially if it leads
to a Third World War no none wants? New anti-Semites are created daily, especially by the Jewsmedia's
unfair pro-Zionist reporting. People aren't stupid -- just naive, until they see the truth. This is an unfair fight
of Hamas and poor Gaza civilians against a local super power with an army, navy and air force. Everyone
can see, even if they are Zionists (who are now careful to claim that they are giving warnings, when they
level a Palestinian neighborhood). Such nerve and arrogance will not be forgotten. 

Israel as a state is committing war crimes  with indiscriminate bombing of overpopulated  Gaza to get at
Hamas, it's just evil and mean punishment for an entire people now told to move out of north
Gaza, never to return again like all the other Palestinian refugees in camps. That's called ethnic cleansing,
which no Jewsmedia outlet has condemned. These are the people listed below, to deride and complain to,
the evil Jewsmedia, promoting their killings. You can reach them and tell them what you think in no
uncertain terms. We do!


CBC News
CTV News
Global  News
CityTV news
CP 24 Toronto

In the USA

ABC News
NBC News    Contact Us (
CBS News
CNN              email:
Fox News     email:


In the UK:
BBC News                
SKY NEWS                


AL JAZEERA                                 Contact | Al Jazeera Media Network
Deutsche Welle (Germany)          Deutsche Welle contact information | DW
AFP France                         


                                                                                                                 October 15, 2023


by Don Andrews 

 White women love to use the phrase "Oh my God", and it's spreading. Never has God ever been implored
before so much, when there is hardly anyone in their churches. The phrase is used without any thought
of a god but it sounds pure and concerning. Nevertheless, it's a fallback position in a godless society that
evokes a god somewhere in the mix. 

Christians' religion in the feminist West has collapsed -- no one takes the Middle Eastern myths seriously
anymore, as cruel war rakes the Middle East with God's Chosen Bible people armed to the teeth and
waging war on the Palestinians' puny reactions to the Jews' control and punishment that gives Zionists
and supportive Christians a bad name in many non-religious minds. Talk of a Third World War starting
over the West's support of Israel doesn't make non-religious Whites closer to the Middle East conflict that
most want to isolate and not be drawn into one side or the other. It's mostly the human rights advocate
types who are drawn into the oppressed Palestinian side which further places Jews as the aggressors and
now, apartheid oppressors, like the new 'disappeared' once-ruling Whites in
racemixed South Africa. 

Jews will have a steep hill to crawl up in spite of their control of the Jewsmedia; the ordinary public is
against their wars to maintain the myth of  a Jewish cult-state surrounded by angry Muslim nations and
dispossessed hate-filled Palestinians within to do their dirty work without citizens' rights. This is all
against human nature and integrity, which can't last forever as Hamas has shown and Hezbollah threatens
on Israel's Lebanon border. Israel will shrink population-wise as Western Jews will leave the country for
safer futures. The next step will be its borders. Like the past 2,000 years, it will be back to the future for
Zionists, "OH MY GOD!!"


                                                                                                                 October 12, 2023                                                                  

                                             FOR ANOTHER GENERATION

                                                            by Don Andrews

Cultist Jews think that they are so smart, but their arrogance will be their undoing. Not only do they
have the hatred from the conspiracy theorists  and White racists, but now they have the hatred of the
pro-Third World types, Whites who are sympathetic to them, and especially the long-suffering
Palestinians. Nasty Zionist rhetoric doesn't help  when delivered by "Dr. Strangelove" German-accented
spokesmen. They are all relying in the Orwellian  word "terrorist" , which wears thin when the
opponents are so militarily mismatched. Calling people "animals" to give them cover to carpet-bomb
residential areas of an over-packed populous enclave like Gaza does them no good. Zionists' brutality
and excuses fall on deaf ears of  their new 'anti-Semite' haters' demonstrations at Israeli embassies
across the world.   

One thing is for sure: No one cares or wants to hear their Holocaust stories as they lose their
victimhood card in the public arena. Sure, they control the Jewsmedia, now striving to appear semi-fair
on their war reporting and remembering how the "fake newsmedia" is distrusted by ordinary people.
Every day that the Gaza war goes on they acquire more anti-Semitism. Globalist Jew cultists have been
at the forefront of anti-White racism and failed multiculturalism; now they are reaping the 'benefits',
with anti-racist posters at their doors. What young people will care when they appear to be murdering
with air raids on besieged poor people crammed into a small overpopulated city like Gaza? They're just
sitting ducks for Israeli Jew bombs, with no electricity, no food, no water and no medicine; these are
definitely crimes against humanity. Who can feel sorry for perceived war criminals handing out
collective punishment totally against international law? Excuses from their gruff, arrogant spokesmen
only anger fair-minded people further. 

 If Jews were really smart they would first cease and desist the slimebag comments by Jew liar
spokespeople--they are sickening, especially when they tell Gazans to leave certain areas while
they bomb all other areas, including schools and mosques. Oh yeah, they're stupid and arrogant
-- and you know where that will end: More hatred!

                                         October 11, 2023
                             ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
                     TELL ISRAEL TO STOP THE GAZA WAR 

                                                    by Don Andrews   

 Semitic God Jew cultists  better end the Gaza War quickly, as their Israel is losing support with
the bombed-out pictures of Gaza showing what they are doing now. It's all bad publicity for the
Jews the longer this war lasts, not even on a country but against an Islamic armed Palestinian
militia-- Hamas. Obviously, the air force and naval Israelis are militarily superior to Hamas
fighters, so it shouldn't take the big  'good guy' long to put down the Hamas 'bad guys'.
Otherwise, the big guy appears to be a mean bully when they go to war with their "justified
defense". Already the leftist commie crowd is demonstrating for the darker, victimized
Palestinians with their flags. Can you imagine how the 'Whiter' Jews feel about this betrayal of
their stupid multicultural immigration? L.O.L. -- Sorry!  People are watching what side
you or your group is falling on: I notice that most younger, politically-aware are feeling sorry
for  the 'darker' underdog, even if they are head-choppers. That's a lot of anti-Semitized people
with rigid 'liberal' views bordering on anarchy.

After this massacre, the Gaza War in Israel will gradually shrink, unless they order a baby boom
-- unlikely in a matriarchal society (you're not a Jew, unless your mother was a Jew). No one can
really feel safe for the next ten years, certainly not tourists, wondering if there are any
Palestinians glaring around. Already, Israel is taking too long to rush into Gaza following their
bombs; instead they're all taking too much time bombing, with bad publicity every day,
elevating the Palestinian protesters' hate.  Europeanized Jews will have to adopt White
Nationalists' attitudes to guarantee their survival. They've seen the savage hatred  of their
Semitic neighbors in a Middle East "California"; Remember, in 1915 only about five percent of
present-day Israel was Jewish; the Limeys' Balfour Agreement re-made the resettlement of an
ancient Semitic cult people, now greatly Europeanized, along with their Eurasian/Khazar  
conversions (the little tough- guy Jews, The Azhkanazi). The Semites are called "Sephardic",
showing how they got divided in peacetime; the other day, a Sephardic (Semitic) Jew yelled at
a Khazar converted Jew, "May you burn in Hell!"

Tell them to end the Gaza War ... before we all go to hell.

                                                                                                     October 9, 2023


                                                                       by Don Andrews 

When you are a cult of some 20 million people who control  almost all regimes in the Western World, you
don't want too much attention yourself. That's the case with the matriarchal Semitic God cult of the Jews.
The surprise attack by Hamas (a collection of Palestinian anti-Israeli fighters, mostly majority Sunni
Muslims), has put Jews on the back heel as today's Jewsmedia takes the war apart and and their owners'

discussing the minutiae of the adversaries' ways, thoughts and attitudes. The war action is so interesting
that more watchers start choosing sides, and that's not good for the Western World rulers -- their kind killing others. It's just messy: no one wants to get close to a fight.

Pushing public support for Israel will naturally get the other side, when no one even considered they were
involved -- way-over-there Ukraine or Israel (It's not our fight). Already the leftists are showing themselves
at pro-Palestinian protests, carrying Palestinian flags while the official Jewsmedia is calling for support
for Israel. This is a lot of pissed-off Anglo feminists and Marxist types, probably becoming "anti-Semitic".
The nasty tone of all pro-Israel pundits on the Jewsmedia doesn't help; everyone knows it's a 'David'
Hamas which is against the air force/navy/army/nuclear-equipped Goliath called Israel. Jews are suffering
again with photos of teens being shot dead running away from a concert by darker men with machine
guns who ended up taking 22 Israeli military positions and two towns for a while... now it's the "Jews' "
turn (a word you won't hear too much on the Jewsmedia) to bomb Gaza into rubble (it looks like that
already, with no greenery). Watching Gaza getting bombed day and night isn't good publicity for the nice,
victimized people; raiding back into Gaza to rescue some hostages is more madness, revenge and
that they can release later for the Hamas fighters that Israel says it has captured. One thing is for
sure: Western Jews won't be immigrating to Israel anytime soon: this war is a no-win situation for Israel,
with endless discussion of what went wrong with 'intelligence', both Americans' and Israelis' to have
 this well-planned attack now attributed to Iran. This is a very dangerous warmongering position,
pushing punishment on Iran for helping a captured, open-air prison people break out; it's not exactly
anything that would make you join the fight.

It's easy to feel sorry for the horror stories now coming out about what supposedly happened to Jew
civilians in the 'fog of war'. One Palestinian Arab complained on Jewsmedia TV  that the reason the West
supports Israel is because they are Whiter. The Jewsmedia host just passed over this -- all of a sudden,
anti-racism interest waned. Some Jewsmedia pundits are calling the Hamas people "animals", as they
yawn while Gaza is being bombed to smithereens.

Jews will have to drop their idiotic and self-endangering anti-racism if they are continually going to
survive as a cult people with the White man's help since World War II. Let's not let them require a
World War III to save them again; White racists are the only ones they can count on to save
them again in the final analysis. 

                                                                                                  October 2, 2023


by Don  Andrews 

Canada desperately needs a White baby boom, and it can only be achieved by bribing our hedonistic
women with money; a large sum, say. $10,000, is needed initially with every child birth and a generous
stay-at-home monthly stipend will be needed for parents to raise their children to maturity. It will take
billions of tax dollars to complete this program until our birthrate reaches over the replacement level of
an aging population, which definitely needs more economic help to make life worthwhile and the country's
population self-sustainable.

We should take the billions of dollars wasted on foreign aid which only makes more of "them" on the
planet that want to come here. Foreign aid to non-Whites (other than for emergency help) is like cutting
our own throats in a slow fashion while thinking you are doing good... for others only. Bring in millions
more Third World migrants is madness while our healthy women go barren and eventually, lonely and
dissatisfied in old age. Of course the anti-White racist globalist morons in charge now won't agree, but
this idea will make them think and wonder what they are doing with our tax dollars as these same now-
ruling fools disappear and are hardly remembered -- except on old gravestones. White Nationalists can't
let that happen; in a propagandized anti-racist society, all Whiter racists, male and female, should show
the way and try to have a large family, even without that baby bonus. 

Special considerations, from courts to politics, are given to the losers of the continent (Aboriginals), so
there a precedent already of special treatment on a racial basis that Whites need to benefit from for a
change. Now is the time  to lobby your local and federal politicians to get financial help from this regime.
Whether federal or provincial, helping Canada's birthrate increase is a great patriotic act that queers and
barren anti-racist media must be informed and harangued about. Let's not beat around the bush. Tell all
concerned what should be done for our wasted foreign aid and war-spent billions to Third World countries
that only increased the influx of costly non-White immigrants into Canada. Remember, whenever we go
there, we end up bringing them here. Charity begins at home, so let's practice that before we don't have
one anymore (White Americans, take note and follow suit).

The more we demand this, the more our enemies will howl and advertise our good idea for the White race
in Canada. Tell Trudeau at his email address,  We will.

                                                                                                September 30, 2023



  by Don Andrews   

Dwindling, barren "anti-racist" Whites are worried that democracy will be their undoing, as White racists
survive for the future racetraitor Whites who won't be around. Democracy (dictionary meaning: a system
of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected
representatives) is an ancient White peoples' (Greek) concept that is not for everyone, especially other
races. That's why we should not be pushing it on others; it is the cause of lots of foreign interventions
and wars, causing the deaths of millions--including democracy-pushers. It's an arrogant idiot's
ideological mistake and failure. 

Democracy can work in a uniracial society, but when other races are introduced, democracy becomes
a separatist tool, especially if it's an official multicult country like Canada and other White peoples'
|countries saddled by anti-racist, childless globalists. When 'majority rules', non-Whites could eventually
vote us out of existence-- a position that they are almost at with White idiots' anti-racist laws already in
place. Now it's just a matter of time, with Whites' low birthrate below a sustainable level. Why else would
they have such restrictive anti-free speech laws. other than to shut down all opposition to the Great
Replacement of Whites by greedy globalist elites ready to rule in a racemixed state?  Democracy could
become the tool to our racial demise. 

Unless constitutional laws are passed that cannot be overturned in any plebiscite or by ant anti-White
regime democratic multiculturalism will lead to our White race's extinction; just look at what happened
to once-White-run South Africa --no Whites around of any consequence. Unfortunately these Whites used
blacks and Asians to do their dirty work -- another stupidity toward White race destruction. Let's not make
that mistake again in North America, especially in White anti-racist idiots' Canada. Smart White
Nationalists are determined not to let this happen.  We are the ideology for our future existence.

Secure your future now by getting rid of official multiculturalism -- tell your local politician and
Justin Trudeau ( in no uncertain terms. Your future depends on it.

September 26, 2023


by Don Andrews 

Donald Trump is trying to undermine or satisfy the commies and feminists by throwing in fascists and
fascism as one of his enemies and supposed critics in his pronouncements, when he always lays off
all his enemies and detractors.  Trump may mean well to the kosher conservative idiots and advisors
who might have counted fascists among his enemies; you know, the hedonists who don't stand for
anything except their pleasure nowadays.

Trump must have seen the 'Fasces' in may American buildings and papers -- that's the symbol of
authority the Romans carried around to show who was in charge before the Emperor made his entrance. It's a cool symbol that has a great connection to the White race that should be used and admired -- only the mentally ill hooligan crowd fears it. Commies and/or White self-loathers
call pro-White coups 'fascists'; is Trump trying to lose that ten percent  of the population go for today?
That's the White racial base conservative type that politicians take for granted... foolishly.

In Canada the Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre mentioned just once how he was concerned about
the massive immigration into Canada lately from the Third World. Now the evil anti-White media  has
pegged him as a racist (they vote a lot more than you think in his corner). White racists or nationalists,
as the media has learned of our eventual goal, to now say and write, is already is an achievement for
that public goal and fascism is always naturalistic. Trump needs to learn or be reminded about our
movement, also referred to as the 'far right' by opponents. Without White racism, no 'conservative'
party should use that term; if you're not concerned about your future survival as a race, you're useless.
Just join the 'hedonism only' lineup for life over there.

Let's all correct Trump and his handlers; fascists are not your enemy... don't demonize us. 
World War II is over.


                                                                                                September 24, 2023

                                               NEEDS TO BACK OFF

                                                                           by Don Andrews   

Whenever there is a conflict somewhere, especially if it's condemned by the One World Government
of the United Nations, you can be sure Canada is ready to get involved, with citizens' blood and money.
Obviously one can see the country's regimes do not meet the needs of its poorer citizens, with millions -- no, billions -- going into foreign interventions called "peacekeeping", or giving millions  --of tax dollars away to Ukraine (a 31-year old country that obviously needs new borders to
protect the Russian minorities). You would think that Canada would be on the side of the oppressed
minorities in the Ukraine, but not when the anti-Russian globalists say no.

You can tell the various same-policy / three main political parties adopted anti-White race multi-
culturalism, inviting the various races to  swamp the feminists' near-barren White population into scared
oblivion, that the rich party hacks can avoid while you hunker down every night hoping no weirdo
stranger doesn't try your door or window. 

The absolute hatred that the evil media and the dirty cowardly politicians have heaped upon racially-
aware White Canadians is outstanding. Yet, these same hypocrites enshrined no-free- speech/anti-hate
laws against any Canadian citizen who objects with prison bars waiting for them. So-called liberals are
such hypocrites and the conservatives are relegated to just objecting when their pocket books are
threatened. There is no conservatism in the Conservative Party on any social issue, never mind keeping
the White race healthy in an idiot's multicult society.

Canada is in lockstep with deadly multicult racemixing, where Whites slowly but surely disappear. I
blame it all on naive women voters, most of whom are opposed to White Nationalism, publicly and at
the voting booth (Women were first given the vote in Canada in 1918), while stupidly worrying about all
the non-White crime that morons' multiculturalism has brought to their doorstep, especially in their
cities. There seems to be a real hatred toward men who think otherwise and are concerned about White
race survival that the White feminists don't seem to care about our future and our past, right to the point
of our racial extinction. More has to be done by brave Canadian men if we want to stop our racial demise
with a vigorous defense of the White racial position  and a vocal objection to racemixing and to
multiculturalism. Running away from the big cities and leaving them to non-Whites is cowardly and
self-defeating;the same goes for anyone in public or privately who espouses death-knell multiculturalism, which must be condemned every opportunity you get. 

Unless White women wake up and smell the criminal stench they created by voting for pretty boy
Trudeaus, or any other useless male politician like them, I can see that women voting will be a curse on
White peoples' existence, when many men will consider why the anti-White race traitors should vote.
Remember: what Man has done before, he can do again.

Speak up, White men -- especially to your naive White women!



                                                                                                                     September 20, 2023


                                                                             by Don Andrews 

 There is no one else around to guide Whites morally. Only White racists (nationalists) are around to
point out idiocies and dangerous stupidities that are around today to teach young people the White

man's way. It's certainly not the politicians, media or today's clergy that Whites can count on for their

kind of civilization worthy to live in. All the fore-mentioned couldn't care less about White race survival, never mind common sense -- rules to live by in a peaceful society.  All of these race traitor groups have undermined  future White lives with their self-loathing and anti-racism policies;
how can you expect race traitors to ensure your existence? You can't! That's why White Nationalists
must not 'go off the deep end' with crazy unnatural violence which might bring some temporary
satisfaction but in the long run will scare many good people away. 

I've fought commies and other naive elements all my life. Once I had over 300 angry reds at one house
that I built a fence to protect thirteen loyalists who came to my defense when hundreds of screaming
nut cases who invaded my house. I feared for my life and reached for a gun that I possessed at the time
to shoot some of them, until the last second when I noticed police hats also inside the front door trying
to get the anti-racist idiots out. That's when I quickly put the rifle back on its shelf; that's how close I
came to shooting someone. Thankfully it didn't happen, but at that time  I was reduced to shooting,
feeling that they were in my house to do me harm. Thank God it didn't happen -- unfortunately since the
media and public institutions are all against natural White Nationalists, many people who think like
myself are  afraid to express it publicly, leading to a grudgingly accepting a dangerous racemixed
society that makes many Whites hunker down at home at night, leaving their downtowns empty.

Usually the anti-racist idiots too many children, if any at all, so they'll be gone as soon as more and more Whites realize the importance of race for a vibrant civilization, casting aside the 'Pollyanna' racemixer advocates now long dead  and gone. Natural White racism is growing in every
corner of the dwindling White world in spite of all the anti-racist propaganda of a dying breed of self-

loather wimpy White fools. No one listens to the anti-racist teachers  and "experts" who are looked upon
 disdain  as soon as they turn their backs, by others. 

Only White Nationalists can bring a level of balance to society. White Nationalists are the base to rebuild
a White Nation that now requires a stop to all non-White immigration until the dust settles, especially
from their crime waves that the scumbag media hides daily by hardly ever showing the non-White culprits' faces committing the crimes. Tell Trudeau (email: ) to stop all immigration immediately for a while until this is solved.

Anyone who is anti-racist is N.F.G. !

                                                                                                                              SEPTEMBER 15, 2023


by Don Andrews     

America may be materially rich but it's morally poor. Evil mayhem and murder are just around the corner
for all of them. Most of North America is full of disgusting murders where everyone and anyone at anytime
face brutal death. With so many real crime shows, no one can deny  that the United States is a charnel house
of horror. Thousands of victims with crime memories have them looking over their shoulders subconsciously.
Evil and danger are everywhere because if the nature of the souls that inhabit it. 

American women and children are the most susceptible . with thousands of them missing still out there,
many of whom who won't be found until they are skeletons. The entire country is dotted with murdered body
sites, yet the hedonistic naive fools walk around mindlessly, looking for fun when they should be hunting
killers; Americans frolicking like sheep  in a pasture before the slaughter. One thing is for sure:
Fear must be put back into the media-elevated murderers. You can't expect respect from evildoers.
So, fear-- it's close to respect... it's the only option. 

SEPTEMBER 13, 2023


by Don Andrews 

 "Crime" is such a short, five letter word. Yet the death and pain and misery caused by crime is enormous,
all-encompassing and socially depressing, spreading fear throughout society. It's a crappy civilization that
puts up with it, especially violent crime. All sincere politicians recognize the need to stop crime, but they
rarely mention the monsters and the horror involved. Only naive and purposely-blind feminists and
commies ever mention it. Some of them, mostly leftists, even want to defund the police, while their less-
political neighbors hide in their houses at night behind numerous door locks and security systems; North
Americans live this way.   

Sure, North America is the dumping ground for all kinds of losers from other continents, most of them
greedbags and runaways and kick-outs from the rest of the world. With such an avaricious element, it's no
surprise that they seem to accept criminality and immorality as something to put up with, as long as it
doesn't affect them; that's what you call enabling the evil element. North American media seems to revel
in it, often making notorious criminals as some kind of 'demi-heroes', with the numerous real and imagined
crime shows and articles; proper condemnation of the monsters who commit the crimes is hard to find.
Watch these shows and see for yourself. That's the first place to start fighting crime. The evil anti-White
which will actually try to hide the race and background of the evil perpetrators, Never will the media morons
put down the criminals, especially if they are non-White. It's sickening, which makes the media partially
culpable for the crimes, by omission. On top of all that, you hardly ever hear  the media praise the police
or encourage more funding. Instead they give publicity to defund-the-cops nut cases.  All this must stop,
with White Nationalists' harsh encouragement to politicians. Mayors should definitely be made aware with
hiding the non-Whites' identities and countries of birth of these violent criminals, instead of pushing failed
multiculturalism and so-called diversity that still brings so much uncertainty and sadness to millions and
peaceful others.

Secondly we must demand that the stupid, politically-correct politicians of all races tell the truth on who
is committing most of this evil. It's a start that we have embraced. Third should be, if you see something,
say something -- now!




September 11, 2023

                                                                                            by Don Andrews   

You never fear or see a female dictator in the world. Why? Because democracy is their dictatorship as
long as they have the right to vote. Women vote in blocs usually for a liberal globalist meddler party; they 
are not isolationist or even care about White race survival. With the exception of a very few smart ones
they just don't care about racial identity -- at least, not publicly. Meanwhile, White women who suffer the
most in a violent, racemixed criminal society still don't care. A lot of them are dismissive, embarrassed
and resentful toward public White Nationalists, when they are needed most when White patriots are being
persecuted and prosecuted by the anti-White Establishment police and courts. That's a stab in the back of
our race that has not been accounted for. This treachery must stop. 

 White women are big for anyone else's freedom and concerns except their White men; this antagonism
stems from hatred and anger toward anything 'manly' on the White man's side, while praising anti-White
non-Whites. It's so unnatural, right to the point of a low unsustainable birthrate that migrants now have to
be brought in to do the dirty work that White women don't respect. With the exception of some
Mediterranean types (Greeks, Italians), most marriages break down among Anglos and others infected
by unnatural feminism. Millions of single mothers live alone with their fatherless kids, mostly in poverty,
and later children's criminality occurs with no father around, so  that most cities; downtowns are too
dangerous to visit at night. This is not the happiness or freedom that we all want.

Anytime you hear a shrill voice condemning White racism, make sure you open your mouth or send an
e-mail top confront this deadly idiocy that is dwindling the great White race to oblivion. Don't let any race
traitor  have the last word, because they mean the last White man.. if you don't speak up  wherever you
are, the enemies of the White race exist whatever their their sex is. That's our duty, to speak up for the
White man, whoever is against him. We do --we must encourage White women to be loyal to our great
White race, or perish.


                                                                                                                                   September 9, 2023


                        WAS CURTAILED WITH JAIL IN CANADA.
                                    ...NOW IT'S THEIR TURN FOR PRISON? 

                                                          by Don Andrews

A professor, Jordan Peterson, is caught in the 'Liberals' anti-free speech Hate Law in idiots' multicult


Sure I feel sorry for Professor Jordan Peterson, formerly of the University of Toronto and now Chancellor
at Georgia's Ralston College, charged under Canada's notorious Hate Bill, created to shut up White who
do not agree with anti-racist White self-loathers and secret bigot hypocrites when they brought in (now)
millions of non-Whites into Canada under some cockeyed idea of an oxymoronic multiculturalism --  which essentially means no White culture or White pride, now only open to non-Whites to flourish in enclaves in once-White Canada.

I went to jail for a two-year sentence that qualified me for Canada's penitentiary system, from scary old
Kingston to the medium facility of Joyceville, to the facility located at Bath, Ontario. I learned a lot after
I lost my cushy job as a health inspector as chief steward of my local CUPE union. and did jobs from
delivering early morning newspapers and driving a cab to make ends meet. These politically correct
bastards and bitches can ruin your life, if you don't follow their commie feminist rules.

More condemnation of this gag law on free speech in Canada is needed in Canada, especially by
university eggheads, who were all silent when I was the first to be charged and convicted in this naive
land of hypocrisy and men frightened of their loud-mouthed women. Now these same liberal and libertine
types are suffering from all the multicult crime in Canada; if it's violent it's usually non-Whites involved.
These do-gooders make us all afraid to go downtown and curtail our grand plans for entertainment with
the thoughts of evil activity directed at us. White anti-racist idiots are the cause of lots of misery and
apprehension in our daily lives that should be never forgotten when writing letters to the editor; they
should sense the hatred that they have achieved against their fellow Whites whenever you deal with any
of them, especially in the anti-White media. 

Jordan Peterson and his university pals need to come out publicly against this free speech tyranny in a
naive women-run country, if they really care. Speak up! Don't stay silent, like the Jewsmedia wants Trump
to do. Total free speech is a human right that no regime or dictator should parcel out on what you can and
can't say. Anything less, is a liar's state pretending to have democratic freedom while  limiting speech.

Curse all those who support these evil anti-free speech laws, in whatever capacity they are in the
prosecutions of free White men! May they choke on their lies!


                                                                                                                                 September 7, 2023


                                                                                by Don Andrews

The first step out of the topsy-turvy, feminist, commie women's unnatural world destined to destruction
by a hedonistic society, is taking place. So-called celebrities are now out of vogue. These characters are
the public whores for society and they're becoming irrelevant. The only 'men' that follow these characters' lives are unhappily "woke", wondering, what did  I do with my wasted life as more and more of these former heroes come out of the closet.

 TV shows come and go; the continuing propaganda against White nationalists or White racial identity
is still verboten, while the slimebags pretend that Canada has freedom of speech. What a grim joke, as
Professor Jordan Peterson is finding out the hard way through the kangaroo courts I endured , where
truth doesn't matter if it conflicts with mental-case anti-racist Whites. It's a real Alice in Wonderland
idiocy and soon we'll hear that racemixers' idol Barack Obama is bisexual, queer or whatever than the
celebrities in Hollywood. East Indian Vivek Ramaswamy is saying the things Trump should be mouthing
off about. It's the whole package of conservatism with hidden concerns of racism; you know the suck-ass approach  that ends up making you look cowardly and foolish for not taking common sense (our first concern), then, outward good will, and then, demand fair play. I notice Canada's
Conservative Party has adopted the first part of our 'common sense' motto-- not airy-fairy sense or
Marxist ideology, which are about the same as both ignore Man's nature and racial differences.

 The entertainment and Jewsmedia are run by the same globalist Semitic god cult following a vindictive,
selfish semi-omnipotent 'god' who can't seem to beat his opponent Satan, leaving it up to us to fight him.
It's all very weird and doesn't ring sane with a  White man's mind, except under duress. As they say, at
one time, all gods were true; thank God the Aztecs and Incas who were among many others who
demanded human sacrifice. are gone. replaced by a god who already got his  sacrifice -- his own son
on a cross...blood lust or what? Even the Prince of Peace allowed himself to go out violently (reminded
today by all the miserable crucifixes around). That can't be good for a happy soul; so much pain we
have to account for and be reminded of.


                                                                                                                                 September 5, 2023



Your commie/feminist is full of crap. God help the human race if it tries to rely on the hosebags of The View.

And curse all of you anti-Trump morons and witches for speaking against the White peoples' choice for US
President in 2024 when propaganda programs like The View will be out of sight.

Nationalist Party of Canada

Toronto Canada


September 1 2023

                                                                                                                   September 1 2023


   by Don Andrews

I saw the first ranks of the 'orderly' mob descend on the globalist traitors' hive. I know history and I've never read, heard or seen  an insurrection  where the 'revolutionaries' stayed within the velvet ropes  as they marveled at their easy deed with the traitors hiding in the basement den of inequity. I remember disparagingly looking at the mostly directionless wandering in the foyer and hallways before they were ordered out. These people could have burned the place down, but instead the furious mob was ushered out... wow what a revolution.

Yet the ruling Establishment knows this could be a precursor ; so instead of using the carrot and not the stick, the mean morons stuck with the stick every since they brought in 'muzzle laws' on what you can say while shameless boasting about their freedom of speech that Putin's commies don't give these Canadians. Reds and feminists are just the same dictatorial types, if you listen to their uncompromising squawks and squeals--they're just pathetic, and headed for the dustbin of history by their own self-loathing anti-racist weirdness. It's so unnatural, that if I ever get into a conversation with a true-believer White self-loather, I can only look and him or her as somewhat unnatural. That's the kind of world Whites are living in now; only White Nationalists stand in the way. Even front-fool Biden said "domestic terrorism"-- Orwellian words for an immovable opposition problem. These same White traitors terrorize millions into keeping quiet -- or else -- as a sub-thought with many opposition figures.

Whatever the case, the Establishment shot itself in the foot with its heavy-handed sentences to the January 6 protesters, giving dissidents with resolve and anger that should be shown to all public figures who are against White society survival. Could there be a higher cause?

August 26, 2023



   by Don Andrews 

Unless you are a White Nationalist or have at least two children you have done nothing for the dwindling
White race as a White woman. No other female partner of any other race is so barren and arrogant at the

same time, especially if they believe in the failed ideology of anti-White racism, which requires loyalty to your

Racemixing is common among White women compared to other races who don't generally  condone
racemixing unions. It's the naive, hateful White women who are the biggest and ugliest anti-White race idiots,
Big-mouthed broads seem proud to be anti-racists, from the cheapskate kosher conservative Niki Haley to a
screaming White feminist commie dame, they are White self-loathers  who should shut up. This is the real
rot in White society: pretty smiling faces that mean your eventual extinction. Today's White men are  the only
ones afraid of their women in an over-sexified society that thinks that sex is all, while smart people know race is all! White Nationalists of both sexes need to reprimand and correct these unnatural characters before they spread their evil bile. whether they are in your kitchen, bedroom or t

he evil Jewsmedia.

A  matriarchal cult that says you are not a Jew unless your mother is. This is the cult that rules the media
that has to be corrected;  it dies not want to be persecuted again as has happened so much in the history of
their past. White Nationalists don't want to live under their anti-nature rules that seem to be bringing us closer and closer to a third world war that the mean feminists don't seem to care about. They certainly are not the 'fair sex' with this sanguine attitude toward world-meddling and war --
that is the real problem in Western society, highlighted by Trump's indictments and persecution that all dizzy
dames seem to love. It's sickening, especially when the hosebags talk about democracy. They only
undermine it totally with their antagonistic anti-male voting patterns, always putting pretty boys in office,
who are about as manly a queers.

Fortunately by definition, White racists are here to stay, unlike the idiocy of anti-male White feminism,
as nature intended, for all those who are against  White Nationalism and White race survival .

                                                                                                                     August 21, 2023

by Don Andrews   

It's so gratifying to see the Jewsmedia pundits twisting and turning, trying to explain and figure out why
the White people's choice Donald Trump is high in the polls; they are all flabbergasted. But never mention
that he's mostly White Nationalist-supported -- that puts Trump way ahead of the bought-and-paid-for
Establishment politicians like Pence and DeSantis. All Republican rivals are secretly hated by politically-
aware Whites. Only mean cheapskates and anti-racist death wish Whites would vote against Trump, the
most media-persecuted and hounded candidate by Justice Department prosecutors.

Curse all White race traitors, especially now that we're on the cusp of losing power in a racemixed, unnatural,
impossible criminals' state--the United States... same goes for Canadian White anti-racists as we wait for

their barren lives to end. Good riddance to you I say, since you were Jonestown suicidal already... so much
for all our race traitors.



                                                                           By Don Andrews

Let the Slavs figure out where their borders are -- don't feed their war in the Ukraine, don't meddle, don't
aid in killing more dwindling Whites . Don't listen to anti-White race globalists; they're suicidally deluded
(mentally ill) .White Nationalists are isolationists, not idiot multiculturalists that disappear after three

generations of deadly racemixing. White need to reconstitute their race, and it won't be done in an 
idiot's multicult society.

Bring these points up to your women and girls -- remind them of the deadly dangers of a racemixed society
where non-White crime runs rampant. There's enough evil weirdos in the North American garbage can of
the lost and 
dangerous souls. Support your local  police-- speak out against commie idiots who want to
defund the police when even more are needed.



                                                                                                                 August 19, 2023


                               WHITE WOMEN NOW? 

                                                      By Don Andrews 

 I've never seen so many tattoos on White women lately. they're ugly and suggestive; pain is no
problem, nor is marking yourself all up until you and your wrinkled skin make it to an old age
home --if they make it. 

Tattoos are not very feminine, just like the feminists and wannabe tough girls who sport them. Tattoos
are almost considered neo-criminal by most people. Some think you are trying to scare them with how
tough you are, and possibly dangerous. It's not very ladylike -- but what do you expect from a mostly
weak and fatherless male society? It's not pretty. On top of it all, tattoos mark you for life; you never
know how you'll feel when you're a mother or an older adult (old ladies with tattoos--what tribe are they
from?). God forbid anything happens to you in a violent manner where you're unrecognizable -- at least
the tattoo might identify you. Watching crime shows, I see that happens a lot, so what's that tell you
what others think of you or your bravado as a corpse?  Time goes on and you won't think the same
public way as you get older and try to cover some of these tattoos so people won't assume anything
about your character or morality and try to take advantage of your presumed social status before
they approach you.

Girls, ladies, think twice before getting a tattoo; the publicly-presumed negatives outweigh the
positives of honoring something or someone that doesn't  matter to you now-- yet you are still
marked for life openly with your wilder past.

Think about it.


                                                                                                                                August 15, 2023

                               MENTAL CASE WHITE ANTI-RACISM IS A SLOW DEATH 

                                                                                           by Don Andrews

White Nationalists are called hatemongers against non-Whites , but the truth is that we sure don't want racemixing when Whites are
dwindling out of existence. However our real hatred is directed against anti-racist White morons. Anti-racist Whites can be blamed along with their non-White pets whenever a White person is murdered by non-Whites.   Anti-racist idiots brought them all here, especially the greedy, rich
capitalists who brought Africans to America for free labor instead of paying poor Whites  a decent wage. These two-faced, avaricious pigs
then have the nerve to pretend they are Whiteracists-- that's what you call greedbag bigotry. 

All rapes and murders of Whites can be laid at the anti-racist hypocrites who think they earn 'angel wings' for being against White
Nationalists while their pets go marauding across the Americas. Anti-racists are a two-faced people with their arrogant, treacherous, immoral stupidity, making excuses for their non-White murderous pets by being against their own kind, who are telling the truth on non-White crime and
mayhem. Take no crap from these race traitors and call them what they are whenever the occasion occurs. Don't be afraid if they're young

and pretty --they're usually the worst, naive imbeciles who put everyone's lives at risk, including their own.  How often do you see black
-on-White crime and brutal murders? Yet the evil media overseers are purposely naive to say anything about the other numerous racial 
criminals? God forbid that a White group is responsible for any crimes against non-Whites; you would never hear the end of it from the
liberal  feminist anti-White self-loathers.

Now is the time for all Whites to unite in racial harmony, We can't battle crime until all Whites are on board, including the deluded 
treacherous anti-racist Whites, still in multicultural baloney that nature itself never intended. Let's shut these anti-White traitors down with 
total hateful condemnation that all 'Jonestown' anti-racists deserve as they wipe themselves out with barren lives that undermine our
and existence. White anti-racism is a guaranteed slow death wish in fear and isolation, shame and misery they have brought to
ordinary Whites. Contempt, disgust and dismissal is what White anti-racists deserve right now -- verbally, and later with more robust action,
especially during public elections. Give them no peace and relaxation, starting with their propagandist anti-White media reporters and pundits.
They should worry if they have any conscience (doubtful) when they go to bed as White people are grinding their teeth with animosity

toward all White racetraitors. 

Don't be  intimidated by their rulers and laws predicated to make Whites fearful in their own land, What other race would do that --not even
the most successful race on the planet now, Red China (so much for their commie Internationale anthem, all bogus on racemixing).  All White
racists are heroes and should act like they are proud White Nationalists who will eventually separate from the anti-racist/multicult mess as
these cursed naive souls disappear due to their own  barren, childless existence. Be quick to curse them all as evil people who don't
deserve less.

I've been jailed by these bastards who have hounded me for years and still do, and guarantee, if possible, to hate them in the next dimension
or reincarnation. Traitors deserve no rest, whoever they are, a pope or a politician That's where my hatred lies.

So should yours.


                                                                                                                         August 8, 2023


                                                                                 by Don Andrews     

Crime is the main issue in criminals' North America. 

Well, what did you expect in a continent filled by "old country" losers? There's going to be lot of evil people
running away to the new Promised Land, along with the economically greedy? In no other White peoples'
country are there so many murderers and outright 
weirdos. That's nothing to be proud of, no matter how
much the media glamorizes criminals. Just watch the now-numerous real crime shows and see the lack of
moral condemnation of the mean killers.

Feminists' America is the most dangerous place for women, without the real interest and hatred of the killer
criminals. Certainly the liberal and libertine media doesn't care or comment on the continuing outrages of
crime and missing women and  children  in the blighted United States.  White Nationalists, for their own good and that of their loved ones, must participate in hunting the disgusting creatures masking as humans down; however,
it should not stop there, as pressure on the authorities must be applied that the criminals get their just
desserts. Who else will do it? Certainly not the commies and feminists who are responsible for the laws and
lack of morality in a fatherless society where real manhood (not the queers' stuff ) is on shows like TV's
Modern Family -- 
and its ethics).  Today's male morality in society is demonstrated by wimpy or queer males
or TV; aside from a few politicians like Donald Trump, all others appear to be cuckolded characters; like
we've said before, there's no real men on TV. The irony is that it is mostly-White women who are being
murdered in racemixed North America.

Americans are urged to get some guts and admit the already-deadly problem in a dangerous racemixed
continent. Look inwards, naive, arrogant people, and  smell the shitty humanity around you instead of
conducting foreign wars to impose your misery on others. Most criminals are lazy fatherless bastards with
a chip on their shoulder. Women mostly can't raise real men with morality-- they're all spoiled brats with little
fear of society's consequences for their own crimes. Jewsmedia TV shows are no help, when 'comedies'
make light of shyster crime and murder. No wonder it's not looked on with total condemnation. More public
outrage is needed, starting with Jewsmedia reporters and pundits. Let's give them hell for their "Laissez-faire" attitude to people suffering from brutal crime, especially if it's non-White-on-White crime, as the media dogs try to
push unnatural racemixing for their multicult dead dreams now!   

The anti-racists have had their way with non-White immigration  and anti-free speech laws to silence their
critics, now considered as Orwellian "hate speech". Fortunately these White idiots and race traitors are
dying off; Soon, White Nationalists will have their day, and set society into natural order. 


AUGUST 1, 2023


                                                                                                                     by Don Andrews

Naturally beautiful North America is filled with the ugliness of humanity. It's the continent of the world's losers and greedbags. Aside from
happenstance and destiny (like yours truly, brought here from the former  'Yugoslavia" , land of the Southern Slavs) at  ten years' old, kicking
and crying. I was reunited with a mother who married a Canadian soldier occupying Germany after World War II (a nice guy called Fred Andrews)
as a front-page human interest story in 1952, and forcibly Anglicized, to become a needed White racist leader as Canada stupidly turned to racemixing multiculturalism brought in by that women-elected first pretty boy Pierre Trudeau -- a name that dumb dames are still voting for, through his son
Justin Trudeau. Like I've said before, feminist voters will be the end of the White race if this unnatural racemixing/anti-racism continues as it does

 The new immigrants to North America are all mostly losers in another part of the planet; the continent is now filled with the kick-outs and runaways
from the rest of the world. They are losers with a greedy chip on their shoulder, looking for economic riches in an aggressive dog-eat-dog attitude.
Material gain is their main purpose -- nothing else.  All these losers hate their home countries and are ready to go to war across an ocean to kill their
former kith and kin. Racial loyalty was their last thought -- until some greedy fool introduced slavery, the apex of the avaricious capitalism into the
continent with millions of African slave "losers" from their continent. Then came the ugly part of racism, when the races were mixed and then evolved.
Now they're all here, generations of the same type of humanity, angry losers. Being greedy helps in getting economically rich. However, you do it ,
they even had to have a civil war over slavery--that's how greedy they are.

Naturally, crime goes hand-in-hand with greedy people, so there is a lot of it, mostly predicated to getting rich quick, coupled with the weirdos who
also made it to the new continent  and proliferate all over the place. Hence, all the murderers in the land of losers; when someone says The Ugly
American. I  know what they mean -- it's in their arrogant hearts and souls, the way it is with most criminals. Americans need a good dose of humility,
an unknown characteristic of most North Americans, including Canadians, recently.

Aside from the 50,000 street kid Oliver Twists swept off the streets of  British cities a hundred years ago (and they have proliferated), Canada's
settlers were more chosen than in the USA, filled by ex-British soldiers, bureaucrats and approved settlers, along with the children brought here
by Lord Barnardo. Fortunately, slavery was no big deal in more sedate Canada, even though the British practiced it for a while. Most of our blacks
are runaways from slavers in the US, plus recent migrants from the ex-slave owning Caribbean islands; I've heard some blacks say "It's too cold here!". Violent crime is in the hands of Canada's indigenous people and non-Whites (mostly blacks, way out of proportion to their minority status in the population),
as Whites wake up very slowly, hampered by their naive women, that they avoid going to an all-non-White jail, where you don't know what can happen
to you-- one small benefit of dangerous racemixing -- people separate more and more. You won't see any liberal fool Whites attending  black functions
without  a security escort, like all scared politicians. Yet still, White woman voters elect anti-White racist politicians, as if they're on a slow death wish
for their children and White society. Any White Nationalist who goes along with this self-destructive racial madness is truly a cuckolded male if he
can even call  himself  that.

White Nationalists' task at hand is to convince race traitors and White self-loathers to think clearly and change their minds if they expect any future
in North America. Separation will be our only solution if we don't want to end up like the Whites in South Africa who should never have tried using
the non-Whites in a temporary apartheid regime-- where are they today? We need a moral revolution, and we won't make the same mistake in North
America again. Always do your own dirty work to secure your future-- we will!

                                                                                                                                  JULY 30, 2023





                                                                                               by Don Andrews   

What other major politician has talked about "Khazar Jews" and the Chinese being exempted from the COVID virus from a Chinese lab?
COVID was certainly a way to get rid of old and pension-costing White seniors, a flu that would seal their end. If Man created it, you always
have to ask: for whose benefit?

It's a big surprise for an Establishment Kennedy to take this anti-Globalist line. Trump should watch and listen; the ex-president has been
under constant globalist Jewsmedia attack, just like they are against proud racist Whites who them consider 'raceless', unlike their pretend-
friends... all non-Whites. Trump's silence so far on globalist conspiracies suggests he agrees with Kennedy. Let's hope he keeps it that way. 

The two political parties are about evenly split;  neither side can afford to lose even five percent of the voters and you know by 2024, after
decades of right wing views and information, more than 59% believe in world conspiracies run by a 20-million-member Semitic cult or secret
handshake societies. We are talking about White Nationalists or fascists or racists, even neo-Nazis.That's who will decide the next American
presidential election in the U.S. Which reminds me: White men shake hands, they don't fist-bump...that's aggressive and sloppy .which tells

you nothing much of the person you're shaking hands with-- there's no palm-to-palm touch and hold with the fingers in a  strong, meaningful and friendly way. No fist bumping or elbow bumping -- it's as BS as the COVID flu it supposed to have stopped spreading, and totally impersonal. I've
had to insist on a handshake with some happy characters who almost looked scared at the touching 'intimacy' of friendship ....

But it's the White Man's Way!



                                                                                                                    JULY 25, 2023


 By Don Andrews

The  first Exodus was out of Egypt for the Jewish 'chosen people' of a Semitic cult god that rooted and
started this Christianity and into the creation of their state of Israel. The second Exodus looks like it will
be out of the embattled matriarchal state of Israel, at least a good portion of them. 

Liberal-minded Jews are losing the battle in their cult state with the ascension of a religious right regime
under Benjamin Netanyahu, who wants to ensure that Israel stays a theocratic state by controlling their
Supreme Court. Politically mild-mannered believers cannot hold a theocratic regime in power -- just ask the
Iranian Muslim ayatollahs. The hundreds of thousands of New York-looking Jews who demonstrated against
the hardliners will be surely disappointed -- some, in the military even threatening not to serve and protect
a country surrounded by enemies.... that's serious.  Remember, Jews are not a race but a Semitic god-cult
which spread to far-off Russia, where the Khazars -- a Eurasian people joined en masse during their high
time (the  Ashkenazi Jews) -- until their empire fell to the Mongols. Race is all, so these people see their
religion in a different way unlike the  Semites (Arabs) who started the religious cult. Nowadays it's a learning
ordeal to become a Jew, but in the few times Jews have prosleytized their religion, non-Semites joined, like
the Ethiopian Falashas. Most people don't care what the Jews are fighting about, but it doesn't make them
look good when you see your overlords at each others' throats. Yet for all for all their money they can't seem
to stop the demonstrations and come to a peaceful solution. That doesn't breed confidence in a ruling elite
that may crumble from the inside out.

Of course this is not the first time Jews have been against Jews, if you check their history, nor will it be the
last. We all know cults can be unstable -- some have even gone to mass suicides like the Jews at Masada
and when under pressure, like the Jonestown Christians under Jim Jones. Now we must wait and watch
if the Diaspora Jews get along with their Semite originators or flee the  war state in a second reverse Exodus.

                                                                                                                     JULY 21, 2023


by Don Andrews   

When a certain conspiratorial people are in power for a long time, naturally, they'll be noticed by more
people. That's what's happening with the matriarchal god-cultists called Jews, some say of which are
20 million worldwide, the majority of them  in the Whites' west. Jews are split into different races, with the
majority of them Eurasian Khazars, even though the original "God's chosen people" were Semites. Now,
due to COVID and its restrictions and deaths  prominent politicians like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. are using
words about Jews, saying that the COVID virus is a conspiracy created against all except the Chinese and
Ashkenazi Jews (Eurasians). These words are in the public arena now as the Jewsmedia flops around trying
to mock Kennedy, like he's gone nuts.  But the word is out -- some Jews can be identified racially and are in
cahoots with these Chinese who created the COVID virus; the damage is done.  It doesn't help the ruling
cultists to be rioting and protesting against each other in theocratic state of Israel; if they can't get along
they don't deserve to be on top, for sure... that's how wars start. 

Everywhere you look ordinary people are reacting to liberal and libertine activity, from school boards to
verbal attacks on public globalist White traitors, like the ones who berated Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada, which will make them more fearful when they think of implementing more tyrannical laws like the anti-free speech
hate laws in Canada. All Conservatives and Peoples' Party candidates should be used to rescind this odious
anti-democratic evil dictate which puts a stain on White Canadians' history. Let's get rid of this 'shut-your-
mouth' dictatorial law enforced by politically-correct White race traitors. Curse the hypocritical tyrants who
defend it!

And tell Trudeau and the other opposition party leaders. We will:

Prime Minister Trudeau's Email:         
Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre:
Jagmeet Singh (NDP Leader)              
Maxime Bernier (Peoples' Party)         

                                                                                                                         July 17, 2023

by Don Andrews

We  must learn to enjoy the quiet times in our lives when not much is happening, when you look back at life.
That's pretty well the situation in the world today aside from the war in The Ukraine and a few rebel conflicts
in Africa. These are the good times for the Western world dominated by a worldwide matriarchal Semitic god
cult that spawned the globalist Two-Marys/Jesus Christ Semitic god cult foisted on women-run Whites, who
forced it on subjected non-Whites. That's the way of most hypocrite cults -- they preach with fire and sword.
You know the old saying, "Christianity has saved thousands and killed millions"; and on top of it all they go
against nature with their uniform anti-racism policies always looking for more adherents for more power to
prove their point that they are right.

I believe in nature -- if you want to call nature a 'god'; Fine. But accepting Semitic myths that are against your
racial "pride" --  a word which is anathema to bowed Christians and only reserved for their Semitic story-god flies in the face of what one needs for existence in the real life- hell. A threat of anything "hot" in the afterlife is
surely a joke. Race is all when religions fail. In fact, most of White society acts morally from their own heart
and soul, since fairness is every human being's desire  within the scope of common sense. If you check the
empty churches on Sundays,  race is the final fallback. even though the commies will target the Christians
first; same goes for the  conservatives, who will always be considered 'bigots', as is happening now.

Rest assured, when all is said and done, White Nationalism is the future.|


JULY 8, 2023

                                 WAR IN THE UKRAINE ...AND NOT FEED IT! 

                                                 by Don Andrews 

Jew globalists show that they are as nasty as communists. Russia's Red Army has been using depleted
uranium and cluster bombs that will all poison  the environment for decades and kill people indiscriminately
in the Ukraine War, according to the globalists' Jewsmedia. So now, it's their turn to turn the tables in the
Ukraine war stalemate and give a little impetus to their much ballyhooed, slow-moving counteroffensive to
remove Russian troops from traditional Russian areas of the new 31-year old country called The Ukraine
(the Frontier)

This whole Slavs' stupid war is killing off precious Whites from a dwindling species that humanity must not
lose. Pressure must be put on globalists' little Jew leader of the Ukraine Zelensky (contact website:  to make peace with his fearful Russian neighbors who worried the whole
nation would become a globalists' armed camp as a hammer against their nation. Looks like Putin was right
about the warmonger arrogance Zelensky has shown saying that there would be no peace talks until all
"Ukrainian" territory is restored.  Perhaps he'll change his mind soon as the citizenry of the globalists'
West is tiring of this far-off conflict and unhappy about how easily billions of their tax dollars are given to
Ukraine with no questions asked, and our needed military equipment given away daily without public debate
over the stoking an evil war. Both sides in this conflict have dirty hands and attitudes, with no care for our
shrinking White race, so  no White Nationalist can support this war for either side when peacemakers, not
warmongers like Canada, are needed to stop this brutal idiocy.  Tell Trudeau ... we will.

Justin Trudeau's email:
Putin's contact:    
Zelensky's contact:

                                                                                                                       JULY 2, 2023

                               EVENTS SHOW:

                                                                by Don Andrews 

 It's so pleasant to see your enemies unhappy, like all the pundits in all the media who hate the obvious
White people's choice Donald Trump in America. I go from channel to channel tuned to the morning shows
and news reports on the mostly-White 50,000 Trump supporters that appeared at a rally in the small Carolina
town of Pickens to hear and see their White hero giving them the latest on his hatred of the media and White
self-loather politicians.   

Trump is basically preaching what we are -- White isolationism, which would make us all rich, including Third
World countries as they were in the 1950s and 1960s until the 'youth culture' rot took over when fathers were
replaced with feminist complaints.They still do it on Jewsmedia comedies with wimpy neurotic cultist morons stuck in a Semitic god  matriarchal religion (you're not a Jew unless your mother is). This is the globalist cabal that
Trump is battling in every facet of their media, including the 'male' sucks on Fox News with too-tight pants
and monkey performances for his two "conservative" feminists (if such is possible).   

The other note of news interest is the very slow progress of the Ukrainian 'counteroffensive': they take one
village and a little territory, but far from the twenty percent of the Ukraine they want to liberate still in Russian hands where mostly Russians live. Remember, any new state must be ready to change their borders, as the Balkans have shown; boundary lines drawn by communist bureaucrats from a collapsed state (USSR)  mean nothing if
issues are raised on an ethnic or national situation.

The Western nations should realize this, but with their feminist voters usually outvoting their conservative
globalist meddling in the air; these are the same fools who voted for Trudeau's Liberal Party multicultists
that are now scared to go to downtown Toronto at night due to the non-White crime wave that the dummies
brought in from non-White foreign lands around the world. Now they have to worry about "Red" China's
influence on one section of the Oriental immigrants, also.  White women voters should wise up -- you are
soiling your own nest and undermining your racial future if you don't get aboard the White Nationalist Train,
our only hope for White race survival. Don't betray yourselves.


                                                                                                                 JUNE 27, 2023

                                               NEVER MIND THE JEWS...
by Don Andrews   

I love how the Jewsmedia defines the Far Right; you know you don't have to be racist to be called
far right, like in Israel, for example where a Semitic God cult rules, made up of Semites, Eurasians
(Khazars), Europeans (cultists' marriages to the nobility),Ethiopian (Falashas) converted from
centuries ago, and Jews of Kaifeng, China. I mean, they're all over  the place, so it's not a race,
although the Khazar element seems the largest, from short, stout Eurasian to red-haired, freckle-
faced Europeans. Even if someone wanted to wipe them out, they don't have a chance. Plus, the
idea of a "God-chosen people" will always be around; I've met all kinds of these types.

Jew cultists again are taking center place with Putin's Jew once-pal's "rebellion" and all the mostly-
Jew oligarchs (people in charge of communist  Russia who divvied up the loot at its' dissolution)
still in Moscow. I just heard on CNN that four synagogues in the US were depicted; notably the
Jewsmedia is keeping quiet about this and the mostly-Middle Eastern ethnicity of the Warner group
treating the mercenaries as real Russians marching on Moscow. But the whole thing failed because
they were mercenaries that Russian troops did not want to fight until they got close to Moscow. It
all appears staged, for more payouts to paid foreigners, fighting for you for a cause won't die for.
The sooner that Eastern Slavs stop this madness, the better for our race. No White Nationalists
should fuel this fratricidal White war.

                                                                                                                      JUNE 26, 2023

                                                   ANTI-RACIST WHITE WOMEN;
                           MAIN OBSTACLE TO OUR RACIAL SURVIVAL!

                                                                     by Don Andrews 

Keeping in mind of whatever Man has done before he can do again, antagonistic White women voters must
keep this in mind when they vote for multicult anti-White racist traitors. Ordinary White men are their wits' end trying to
keep a civil White society together without the help of their species gender partners too lazy, selfish and
hedonistic to create the next generation. I think that's called  unnatural feminism. No other species ha
this problem; even black widow spider females first have procreative before they kill and eat their mates.

White women elevating same-sex dead end activists does not seem to happen among the Oriental and
African species of humans just the 'smart' Whites too "in love" with their partners to notice. Queer parades
and city celebrations could not have come from the few queers, even secretly in power without White
women's support; where are the heterosexual mothers to condemn this dead-end activity? Sure, not every
White woman is opposed to racially-aware White men, but they are not vocal, instead, allowing the lesbians

and queers to rule the day with their perversions. Many White women have failed their motherhood
responsibilities for a White race's future and civilization. They are so narrow and myopic as the race dwindles to extinction levels.

All this must change, starting with the anti-family/anti-children, evil degenerate Jewsmedia reflecting a
religion that is based upon the mother ("You're not a Jew unless your mother is Jewish"); men become just
sperm donors with 'fatherhood' reserved for the dyke lesbians as they now demanding they be put on the
birth certificates of their adopted children. Male machismo does not exist except in the minds of chip-on-
the-shoulder who always have an ax to grind against men. All this must change if Whites are to have a
meaningful future other than that of a clever but unnatural human species.

Now that the anti-White evil media has been shown as 'fake news', feminism should be White racists' next 
target to convince White women that anti-racism will be their final end, instead of waiting to be raped and
killed in a violent multicult society. Tell Trudeau at his email address,   We will.

                                                                                                                              JUNE 17, 2023

by Don Andrews   

June 18th, 2023 is Father's Day in Canada this year. It changes everywhere each year, like Mother's
Day. Fatherhood is one of the most denigrated institutions and occupations in the mostly-feminist
Western world. A lot of today's fathers are 'missing in action' for proper parenting and good
examples to their offspring which the last three generations have put down and ignored, especially
by the chip-on-the-shoulder perverts and angry weirdos in the entertainment industry and

There are no such thoughts of manly morality in today's "Father Does Not Know Best" society, just
anger and petty criticism; no wonder there are so many split-up families and struggling single
mothers around -- few want to take the responsibility for their children, with acrimonious female
partners in a Western women's world. Racial pride is frowned upon; so is men's interests in
procreating in an idiot's  anti-racist White society. It's all very discouraging, and those fathers who
prevail with their responsibilities in such a society should be praised -- especially today and
throughout the years -- there are caring fathers doing their job, as nature dictated. 

White men must wake up from their romantic nightmare in an over-sexified society and realize that
procreating themselves for a safe future is the highest act in nature that compliments them
privately and publicly. Let's stand up for fathers and fatherhood for a safer, more orderly society,
because our racial future depends on it. But for today, we say, Happy Father's Day to all good
fathers, and God Bless Them!

                                                                                                                                June 10, 2023


                                                               by Don Andrews

The anti-White racist globalists seem to be going crazy, first with their childish excitement and
worry as their chief plot against their chief protagonist Donald Trump is under attack by their
police stooges. They're titillated and concerned faces and voices never tell you why they really
hate a self-made all-American guy--it's because of you, the White Nationalists and populist people
that aren't just today's shallow  cheapskate 'conservatives', but racially-aware Whites, They hate
you and me because we aren't the degenerate entertainment wimpy Whites.

One thing is for sure: our temporary-in-power enemies are scared of our White man'
s anger which
the wimps don't even understand, giving them a double worry. Like, what would happen if anything happened to Trump? What would happen to them if Trump got back to the White House? How angry would
Trump's supporters be if he's cheated for a second time? It all sounds like the beginning of a
second American revolutionary war. We are in a Cold White Race Civil War right now, with White
racists against  a self-loathing rabble putting on a show like a Pride March, pretending to be happy
in their unnatural, racemixed dangerous society. What's the point of a society if you're not
feeling safe?


Stop feeding this White-on-White border dispute over a 30-year old "country"!


                                                                                                                               June 9, 2023

                                                                  by Don Andrews

                                                   The Cold White Race War is on!

White Nationalists must silence the mentally ill self-loathers and White multicult racemixers
verbally whenever they hear of their  treacherous White race hatred. These sick people must
remember your condemnation of their speech and activities whenever they dare to attack
racially-aware, proud Whites; these traitor anti-racist Whites mean the extinction of our dwindling
small White race. Anti-racist Whites are like Jim Jones followers who insured that all committed
'suicide', even at the barrels of guns (as it was later found out when almost one hundred committed suicide in the Jonestown, Guyana compound.

Evil anti-racist Whites are not blind -- they see what they're doing with their greedbag multicult
immigration policies. They know the fear. misery and crime and hate they created. They're just
mean, hedonistic and greedy for Third World cheap labor immigrants grateful for the opportunities
these White idiots  have opened up to them. This is all done on purpose with anti-racism programs
to propagandize children and deprive them of a safe future in a multicult society. That's why
race traitors of the evil media keep quiet on racemixed South Africa where Whites are in power,
and their society has pretty well fallen apart. It was a mistake to have non-Whites in the area they
settled in begin with; no White society can survive that does not use its own labor to do the country's dirty work. Whites living on non-White labor will surely eventually fall....and they did!

No other race other than Whites has this self-hate problem and you can thank your women for it.
No such race has such antagonistic female partners when it comes to racial realities and
knowledge of history. No other race other than Whites apologizes so much to other races for
past transgressions, all to find and bring back or make good for their spoiled, loudmouthed,
arrogant stab-in-the-back women. It's not out of rationale
 or love that this deadly treachery
happens, just personal satisfaction and continued hedonism -- nothing to be proud of.

Let's go after our own race traitors first and silence their treachery -- any Whites against White

racism are our first enemies. White Nationalist are our first, and right now, only hope for a White
race revival and the last chance to ensure the great White race does not go extinct. That's why
we all must have more than two children if possible. We must encourage all Whites to have kids
while verbally putting down harshly all White self-loathers and sick anti-racists. Those are our
two main tasks today -- start with the media race traitors, and your friends, co-workers and
relatives, and finally your neighbors if the occasion should arise. Watch your words -- don't
threaten anyone, just say your piece about White Pride; don't let anyone outlaw that. 

With all the crime going on right now in all racemixer idiots' society, most Whites are too scared
to speak up or go downtown at night. Don't  be a  White coward, no matter any feminist anti-racist
witch says. They're not the leaders of the great White race: you and I are. Carry on, and good luck!

                                                                                                                             June 5, 2023



by Don Andrews

Aside from a lot of individuals and other conservative or White Nationalist groups in Canada, we
in the Nationalist Party communicate with White Americans' choice Donald Trump. That's why the
globalist/anti-White race media hates him. We send Trump all our views on current  issues, and
someone must be reading this site, because we are seeing some of our revealing words and
phrases from Trump's campaign like Warmongers, and White Nationalists... words coined in

Love him or hate him, Trump has lived a tumultuous life that many men would have fallen by the
wayside. He has survived and learned a little bit more from every fall -- he's got experience. He
knows he could get his 'pal' Putin to shake hands with the globalist warmongers' little Jew Zelensky  of the new country called just "Ukraine" --no "the", just "frontier"--that's what it means,  a vast unsettled plain
with some forest and mountains to run to in case your country is invaded. So it's in no one's in
particular, no racial identity other than 'frontiersmen'. Yeah, it sounds a lot like Americans, ready
to go against their own kind, even when they are kickouts and runaways of their world before
'frontiersmen'; indeed more like bandits and knaves.

Just like in America, I was told was told about Ukrainians by other ethnics around them when I ran
the anti-communist Edmund Burke Society (whose most famous quote was 'The only thing
necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing'
). Oh, that's the place where the
wives beat their husbands. So it's a pretty-faced feminist society where they proudly display with
all their media spokespersons and politicians. With some woman now chair of the UN globalist
warmongers, they're eager to help their sisters who supposedly forgot their supposed anti-war
protests over Vietnam; only when the globalist elite pulled their masks off, all patriarchal regimes
were in trouble.

Remember, meanness is not manliness. Anyone, of whatever gender, who is pushing this White-
on-White was should be  cursed, Now, let's tell this to warmonger feminist Justin Trudeau. 
We will, at his e-mail,

                                                                                                                       June 3, 2023

                                                             ESTABLISHMENT'S WARS!

                                                                                              by Don Andrews

It isn't the meddler racemixing leftists who are against foreign wars nowadays; it's the far right
White Nationalists who oppose international warmongers for a one world order, where Whites
will be sidelined and eventually persecuted. The  race traitors are already prosecuting White
racists, so it's only a small step to outright persecution for anyone displaying or advocating
White pride in a commie multicult impossible civilized society.   

When you see, hear or read about crime today don't forget to blame the anti-White racemixers,
whatever color they are, especially if they are White race traitors; the evil media is full of them.
Smart White Nationalists are separatists who will not fight for anti-racist globalist regimes,
wherever they are -- shame on those who do! During this so-called Pride Month, for those who
have weirdo sex practices that nature did not intend for procreation, we are inundated with their
happiness of how they do it, as if it's a new thing or something revealing. Please -- homosexuality
has been around since man met man. It's no big deal privately but to flaunt the practice publicly
only sows confusion into children and teens and undermines the while idea for sexuality. This is
not healthy for the future of any civilization if women could only understand of promoting today's
weird hedonism. Moral degeneracy is the first sign of a dying civilization aided by hateful, strident
White feminism -- the birthrate falls, the population depletes, then the ruling idiots start bringing in
cheap foreign labor to do their dirty work, like the slaves in the last days of the degenerate Roman
empire; it will all fall down. 

Right now, White Nationalists are waiting and recruiting with glee as our barren enemies die off
and non-Whites fail to uphold White peoples' standards, as in America's cities like Chicago,
New York, etc. Nothing good comes out of racemixing; White racists know-- we are the crucible of
conservatism; if you don't conserve the race that created your White society what's the point of
participating with your sworn anti-White racist enemies, especially going to war for them? Until
White Nationalists are respected  for their views, helping our enemies with their problems is out
of the question.
 The enemy establishment needs us -- we don't need them. That's power... the
media is already whining!



                              IN TORONTO'S MAYORALTY ELECTION JUNE 26, 2023
                               by Don Andrews

With ever 100 candidates running for multicult Toronto's mayor, there isn't one openly White
Nationalist in a crime-ridden racemixed city that, when it was mostly all White, was called 'Toronto

the Good'.  We have decided that the best candidate with a hope of victory is Olivia Chow, a
Chinese no-nonsense Oriental, to clean up the mostly black (and  other non-White) crime spree
in this beautifully-set Canadian city. Publicly, Olivia Chow probably does not want our vote, but
privately I'm sure she likes it since we're on the same page as White Nationalists being crime
fighters, and that's the main problem right now when Torontonians are afraid to go downtown
at night. Something has to be done.

This crime situation happened when another front-runner candidate, Mark Saunders (a black man
and former chief of Toronto Police) was in charge so we wouldn't want to encourage more
criminality as has happened in New York and Chicago when black mayors won in those cities.
Blacks and Chinese fear each other more than the Whites; generally, they don't like each other.
You can tell that by the very little racemixing between them, unlike with wild White women.
Olivia Chow knows Toronto and its denizens and she knows what side her bread is buttered on,
so she'll take every vote she can get, even if it's White racists who want the city's crime cleaned

I've run for Toronto mayor on a couple of occasions,  and once came second in a smaller field of
candidates. The City Fathers' councillors were so scared (if the sitting mayor should die) that I
would become Mayor automatically, so they changed the law for City Council to choose the Mayor,
not the second-place in the race under democratic rules, twisting democracy to keep their anti-
White globalist positions as their idea of fair play and a democratic election. I have no respect
for crooks and liars.

                                                                                                      May 25, 2023


                                                           by Don Andrews

The globalists' evil Jewsmedia is trying to control the US election by supporting a 'right wing'
cheapskate conservative, Ron DeSantis against the established White peoples' choice Donald
Trump. DeSantis is their alternative that they are sneakingly supporting as the GOP candidate
for the 2024 Presidential Election, and he appears to be a willing treacherous fool for the ruling
cultist cabal. However, White Nationalists are against him and all the GOP traitors out to replace
the cheated Trump.

I thought that DeSantis was a racemixed Cuban from the migrants from that poor unnatural
commie-run island. Sure, he's the governor of Florida, full of runaway Cubans, but no! He's an
Italian who appear to be be pretty shy about his European heritage, instead appealing to racemixed Latinos first. Sure, DeSantis is younger and perhaps better looking than Trump. But that's how shallow the effeminate
matriarchal Jewsmedia is.  DeSantis is a traitor to the GOP and Donald Trump for not standing by
his one-time leader, especially when he gets cheated and screwed by our enemies. You'll get no
solidarity from DeSantis and he should not expect or deserve any either, after he saw how Trump
was deprived of the presidency in the last election. DeSantis has little care  about justice to try and
defeat Trump after all he has gone through.

White Nationalists must point this out to DeSantis every chance they get: colluding with the enemy
(Jewsmedia, etc.,) is treachery in many White peoples' minds. So let's all reject him in unison and
privately through our e-mails. tweets. phone calls and letters to all concerned, including DeSantis,
who will be getting a copy of this column today. Don't let out anti-White racist enemies divide us;
one way to show it is to reject DeSantis and to keep on supporting Trump until the next US election
day.... we will.


                                                                                                       May 23, 2023

                           FEMINIZED ANGLOS TO EXTINCTION! 

                                                                         by Don Andrews

There are three main elements of the White race in Europe: North European types, Mediterranean
South types and mostly Slav East Europe types. Now, which ones are unnaturally run more by their weaker partner women?

A feminine-dominated society does not want to go through painful dangerous childbirth as a
gender duty, not once but three times (one to replace the mother, another to replace the father and
one to put the population up by one in case of accident). That's the only way the human species
can survive for any real future. Obviously, the White race all around is slowly dwindling into
oblivion like the dinosaurs who supposedly vanished from a meteor strike in the Gulf of Mexico
whose clouds brought on a long, dark winter. But the smartest creatures are killing themselves--
their men, as blind as the male black widow spider who copulates with the female who kills and
eats him to nourish herself for procreation. Sadly, nothing like that happens with way too many
human sexual encounters; all the sex is just barren hedonism that pills and too-ready abortionists

East and South Europeans should do the natural thing, starting with not emulating a dead-road
people; of course, most of the non-Anglo Whites who came to North America were looking to get
rich again, trapped by the god of hedonism, and that's a woman's world. In fact the future Americas were founded and conquered for riches and treasures for 'my lady' ; from gold to furs, you name it -- slavery is a pox
on Northern Whites out to please their dames.  Then came the loser runaways and kick-outs,
including the poor and homeless, like the 5,000 "Barnardo kids" cleaned off the streets of Britain--
these made good cannon fodder for two world wars.

One thing is for sure; the Anglos are disappearing, if you look at the school yards. Their influence
and vote are declining. Only the smart racist elements -- like our John Beattie (White patriot pioneer), Paul Fromm (longtime White nationalist activist) and NPC Secretary Bob Smith -- will survive and lead. No one
will be laughing then, when all the White self-loathers are dead, and if you're not yet a White
Nationalist, you'll be gone, too.  Tell your friends.

                                                                                                       May 20, 2023


                                                      by Don Andrews

Real and sane White Nationalists  do not support extending the war  in the Ukraine, where dwindling Whites are  killing each other. Yes, Russians
are White, just like the Ukrainians whose country is like North America, where Western Whites who didn't make it in their own countries went to this
mostly empty land. "Ukraine" literally means The Frontier; this new country is 32 years old and any new country needs new frontiers, especially
if they turn against their Slav origins. Slavs killing fellow Slavs is the degenerate feminist West's dream; they don't like many men. Same story goes
when the Catholic Christian Croats  fought Orthodox Serbs in the former Yugoslavia. Race trumps any religion, Nature trumps any man's BS
ideology. There are  very few White men left in the anti-White racist, globalist West-run (by native White (women's vote).  Unfortunately giving the
women's vote in the West will finally lead to  White race extinction as any White women are not fulfilling their gender role of child-beating as nature

Any Whites supporting the spread of this evil war are just like Canada's wimp-assed PM Trudeau who is sending more military aid to his feminist
friends in the Ukraine,  which does itself no service every time you see one of their spokesperons on the TV news, it's a woman, and women should
be concerned about our dwindling White race other than the few I have encountered (bless them). They don't seem interested in White race survival.
n top of it all, the mighty Ukrainian men are led by a little Jew named Zelensky. Putin, too, has a right-hand Jew beside him, from the Wagner mercenary Wagner group. What idiocy is it to use recruited convicts  to fight fellow Slavs? Let's see who lasts the longest -- Putin or the Jews in Russia, as the Russian public will
be quick to blame them for any defeat to protect their borders from the globalist West's missiles  that the fools in Ukraine intended to bring in. To stop

this lunatic self-destructive war, we must not spread it or engage in it -- it only made sense. 

Do you notice how Western women working supposedly for peace are all missing in any anti-war protest, unlike Vietnam? The same story for
Afghanistan, where the patriarchal  Taliban took over. Finally, there are no protests against that war either on stupid Canadian military meddling.
Now, let's tell that to globalist Canadian PM Trudeau and old Biden. They don't have the real right wing on their side.. except warmonger idiots.

                                                                                                                     May 18, 2023


                                                 WHITE NATIONALISTS SAY...

                                                                                            by Don Andrews

Runaways and kickouts of the world have made the United States a criminals' country, full of
mayhem and horror. Who can't see the shitty pants they are walking around in? Like most
criminals, Americans are arrogant, some are self-convinced they're a wonderful people. Sure,
there are some that are good, but the rest are insensitive to the misery and pain of criminal activity
their fellow citizens endure, especially the monsters' murders in every state of the union.

Generally, White Americans seem to have no racial pride and self-inspection to correct this evil.
Every kind of terrible murder, from SOB serial killers to sudden sex fiends, occur on a daily basis
in their blighted society. Yet there is little to no real outrage from any of them, especially their
so-called God clergy and BS-mouthing politicians. American TV is full of horror stories  of murder
most foul, airing the killings as entertainment. Only a sick society would ignore the hurt and  evil
from thousands of killings, kidnappings of missing women and children. Who knows (God forbid)
how many poor souls are in Dungeons and Dragon-type basements, locked up and chained for the
perverts' pleasure. There are also many people missing; Americans should not criticize anyone
else until this moral travesty is corrected in this country. Wipe your asses, because right now your
society stinks to a level that no media moons can perfume. I watch a lot of real crime programs --
that made-up stuff is  pointless and less interesting compared to the bloodiness of their real lives.
Interestingly, I find the monster killers to usually be good-looking and accessible to society, so it's
a choice to murder people as an extra curricular activity from their regular lives. This tells me that
it's a no-morals problem in life, usually raised in a liberal/libertine environment. Feminism is the
result of many young women's murders, with comments that she was a 'free spirit', where fathers'
opinions are dismissed and ignored.

 American men have been morally feminized to the point of inaction, all to get laid in an over-
sexualized society with weirdos advertising and parading about what hole to copulate with gay
pride activity. That's how far feminism has advanced queers, to the point of equality with nature's
normality for procreation; that's how much feminists think of moms -- they hate them. As I've said
before, since homos came out of the closet they are not forced to live secretly and produce more
queers; now they have to recruit kids at schools under  the sex education cover, also totally
unnecessary for strangers (teachers) to tell you how to use your private parts in the future-- definitely a parent's duty all around. You don't fix a small problem of some who are ignorant to undermine all of society for
a few.    When it comes to non-White crime don't forget to blame anti-racist Whites who brought
the non-Whites; they're partially responsible for the evil their pets do (Curse them, too).

Fear's close to respect and that's what criminals need -- harsh sentences are fine for a few but
big-time murder and massacre activists need to be publicly executed. That's the only that way that
future monsters learn. What's the point of capital punishment if it's never used? TV programs with
evil criminality must be more condemning of the perpetrators. None of them are heroes, just greedy lazy creatures out to satisfy their perverted hedonistic lives, like the people on crack, so horny after a hit, who knows
what they'll do next,,, it's won't be nice, that's for sure. 

What can White Nationalists do in these circumstances except help the police and condemn any
soft approach toward criminals by the evil  media which continuously hides the race of non-White
criminals, with no pictures  or comment on their origins. We must join with the voices of the victims crying out for justice so that the evil is caught and properly punished. We are also crime fighters, as well as
being proud White racists.

                                                                                                                    May 16. 2023

                                  WE CHOOSE OLIVIA CHOW TO DEAL WITH CRIME
                              IN TORONTO'S MAYORALTY ELECTION JUNE 26, 2023
                               by Don Andrews

With ever 100 candidates running for multicult Toronto's mayor, there isn't one openly White
Nationalist in a crime-ridden racemixed city that, when it was mostly all White, was called 'Toronto

the Good'.  We have decided that the best candidate with a hope of victory is Olivia Chow, a
Chinese no-nonsense Oriental, to clean up the mostly black (and  other non-White) crime spree
in this beautifully-set Canadian city. Publicly, Olivia Chow probably does not want our vote, but
privately I'm sure she likes it since we're on the same page as White Nationalists being crime
fighters, and that's the main problem right now when Torontonians are afraid to go downtown
at night. Something has to be done.

This crime situation happened when another front-runner candidate, Mark Saunders (a black man
and former chief of Toronto Police) was in charge so we wouldn't want to encourage more
criminality as has happened in New York and Chicago when black mayors won in those cities.
Blacks and Chinese fear each other more than the Whites; generally, they don't like each other.
You can tell that by the very little racemixing between them, unlike with wild White women.
Olivia Chow knows Toronto and its denizens and she knows what side her bread is buttered on,
so she'll take every vote she can get, even if it's White racists who want the city's crime cleaned

I've run for Toronto mayor on a couple of occasions,  and once came second in a smaller field of
candidates. The City Fathers' councillors were so scared (if the sitting mayor should die) that I
would become Mayor automatically, so they changed the law for City Council to choose the Mayor,
not the second-place in the race under democratic rules, twisting democracy to keep their anti-
White globalist positions as their idea of fair play and a democratic election. I have no respect
for crooks and liars.

                                                                                                                    May 12. 2023


by Don Andrews   

The globalists' evil media has made Donald Trump a 'hated figure'; they're not sure who their pal crazies are, with them howling commies
or freaked-out idiots -- the Jews keep piling on the former president (and now candidate), and sometimes the criticisms are so petty and
mean; No one talks about it. but Trump could be assassinated by an 'idiot' or an 'agent provocateur' to launch police state measure in
America. However, any globalist agents' bosses would have to worry about the White Nationalist backlash-- a term that has come into its
own that we have to promote. 

The controlled media is in a pickle -- anything bad that they say about Trump only makes him more friends, making the media look
impartial and propagandist, as many White Nationalists know. If they ignore him, all the anti-White racists go after the all-of-a-sudden
"fake news" media. Well, DUH! Welcome to the conspiracy clubs; that's when conspiracy theorists would definitely come to the fore
who would benefit if Trump weren't around. Don't forget, it would take at least another generation to raise someone like him, including
DeSantis. Love him or hate him, Donald Trump is the all-American entrepreneur hero  who built a financial and economic empire,
probably on globalist Jew bankers' money. He's very careful, like Putin, not to criticize the cabal that generally criticizes them, even in
a war.

You can never get a clear picture on why the Jewsmedia hates the American Dreamboy but it's not so much him, but you, his followers
and White supporters that they dare not offend out of sheer fear (it's close to respect) or even mention their racial background. The anti-
White media cannot forget the ease with which the White mob took over the US capitol, wandering around, mostly aimlessly and
sometimes even obeying the rope enclosures (wow! The Bolshevik Revolution, Alice in Wonderland scenario). The only interesting
thing they did was to go through some office files, then threw them around. Sorry, but historically speaking it was the nicest revolution
in history -- and congrats to Trump for saying it was a great day. 

Now you could imagine the anger if Trump was killed; I hate writing about this situation at times, but Donald Trump should be protected
more than people know.  Our task is to complain whenever Trump is attacked in the various media. Let's put some limits on their hatred
of him with personal involvement with any unfriendly mean media. Let them know your unhappy thoughts and feelings, because that's
who they really hate -- proud, racially-aware White people who have natural beliefs and an ideology unlike their enemies' unnatural
multicult societies, where your main concern is your safety. Fortunately for Trump. most men like him so it would have to be a real
attacker who would do anything against him. That leaves 70% of women that he has to look out for. One nut case-- that would be the end
of feminism, and who knows where else the mob might descend upon. As for the non-Whites, I've never seen anyone more benevolent

to them than Trump.

The CIA, media minorities, feminists, and communists have all been warned; we must all protect Trump.

                                                                                                                                May 11, 2023

                                       .. BLAME THE RACEMIXERS!

                                                             by Don Andrews   

If you don't like the US and Canada invaded by Third World non-Whites I can definitely blame the
anti-racist idiots. Anti-racism has brought hundreds of thousands (now millions) of migrants into
the USA. Their border security is a joke on the Mexican border, with thousands of undocumented
greedy people, eager to live the White man's way in an almost  all-White country, changing the
color of America's entire Southwest -- and soon they will be coming north. 


Most Whites are scared to be called nature's racists. especially their women, so due to that
unnatural sick stance, an entire civilization will fall down into a racemixed 'Brazil North'. That's
how dangerous and stupid anti-racists are; if you don't stand against them and correct their self-
loather lie that "we're all the same", you are part of that destruction of our own White culture with
no excuse other than cowardice when nature called you to preserve our species, which cannot be
done in a racemixed society. Anti-racist Whites are out to exterminate themselves under their
queers and perverts and feminists; to stop them at least with words for fear of White women's
disapproval. In spite of all the macho and military posing, this race is lost-- unless they recognize
themselves as a race that's worth preserving that you won't heat on a White mother's lap. 

White men have flipped nature on its head by allowing their naive, flighty, historically dumb women run the show when we men were given the strength to lead. Of course, this can be attributed to a large scale to the
matriarchal Semitic god-cult people called 'Jews' who labor throughout life unhappy and neurotic
in their women's world where you are considered a Jew if your mother is Jewish; these people
rule the Whites' media and politicians with their money and media power. That's why Donald Trump is so hated by these rulers because they know who his supporters are.  White racist men must confront the anti-
White devils wherever they are with sane words and examples and hopefully not mass shootings
or other violence, which should be only used in self-defense, Verbally, letter-writing, E-mails,Twitter -- any way you can, don't allow any anti-White bastard or bitch to put down White people and elevate racemixing in
front of you.

Let's correct our race traitors so that we don't have to watch our backs for treachery. Then we can
deal with confidence with non-White racists determined to wipe us out. It's a long process of a few
years, mostly to finish off this White civil war against the White self-loathers and their ilk. When
you speak up on this issue you are making history with words that ring for years in other's heads -- so start now as time and nature are against hesitaters. Your race is calling.


                                                                                                                                May 8, 2023

                        NATURAL RACISM 
by Don Andrews   

Angry desperate White men ignored by feminists' and queers' media and 
society are striking back  with mass shootings. It's White men who are
usually mass shooters of "innocents" in a society that's used to putting
down White racists with law and evil media propaganda. Unfortunately,
it does not seem that this situation will be corrected in the near future
with anti-racist idiots pushing for billions of dollars  of 'reparations' to the
descendants of the forcefully brought to the Americas as African slaves
(often captured by other blacks) in the apex of capitalism -- slavery. I 
blame the greedbag-hedonists for this evil travesty from a feminist-
orientated Western world.

Slavery is not the White man's way; whoever the slaves are it's all morally
wrong. The more this nut-case reparations crap conversation continues,
the more poor and rich Whites become racially aware and White
Nationalist. One of my simplest quotes is "You can't live them" when I
view the continuing crime stats now. There is no need for White criminality in a rich country like Canada for any reason other than greed and meanness,

so let's have none as the police blotters will show you it's mostly non-
Whites now committing crime way out of proportion to their 10-15% share
of the population. Soon the anti-White won't be able to hide and handle
the criticism for not reporting who is doing all the crime  and will discuss 
it-- why? The answer is always, race. Now is the time to put it on them for
their unnatural anti-racist attitude that just won't wash, now or in the
future, as more White racists are created daily while the naive Whites die
off, just like the now-barren queers who came out of the closet. There is
no White  future with anti-racists and White self-loathers.

Keep that in mind.


                                                                                                                                May 5. 2023

                                                                 by Don Andrews   

  I don't know about you but I'm watching the coronation of Charles III of the UK and his 'dominion'
like Canada. It's our history in the making on Saturday May 6th, 2023. You don't get to see so much
pomp and circumstance every day, and it's all about White history mostly. Plus, I love a parade,
especially military ones.  English-speaking Britain cannot be ignored in a multicult age where
Whites are generally put down every day even by their own kind who don't care about our great
White race; they should be ignored. 

The Nationalist Party of Canada and I will always be grateful for Buckingham Palace's approval
of our European Heritage Week when we appealed to them, showing their understanding of
White Nationalist needs -- a close connection to our race's culture and history. I may be a
republican at heart but I still recognize the importance and stability of a reigning monarchy
that keeps Whites together.

Let's keep it that way! 

May 2, 2023


by Don Andrews 

I notice that the race traitor Whites are being pretty quiet lately; there's hardly anything being said about their pro-multicult lies as the
non-Whites' crime wave hits  everywhere. This is the apex of their anti-racist White  self-loathers days as they cower in their  homes and
apartments, fearful to go to the store (especially at night). Anti-racist White traitors have made them all targets of crime by bringing in
different moral humanity with different moral attitudes of living. White anti-racists can and should be blamed for  this miserable situation
in our society. Long gone are the days of the 1950s when you could leave your door unlocked and criminals were a curiosity-- all thanks
to the purposely naive anti-racist White idiots. Curse them all still until they change and recant their dangerous stupidity. Now is the
time for all racially-aware Whites to give it to the race traitors when they open their mouths on the boob tube or in their propaganda
pro-globalist papers if they speak against White racists.

Whites seem to be the only race with unnatural race traitors in their species. It's a mental illness posing as a benevolent opinion, based
on unnatural lies; you never get any more Whites in a racemixed society if they even procreate due to their unhappy uncertain present
and future.  We are suckers, embarrassments in front of other proud races envious of our achievements and more peaceful lifestyles.
However people carry the kind of civilization that will ensue in their genes, and all non-Whites will eventually come to their own racial apex sooner than later as dwindling Whites disappear, trapped in their angry feminists' and queers' society.

Let's straighten out our own people first by going against the exterminists 
of our species, male or female. Be on guard for their evil words and ways, correct the hate-filled morons without fear that's really in the hearts  of all around them. Hep them understand, in no uncertain way, because in a
multicult society we can't live with them or their Third World pets.

April 29, 2023

by Don Andrews

Whites torturing others or their own kind are criminals, pure and simple. Torture is not the White Man's way and anyone who
defends this evil practice should get their head read and be avoided. Ron De Santis has had a hand in the kangaroo courts of
the USA's Orwellian "war on terror", which did not treat their  armed opponents with human dignity. These are mentally sick
people walking around, and on called  De Santis, who wants to be the country's president.   

Let's not forget who the Americans are the greedy losers, kick-outs and runaways of the rest of world; didn't the early explorers
always look for native treasurers? So it's hardly noticed by Americans that some of their leaders are that mean and ugly-
spirited, who should not be in charge of a country. Tell De Santis to reveal the torturers' truth about still-open Gitmo
(Guantanamo) if he wants any understanding of his evil connection. But as it stands now Ron DeSantis is no good as a
White man, let alone the leader of a whole nation of them.

Tell him here on Twitter (we will):  @GovRonDeSantis


 by Don Andrews 

You know you have succeeded in spreading your message when your enemies are repeating your
slogans like 'Hitler was right' to try to mock or unravel young minds what they might have tweeted
on the Internet. Comments about the ridiculousness of a bunch of Illuminati Freemasons ruling the
world has also been presented in mocking tones. 

The word is out -- Jews rule the world with their worshipping Freemasons' help. Now how do you
present that to a new generation that doesn't give a damn about the past or their weird Semitic
restrictive god-cults. Their daily dose of their globalist crap media is called fake, and distrusted
already, if not hated outright, by committed White Nationalists. That's why Christian morality
teachings (if there are any) fail the youth.  Whites are acting racially with their hearts and souls
and keeping the society's morality from their White racists. No one is infallible , but doing things
The White Man's Way is still the safest and most free way to live. Without White racists there would
be no civilization; this is an important task that all need to undertake in a new White Pride initiative
in any way and time you can legally participate. Whether it's in a social group, a professional group, etc., present your racially aware viewpoints, You'll feel good about it, especially if you're mannerly and succinct.

Like the Spartans say,  "Few Words Best".  Carry on!


 April 19, 2023

by Don Andrews   

All the talk and editorials on the spike in crime in Canada always fails to mention the racial nature
of the criminals connected to Third World multiculturalism immigration policies.  The hateful
spewing anti-racists imported this problem with their naive lie that 'diversity is good for you'.   
Most people want to live with their own kind; that's why we have civilizations. But once those
civilizations become multicult creations or empires, they will naturally fall apart, as history shows. 

For all the enemies of natural racism or fascism, as our enemies say,  these are their last days, as
they have to deal with the non-White crime spree while keeping quiet as to who the criminals are
and at the same time convince Whites that there is no danger from crime as more and more isolate
themselves in their homes at night, dreaming of moving to a small all-White town. Those will be the
locations of the next racial conflicts and anxiety -- no good for anyone in the near future. Anyone
who stands with these civilization destroyers is an enemy of the White race; they are promoting our
extinction, since racemixing with
non-Whites never gets you Whites (Nature's punishment to the
apex of the species?)   Whites are now self- locked up 
at night -- their cities' downtowns are only
for the daylight hours. Soon, that too will end, as more crime hits the transit system to downtown,
satellite cities and 'segregated' neighborhoods are being formed right now as White racemixers and
non-Whites are left alone together. Who will be the next to flee then? It's sad when you think about it, but slavery was  at the top of absolutely greedy  capitalism that brought 12 million Africans as slaves to the loser
European kickouts  and runaways in North America, now exploiting others. Now, their descendants
are holed up in the holes like rats, afraid of the 50 million Africans now roaming around. 

You reap what you sow; only White Nationalism can give you any hope for any White future in
North America. You'll see!


                                                                                                                                      April 12, 2023

                                                                    By Don Andrews 

 I don't see any other preoccupied with unnatural anti-racism than the White race. All other races
are proud of their heritage, even though some are willing to racemix to get to the rich White men's
lands. They know we are clever and orderly enough to create a stable, prosperous, upwardly mobile society that allows foreigners to take advantage of; what other race on the planet is that nice, up to the point of
financial reparations to minority groups that were never persecuted in that part of the world
like California, and is now planning to cost billions?

If any Whites dared to object, then the White race traitors step in to harass you until you lose your
job ad they hope you go to jail. Those are the White scoundrels we're dealing with; mental case
morons who will destroy themselves and all around them to get praise for their self-loather anti-
racism. No discussion is required with this kind of hateful opponents, not that these goofs  have
tried dialogue, as they always claim fairness when pushing their Orwellian key propaganda words
of BS  "inclusion" and "multiculturalism"  that do not include White Nationalists. I hate hypocrites,
and that's what  all snooty, bigot, trendy anti-racists practice in public while carrying on with their
gated lives, letting ordinary White people suffer with worry and anxiety every time they read the
paper or see the news, fearing to visit or shop in their own downtowns due to naive,  mostly barren
anti-racist idiots.   

There's a cold war going on right now with a lot of hate-filled passion for the White traitors who
need to be called out in public and private dialogue whenever you can. It's a "word shot" at the
though process of the naive and sneaky morons who have betrayed our civilization and race. 

What could be worse? Participate or stand out of the way!

                                                                                                                                       April 11, 2023



                   by Don Andrews 

With commies, leftists, anti-White racists and globalist Jew cultists in charge, there is only
one way to go for them -- down! They know it, too,  and are terribly afraid as usual of all
cliques who are in power...out of power! Of course it's taking a little extra time for White men
with their weaker-by-nature female partners who are in league with the ruling feminist elites.
|They are all a neurotic bunch, always worried where the threat will come from; even the far
left is dangerous for them, when some Whites will side with supposedly downtrodden
minorities and attack the cult rulers. No, they are not a race, even though they mutilate their
males' private parts (circumcision) for their mean Semitic God and started out as one Semitic tribe
with a fantastic self-elevating story about their relationship with 'God'. Really? 
Usually Jews are worried
about rightists who are more concerned about racial pride and realities rather than the conspiracy types,
but by  "being in charge" of the political activities of Western countries, they'd better pray to their God
that nothing goes wrong because they will be  blamed by the right and left as the traitors who brought
us this mayhem, crime and chaos with multiculturalism, diversity and unnatural ant-racism idiocy.

Soon the Second World War will be one hundred years old and after that, and even before
all the actions of Nazis will be forgotten or considered  irrelevant as just 'history'. It will hard
to keep their Holocaust story as fresh and important as it is today.  My advice to Jews is to
imitate their White racist "enemies" and align themselves with Nature and White Nationalism.

before it's too late. History repeats itself.

                                                                                                           April 5. 2023

                               WHY THE MEDIA HATES TRUMP!
                        WE LOVE TO SEE OUR ENEMIES SQUIRM

                                                           by Don Andrews     

One can't help but enjoy when the snooty media types have to report carefully, but still hatefully,
on the White peoples' hero, Donald Trump.

Trump doesn't even have to pay attention to his hard core White Nationalist base -- he's forever
trapped with them in the eyes of the globalist anti-White racist radio, newspapers and TV coverage. They know why they hate him but never want to fully explain why, just continue the criticism. They are scared of
our kind who hate them more than they hate Donald Trump. You have to give credit to Trump for
the way that he took the dinky indictments brought on by a black prosecutor and a chief witness
against him -- Trump's own lawyer, What a betrayal and time for personal bigotry thinking.

It's weird how the arrogant Establishment won't deal peacefully with Trump; they laugh at his
charges against those in power, but they're still embarrassed that Whites' enemies' conspiracies
have to be mentioned. Going after Trump is strictly political. showing that the police are at your
opponents' service; that's a police state, when petty, non-felonious charges can be elevated on
national level to besmirch a political opponent. This is not lost on 76 percent of the people in one
poll who believed these charges are politically motivated, while others yammered on about it's-one-
law-for-the rich-or-poor naively, and with happy vengeance in their eyes; most of them were women.
That's the other divide I noticed watching news channels... most of the female commentators were
anti-Trump, regardless of the good arguments on the stupidity of these childish charges. 

The media has divided society with their Trump-hatred. Those who are not impressed  by whores'
and minstrels'  words on a society's survival as a race on one side and globalist racemixers on the
other, leading to our guaranteed extinction, like in India. That's the importance of White Nationalism
that the media ascribes Trump as their present leader. Let's pray that they don't assassinate our
White figurehead.

April 2, 2023

by Don Andrews   

It's the Trump supporters on one hand and the  anti-racist Whites and non-Whites on the other.
Well, we know who will win in the end, definitely -- not the self-loather Whites -- they are doomed 
for extinction like all species that fail to reproduce: all of that kind of mindset will be genetically
, as only determine White racists survive. It's as simple as that. Plus their cosiness with
non-Whites will further breed them out of existence. Sorry, but that's just Nature's rules for survival.

Another good thing has come out is the presence of White Nationalists in White society usually
known for its' meddling ways.  Well, hell no, we won't go, say the persecuted White racists to
globalist regimes' warmongering ("peacekeeping" untenable situations). Hence the lackadaisical
approach to joining the Slavs' stupid border war with NATO agitators. Russia and China are the
two remaining patriarchies that the matriarchal Jew cult does not control, do the globalists have
gone into a second cold war. It's up to White Nationalists along with naive but peace-loving leftists
to see that this attempt at a Third World War is permanently stymied. Write those letters, fill out
those polls, text and e-mail the anti-racist morons in power, that there is a mutual anti-war
population, some with very firm beliefs contrary to the globalist overlords. Remember, when you
read this stuff you are understanding something for millions of others who think like you but didn't
read it, and who should have. As boring as it is, sometimes you have an obligation to repeat vital
truths.  Carry on!

March 27, 2023


by Don Andrews 

It's hard not to enjoy when your enemy is having a hard time. It's human nature looking for balance.
So it is when I see the world-controlling cultists fighting among themselves basically over nothing
in their theocratic State of Israel. It's basically a fight on who's a Jew -- the secular genetic who
doesn't practice the rebellion except to get something for belonging, or the black-hat-and-bearded-
Orthodox practicing religious Jews believing the 'Chosen people' myth.   This has all happened
before: Jews at each other in when in power while gentile storm clouds gather -- check their history.
Since Roman times this cult was dispersed and Europeanized with Slavs and Central Europeans;
they even have Asiatic and Ethiopian (Falasha) Jews, so it's a microcosm of  Semitic god humanity. 

Israel is walking a tightrope on the Ukrainian war, careful that Putin doesn't get too mad. They have
connections around him, including the successful convict-recruiting Wagner mercenary group's
Jew owner. I'm sure they won't allow a nuclear war--the West is more worried about China, which it
wants its province of Taiwan back, like a protracted Hong Kong handover . As long as their computer components keep humming for mutual benefit, Whites should not die in a new Chinese civil war to take back
Taiwan. Whatever happens in Israel now is not pretty, and didn't do them any good public-image-
wise, or their naive Christian worshippers from a self-chosen people.

One thing is for sure, historically, all cult states will break up or disintegrate if there is no outside
threat; the Jews feel safe today that they dare show their disunity.

by Don Andrewa

Hey,  when I call Britain an anti-racist women's island  further proof lies from top to bottom now
with the election of a racemixed Arab of some kind as first minister and leader of the separatist
Scottish National Party. Watching White wimp conservatives praising their choice only shows their
diversity delusion and nationalist ethnic separation.

They're a joke. tell them (we will) at   

PS: Are they going to 'Mac' in front of his name?


March 25, 2023



by Don Andrews 

One of the most interesting and action-filled books I've ever read is the true history of the French
Revolution in their then-colony of Santo Domingo (by Lotharp Stoddart) today known as the island
country of Haiti.

What happened to the White French people and a sizable racemixed population is a historical
capsule of what could happen to the whole North American continent; history repeats itself,
especially if you try something unnatural like racemixing and slavery, two of the worst  aspects of
greedy capitalism, among many others.

Haiti's blacks came straight from the West African coast aided by willing African tribes who
captured others for their own profit and use. Secret slavery still exists today in parts of Africa,

especially in the sub-Sahara . Haiti's Whites and mixed bloods were all wiped out over time and
the country is run by dictatorial degrees ever since, but still mostly in chaos as the "Africans" are

ex- slaves from different ethnic black tribes and don't know or remember their past. Without
strongman ruling, the place falls into chaos. So this is where globalist meddler idiots intend to send our military? Are they nuts? Aside from the old  adage that 'whenever we go there we end up bringing them back here', this will cost millions that should be spent on the hungry and homeless in Canada (there's plenty of them here,

too) and not wasted on useless UN meddler mission that I'm sure some patriotic Haitian won't like

to see. Anything could happen, but for sure, these tax dollars are gone. White Nationalists are
usually isolationists; we mind our own business and expect others to do the same (China, take

notice). Send them aid but don't send our troops and give more to the pensions and welfare
payments to our poor. 

Tell Trudeau to let the Haitians solve their own social problems... we will.

Trudeau's email:

March 23, 2023

by Don Andrews   

These Canadian generations of anti-White racist unnatural White idiots  will be hated and despised by future racially-aware White generations for changing the complexion of the population by massive immigration bordering on an invasion in just over a year, and they're not stopping; future Whites will wonder why we were so naive when they look at their crime stats, and especially, who are doing the crimes.

The globalist anti-White racist Jewsmedia and the politically correct police  and politicians  are hiding these obvious facts today, hardly ever providing pictures of the non-White culprits, often leaving out skin color in 'wanted' descriptions; they are so scared of their deluded White women. No other race has been so willingly racially betrayed than the White race by their women. It's sad but true-- today's White men are to follow their lady's wishes, who in turn look to the Jewsmedia's entertainment industry of so-called male celebrities as an example of what their men should be. But, "minstrels"  are the last men to imitate who will do anything to anyone like a whore: CHOOSE ME, CHOOSE ME! is their motto.

Soon an angry White generation will realize these betrayals and turn on their failed past when Whites were too afraid to say their race. Woe to the people in power now, especially if they allow more banks to fail. Then we can lump them all together as examples of the White race. But as the 'good guys' we must first try to convince these fools with letters to editors and all their columnist propagandists to warn their them of their future happiness to cease and desist with any White race propaganda and massive immigration invasion, mostly from the non-White Third World. Let them know what you think-- it's only fair to warn someone doing harm to your kith and kin for posterity. Let's stop them now with pleas and sound arguments.... because that's what good guys do.

March 18, 2023


by Don Andrews 

Well, they're halfway there now, with evil restrictive-to-free speech Orwellian 'hate laws' making it almost

impossible to be a proud White  person for fear of offending White self-loather anti-racists and now, non-
Whites. Racially-aware Whites are slowly learning that their voices and interests don't matter to anti-racist
globalists, which Putin referred to i  his tirade against the multicult degenerate West...pushing democracy
on others while killing millions in the process.   

White Nationalist policy is not to meddle and let the locals decide who runs the show; that goes for the
conflict in The Ukraine (the frontier) on Russia's border. Instead, let's worry about our own borders, as the
US has lost control of its southern border. The non-White population, with a chip on its shoulder, is about
ten percent. Add the naive women's vote and white wimps -- we're outvoted! Already Whites are souring on
pushing this system on others, because it's not doing us any good more and more every year. It's mathem-
atically possible to disappear into a weird minority clinging onto existence, like the ancient Armenians in a
Turk-Mongol world, Oh yeah, I notice it's no longer politically correct to call Tukey 'turkey'; now it's Turkya
on the Jewsmedia.

White Nationalists must take a harder line toward their self-hating enemies and hypocrites, and especially
toward the politicians and anti-racist media. Condemn their crap and their miserable lives whenever you can;
fear of your hatred spreads further than your words. In the final analysis, racial survival is much more
important than a multicult society's democracy.

Racial loyalty first, and religious and political considerations second.   

March 8, 2023

         by Don Andrews 

Russians need to clean up their White race image. Torture should never be the White man's way, although
almost all have practiced it at one time or another. The latest revelations in Ukraine accuse Russians of
summary execution of an unarmed Ukrainian soldier in a trench and the discovery of torture chambers of
Putin's troops. This is all disgusting! Putin should know better than to allow this kind of condemned war
activity since the entire Western globalist Jewsmedia is against his Ukraine invasion, to do something about
this reported horror.

 It's sickening to see dwindling Whites kill each other in the Pale (Ukraine). We should all be for a ceasefire
and a peaceful settlement of Russia's frontier (the Ukraine) --  otherwise the globalist Jewsmedia will lead us
to a third world nuclear war if this conflict is not stopped soon. It takes two to make peace; perhaps the new
country (thirty-one years old) of the Ukraine must also show some racial brotherly love towards Russia
instead of totally siding with feminist degenerate nations. I've told you before what other East Europeans
think of the Ukraine, as a land "where wives beat their husbands". So we know they're pretty and well, in
charge' the disgusting killing of an unarmed Ukrainian fighter by a Russian soldier calling the victim "a bitch" shows that attitude.   The whole war is an embarrassment  for Putin,  who acted when he saw the Ukraine purchasing globalist NATO weapons out to isolate patriarchal Russia further and stupidly drive them into Chinese pal's hands. 
 I also note that the mostly feminist-run peace movement is very slow to get on the bandwagon to stop this
White fratricidal war, showing their duplicity; they too have to be brought to account.

Let's stop this White fratricidal war in the Ukraine if you care about the White race and world peace.
Tell Putin here:
and also Trudeau, here:

and Zelensky here:


March 6, 2023

by Don Andrews     

Basically, there is no more White music, just dance-thumping blacks' tunes depicting black 'gangsta' lives in blacks' videos with just
'gangsta talk' about love and sex, presented in such a way that very few Whites would be comfortable to do. Our White dancing women
are inundated with black men's voices as they dance with their usually very still White partners; it's not a good formula for a lasting
love life! 

While we know the culprits are in this sneaky idiocy, the so-called celebrity whores of the entertainment industry always Shouting, choose 
me! choose me! They don't care about the health of the White race or you -- just themselves. It's up to White Nationalists to speak up and
demand an end to this anti-White travesty with Emails, tweets phone calls and letters to get some White music on the airwaves and
television. Remember, our enemies hate us so much that they are afraid of us, every single one of us, as it has been proven in North
America already, and ditto back to them. 'Nice' does not work with the enemies, only straight opposition works. Unfortunately, even as our
barren enemies die off. That's why they're looking for recruits for their perverted hedonism in our schools with drag queen shows for the
poor pre-pubescent  kids trying to deal with their new sexuality. Why else would they do it, since they came out of the closet? The biggest
joke to me is that naive women support the hateful queers in their school quests; don't they realize that they are the main contenders for
a partner?

White Nationalists will have to call up and call out all the non-White entertainment channels and give them proper hell and a warning of 
a boycott of them and their advertisers if they persist in all the hip-hop 'music' on their channels, to cease and desist their purposeful
hatred of White culture.

Persecuted White Nationalists today are and will be the heroes  of future White generations, no doubt about it. Race is all, and it matters
even more for survival alone in a racemixed society, as every smart White person knows; hopefully, you are one.

Let's get some real White music on the airwaves. You can help by contacting those below involved with music videos and music 



Stingray Canada:
Postal address; 
730 Wellington. Montreal QC
H3C 1T4

BOOM Radio 97.3

Stingray Music USA

Black Entertainment Networks/BET

Postal  address
1 Bet Plz 1235, Washington, District of Columbia, 20018, United States USA

MTV Networks

Postal Address:
2600 Colorado Avenue
Santa Monica, CA 90404

VH 1
Postal Address
1515 Broadway Ste L1, New York, New York, 10036, United States USA


March 1, 2023

By Don Andrews   

Like the US, Vladimir Putin calls the West 'degenerate' -- a label we have placed on the matriarchal  feminists' and queers' general society. Oh, sure, not everyone has the achievement of degenerate pleasure, or are the people in the West interested only interested in hedonism, no matter what the Jewsmedia suggests. 

 The so-called West has a two-Marys Christian morality of a Semitic vain God: One Mary  said that

'this pregnancy is from God' and her cousin prostitute Mary said ' I saw him walking around three days after
he died on the cross. That's the fantastic feminist basis the cult believes in, prostylized by twelve guys -- a
man's penis is not needed  for this 'miracle' - a husband is redundant when this God gets horny. It's a
women's and wimps' religion and just because they can be very, very mean in pursuit of their 'religion'" do
esn't make them more manly, just mean. I don't think the Muslims burned people at the stake in the name of
Allah, but plenty of chopped-off heads still resulted in Middle East mythology religions; the Bible is full of
blood, even in the New Testament, so you know what Christians are capable of. As the old saying goes, what
Man has done before he can do again, and history repeats itself -- two scary truths.

The degenerate West bows down to women's wishes and their weirdo 'male' advisors. Our enemies never go
to the hard core extreme elements of decent society and satisfy their needs and complaints. But you won't get
it from the hateful hypocrites calling  you a hater. Meanwhile, they're all snooty bigots in their private lives, 
and the last to racemix. 

But it's all failed-- Whites have run away from blacks to small towns and neighborhoods living their own
separate lives. Multiculturalism will create ghettos and no-go areas like America's abandoned  neighborhoods
in Detroit shown the other day on TV. A lot of White city people are thinking of moving to smaller towns where
housing is a lot cheaper and public safety is more assured as we try to enjoy the last days of the degenerate
West. Only innate, proud White racial morality can re-order this chaos and criminals' charnel-house society.

What's old is new again and White Nationalism will win.

February 25, 2023


by Don Andrews     

The North American continent was the last refuge of the world's losers and wannabes. It's now filled to the
brim with the kickouts and runaways in the world, looking mostly to get rich where morality matters little.
Greed is not a good basis to build a stable, peaceful nation. This greed brought into the continent Africans
as slaves (twelve million), becoming more unnatural as a racemixed state.  While American men are busy
trying to get rich, their families are run by the mothers, depriving men of their father role to raise lots of
weirdos, some of whom think this is natural.

Every time I watch real crime shows (and there's lots of them), the father is missing -- It's mostly mothers
acting surprised at their criminal sons' behavior. When was the last time you saw a father comment  on his
criminal offspring? America is definitely a women's world, hence, so much crime and misery. Americans are
like unreligious Jews who occasionally care about their mothers -- after all the Jews' cult is a matriarchy, So
we're imitating the power holders of the media and sneaky politicians. The whole continent seems afraid of
their women north of the Rio Grande River. It's a topsy-turvy world that leads to shooting massacres making
every own uneasy and deeply unhappy inside for their safety and future. It's sickening! 

I came to Canada at ten years old crying, as a formerly happy orphan in Tito's Yugoslavia, to a mean mother
already here, having married a Canadian soldier in Germany after the war  where she was working with the
Germans being a Catholic Croat. My father's identity is unsure, with vague stories that he fought and died
during the German invasion as a soldier. I don't even know his first or last name. I've tried to do better as a
father of six children from four different mothers, making sure to be a good influence on my kids, especially
the boys, now doing great so far.

However, publicly, much more needs to be done to resurrect the weak father's role in raising children in
North America, starting with the evil Jewsmedia peddling this feminist abomination-- the sooner the better,
before the spoiled brat murderers get you.

Let's see fathers get more respect this Father's Day, June 18th.

February 21, 2023

by Don Andrews 

What's wrong with our White women who don't seem to care if we go into a nuclear war with Russia over their next door neighbor, the new country of the Ukraine (literally 'the frontier')  for Russians? Now they're pretending
that they are no threat to Russia  by wanting to join NATO, an alliance formed when Russians ruled the much
bigger Soviet Union as a counterbalance of the Western states. When the Soviet Union dissolved, so should
have NATO. Instead it was kept as a globalist elitists' war machine which meddled in the Balkan civil wars
with their bombing raids and the US invasion of Islamist-rule Afghanistan (which has nothing to do with the
North Atlantic alliance).

Canada should get out of NATO now, before we're dragged into a third world nuclear war that few Western
White women care about. Certainly our women are not out there demonstrating for peace at such a crisis
time, but instead are finding excuses to send more arms to the Ukraine  to fight the last great White patriarchy
called Russia. That's what you call hypocrisy in the name of so-called democracy. No one asked the voting
public, so you want another war to defend this buyable system before they were elected? 

Our feminists are playing with fire and yours' and my life with this arrogance and refusal to negotiate until
there is a regime change in Moscow. Such arrogance and carelessness... they don't have to fight and die in
another useless Whites war, the snakes! Don't forget who is mostly against White Nationalists and their own
racial kith and kin  -- our women. So far only the feminist cult Jewsmedia and naivé White women are for far
more aggression on Russia's border (frontier) the Ukraine. Sickening. The whole situation for should be an  embarrassment  for all feminists' media and they should be roundly and forcefully condemned. White
Nationalists are for peace and prosperity, not death and destruction like the pro-war feminists.

The only movement on the Ukraine war is against a  supposed neo-Nazi  regime as Putin keeps babbling
about on to deaf ears in the Jew-controlled Western 'elites' who he blames for this war he seems to be
stepping away from. His Kremlin Jew pal who runs the Wagner group of ex-convict-enrolled mercenaries
who claim some victories  against Ukraine when they were begging for ammo and equipment yesterday, as if he's afraid of the mercenaries' boss. The Ukrainians have their own foreign mercenaries called the Azov Battalion. supposedly filled with right-wing types. But the Jewsmedia has been pretty quiet lately, too busy connecting
anti-Russian propaganda for globalists and NATO to finish off the last patriarchal Slav Whites. An interracial
war in a species that's dwindling daily would be lunacy; no ideology of 'democracy' is worth dying for -- the
world is better uncontrolled by Man everywhere. and the globalists haven't learned that yet, from Somalia to
Afghanistan, to Iraq, and now the Ukraine, the pale where Napoleon and Hitler failed. Who will be number

Give the war bastards and war bitches hell... we will! 

February 16, 2023


by Don Andrews

The only good thing out of all the UFO stuff, with the shoot-down of a Chinese "weather balloon" is that now governments will have a harder time hiding real UDO sightings and intrusions. If they are not shot down
people will wonder and enquiring more on what's that way up there? Possibly real extraterrestrial  UFOs will
be discovered if people see them and want them to be shot down  for security reasons, thinking it might be
from Red China. Flippant and dismissive attitudes from environmental and military spokesmen won't do
when it comes from real UFOs hidden from us for generations. No one really trusts the government to tell the
whole truth on the appearance of a UFO, but now they will be required to shoot them down or explain
unsatisfactorily why they allowed a UFO to travel across a country and a continent ; let's see how quiet the
skies are in the next few weeks/months before another real UFO is seen by citizens who will not be as easily dismissed, since all the Chinese balloon possibility.

We had a guy around for years who believed in extraterrestrials -- Ivan Boyes, who even claimed he was
abducted by them and examined. We called him "The Spaceman", and laughed it off. But now, Unidentified
Flying Objects are front and center. Hopefully, we'll find out soon just what they are. I certainly don't want out-of-this-world aliens able to travel through space around us, no matter what technological advances they may bring
or have. We have enough problems dealing with the other humanities without a real alien threat. I hope Ivan
was only imagining.

February 14, 2023

          NPC to Microsoft: Stop slagging Whites

Forwarded to Microsoft head Bill Gates on the
day after the Super Bowl:

To: Bill Gates, Microsoft Corporation 

Feb. 13, 2023

Dear Bill Gates:  

Don't call White people who don't care for an all-black Super Bowl morons--they are proud,
racially-aware people defending natural racists of any color; doing so engenders more hatred
toward their evil raceless critics.

Racism is as natural as breathing, idiots!

Nationalist Party of Canada,
Toronto Canada


February 7, 2023



by Don Andrews

Whatever the excuse is for Canada not shooting down the hundred-foot-high Chinese surveillance balloon, it's not good enough! The
Canadian politicians and military establishment have failed to protect our citizenry from a giant floating structure from a foreign country that
could be doing anything other than surveying our land -- like spreading viruses, etc., you never know. Why take the chance and let it fly over
your territory unopposed, unless you have some secret, unpatriotic globalists' motives? 

This weird lack of action goes also to the globalists' Joe Biden regime in the US: They allowed the balloon to float fearlessly across Alaska
and said very little to its citizens or Canada's defense department which seems useless in this 'invasion'. People have to pressure the
Trudeau regime and the globalists' Jewsmedia, which dies not seem patriotically outraged by the balloon incident. They are all culpable,
mostly because they have no White to "tell the Chinks what-fer" They are all pretend macho men, right up to our generals and veterans if
they don't complain to the invasion of our sovereignty. Whatever the Chinese reason are for sending this balloon, there are none that are
good for us. 

Bringing White' choice Trump into the discussion for his years  as president, and other balloons, only muddies the waters. I'm sure Trump
has become more White nationalist after all the evil globalist Jewsmedia attacks. There are two politicians who will have to decide soon if
they will or can work with globalist anti-White racist Semitic cultists (Jews) around Putin and Trump. Now let's wait and see if they turn on
them before they destroy them.

Complain to Trudeau on his balloon folly here: . 


January 27. 2023

by Don Andrews   

 I hate to be proved right on something wrong like multiculturalism, diversity and racemixing that I've been
yapping about since this started back in 1977. All you have to be is a student of history to 'see' what will
happen next to naive
Whites with these aforementioned deadly suicidal policies for any host nation. 

Now, as they say, the chickens have come home to roost with the revelation of the crime statistics regarding
who's doing all the mayhem in modern society. Even the anti-White Jewsmedia can't hide the facts (just faces and names of the mostly non-White criminals committing these violent crimes, even on Toronto transit, making many,
especially elderly people, afraid to leave their homes unless they have to. Shopping is down, nightclubs are
closed, family visitations are down because of a few punks with politically correct non-White racists behind
them setting the tone in this multicult, soon-to-become hell hole that used to be known as 'Toronto the good'  (whose early ancestors are now rolling in their graves with disgust and amazement; but that's your anti-male feminist
multicult society in action. 

The latest crime spree in Toronto is only the beginning unless the courts and police force the liberals and
libertine politicians to tighten up the city. Extra police on the transit system is a good start, but more has to
be done in the non-White communities spawning this crime wave. Fingers should be pointed now, the sooner the better, They all have to know  we are not paying in blood for the slavers' evil past. Torontonians -- in fact, all Canadian --
need to tell their politicians to be honest instead of being politically correct; you can't be both and still "tell
the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" on crime and the new racial realities brought to you by
the multicultist idiots and history -naive  diversity fools. They are all commie lies that should go down the
drain just like all the big shot Soviet republics. Only truth can set you free.

January 19, 2023

by Don Andrews 

I notice that the Jews are acting more hyper lately if you believe their Jewsmedia, They're always talking
about anti-Semites (a misnomer if ever there was one. People who are anti-Jewish are not necessarily against their fellow Semite Arabs -- don't forget, Judaism is a cult that has spread as far as Khazakhstan to Britain. Where is this
supposed anti-Semitism? I don't see it -- a little bit of graffiti in Montreal -- the rest is all supposed.

However there is a bigger problem: The Semitic cult of the Jews know they're in power and after all, power
causes destruction, They're on the alert waiting for a bell to ring, jumping the gun just in case; now the
people in power have to worry who they can insult or put down.  For decades Neo-Nazis have been their
targets, then came a few socially-conscious pro-Palestinian/secularist/anti-Israeli student types, but that's a
narrow crowd that probably includes a lot of university professors like the ones persecuting Dr. Jordan
Peterson, but so far, no one important pointing Jews out as culprits, not even Donald Trump or Putin, as
long as they still have Jews by their side, and still they're worried. The best thing the Jews can do is to
slowly divest themselves of their powers to the against White crowd around because they are going to
survive in any future White civilization by what the matriarchal  Semitic cult likes; what other race is there
where the men have been elevated their women to near-equality, natural or not?

The only thing that White Nationalists can be proud of right now is to always remember that race trumps
religion, especially if it's a foreign one. Let's hope the Jews' cult realizes this before it's too late for all of us.
Success comes when we all march together.


January 18, 2023

Here's What Don Andrews wants you to contact today:


Toronto Star, January 18: Letters section
Public telecom and Politicians

Canada may need a country-wide public telecom. What I know for sure is that we need politicians to do what they
were elected to do and look after the best interests of Canadians.

They have failed us miserably as we pay some of the highest interest rate in the world. It's time to contact our MPs and
remind them why they were elected.

Charles Campisi, Oakville Ontario

Toronto Star, January 18, Opinions

A Mixed Reality for Canadian Jews

Anti-racist, rich globalist cultists' main worry-- tell Michael Levitt (And to act nicer, too, we will)
   on Twitter, @michaellevitt

January 17, 2023

Years of 'Austerity Budgets' Keeping Toronto in a State of Despair

 Complain to Mayor Tory:
 And Doug Ford :      


January 16, 2023

by Don Andrews

One of the ways the Establishment  tries and does succeed in molding public opinion to their own globalist an anti-White racist failing policies is
through the 'morality' of their comedy shows, especially in the US and UK and the time-wasting 'canned laughter' interruptions, sometimes every
second sentence uttered is punctuated with soundtrack laughter for 2-4 seconds of a small crowd's laughter. You would think that might make you
laugh, but I've never laughed just because everyone  did consciously. When you don't laugh when other people do it makes you feel left out, like you
missed something to be happy about....It's not a good feeling. 

Canned laughter can and is insidiously used to peddle the queers' and perverts' "morality", wants and desires so they can  deride society (families) by
laughing at their hurts and morals. What better way to put down what you hate, than with a pre-recoded standard laugh track?  The enemy can decide
how much he wants to deride you with one to five seconds  of a laugh track that saved him dollars not to produce more programs and pay more actors
and staff well through in some tracks for the 'hoi polloi' (Latin for unwashed masses). Sacred thoughts and past history can be skewed to their
unnatural , politically correct dogmas of anti-hate Orwellian laws limiting free speech, then pretending around the world that Canada is a beacon of
freedom -- yeah, for feminists and commie hypocrites.

A lot of the time the laugh machine is put into action in very inappropriate situations where any laughter can be an insult. But that's the nature of the
very characters who do the entertainment industry -- hate for the past and a chip on the shoulder for some 'misdeed' by family or a friend. They are angry, nasty people who hate kids and traditional happy families -- hence their rude and crude comedy tracks.

The White laugh track scheme seems wrong and a wasteful time that they could have moved to. Canada's Corner Gas does it without a hitch. Canned
laughter if the sneaky, cheapskate lazy man's way of doing business in the entertainment industry. We don't need it Tell them!


January 11. 2023


                                                                 by Don Andrews   

Racially aware Whites are waking up, realizing that aside from naive White women voters the evil globalists'
Jewsmedia is the White race's main enemy. The news and opinion pages and TV and radio stations are pretty well controlled by an anti-White racist cabal pretending to be a race, while being a multiracial arrogant 'god' cult of self- chosen

However, they are all on the edge of a great downfall as the dissatisfied  growing White Nationalist masses
see who is always speaking out against White racial identity while promoting everyone else's race and
heritage. It's a stab in the back of all proud Whites, often-times in their own households. No other race is
burdened with such close treachery; only the Whites. Fortunately these anti-White race hedonists are dying
off, just like the queers who came out of the closet, and are not reproducing, either. The media morons know
this as you can tell every day on their opinions pages, they are getting a lot of nasty flak for their betrayal of
their kith and kin. I love to see and hear their whinings, 'poor dears'. But they deserve all the criticism and
approbation of the deadly evil views.

Now is not the time to lay off these enemies of White Nationalists' existence but to double down against their
unnatural self-loathing and hatred of White racists. All multicult crime is also the anti-racists' fault, they
brought crime to White communities and are just as culpable as the greed-bag early slavers who brought
12 million Africans for cheap labor. Imagine all the murders and misery that ensued that capitalist greed for
'my lady''s impossible.

Now the evil anti-racist Whites are worried about crime and guns -- but the bastards and bitches never tell you
who's doing all the violent crime nowadays. In fact these scumbags try to hide the faces of the criminals,
whether they are a gang of White teens girls swarming and old Chinese guy to death with knives and boots on
Toronto's streets, or robbing store owners. It takes dinky sites like ours to tell the truth, or at least to hint at it,
as these same hypocrite feminists and multicultists have put jailing laws into practice to stop free speech that
matters, not just what they'll allow you to say. They're such phonies --their end days are coming and it won't
be pretty: the Whites' great show of January 6th, Canada's truckers convoy and now the Whiter side of Brazil
demonstrations, have the evil media morons scared, and the more they complain in their matriarchal
Jewsmedia outlets, the more fear and dread they spread for their own privileged types.

Every time you see, hear or read their tripe, remind them of their inevitable upcoming downfall -- unless they
change they have no future in a multicult idiots' society ... only racially aware Whites do. May God and nature
bless the brave and proud White Nationalists who they created, and curse the evil-doers against us. May they
not sleep well at night thinking about the hate they created in their mental-case minds. To Hell with them all! 

January 2, 2023


by Don Andrews   

The West is definitely anti-White racist; the feminist Western democracies  are all against natural racism for
the White race only, while lauding non-Whites racism--that's what you call self-loathing. Oh I know the former
failed commie states were officially against natural racism, but they never put it into practice with official
multiculturalism. That's why all the former Soviet states are still ethnically around, from the Baltics to the
Mediterranean to the Black Sea, they have all kept their ethnicities where manly common sense prevailed. So
stop your complaining and feel lucky to survive as a 'people' compared to what would have happened to your
states and history if the West had ruled you into racial oblivion  ad is now happening in North America and
particularly women-run Canada. 

Most White women just don't get it that for their privileged existence would  if the commies had followed
through on the Jewish Marxist protocols by force and jailing laws as they do in women's North America .
Perhaps it's because feminists don't know much or care much about history that idiots' multiculturalism has
taken root in North America while slowly creeping in to Western Europe like Britain and France through the
women's vote in racially failed democracies that will one day vote to outlaw your racial existence. It's already
happening, when you can be jailed for what you write about  with anti-free speech laws that put myself and
Bob Smith in prison in democratic women-elected regimes like Canada. I hate hypocrites so spare me your
excuses and reasons to maintain what's unnatural.. multiculturalism As you read the crime stories as a start
committed by non-Whites (never mind the unease and unrest, even to go out on the town on New Year's Eve
in a White race traitors'  multicult uncertain and violent society).

On top of all this is the malaise and future uncertainty that racemixed societies bring, so much so that it

prevents hopes for a secure future to create and bring up innocent White children into the world. Feminists
are no pals of large White families by their own acts and definition. 80% of the crime nowadays can  be blamed on the kind of racial self-hate that will lead us to oblivion-- the rest 20% can be put on capitalist greedbags who want cheap
labor at any social cost or White race survival. That's why the universalist churches are empty and for sale,
due to their treachery of the White people who they don't love... just the Third World types  until these
hypocrites and their lies are all gone. Good riddance to all our traitors.  Only White Nationalists stand in the
White self-loathers' way, even if most of them are private bigots or arrogant White cultists; they will all go
down the drain of history for their treachery when non-Whites take over totally. These anti-racist morons will
be forgotten and/or condemned by the new rulers.  There can be no middle ground with White self-loathers
and anti-racist idiots because they are the unnatural disgusting face of evil, with never a kind word toward
natural White racists; the only one who future generations will look up to find the path to survival of our
once-great White race that should concentrate on revival and stop helping and meddling in other peoples'
problems. Remember,  race is all!

December 27, 2022

by Don Andrews 

2023 looks like it will be a year of action and resolution for the White race at home and abroad. Whites know they are dwindling potentially in their own
countries thanks to barren feminism and idiots' multiculturalism. Strains are showing across the social spectrum, from not getting the jobs they
deserve due to  racemixers' "diversity" rules to fear of going out, especially at night due to uncertain attitudes of multicult immigrants foisted on us by
anti-racist globalist traitors. Violent White crime is disappearing, if you watch and study the crime news that the anti-White racist media tries to hide for
their failed racemixed unnatural society. The White Nationalists have been proven right with every multicult crime -- "You can't live with them". Even
multicult proponents are hiding and quiet; they know their dumb utopian idea has failed  as more Whites run away from the racemixers' cities to smaller. mostly all-White towns. There's a lot of fear and loathing in White minds against uncertain situation and  future for them.

Hate is all that the pushers of multiculturalism deserve. Canada is going into its corners, provincially, especially Quebec and Alberta, who see the
problems of multiculturalism as we do: whenever people are unhappy together they usually separate if they know what's good for them. If nature's
racial survival means separatism, then so be it; no Orwellian 'anti-hate' laws will stop it.  The days of dying-off queers are over. Naive party time is
finished. It's time to take a pro-White racial stance in 2023 if you want to survive as a people. Even black activists don't want White to perish. They
know who's the nicest to live with, and it's the White race  -- just ask black Kanye West and his friends. 2023 also looks good a war in the Far East;
China is ready to take back its errant island province of Taiwan, where the last 'nationalist' regime fled to. They are flying over dozens of war planes
lately, testing the defenses of the US-backed island regime and know the American people are fed up with Asian wars  that they never win. Democracy
-talk won't be enough to fight Red China.  It's doubtful that the reds will wait another year to take that prosperous piece of territory back. The best thing
would be for the 'nationalists' to invade China at the same time and get a foothold on the mainland to change the regime. That's the American way,
especially toward Putin's Russia ... regime change meddling, like all globalist racemixers who talk about their 'territorial integrity' while denying it to
their opponents. Hopefully Canada will stay out of these conflicts, but with our membership in NATO it will be hard to do, except to get out of all
globalist warmonger alliances. NATO is unnecessary when we border the most powerful nation on Earth to protect us, since we  share the same
continent.   White Nationalists' strict attitude toward the anti-White media has cooled their jets in criticism of White racists; this pressure must be kept
up. Don't let race traitors lead you to extinction -- confront them whenever you can, but be careful not to threaten -- just give them hell. No race traitors
should sleep peacefully if they are out for your destruction as a people and a civilization.

Without White Nationalists, the so-called conservatives would have no new ideas except greed. White racists are the conscience of conservatives; they
lift them up above cheapskateness and their leaders know it: just ask Trump, who is due for a comeback: as long as he does not water down his
persona, Whites will follow. We remind him all the time with our e-mails -- Don't succumb to the anti-White evil media that we have surpassed. thanks
to the Internet, where the Nationalist Party of Canada thrives. Our ideas are out there and will be imitated more and more in the future... just watch.

Happy 2023 New Year and to all our supporters and allies.  Bless you all! 


December 20, 2022



by Don Andrews     

There is no doubt about it -- even the so-called conservative media like Fox News hates racially-aware Whites on whatever they do or face
in globalist idiots' racemixed "society". These White self-loathers hate not only White racists, but their own families and heritage. These
people are so full of themselves and display it continuously. Selfish people are not very understanding, but mean and Draconian toward
their critics. Anti-racists are the real haters who have introduced laws to pauperize and imprison their natural White racist opponents, unlike
fair-minded White Nationalists who only want their voices and opinions heard.   Future generations of White Nationalists must focus on these intransigent race traitors, and demonstrate wherever they spew their hate at racially-aware Whites, the only hope to preserve the great White race. Fortunately
these biped creatures are not reproducing, too selfish and busy with their pointless lives, so this genetically-defective White element is self

 I don't want to hear anything from non-White anti-racists because that's an oxymoron description -- they're all racists in their own right, so
no lectures, please, on the idiots' failed multiculturalism that has brought crime and uncertainty  for many Whites -- although you won't hear
it from the media mental cases. In fact, they try to hide the culprits' faces and identities as civilized society goes down the drain. The sad part
is, they are not stupid -- the media slimebags know what's happening with destructive multiculturalism brought in by politicians supported by
the traitorous media minions. This privileged element of modern society deserves all the condemnation and disdain that you can muster with 
rightful glee.  Media morons are not special people, just evil, selfish characters working against nature and God's creation...their own White
race. When was the last time you heard any of these negative traitors say anything positive about our great White race? Never!

There are many ways to show our displeasure over media goofs' racial treachery; let them know how much they are hated, let them worry
about what they might say or write against White racists -- they have thin skins for criticism, as all traitors should. Curl your lip up into a sneer when you think about them because they are below contempt. Let's make their lives mentally miserable, like they did for a once-peaceful and prosperous White
society that separatist White Nationalists will resurrect even better one day soon, because the future belongs to us.
Repent now, race traitors!


December 19, 2022



 I'm glad that Argentina won over the almost half-black French World Cup team. They are not "French" --
that country is still mostly White; How can you be French and cheer for them unless you are not a White
French nationalist? So it is for any other team like them, they do not represent the ethnic reason for a
European country. However with the 'new world'  Americans, anything goes. with little regard for racial pride,
just greedbag economics matter. The French should know better: race is all, or shut up and be forgotten,
except in history books. This will be the fate of all Whites in the Americas, unless natural White pride is
restored, much to the objections of many women and queers now in charge of most of Western White society. UGH!

I notice that the 'Ukrainians' (frontier people) don't want to talk about peace in their war with Russia after
fighting their fellow Russian cousins with globalists' NATO arms and membership. Would the US accept
Russian missiles in Mexico if their regime changed? Doubt it! Trudeau must be called out on prolonging the
Ukraine-Russia conflict with more money and weapons to the intransient Ukraine, which knows  they will
have to make some kind of peace with Russia without dragging all of us into a third world war and possibly
a nuclear one. It takes two to make peace, so let's put it on our globalist gadfly Prime Minister Trudeau to
make a more serious effort to stop this stupid war among Slavs. We will.

Trudeau's Email address is: .


by Don Andrews   

I hate slavery and and slavers, the worst people of uncontrolled greedy capitalism. If it weren't for the
merchant mind, twelve million Africans would not have been captured to work in the Americas. They didn't
get to North and South America in their dug-out canoes  but in evil, dirty slave ships in chains. Curse the
capitalists of that time especially the nice, hypocrite Christian types who participated in the slave trade of
Africans! Now their ancestors are reaping their evil past with mayhem and crime and welfare costs for their
selfishness, mostly to please their equally-mean women of the past. These 'costs'  are palatable today with
California's plan to give cash to blacks for past wrongs, which one black guy worried it will all go to buying
Cadillacs and Mercedes. So what -- it's still part of our economy, so everyone benefits, and it will not go to
another country, but will be spent in the USA... so let's relax!  


December 14, 2022


by Don Andrews   

TV advertising continues for pill-popping solutions to today's problems, from depression to skin disorders,
there is a pill for it with all of the possible connected side effects, from blindness to skin rashes...and
sudden death. When you hear all the side effects. your particular problem disappears. Yet, millions of people, mostly
I'd say older women, are on these pills, with all these dangerous rhymed-off side effects (which presumably
the pill company has to divulge like a doctor or a pharmacist did in the past). 

Rhyming off every unpleasant, potentially deadly, but miserable side effects puts a lot of worry and negativity
into your head -- and possibly your body. Don't underestimate the power of suggestion, especially if it's
negative; it's worse than watching the news, which you only want to see once a day. However, these side
effects are continued in your ears. I counted five pill-popping propaganda ads on TV, one after the other, in
one hour. Aside from some car commercials, that's what you get on TV, watched by many old folks... reminders
of other medical problems put in your head before you croak. It's not nice and definitely undermining mentally. The last thing
you need are more worries when you get old (then there's the jingles you hear with many of them: One,
Ozempic, is based on the 1974 top forty hit "It's Magic" ).  Encouraging people to take a certain drug without a
doctor's direction is dangerous at least. But sharing your particular problem with the public through ads is an
insult to  general happiness that we should be entitled to without greedy chemical companies profiting from
our miseries. Keep it to yourself and your doctor. 

As for the worry-causing pill-pushing ads, let's get them off the entertainment media like TV, etc. We don't
need to be reminded of sight loss, stomach upset, headaches, rashes and diarrhea every time we sit down
to try to enjoy life. Besides, who wants to have to depend on a pill for anything publicly? Let's send a message to the advertisers and TV stations of the quiet misery that they are dispensing with these pill-popping ads pushing
social negativity. .... we will.

December 10, 2022


by Don Andrews  

Globalist multicult leftists are in power with any new ideas facing peaceful Whites! 

I don't care what the call themselves -- Liberals, "Conservatives"  or NDP  --  they are all against White race
survival in North America, bedeviled with crime and a low birthrate due to anxiety over a future in a multicult/
anti-racist society. Of course, the worst race traitors are those posing as "conservatives"; some even put the
commies' label in front and call themselves "progressive" conservatives to curry favor with White women
voters who are in the center of this two-faced fraud and idiocy. Words like these hopefully won't have to be
looked for by future historians marking and musing over  a White race downfall on an entire North American
continent. South America has already gone down that road, as it had many more non-Whites, when
Europeans got there, some partially civilized although they were still chopping heads on top of their pyramids for their 'gods'. Just look at the faces of the South American players in football's World Cup. 

Shirt-and-tie commies rule Canada as they all bow down to the women's vote. It's hard to accept and
understand White women's racial self-loathing in general; never mind their extreme love for minorities who
want to wipe them out in the final analysis. All White men can do is nicely appeal to them for the sake of
civilization, to stand behind their men, but we must not be naive and presume that's all it will take to change
minds with a  chip on the shoulder for fathers and males in general for one thing or another, while our White
society goes down the drain.

Take action with disrespectful words toward all White anti-racists and their hateful followers, particularly in
the anti-White globalist media. No one likes to be hated and it's always on their minds, especially if they are
guilty of hating the proponents of their own kind. Same goes for the frilly politicians prancing around like
men. Don't let them get off the responsibility hook for all the crime and mayhem you see -- send them all an
e-mail at least condemning their open borders failed multiculturalism and the growing murders and crime on
our city streets; they are to blame.  They told us that all the people in the world are the same. Then there are
the 'teachers' who push multiculturalism to the hilt. These pampered goofs make me sick with their snooty
opinions while the rest of us worry to get on public transit, now roamed by knife-wielding stabbers like the
evil creature who killed a beautiful young woman with a knife on Toronto's multicult transit system.

Let's start with Toronto's "everything-is-alright" fool John Tory and give him hell at his email
( and finally the biggest smiling idiot, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
(, responsible for so much non-White immigration into Canada. Also give them
hell in your province. Be a part of history that tried to save the White race in North America.

Join us -- We Are!

December 2, 2022


by Don Andrews 

 Globalist Jew cultists have shot themselves in the foot with the treatment of black nationalist American Kanye
West ("Ye"). Instead of appealing to and mollifying West, their Jewsmedia has gone all out to put the black
man down after years of promoting blacks and racemixing policies in North America. Kanye West's assertion
that 300 mostly-rich Jews run America is quite a revelation by the critical Jewsmedia that many people for the
next two generations  (forty years) won't forget, especially if they are "downtrodden" blacks.  Many White
liberals now have to deal with blacks hating Jews, White wimps that no race respects, no matter how anti-
racist they are, since they are not dealing with the facts of life: Matriarchal Jews rule!

 Interestingly, no Jewsmedia dares to touch the subject objectively, and show the truth of these statements.
Real White racists who respects other races' racists can't speak against Kanye West, so he knows our grateful
views towards his revelations and opinions on the subject matter. Globalist Jews have always been against
other peoples' nationalism since it interferes with their self-chosen God's  people-view. All this has happened

before in various countries at different times when some people went nuts with anti-Jew 'pogroms'. You would
think the snooty cultists would learn from experience and try to explain themselves and the enormous power
they control in society. But no, there's nothing doubling down on their hatred of any critics-- first White, and
now black; even the non-Jew schleps and lackeys don't answer the black man's complaints (who, by the way
said that White people were important because they are so innovative, etc.), which makes White wimp anti-
racists look out of touch and even more stupid and cowardly.

Send your compliments to Kanye West (Ye) on this issue for standing up and speaking to power unabashedly.
We have! Now we can concentrate on White Nationalism, while our enemies squirm.

On twitter: @kanyewest
His record label: DefJam Records:

November 29, 2022

by Don Andrews   

Of course, everyone is watching or hearing about the World Cup football (soccer) activity; you can't miss it. It's a great opportunity to learn
something about the peoples of the world, what they look like, how they act, their flags and anthems. Wales' was the best so far, then
Canada's, all on display. Even Americans have to pretend that they are interested in a simple sport they call soccer in North America.

It's interesting to see the different ethnicities of various qualifying countries, even though France has an over preponderance of non-White
players way out of percentage of their population, like a lot of former colonialist mother countries and some of their colonies, like Canada
and Australia. At least Canada made it into the World Cup playoffs and scored a goal, too. All this is great national pride but I do think that
countries who claim certain ethnic reasons to be a state should at least present their ethnic best and not bought-and-paid-for other ethnic
professionals posing as that ethnicity. Canada should not have more than fifteen percent non-Whites on their team, and the same should be
reflected in other countries; whether it's Whites or non-Whites like the South Americans, reflect your nation's population. If Canada can't
win, then I'll go for my mother's motherland, Croatia, or my father's, Serbia to win the Cup. Let's see what happens.


November 25, 2022

Here's where and who Don Andrews wants you to write today:

More Freedoms Restricted in Canada: Solicitor-Client Privilege of
Emergencies Act Creates Black Box, Inquiry Told

Story link:

Contact Public Order Commission email:

Pierre Poilievre still all in on his reckless ideas

tell him: if the anti-White media is against Poilievre he's on the right track-- AND-- stop your lies, you anti-White traitor goof!
                                   We will, here:


For Britain: Without Racism You Dummies Would not Have a Country, So Stop Whining!

Tell the Telegraph Here (we Will):

Anti-White Bastard Moron So-called Researchers Try to
Push Maskingin Schools to Counter  "Structural Racism"


Give them hell here (we will):

More Multicult Trouble: Why Canada Wants to Bring 
                      in Over 1.5 Immigrants by 2025
 Tell Trudeau he's wrong here:   ( We will)

November 21, 2022


 by Don Andrews

Aside from watching a lot of comedies and documentaries, I watch a lot of real crime shows. You don't need
to see any made-up stuff when you see the varieties of crime in racemixed America. They are all so
disheartening. But the worst for me are the criminal activities of their American neighbours. Fear Thy
is one such sad show. It's hard to watch, usually starting with people getting along until they
explode against each other for no reason at all, just because they happen to be disagreeable neighbours.

However, what would you expect in the receptacle of disillusioned losers looking to start a new life on a new
continent? It's in their genes not to feel any racial or ethnic loyalty when greed sets in. These conflicts are
not even based on any racial or political reasons, just arrogance and misunderstanding will do to raise their
hatreds into violence.  There is no cohesive social morality in a land filled with all kinds of the world's
population. These neighbour disagreements are so stupid; but that won't stop these Americans, who want
to dictate to the rest of the world on how to behave.

Americans really need to look inwards for all their social problems, and not meddle outside until their country is living  in morality. After all these altercations and murders you would think that they created a real 'neighbourhood
watch' to solve these conflicts peacefully--but their society is so divided that it might create even more
problems... still,
that's their only sensible solution -- "dialogue", to take time to listen to your opponents

instead of courts and jail. 

One thing is for sure -- Americans need a good dose of humility in their lives and speech, Historically
speaking, the "American Race" (no such thing), as it's called in the theme song of the cartoon American
opening title need to stop their own lies and realize that they're still the new kid on the block when it
comes to a civilized society. Learn to get along with each other in this unnatural racemixed society, like a
pirate port -- or be prepared to disunite soon, USA! 


November 17, 2022

Forwarded to US President Joe Biden:  

Catch and Punish all the evil murderers and criminals in your blighted country before you say or do anything to the rest of the world.

Don't Americans have shame?

Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto, Canada


November 16, 2022

NPC Protests Disgusting Perverts' Cartoon The Day My Butt Went Psycho in
Letter to Corus Entertainment CEO Doug Murphy

November 16, 2022

To: Doug Murphy, CEO,
Corus Entertainment.

​The Nationalist Party of Canada condemns Corus for its participation and funding in the perverted disgustingly titled cartoon The Day My Butt Went Psycho.

 This so-called kids' program is the product of perverts and queers' minds and has been running in Canada and Australia for several years. It has no purpose except to promote the evil attitudes of pedophiles with its focus on the anal area of the body.

We want this garbage removed from any and all Corus children's TV networks operating in Canada immediately. It is dangerous propaganda from those with perverted evil agendas and has no place on television.

Toronto Canada

cc: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau


Posted November 13, 2022


By Don Andrews 

It just makes me sick when I see globalists' fool Trudeau handing out millions of our tax dollars to foreign countries for aid while Canadians
go hungry and homeless in their rich land. It's disgusting! Anyone who backs this "foolosophy" is a national traitor in my mind.

At Christmastime and summer school vacation time the government should give extra to struggling parents, particularly single-parent
families in the hundreds of dollars. After all, they are making the next generation of Canadians who are growing up poor today. Obviously
the pitiful  amounts given nowadays is not enough with high inflation and food costs through the roof. I don't want to hear anything from the
cheapskates' conservative lobby who only care about their pocketbooks and are too cowardly to explain to the public that they also would
like to 'conserve' the White race in Canada.

The Liberal and NDP parties (the last one led by a Sikh cultist) are no examples of care for the poor -- just a lot of hot air and BS. Single
family parents and their supporters need to be more vocal on this poverty issue as well as the the arrogant welfare workers who seem to
have little love for the poor but instead act like police looking for fraud, while public crime rises thanks to the evil immigration department,
which is out to replace our great White race with mostly non-White strangers.  Letters to editors and pundits and reporters also must flow
to this privileged media minority to advocate for more financial help to our poor with hard reminders of their plight. These are the real rich
who support multiculturalism and our White race replacement, the 'frequent-fliers' and Third World holiday types having a great life while
their poor neighbors starve. Let's go after them and the politicians and bureaucrats who don't care about poor Whites. We hate them and
they should know it until our poor have enough to sit down for a beer.

Start today by asking our political leaders to up the allowances of our poor and destitute -- nicely at first. Remind them that a White
isolationist revolution is coming if they don't listen, and that won't be nice for them... We will!

Start with Justin Trudeau at his mail,
And write your province's and territorial premiers, as well.

Posted November 12, 2022


                                                  by Don Andrews 

The globalists' Jewsmedia wants to be in charge, but after all the former "fake news" revelations they have
lost the trust of the people for being just multicult propagandists and against racially-aware Whites.

Anyone different from them is verboten (forbidden). Alex Jones fits that spot with his site, InfoWars. Although he was into a world cabal conspiracy he never really said anything in particular about the globalist matriarchal Semitic
god-cult (you're not a Jew unless your mother is of Jews). Even on the racial issue, he was mildly White
Nationalist, so he really was not part of this movement, but of his own tabloid self. So, in essence, Alex Jones was holding down a lot of White racists with exciting conspiracy stuff. Unfortunately Alex Jones went a little too far with the
suggestion that the Sandy Hook massacre of children was a government-stage act. Already 
in shock. these parents were so outraged that they sued over the fact that one could print such lies. But it's
been done lots of times before, but never to the outrageous excess of fines of a billion dollars on a private
citizen owning a multi-million dollar website. 

I wonder if Alex Jones wishes he had been harder against his enemies?  This is the age of conspiracies.
Never in my many years have I seen so much belief by the general public in them... and that's bad for any
conspirator. If there is a costly war or a deep recession, the public will look for someone organized to blame.
Those in power should watch it, as you are making more Alex Joneses. Instead of rejoicing at Jones'
predicament they should be giving him interviews and condemning the excessive fines put
on him by a mean-sounding feminist judge. As for Alex Jones, he could run away to a friendly country and
operate from there, or he could divest himself of all his riches and let them go after a pauper in the parents'
zeal for all to believe and feel sorry for their loss. For the Establishment, it's the more they punish Alex Jones, who many people have never heard of before (I and Bob Smith were punished through a tyrannical Orwellian "hate bill" in
Canada with jail in the government's attempts to destroy our freedom of speech), the more people will
believe in a cabal conspiracy ruling the White women's's a plus-plus!

InfoWars' website:
You can contact Alex Jones here:

November 9, 2022



What can you expect from the two major parties, the globalist matriarchal cult Jews control in the US...the same. With the evil anti-White
racist media morons in charge, don't expect to hear how wild American women have betrayed their men and a once "White" country. Many
men rue the day of their full emancipation; I'm sure not all of them are naive dummies who don't see what's happening. Nature has been
turned upside down in any land they vote as a united gender: But still some of Trump's patriarchal supporters who won with his blessing.

It's hard to get independents or Third Party candidates elected when the Jewsmedia rules the airwaves and print, hence the same stalemate
goes on and on, until a state separates. After all, anything that's now united will eventually fall apart, just like the US will, along racial lines,
with White feminists and non-Whites on one side and ordinary racially-Whites on the other. Mostly barren White feminists will disappear soon,
just like all their 'pals' who came out of the closet. These are their last gasps, especially for White race traitors  who don't  reproduce  either.
Already their public gay pride events are a lot smaller an with AIDS, COVID, and now painful monkey pox in  their communities, what can
they expect? 

The only bright spot in this election is the movement of the Republican Party (GOP) toward White Nationalism in many parts of the blighted
crime-ridden racemixed USA. People see who the criminals are-- mostly non-White. This must spur a lot of Whites to avoid jail time with them;
a dreaded thought for many wannabe criminals who are totally unnecessary in a rich, accommodating society.

Don't be dismayed; history is moving towards us -- the only solution to Whites' survival. Otherwise, we will be just a bad memory in the minds
of surviving non-Whites, like the former White rulers of South Africa. We cannot live with them as a race, every non-White crime calls out.
Now is the time to straighten out our own home lives and get female partners who agree with your politics, and let the anti-White racist
feminists disappear, as nature intended. If you don't reproduce, you lose!


November 7, 2022

CP24 Toronto, Be Fair, Promote White Culture

Forwarded to Toronto all-news channel CP24:

CP 24:We notice you are always promoting black and other non-White cultures.

When will you be fair and report on our great White race and its many accomplishments?

You don't deserve your license to operate if you don't...soon

Don Andrews
Nationalist Party of Canada


November 5, 2022

by Don Andrews 

Ideas of left, right, and center and painting political movements and parties as 'red' or 'blue' as in the US and Canada only confuses voters
and mislabels politicians and candidates according to the multicult Jewsmedia  deadly set against White Nationalism and nature's racism. 
Referring to political parties as 'blue' in Canada means they are true-blue conservative, while blue is referred to as the Democrats in America
and red is connected to conservative politicians. It's the same Jewsmedia that reports up here, and ours down there. But they never stop to 
explain their color chart designations. Confused, are you?   The other ancient designation comes from when the French Revolutionaries sat
in their parliament;  the hard core revolutionaries sat on the left while the landlords and the rich sat on the right with merchants and others
in the center. 

Calling Nazis 'rightists' is total folly since they were leftists, socialists and all ordinary ethnic nationalists. Many populist parties are lumped
|in on the right and are expected to act conservative (cheapskates) when in power, like Italy's Meloni today. But Fascism is more socialist-
oriented than any rightist establishment, but still the sneaky evil media tries to connect racial nationalists as 'extreme right'. This should be
a warning to all the rich and privileged, because if 'they' come for us, you're next!  The only way is to speak and write in no uncertain terms;
obfuscating like White self-loathers when put on the spot never looks nice.

Ignore the media's designations until you know the truth -- Remember, it's the 'fake newsmedia' ... something they have yet to crawl away
from. You can hear it in their voices, their lack of confidence in their anti-racist baloney and the rightful fear they show when they know they
are stabbing the White race in the back by hiding all the daily multicult crime and promoting divisive diversity and idiots' impossible
multiculturalism, while feminism dwindles our great White race. In the days of conspiracy, this belief fits right in.

November 4, 2022

Forwarded to Donald Trump:

November 4, 2022

Dear Donald Trump:
You should definitely run again, but with a more non-interference in
foreign affairs polices that have never done the US any good.. any good!
A regenerating White race needs you.

Don Andrews, Leader
Nationalist Party of Canada
P.S.: we were cheated in the 2020 election.

Reach him at

November 1, 2022


by Don Andrews   

 I hate it how the anti-White racist mainstream media hijacked society's words and phrases to wreck that
same society. Take for example, the positive-sounding "Affirmative Action", which really means the White
majority need not apply with that convoluted thinking; put the majority group down and the minority group
out of its proportion, up. That's real utopian commie crap.   

Then we have the grand-daddy of all good words' misappropriation, "Gay", which everyone naively thought,
'we're just nice and happy'. Now it meant sodomy. We try to never use the word 'gay' now like most people;
everyone knows by now that lesbians and homosexuals have just as many problems as normal-sex people.
In fact, we may be more 'gay' or 'happy' than the queers. Plus, no one is really happy until they reproduce
themselves -- the real purpose of sexuality.

Oh, I love the latest commie liberal word game "Diversity".  Well, who doesn't want a lot of choice? Diversity
suggests that, but NOOO! 'Diversity' means accepting all kinds of people of the world into your neighborhood. That's why Whites are fleeing the big cities in North America... running away from the non-Whites and their criminality.
"Diversity" is now just a dirty word from our enemies' mouths. Don't take it!

Then we have "Transgenders". I've written before about how all those homosexuals and lesbians hate their
tranny competition, but there are not that many of them. Still, they have big mouths and have made the big
time, like the debauchery in the last days of Rome, or any civilization. They seem to have more power than
we know -- or is it who they know in power? 

Finally we have the great promise of "Multiculturalism", It sounds like you don't have to save and travel to
see the world --it will be brought to you by anti-White race traitors that one day you will have to flee also from
your once quiet, peaceful neighborhood, now a gangland shooting gallery like some Toronto areas. Multicult
crime is rampant; most sensible people see it. Only the deluded still prattle on about multiculturalism's
"benefits", but are usually shut down by common sense listeners. Only naive fools are listening to multicult
propaganda -- until they are victims of their crimes. 

Official multiculturalism must be banished from the land if Whites are to have a future other than those left
behind in South Africa. Now is the time to speak up on these appropriated words used by our hateful enemies. Whether it's in private or to the evil anti-White race media, White people in the future will ask, what did you do when the
globalists' "great replacement" of Whites took place in North America?   Start now!


October 28, 2022 


by Don Andrews 

The misnomer "anti-Semitism"  against Semitic people hardly applies to today's Jews, a matriarchal 
Semitic god-cult 'Europeanized' trough their wanderings through White men's lands with their clever
merchandising acumen. However, having returned to their original beginnings; today's Israel as theocratic
state! You are not a Jew unless your mother is Jewish: an unnatural feminist society. The Jewish cult has
captured the entire Arab race by  adopting the word "Semitism' as only Jewish in most peoples' minds.
Remember, race trumps religion, and a patriarchy will become a matriarchy: World War II could not have
been won have been won without patriarchal Russia's help . Now the world power cult is under attack by
some of their former schleps like Kanye West, a black celebrity with lots of grunts and uninformed fans
learning all about Jewish power that can get you banned from the public place.

I'm surprised how arrogant the cult is, that they won't send out some of their prominent people to calm the
angry blacks down who were always resentful of their riches already. Notice how no black pastors took up
the Jews' side with their pronouncements of "love, etc." for all, especially the Jews. They can only now
count on the White collar wimps.

Unless Kanye West goes to Israel upon an invitation, or goes publicly to a Holocaust Museum, then this
bitter animosity will last at least a generation.


NPC to Toronto's CP24:


Nationalist Party of Canada

October 24, 2022


by Don Andrews

The once-powerful English have lost a lot of respect and adoration with the election of an East Indian prime minister, Rushi Sudnak, by a
so-called anti-racist idiots' "conservative " party. What a lot of bullshit in the ranks of these mean cheapskates pretending to be conservative. They give a bad name and odor to all 'conservative'  parties in the world when they can't even conserve their race and  identity.

But what can you expect from an over-feminist mean male population subjugated by their women? If you want an argument for women not
voting, here's a good example. Limey men are weak  and unmasculine, even in the conservative ranks. I was in England, and not very
impressed with their bustling capital London, where manliness is now irrelevant. Where are their White Nationalists? Hiding from their
loudmouthed women? It's true irony that the superior imperialist people who ran all the world  to control other races is now to be run by
one of them. Like Americans with their criminal problems, the English now should concern themselves  about their new feminine identity
and not meddle in other peoples' business. There seems to be no pride in manhood in Britain -- remember, meanness is not manliness.

Not one word of this issue is discussed by the Limey TV media; they just take this overbearing with aplomb. without a peep of misogyny,
Conservatives without racial pride are just a bunch of cheapskates who never preserve anything about their culture and race -- same story
goes here in Canada -- they're all anti-racist wimps who are private bigots but dare not say anything about failed multiculturalism and idiots'
rkable la-la-land idea, if ever I've heard one. But then again, the poor English have always been "m'lady's" slaves for a long time while the
upper classes lived like lords, so they're used to it, but certainly don't have the respect of White Nationalists. When was the last time these
sheep revolted?  By taking away White racists' support, the anti-White globalist West has no one to fight for them with gusto anywhere once
the paid army killers have dissipated. That's why the globalists can do little in the feminist-rule Ukraine (Russia's frontier), and the evil media
knows it -- hence the stalemate.

The entire idea of the 'Englishman' has been destroyed with the East Indian Rushi Sudnak as their new leader, after a woman ruined the place 
with her unnatural anti-racism. A woman-led will disappear like the Amazons; Britain is the laughing stock of many nations today when they
can't find a real man to lead them -- just feminists and male wimps in a country filled with queers. It's a sad day for White men in general who
must take new stock as to their shaky relations in a feminist society that does not care for manhood and the Whiteman's racial way.


October 18, 2022



There is way too much fascination with criminals in North America and England. You can't find any real
condemnation of their evil actions, let alone any nasty adjectives to describe them and their criminality.
There is no outright outrage at criminals' actions; the evil anti-White media   is so banal when reporting
on their evil. Not only is there no outrage by reporters or editors but often these White self-loathers seem
to be trying to hide the racial descriptions of the malefactors, trying to hide the way-out-of-proportion of
their crimes to their percentage of the scared racemixed society. No one ever walks around unafraid in an
idiots' multicult society -- fear is prevalent, so much so that many people don't want to plan for any long
term future by having children and all the worries that would create. You can easily blame the anti-racist,
pro-multicult morons from any corner of this failed civilization that ignores nature's order.

The over-feminization of white society has made plenty of mean male wimps, too gutless to do anything for
society and only interested in their hedonism. Even in the crime show I, Hostage, real men are missing to
attack any hostage taker immediately, all at once. Put-down White heroes have become White wimps as
soon as they run away from White racism. Today they're the only men who are not 'racist' as their naive,
dumb female partners and mothers want. It takes guts to be a White Nationalist and no guts to be a White
'nothing', because that's what anti-White racists are... nothing!

If you are ever faced with a crime in progress, first of all never allow yourself to be tied up or handcuffed --
fight right there, and immediately; it's now or never. Go get the evil bastard with relish and anger. Give hell
to the producers and TV channels which are soft on crime with their forgiving crime programs, and demand
more info about the jailing. and hopefully suffering. criminals caught after their capture and trial.

There is no need for criminality committed mostly by arrogant, immoral mental cases. I've met and seen lots
when I was incarcerated  in a penitentiary (I got two years for speaking and writing my political thoughts on
race, the most important subject for Whites in multicult society).  Most of the criminals I met didn't have a
'fatherhood' upbringing; Women cannot raise men! I've had even single mothers agree with me; it takes a
good soul to be a man without a male image to imitate. I was raised as an orphan in the former Yugoslavia
(land of the Southern Slavs) in Sarajevo, Bosnia by a bunch of tenants in a big house, like their mascot,
before my mother re-found and the Red Cross brought me here to promote White Pride and racial survival
in Canada by fate and destiny, which changed my name to Donald Clarke Andrews from Vili Zlomislic (son
of the one who thinks of something to lecture; that was meant to be, since nature abhors a vacuum.

Now let's not ignore the missing-in-action crime vacuum of male citizenry, when real men should come to
action. Next time, when the occasion should occur of facing criminality, jump in and help our beleaguered
police and women and children in distress; nothing else will do! Show the world! 

October 16, 2022

                                 ON CRIME

Forwarded to Discovery Channel Canada, producers of Deadly Women:

Oct. 16, 2022   

You are way too soft to the criminals, and not condemning enough  of the horrendous, in particular the merciless Manson family whores
now released and giving interviews.

Once the matriarchy is destroyed and the natural order patriarchy is installed, monsters like them will be sent to the next dimension.

Nationalist Party of Canada

(This letter is being forwarded to the producers of other crime documentary series). 


October 15, 2022


by Don Andrews 

It's so dumb of the Establishment to hold these January 6 hearings in the US when Whites made a big show -- 250,000 in Washington DC
demonstrating against the crooked system that deprived White people's choice Donald Trump a second presidency. They couldn't prove
that! It all looked like a landslide for Trump around 10 pm that election night in 2020. But just three hours later, they started claiming all these populous states for senile Biden, Then, by the thinnest majority these crooks claimed victory and walked and talked around against Trump, as if they has won
with 90% of the vote. They hate the other forty nine-and-a-half percent while trying to split up the increasingly White Republican Party
-- a trend that won't stop, even with Liz Cheney's feminist warmongers still around.

The same story goes for Canada and their hearings in the mostly-White conservative "Freedom Convoy"; both the Trump supporters of
January 6 and the truckers' Freedom Convoy occupation of our capital city of Ottawa are invigorated, like they participated in a great
historical event...which they did! This will also remind the lazy-bone types and particularly our enemies... don't mess with angry White
men!, whoever you are -- a globalist, a feminist or a communist.


October 14, 2022

Here's Where Don Andrews Wants You to Write Today:

 Degenerate Feminists want a war with patriarchal Russia


Mental Case Morons at Minnesota Medical Institute Swear Oath to
fight White Supremacy...   Give then hell here:


Tell the globalists at Cultural Action Party: Don't Meddle -- Stay Out of Iran's Problems

Still Anti-White  Warmongers' Republican Offspring Liz Cheney Raises Money
for Anti-Trump Candidate... Curse her here:

October 12, 2022

Forwarded to Ontario Premier Doug Ford:

October 12, 2022

When are you going to get tough on the criminal evil spiraling out of control  
in big cities like Toronto and get to the bottom of the non-White gangs involved?

Let's get the police on board --I'm sure they're willing.

Nationalist Party of Canada

(also being sent to Toronto's Police Chief and other government officials)

October 9, 2022

Wake Up, America! You Should Stop to Look and Find All Their
Missing Women and Children Before Doing Anything Else:
Jon Benet Ramsey's Brother Presses Boulder Police to Find
Missing 13-Year Old  Chloe Campbell

Tell Biden here -- we will:

October 5, 2022

by Anna Reid
(Widenfeld and Nicolson)

Centre of the great Slav civilization in the tenth century, then divided between warring neighbors for a milennium, Ukraine 
finally won independence with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Tiring of their own corrupt governments Ukrainians  have
since mounted two popular revolutions, taking to the streets to demand fair elections and closer ties to Europe. in the spring
of 2014 Russia responded by invading Crimea and sponsoring a civil war in the Russian-speaking Donbass. Threatened by
Moscow, misunderstood in the West, Ukraine hangs once more in the balance.

Speaking to pro-democracy advocates and pro-Russia militiamen, peasants and miners, a survivor of Hitler's Holocaust and 
Stalin's famine, Anna Reid combines history and travel-writing to unpick the past and present of this complex and 
bloody borderland.

Don Andrews says: "A very interesting book..."


October 2, 2022


by Don Andrews  

How could they ever trust each other when they (Heterosexual women and homosexual men) secretly fear
and loathe each other, when they are competing with each other for the same thing... men's penises. Both
pretend they like each other  but both hate their penis contender prize 'trannies' -- you know, males acting
like super-horny and crazy 'women' hunting for the same stuff, the most I've ever seen in my lifetime. What's
that tell you about the women in that society... not doing their gender job?

Queers on the other hand secretly despise the women supporters, especially if they appeal to heterosexual
men sexually, the mostly-homo Hollywood pundits dismiss them as bitches, that they don't seem to see that
they are emulating if they looked in a mirror. There is never any real moral outrage for any libertine idea
society, something like a giant whorehouse where anything goes. No! You say they're all quiet bigots doing
their thing. Queers tie themselves to women's groups to reap the benefits of women's rights -- the bane and
suicide of the White race encumbered with a matriarchal Semitic god-cult tied to a powerful globalist cult
that will probably survive somewhere (South America?)--the everlasting Jew. 

We don't have to choose that path of Sodom and Gomorrah self-destruction, by voting out the self-loather
anti-racist idiot Whites and their hedonistic homosexual supporters and dismissing them from our future and Jonestown Christianity tied to Israel, the final cataclysm. Call out the media and the politicians who don't seem to care if
we go into a nuclear war  with Russia  that no one will eventually win (Give them hell if they don't listen!)
Careless warmongering feminists should not be allowed to start a nuclear war with Russia over their 'Frontier', the Ukraine because it certainly will be the end of women and queers ruling the West, with the evil and anti-racist media
and naive feminist voters. Wake up, Western Whites!


September 30, 2022


by Don Andrews   

Whites' Europe and North America are facing a potential nuclear war over Russia's "Frontier" (the Ukraine) literally, and I have not heard or
seen one White woman speaking out against such a war-- no demonstrations, no sit-ins, no petitions -- nothing. However there are plenty of
pretty feminist announcers and commentators discussing how or who such a war will affect.

As Biden said, there will be no winners in a nuke war, only losers as we pick up the pieces from such carnage and chaos of multiple
Nagasakis and Hiroshimas across Europe's capitals and North America, including, especially, warmonger militants in Canada supplying the
weapons and know-how to women-led Ukraine, where East Europeans told me, "Oh, that's the place where the wives beat their husbands." 
All Western 'leaders' dependent on the women's vote in their own countries are all womanly 'feminists'. Natural masculinity is frowned on
in the women's West, so we're all a little feminine... or else.

Those around Putin say he does not "bluff", especially since he is now really fighting all of globalists' NATO by proxy in the Ukraine conflict
with NATO weapons and training all going to the matriarchal Ukrainians. Actually the entire Western world is matriarchal, mimicking their
Semitic cult masters, the Jews, who say that you are not a Jew unless your mother is Jewish, automatically forcing someone to become a
cult-child  to the point of a crazy painful circumcision of a nature-made penis that will now rub and irritate men for the rest of their lives with
no natural protection...Oh yeah, I forgot that bit of nature's special protection for your manliness is symbolically given to their Semitic "God"
(What a gift -- is he queer or something, too?) No wonder Jewish men are so hyper and uncomfortable along with some Christian Protestant
cultists... wake up, fools, and stop this pointless unhealthy mutilation. That's the state of men in a matriarchal God cult society. UGH!


White Nationalists must legally confront all the feminist whores in the media. Give them hell for their thoughtless evil, by not being feminine
and caring enough about war and the destruction of our society and civilization, or they will lose their right to vote when all the accounting

is in on who to blame for any future chaos a nuclear war would bring: remember, what Man has done before, he can do again. 


September 25, 2022


                 by Don Andrews 

Well, the 'end times' are here, if you the mean the god of the Middle East people like the Jews and allwho adore them, with Christianity
coming from the same place. Apparently, their god won't end the world until there is an unblemished 'heifer' (a female cow that has not
borne a calf) that must be all-red, including any hairs. Apparently the Jews have five heifers in contest now, hoping one will be the
one for their god; their ritual sacrifice to him when the ashes of this creature will be able to 'purify' everything, including waters. Then, their
Messiah will come.

Remember , this cult is in charge of most countries' governments that matter in the West, with these private views that fundamentalist
Christians on TV's 700 Club rave about; these religious fanatics run the show with their beliefs. No wonder the world is in this shape and
in trouble. 

Scary, eh? Anti-racist Christianity has failed the White race! Whoever came up with this idea, we say that White Nationalists will not
be cowed.


September 20, 2022


by Don Andrews 

 I might seem to be anti-English when I affectionately call them 'Limeys'. Underneath it all mostly, I'm very
impressed withwhat Great Britain --including Scotland and Northern Ireland have done in the world. They
didn't spring out of the groundon the offshore continent island but are a collection of the dissatisfied of
European countries and ethnicities... all White.

The British did a fine job on Queen Elizabeth II's funeral. The pomp and pageantry rivalled any Hollywood Jew producer,
and went off pretty well without a hitch. I marveled at all the pink White faces, somber and controlled out of
respect to their sovereign. This is the same royalty who approved of my idea for European Heritage Week
with a letter from Buckingham Palace itself. White Nationalists are forever grateful for that endorsement,
which took guts to approve I'm sure, after they checked my credentials and history. 
Sure, there were some non-Whites in line to
view the Queen's coffin, but nowhere near the White crowds I observed. I'm sure many Americans were
impressed by this great united show , just when they thought that Europe does not matter; probably the
Russians and Chinese also should have been united properly, with no one excluded...the only small glitch
of this pomp and circumstance.

The English should be very proud of their public with the whole world watching, even if some thought the UK
PM's wife showed too much black skin with her dress. The UK Monarchy has been strengthened by this funeral  and departure of a long-ruling queen , showing that a constitutional monarchy works, and the crowds in Britain showed that White
Nationalism is alive and well; In Canada we still say, God Save The King.


September 18, 2022

Here's Where Don Andrews Wants You To Write To Today:

US Troops Would Defend Taiwan if China Tries to Take Back 
Its Island Province
Tell Biden it's a dumb idea here:

It's Not Evil to Be Bigoted, Just Carefully Natural

Tell Elie Mystal and Governor DeSantis to share the Burden of
Non-White Migrants with Anti-Racist Idiot Cities:

DeSantis Contact Page:

Elie Mystal Contact Page:

US Defense Department Launches Review of so-called Equality Chief
After Disparaging Posts About White People Exposed.

Compliment Fox News for capitalizing the "W" for Whites


                                                                                   Posted September 15



By Don Andrews

You can't let the anti-racist idiots off the hook for the rising crime surge in North America, because they are the ones that say all the races are different and
can live peacefully in a multicultural society.


Well they are wrong, and deserve condemnation and disregard for their stupid racemixing policies; these anti-racist morons believe that every race looks
at morality the same way, ignoring history and nature at the same time. Some people with a historical chip on their shoulder want to get back at their former
masters who idiotically perpetrated the biggest greedbag event in history by bringing over cheap labor African slaves to do their bidding so that White
feminists could enjoy the fruits of their labors while poor Whites lived in misery, all for "my lady's " White fools.   

Now the former slaves are free and procreating at a much greater level than their former masters as they take over large urban areas and make them
unlivable  for fleeing Whites. Yet, there are still imbeciles who defend this suicidal policy and who must be confronted for their obvious evil, whether
they are politicians, media or your so-called family and friends. Don't let the anti-racist Whites get away with this deadly criminality as soon as you see,
hear or read their crap. They must learn, like the evil globalist Jewsmedia that they are thoroughly hated, wherever they are, at home or at play or doing
their White self-loather activities. These traitors don't respect White racists -- as a consequence they deserve fear, which is close to respect, and that's
good enough for all our enemies, as we se it.

Don't be lazy; take part in current events-- you make yourself a part of history. That's what you were meant to do when survivalist responsibility calls --
and it's calling on you, White men and women. Grumbling, muttering and complaining is lot enough. Let's reach out to the same fools as the slavers,
the naive racemixer anti-racists to change their ways to nature's ways or shut up entirely whoever they are. now that population-exploding Whites'
colonialism is gone along with the Queen and the limeys' empire (God Bless her soul and Buckingham Palace for promoting European Heritage Week when
asked to by yours truly -- I am forever grateful to you).

No more Third World colonialism and race traitors' multiculturalism while the White world resurrects itself before it disappears like a bad memory of the
surviving non-Whites.... is that what you want?  We don't.

                                                                                                  Posted September 12

                            BRITAIN MUST GET OUT OF
                                    DEADLY GLOBALISM FOR WHITES   

                                                                                                          by Don Andrews 

Dwindling Canadian Whites  should stay out of any foreign conflicts. We've lost enough in Afghanistan conflicts for nothing. It's all back to the medieval
ways they like, only with a few new gadgets and weapons. Foreigners cannot change a racial mind, just temporarily subdue it.

As a student of history, I can never understand the naivete of past great leaders.  Why didn't Hitler learn his lesson from Napoleon, not stupidly attack
Russia while Britain was still undefeated? Both great fools forgot their back and lost -- in Hitler's case, and probably in Napoleonic times, too; Celtic
Ireland would have gladly revolted against the British Anglo-Saxons, but grabbing that with an armada (in which Spain failed also) would have isolated
Britain from North America, and all its supplies. The English have always been able to keep their troops on the European continent one way or another,
but so far, never vice versa, even in falling-apart NATO times.

Hitler's affection for fellow Anglo-Saxons failed because all the peoples of the British Isles are disgruntled runaways from Europe. You don't leave an enemy
behind you and march off to the steppes of Russia. Britain has not been successfully invaded since 1066 AD with William the Conqueror.  It's not a big
island, but it's plenty populated like Japan, aside from England's colonies, like far-off Canada and Australia: they couldn't do much if the fight was on Britain

Don't get me wrong -- I like the English, their women and language. But they must stop meddling like imperialists around the globe, often elevating the
non-White populations with their aid and overpopulating the planet. It's British colonialism that has spread non-Whites throughout the English-speaking
world; for all their do-gooder activities, they have shot themselves on the foot by minimizing their ordinary people while elevating non-Whites and globalism.

Now that's stupid, or what?

                                                                                                Posted September 5



                                                           by Don Andrews  

White Nationalists are hated by the evil anti-White media. These thugs never, ever say anything good or fair about White racist survivalists.
All of the mostly- Globalist Semitic God cultist Jews control and always denigrate  proud Whites, even though the majority of the media
morons might be 'White', these people are pitiful White self-loathers who don't even want to reproduce. They'd rather watch the queers'
'comedies' than procreate. Of course the entire entertainment industry is in their hands, as are most of our naive women as a consequence,
and all the White wimp and these self-destructive are headed to a bone pile like dinosaurs. Blame the anti-White racist media for this sick
society filled with glorified criminals and shysters that the TV perverts like to propagandize continually.

The political field has shifted on the mainstream liar media; when once a dozen of us were called 'fascists' for standing up for a White
country now, regarding immigration, now, 74 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump are called 'fascist' by sitting president
Joe Biden. Trump is also getting smarter in recognizing who his, and our enemies are and he named them the Evil Media, pointing at them
at a huge rally on Sunday. "Fake News" has graduated propaganda news by the anti-White race globalists, now having a hard time strutting
their stuff, since smart Whites won't fight for their causes around the world; who could they get after the military grunts have all gone?

The future looks good for natural proud White racism, too long put down by two feminist generations The pressure on the media and their
pundits and columnists must continue-- the White Civil War is not over. That's the only war that matters, not the Ukraine (like a Canadian
military guy who say 'we are at war right now") regarding our war supplies going to the Ukraine to kill other Whites. These war-meddler
jerks don't seem to care, even if it goes to a nuclear war. That's what I'd call idiotic arrogance, from not learning your lessons, from Somalia
to Afghanistan, not to meddle in other peoples' conflicts, just because you can, coming from the largest military of a small power in the
world -- Canada. Let's mind our own business and patrol and control our northern border.

Regarding the evil media, don't stop the criticism and pressure until they speak honestly, and favorably, about White Nationalists.  

                                                                                                     Posted August 28

           DON'T BE A "GUNGA DIN" WHITE TRAITOR!                                              
                                                           by Don Andrews                                                                                                       

 I was watching the movie, made in 1939, Gunga Din (portrayed by Sam Jaffe, a globalist Jew-- what did you expect?) a story of the 
British occupation of overpopulated India during their dumb colonialist days, when  they controlled a vast empire by force of all
kinds of races and ethnic peoples in the Third World. The Hollywood Jew idiots make the Indian native traitor some kind of hero for
betraying his own kind in a war against his own people. How stupid! How treacherous, and especially how deadly for the natives of

India controlled by a seafaring pirate island, the receptacle
 of the most aggressive of the continent of Europe ... Britain. Was it all for
trade and goods for "my lady?". Remember, meanness is not manliness, nor are colonialist characters in an old civilization when the
English were still painting themselves blue and naked running into battle. 

So it goes for our own White race traitors -- anyone who's against White Nationalists are as stupid and evil as  Hollywood's race
traitor Gunga Din. Curses on all who imitate such racial treason with moronic multiculturalism and open border non-White
immigration when our turn comes to battle these traitors in the near future.  White colonialist occupation of non-White peoples'
countries has dangerously increased the world's population, especially in non-White lands, causing all kinds of problems and
today's migrations. Blame it on these dumb imperialists, including the French fools, also and don't be a Gunga Din! 

                                                                                                 Posted August 26

by Don Andrews   

Aside from Sergeant Joe Kenda, who hunts down murderers, there are no real masculine men on the queers and perverts' television screen.
They're all feminized wimps, especially the Jews, who come from a religion that says that if your mother is Jewish , so are you automatically. This is a
good method to keep getting male recruits for a man-made cult.

I try to be fair and have looked assiduously for real males on TV shows. but sadly have found none: not even actor Ed O'Neill of Modern Family doesn't make the cut,

with his constant pandering to the loud, bigmouthed and big-breasted Latina Sofia Vergara and acquiescing
to the queer couple-- the dilletante fat guy and and his partner, the guy with the red beard (actually the one playing the fat flaky guy is not
queer at all, unlike the red haired bearded one in the popular sitcom, Jesse Tyler Ferguson. The whole entertainment industry is loaded with
homos, while those who are not play along like wimpy fools or are just mean male idiots; remember, meanness is not manliness, otherwise
half of all women would be suspect of gender. This lack of real manliness is evident in today's society where today's Christianity has totally
failed (but what can you expect of a religion based on the words of two Marys(one adulteress whose pregnancy came from God and her
prostitute friend Mary Magdalene, who swore she saw the other's son Jesus three days after he was crucified... sounds suspicious. The two
sexes (there are only two) have been purposefully pushed together until you can't define what a man is. other tan a sex tool for procreation.
That's why there is so much crime and mayhem in a women's society -- no one dares to day that's not the White man's way, not even dames
who  are complaining of the crimes and disorder in Western society. Criminals are pampered and running wild; they have no respect for
society's rules any more than they have over private properly. Narrow-minded hedonists only care about themselves, let alone our racial and
social breakdowns.

 Even the news anchor schleps on Fox TV are a bunch of tight pantsed sucks who never have any concerns in an already degenerate minstrels'
entertainment industry.No one is allowed to act manly in  a matriarchal Jewsmedia world or their mothers would be calling  them right after
their shows to give their 'boys' hell and that's about all they are -- grown up kids. Very few TV programs cater to men, other than fishing shows.
One has to watch old Hollywood Jews' movies to get a taste of yesterday's masculinity, but even that is controlled by the Jewish mama's boys
and perverted to no manliness. Of course queers hate heterosexual men and women, so don't be fooled and of course their disapproval of
families. Now do you expect these queer minstrels to make and promote heterosexual family life when all they can do is to adopt a poor 
mostly non-White kid? Black absent fathers make mama's boys...just look how they admit their crimes when the cops bring in their mothers afterwards
and confess.

 It's a hateful homosexual woman who sides with queers in today's society but they don't really have any "friends" on the homo side, so they
end up old and bitter, like the queers in their end. Still don't expect the naive women to complain. They still think queers are their allies but it's
only on the surface with their disdain. It's up to White Nationalists to go after these White wimps to complain and give them proper hell in no uncertain
terms. Remember, wimps have thin skins and take all criticism to heart. Show them now much they are hated in careful words and legal ways. Most Jewsmedi
alreadyfeels the hateful heat. That's what the enemies of our White race deserve... disgust and disdain. Tell them whenever you can, because the only
ones that can hurt us are those around us...White race traitors.

Procreate if you can and don't give up; our barren enemies are wiping themselves out with their hedonism and will not rise again as patriarchs
take over White societies, even with women's Christianity around. We'll tell their celibate Pope to speak out on the lack of masculinity on

today's television and Western society. Do the same if you care about your race, whatever it is!

Posted  August 24


by Don Andrews

Democracy started in the Greek city of Athens, their capital. It was meant for one kind of people-- the Greeks of Athens, not for anyone else,
not even for those they conquered. Otherwise, they could have voted to be free of the Athenians. Sparta, their main enemy, was a Spartan
dictatorship of sorts. But they considered themselves Greeks also. 

The whole idea of democracy is for similar people, not an empire or a multicultural "losers" settlers' idea, unless they are all the same, like
the beginnings of English-speaking America. The US's founding fathers never imagined that the natives or newly-brought-over African
slaves would one day out-vote the Whites with the aid of White self-loathers and their naive women. But that's what's happening in North
America. Multicult democracy has failed to preserve the White race, so what good is it?

Whites are already voting racially as the US Republican Party realizes that it's a White peoples' party for the most part with few non-White
hangers-on who know that's the most peaceful and prosperous for all future White generations will be looking at the political party platforms more closely to see who is supporting them... White Nationalists or White wimps. Canada's Conservatives are struggling with these facts as they choose a new
leader, even a French White man like Pierre Poilievre, who spoke out about his concerns about White society when he criticized  the
multicult immigration policies of the current racetraitor regime in Ottawa-- how the anti-White Jewsmedia jumped on him over this vital
position showed their continuing treachery for which they must be brought to account for one future day they'll regret. Remind them of that
any time they criticize Poilievre or White racists anywhere. Every day they (the Jewsmedia) are losing power and influence, while worrying
about the new millions of angry White men and some women who are sick of their lies and hatred for our White race.

Never mince words with these evil characters with pretty faces and dulcet tones. Like most serial killers they look nice, so they know they've had it easy, and now they're racetraitors too?  "First past the post democracy" is the worst, leaving sometimes two-thirds of the voters unrepresented. Only
proportional representation is better, where all opinions are counted down to the one percent...then, no one can bitch. We don't need
"registered political party" Establishment recognition, just the unifying idea of race.  

These are the last days for a peaceful transition to proportional representation -- otherwise the unrepresented people will eventually revolt.
Many are not voting in general elections which are already now suspected of being tempered with, especially now in the US. Disrespect for
the elected US public officials is already growing in Black-mayored cities like New York and Chicago, all soft on their delinquents and
criminals to re-offend over and over. Only fools would be tourists there as their own White citizens flee to new suburbs and countryside
towns. In three generations (60 years) you won't recognize it when the map of North America splits up. Nothing ever stayed 'united' that Man
has made -- let's keep that in mind... as you move to make new White democracies...that work!


Posted August 21


by Don Andrews 

You see it all the time; Ten percent of an identifiable minority are committing most of the violent crimes in
urban  Canada.  Yet the anti-racist  wimp Whites won't say a word about their failed pro-multicult media -- they
just grumble privately about "the niggers", etc. But yet, not a word about their flopped "diversity" agenda
which they still stupidly stick to. 

The Public can see  White racists were right, right from the beginning we foretold all this crime, murder and
mayhem attributed by slimebag anti-racists as "gun crime", as if guns got up by themselves and started
shooting people who they don't want you to know who they are, That's why we complain to the anti-White race
globalist Jewsmedia all the time; The media culprits hide the criminals' races to further hoodwink the
population ("Nothing happening here...")  White Nationalists must now just exist and grow as the population 
looks for answers, other than the politically-correct police chiefs and Establishment politicians. 

Toronto municipal elections are coming on October 24. Now is the time to put it to the candidates at debates
and at the door to show some guts and talk about immigration and the nature of the criminals. Embarrass
them if you must but ask the poignant questions regarding the dangers present in Toronto and other urban
areas racemixed by the anti-White replacement bastards and bitches in Ottawa, now destroying urban Canada. Put them on the spot -- it's their duty to answer the citizens... otherwise, that's how violent revolutions start, when the arrogant
Establishment ignores the anger of ordinary people. As all will admit, this situation exists -- now God forbid
anyone is killed in an  attempted put-down that would guarantee the success of the revolt. Already the White
population  in Canada is sick of foreign military intervention meddling, under whatever alliance or UN body
after Afghanistan. So, the military is on the people's side, not on the 'loser' Establishment meddlers' side, all
that Canadian blood for nothing. The only comfort is that the victorious Taliban now has to contend with
Islamic State Jihadists; their bombs are going off daily there. Conservatives  in Canada are like the Taliban
-- just cheapskates when it comes to public benefits and being ready meddlers for globalists' causes. 
White Nationalists are here to remind them that preservation of a civilization starts with the White racists'
ideas. That's the basis of our society. Join them and remind  them constantly to show guts for our future.

PS: Don't forget to help Paul Fromm for Mayor of Hamilton Ontario and
                                     Dr. James Sears for Mayor of Toronto:

                   Paul Fromm e-mail:
                      James Sears contact:


Posted August 18


By Don Andrews 

"Everything is coming up roses" for White Nationalists, politically speaking; all the old anti-racist  farts have
been proven wrong. There is no future or Utopia in a racemixed multicult society; just look at the crime
situation, now mostly attributed to  non-Whites, even though the evil anti-White race media  always tries to
hide and never points out as if we're all just color blind or stupid or both, like the dying-off anti-racist White
self-loathers. Some areas of this deranged element could not find enough 'volunteers' to hold a gay pride
parade in Montreal, famous for its queers. The Toronto queers parade has been put off until September --
same story here. The worst decision the homosexuals ever was to come out of the closet publicity. Now
they've stopped breeding in phony homosexual marriages and have to try to recruit  them in school
classroom.  But it won't work -- they'll only get earlier haters of their lifestyle and cause needless confusion
and medical operations to become freaks. In Belgrade (beautiful city), Serbia, fifty thousand angry people
demonstrated against homosexuality and an upcoming "conference" they are having. That's a lot of people
|and I don't care what you say.

Whites are waking up slowly but surely, in all political and social fields. Look what happened to anti-Trump
Liz Cheney, daughter of the infamous warmonger Dick. She lost a primary election in the increasingly
pro-White Republican Party by 39% below the winner pro-Trump dame in the race in Wyoming. I'll gloat as
CNN and the anti-White Jewsmedia whine and cry and try excuses over her loss and rejection or that kind of
conservatism that does not include culture and racial preservation...just money. 

I'm against the dumb Slavs' war in the Ukraine. It's definitely a Western matriarchy pushing the ingrate
Ukrainians (frontiersmen)--that's what Ukraine means, but now they just want to be called who ran away and
were kicked out by local countries who fled to the "pale' also known as the Ukraine. This is a new country
with a polyglot population (Germans, Moldavians, Romanians, Cossacks, etc.,) and of course, Russians. So,
show some humility and understanding of your history instead of BS-ing the feminist West, which knows
nothing of other peoples' past, Get off your Cossack high horse. Make peace, is our message to the frontier
(Ukraine); Putin should pause for peace also, as we have asked him. We're in contact with all relevant
embassies as you should if you are interested in world peace, which begs the question, where are all of
yesterday's peaceniks and the few kids they had to indoctrinate? We haven't seen the mean phony feminists
since we invaded a patriarchal Muslim country (Afghanistan) -- that's the only time it's okay to kill people in
foreign lands, eh? 

We have come a long way from when conspiracies were considered true by one-third of the population. You
only need about five percent to stage a successful revolution, not the January 6 made-up farce. But you're
better off to have the people on your side -- and that number is growing daily through various means and
crime. Separation is inevitable and it looks like Whites will have enough proud White nationalists to survive
and achieve it more and more every day. Good luck to those who care.

Posted August 10, 2022


by Don Andrews  

The Establishment really shot themselves in the foot with these Trump raids on the home of an ex-president of the United States, ready to
run again, by the FBI on a witch hunt/fishing trip. Out of the billions of Trump supporters at least a million are as mad as hell to start a

second American Revolution. Some say they had a trial run on January 6. But when a revolutionary mob takes over the US capitol, wandering in and cheering and carrying flags and signs, but carefully staying within the tourists' ropes, with eyes in marvel, looking around, you know it's not a 'Bolshevik'
revolution... I mean really, the rioters looked totally happy. and befuddled, not Latin Revolutionary angry.

The January 6 "nice, concerned, angry" Whites showed how feeble and unsupported the globalists' Establishment of Middle East cultists
and neo-commie globalists were; no one came out to confront the January 6 Whiteman's demonstration, not even the dwindling, loud-
mouthed barren reds. Sure, these were mostly Trump supporters, backing a rich and imperfect man who's the choice of White nationalist 

kernel of the White race in North America. You know that whatever starts in the USA will eventually reach Canada. Many Canadians are
|already divided on Donald Trump support (they know who likes him up here, too), especially racially-conscious Whites -- no, not just the
dummies, as history will show when the genetic seed of the anti-racist Whites has disappeared, like the dinosaurs. Most Trump-haters will
be in that bunch; a supporter said to me the other day. moaning that we have not made much progress in the past twenty years that he's
been in it. I said, "Whaaat?  We have made great strides  -- our enemies are on the defensive; they have to show their multicult globalist
immigration policies (anti-White racism) have worked. Everyone is happy (we don't exist) while worrying about every single one of us. Even
the word 'multiculturalism' has been replaced by what everyone wants a bit of in their lives: 'diversity', meaning non-Whites. Now don't tell
me this isn't Orwellian-speak. I just can visualize the horny dilettantes giggling in their hedonism, coming up with that one at a cocktail party. Another great advancement against our enemies is the realization by the public that all media is 'fake', and that can include the news. And, there are more
people who believe in conspiracies now than ever before. Therefore their influence has to be dismissed --unless you're a dodo; this is an
"established fact". A third advancement is the realization that the racists were right about non-Whites' surging crime, just as we predicted.
 It's hard to clean up a people's image if they are continually connected to crime.  So as a consequence there really are no racemixed
neighborhoods; the races are separating for future nations. In other words, Man is repeating himself just like our history, only in different
clothes and with different gadgets.

Non-Whites are on the continent, and everyone will separate with their own types. Those borders will be disputed and changed; small ethnic
groups will disappear during the turmoil, all the while Whites make their make their cold civil war hot until the anti-racists are defeated along

with their thinking in White survivors' lands. Today White self-loathing is just a mental malady; in the future it will be treachery. All this is
also the fault of the greedy capitalist amoral types who started and continued in their evil for centuries (twelve million Africans were caught,
collared and shipped over an ocean into slavery). Let's not let these creatures rule the world, whatever race they are. Nature made White
 genes when racemixing  with other races, so racemixing or war will be the end of us ... how could you be for either? Silly White people --
wake up, dummies, and many are our greatest advancement. Keep in mind that we're all part of this history. Nature says, never give up.
We won't. 



Posted August 7, 2022

NPC to ID Channel's Blood Relatives: More Condemnation
Needed of Killers


Forwarded to the ID Network and to Mike Mathis Productions,
regarding the series Blood Relatives


Your network and Mike Mathis productions are to be condemned for the lack of condemnation of criminals and those convicted of murder
expressed on the series Blood Relatives. Murder deserves the shaming of all good people, and depicting acts of violence without  proper
condemnation of its perpetrators may lead to acceptance of it and imitation of it.

In future episodes, let's see more shaming of killers and their horrible deeds.

Toronto  Canada
August 7, 2022

Posted August 6, 2022


by Don Andrews

American 'double talk' on Taiwan is no excuse for a nuclear World War III. First they back the loser runaways always to the big island
province of Taiwan in China after 22 years of civil war (communists vs. nationalists) Then they agree to the island's 'sovereignty' but
claim that the US adhere to a one-China policy. Sounds like someone is totally disingenuous -- or just a plain liar when foreigners
arm that same province of a 'one China' to the teeth against their mainland kith and kin.

There's  a lot of globalist hypocrisy here, but  the warmongers haven't convinced Whites to go to a world war for an errant province of
China. Pro-war Americans , especially on the anti-White racist Fox News Jewsmedia, are whistling in the wind for more Western involvement
aside from providing  weapons and training troops (Canada), which Putin's Russia still seems to tolerate. But it's getting close to
participation, in spite of the anti-war sentiment still in Canada after the dumb Afghanistan fiasco.  Canada would be better off with a fully-
armed citizenry and militia with our professional army at its core, and not a mercenary service paid for by our taxpayers for globalist and
UN interventions that never work. Sometimes you just have to let them battle it out, like the Muslim schismatics' war in Yemen; so it should
be with the Chinese. Let them fight it out and invade each other without nukes. and let's see who wins round two in China's civil war.



Posted July 29


by Don Andrews   

There should be no rational reason for White crime, especially in a rich multicult society. NO EXCUSES!

Let the non-Whites commit the evil crimes; nothing convinces Whites of the need for natural racism when

they see and witness wild non-White crime. Curse the Whites who persist in in their criminality when they are
caught and have to go into violent jail cells filled with non-White criminals.

Non-White criminality is feeding White Nationalism, as the public sees who is committing all the crime in our
country as the evil globalists' media tries to hide to push their idiotic violent multiculturalism by hardly ever
showing the suspects, endangering the populace further. Curse the media on this and complain each and
every time they don't show or print the non-White descriptions of the suspects. The evil media is part of the
problem, not the solution as they persist in this public safety issue. Let the media show how they are hated for their pro-multicult treachery on properly reporting criminality in Canada and US cities now  running rampant. Printing
culprits' foreign-sounding names is the only way we can see who's committing all the crimes and sometimes
that isn't provided either. Toronto police and other cops are also responsible for helping to hide the criminal
culprits by not giving enough details and descriptions of the alleged perpetrators. They must be called for this
glaring omission also; multiculturalism over public safety is no good-- remind them all. 

Treacherous politicians who support multiculturalism and the evil media must be condemned. Every time a
terrible crime is committed by non-Whites, it's important to put some of the blame on the politicians and media editors who have wrought this chaos and uncertainty on White civilization . Multicultists are part and parcel of all the evil the
arrogant media promoted-- and still is.  If you're afraid and sick of our society's uncertainty, know who to
hate -- it's the only emotion they understand and fear from White Nationalists. Now, let's give them some
misery, which is still very little compared to the fear and hopelessness they have put into nice Whites' hearts.
Don't let them get away without some straight opposition; Paul Fromm's "Freedom Rallies" needs to focus
more on the violent non-White crime in Canada by demonstrating in front of offices and homes of multicult
politicians and media personalities critical of White Nationalists. Show all the public who is behind crime and
morons' multiculturalism. Put our enemies on the spot as we do, with all our communications and
condemnations of their evil anti-White ways. Let's do it,  today and tomorrow.

Posted August 2, 2022


                                                                           by Don Andrews   

 Natural White racists are considered the enemy of this globalists' establishment. So why would you
want to fight for their causes and against their enemies, even if they are your friends? That's the
situation the warmongers' globalist anti-racists (Anti-White Nationalists) find themselves in . First
it was the "Ukraine" (Russia's literal 'the Frontier') when the globalist Jewsmedia found out that most
Whites did not to get involved in a White-on-White war on that frontier.

Now it's Taiwan, the breakaway province of China, where all their civil war losers ran away to that China
obviously wants back. These losers have been sitting there for generations now, with no plans to take
back the mainland for 'democracy', which never really existed anywhere around them, so they know
eventually they'll be going to China; it's just a matter of time, and how... like the Limeys' ex-colony of
Hong Kong -- peacefully or fighting in the hills of Taiwan-- for what -- for freedom as Orientals know it?
It's a foregone conclusion Taiwan will be reunited with the motherland? (fatherland?) as another
disastrous Asian war for the US is out of the question for most Americans after the Vietnam and
Afghanistan debacles. The US, the repository of all the losers of the world, has no business re-ordering
the world. Find your missing women and children, and check your real criminals with fear and
|punishment before you tell others how to live. That's the case with most criminal minds -- dumb, and
arrogant -- they need a put-down in US jails and places of power are full of these naughty know-it-alls.
But natural White Nationalists can put them in their place by denying them our military services for
more useless anti-White race globalists' wars.

 "Hell no, we won't go" is an old but still-visible  slogan, as long as we are censored, persecuted
and jailed for our natural beliefs to guarantee a racial future for Whites. The evil media knows this
position but still need to be reminded  along with the globalist anti-White politicians who still don't
get it -- race is all, not the racemixer globalist elites that want you to keep on dying while they stupidly
play a real game of Risk towards a nuclear demise, mindlessly pushed by the warmongers'

Hell no, we (Whites) won't go!


TO TODAY, JULY 30th   

Toronto Star, Heather Scoffield:

Charest Not The Angry Guy
Tell her: Slimebag Racists Are in Trouble-- Are You One?                            at

Then Give Charest shit for being an anti-White race idiot


Reality of Reconciliation bared (Yawn)

Tell the Pope-- go back to the Vatican here:
and All Woods, back to his hell-hole at

Reflections on being a Star Public Editor (Thoughts on being an asshole White self-loather)

Tell him what we think -- and good riddance  here;

Canada's Brave Freedom Rallies Need to Do More Than Just
Meet-and-Bitch Demonstrations at Anti-White Politicians' Homes and offices
 Tell Paul Fromm at  ... we will

Posted July 26, 2022

by Don Andrews   

Whites are waking up -- well, at least the racially-aware, and victims and watchers of black crime in North American cities and towns. Racemixers are 
shooting themselves in the foot whenever we see their criminal activity in America, especially on mildly-conservative Fox News Channel. Some people

have to learn the hard way about racial realities that most of the evil globalists' Jewsmedia hides. The denizens of this anti-White propaganda industry
deserve all the hatred and condemnation they get daily. You can't live with "them", is the thought of many peoples' minds, especially when we see the color
of the criminals' skins which the media usually tries to hide to keep us in the dark on what's happening out there...and it's not pretty. Any Whites involved
in criminality nowadays are real nervy, greedy, arrogant asses in a rich welfare society  where it's hard to starve and hard to find a home. 

White Nationalists want to cut all that wasted foreign aid and millions which should be sent on housing for the homeless; tell your politicians and Trudeau,
as we have. Also, tell Trudeau to raise the old age pensions to at least $2,000 per month for our hard-worked seniors; anything less is not enough; Living in
a strange new multicult full-of-crime society, our seniors deserve the best  in their last days of working in this weird multicult society.

Greedy conservatism without natural racism is a mean loser's position. Cheapskateness is a loser's ideology that racially-aware Whites reject. Tell this to the conservatives in Canada, the US and the UK.  This is their last chance to represent racially-aware Whites -- otherwise, real radical racists will have to be
followed. Our White women have been slow to respond, racially, but every non-White crime brings them closer to natural White Nationalism, which will not
fail the race or civilization. 

Let's condemn the naïve anti-White holdouts wherever we find them.  Don't be silent to their multicult and 'diversity' crap lies -- confront them verbally and aggressively until their evil is silenced. Being blind to natural racism and Whites' past slave ownership, and ignoring non-Whites' Critical Race Theory' stuff
gets us nowhere. The races are different, and that's important to know, unlike the fools who think that race does not matter -- race is all! Separation is next,
as many Whites flee the racemixed cities for White towns and countrysides. The world is unfolding as it should.

Posted July 25, 2022

Pope Asked to Visit White Nationalists

Forwarded to the representatives His Holiness Pope Francis:

July 25, 2022

If the Pope really wants to visit all Canadians in  a fair and equitable manner he should visit
with White Nationalists (who represent more Canadians than the Aboriginal people) and
leaders like Paul Fromm, Dr. James Sears and Don Andrews,
leader of the Nationalist Party of Canada.

Otherwise, his visit is a failure.

Toronto Canada

We ask our supporters to also contact the Vatican and its embassies and representatives
at the contact points below:

The Vatican in Canada

Vatican City


Posted July 23, 2022


CBC July 22

 Tell Trudeau: Don't spread this war!  (We will)
Toronto Star July 23
They don't want Whites' concerns; Indigenous racists are
only out for themselves. 

Toronto Star  July 23
Tell the Star: The "Trans Age" won't last long, here:

Posted July 17, 2022


by Don Andrews 

A feminist America is just a stooge of Semitic god cultists of Israel. Almost the whole continent of North America is ruled
by a matriarchal Semitic god cult (you're not a Jew unless your mother is a Jew), US President Biden, who visited Israel
ten times in his life, vows unending support to a Semitic God cult, claiming they are God's chosen people. If that is true,
then Whites need another religion that's more friendly and in tune with their racial ways, not the mean Semitic Bible 'God" ways.

Any sane person can see the grip and stranglehold this Semitic God cult has on naive Whites who have the most liberated females on the planet, all topsy-turvy to nature's ways. As the say "Christianity has saved thousands and killed millions",
and it's so true -- perhaps, up to a nuclear war on behalf of these mean Semitic God cults -- who needs them, especially if
they are White self-loathers and Jews' war stooges? No one! Now this Semitic god cult wants Whites to go to war with
Aryan Iran to prevent to prevent that country from acquiring nuclear weapons like their Zionist enemies have.

If Jews use nukes or spread a war on Iran they're finished -- including their theocratic state of Israel, the only theocratic
state Western Zionist stooges will tolerate in the Middle East. Even now, leftists are opposed to this state that only the
soft middle now supports, along with the anti-White racist evil media's bastards and bitches. As long as this liar cult is
opposed to White racists, we will be against them. Lies like Biden puts out claiming that 'Israeli' Jews have nowhere else
to go... a total lie when you consider they are almost privileged in countless Western countries with special laws against
'anti-Semitism' (a misnomer if ever there was one), and lots of Jews in power in many states.

I can't  believe anything they say.

Posted  July 10, 2022

by Don Andrews   

The White race subtle civil war has begun. All these mindless shootings (ten blacks killed in Buffalo) and loud angry White demonstrations show that  a racially aware Caucasian citizenry hates the multicult Establishment. Letters, texts, and
e-mails to the pro-multicult media morons have had a great and sobering effect on the purveyors of failed multiculturalism and diversity and the clever names commies  and White self-loathers like to hide behind, like the self-loathing cowards they

The commies are a spent force with their globalist ideology in tatters, thanks to COVID, and now painful monkey pox from the Congo. Apparently it's more prevalent in the Montreal 'gay' area, and now it's in Toronto. It's not right-wingers or
neo-Nazis traipsing around the world looking for perverted hedonism.

White Nationalists can be credited for being lukewarm to spreading the territorial war in the new country of the Ukraine
(the Frontier), Russia's former presumed playground, now turning to the feminist West (I was told by other East European ethnics, 'Oh. that's the place where the wives beat their husbands... hey, at least their women are beautiful). 

White Nationalists are against war, especially an ​internecine fight within a dwindling race. The only 'war' we need is
against those who are practicing a 'Jonestown massacre' in slow motion with the cunning calling-card words of
multiculture and diversity. Everyone wants variety, but not at the cost of their existence, and and future. The public mood
is turning daily against our anti-racist enemies as the crime rate climbs and more of the criminals' faces are now White in
the now-flustered media. People know that it's people who kill people, not guns, maybe with a gun that people know the
criminal element can always get one. You have to after the mindset of a lazy, arrogant creature who has no fear or moral
code of common sense, good will and fair play; just hedonistic, "give me" fear. It's the only thing that some can deal with
-- it's close to respect. No one should be a criminal, especially in a rich country with a social net. Racially aware Whites in criminality should be ashamed  and cease and desist. Your race is in a survivalist struggle -- be of assistance! 

Shootings and demonstrations can only go so long. Right now the White protesters are leaderless, with Freedom Convoy leaders like Tamara Lisch in jail ("preventable detention") with Canada's willing police state; the only thing that can
change that is if any fools open fire from the Establishment and kill any Whites as a demo. Then it will be worse than the
song lyric "four dead in Ohio" situation which was the rallying reason for more riots. Riots, also, when you look at the
world now, always aim at the government buildings and the private residences of key politicians. Taking over tax-paid government buildings is no more a big deal, and the cops can't seem to stop it. Whoever calls out the army against its
civilians will be a future loser, especially if there are 'martyrs'  for the cause like Ashli Babbit at the Whites' great January 6 demo in Washington.

Things are looking up for the White race...let's keep it that way. 

Posted July 5, 2022


By Don Andrews 

No one should be surprised by the continuing criminality and nut-case shootings in fatherless, feminist-ruled USA. It was bound to happen when you
consider the saying on the Statue of Liberty:   “Give me your tired, your poor,  your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your
teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

You're already asking for trouble from all the losers, runaways and kickouts from the rest of the planet, unlike Canada, where most immigrants were chosen
to come and stay in the country. British soldiers, settlers, and about 50,000 'unknowns' and Oliver Twist street kids were grabbed and sent to Canada as
adoptive labor. That's how Britain got rid of their petty pickpocket criminals, unlike Australia, which received hardened convicts. Canada in effect stayed
under British rule until very recently, historically speaking.

Americans need to re-assess themselves with a long look in the mirror, and refrain from causing wars and troubles elsewhere when they need a reformation
of their morality according to White racist standards. We are the only ones unburdened by politics and religion to see things Nature's way, which says that racemixing and criminality are not good for a stable and safe society -- that's the commie utopian crap that must be discarded, even if the advocates of
chaos wear religious collars. Race trumps religion in the final analysis, and the Christians have failed to protect us so far.

Racial awareness and pride is the foundation of our morality; we're not ex-cannibals or headhunters. not for a long time now, and abhor torture. Can you say that about the rest of the races? White Nationalists have all the ideas for our future while the anti-racist reds just wring their hands in despair (just listen to their Jewsmedia). We are the future and already see what needs to be done. First let's remove the White race traitors from public office and attack the evil media's anti-Whites with rhetoric rigor. Call them every name in the book, showing their racial treachery and hound them whenever they open their race traitor mouths
with your White racially-aware facts and the anti-racists' lies and hate. Be confident -- our enemies' time is limited as more and more of these mostly
childless fools disappear from our memories.

White Nationalists are against foreign wars and meddling and are in favor of law and order in the land while the White race reconstitutes itself, especially in
the now-charnel house America, which needs a criminal cleanup. This should start by praising fathers and restoring their rights over a confused, effeminate, cowardly, spoiled brat children influenced by the perverts and queers who hate order... and us.

Be on the lookout for our White race enemies and and give them verbal today. We will.


Posted June 22, 2022



by Don Andrews   

The commie left has nothing left to present or cry about, except the continuing rise of the "right wing" in White politics.   

Every day people ask me how it's going to turn out for the dwindling White race in these troubled times. I tell them first, there has to be a put-down of the
globalists' matriarchy in most countries, brought on by hedonistic women voters (the song Girls Just Want to Have Fun comes to mind). Matriarchies won't
be overturned into patriarchies until they 'lose' a war, and that's slowly happening in the Ukraine, where billions and arms have been contributed by eager
Western matriarchies to kill patriarchal Russians; if nukes are used, matriarchies are finished -- even if they win. No one wants a war party in power after the
war is over; generally speaking, no one likes war. Eventually Whites will be chased out of Asia, especially if China and Japan unite this time under Red
Chinese rule; the Japanese kickouts and the runaways of the Asian continent will be the ones taken over,  There is no love lost between the Chinese and the
pirate islands of Japan: same story for the British vis-a-vis the European continent. A pacified Japan, deprived of their nationalism since losing World War II,
is probably eager to repeat their proud conquest of Asia in the past, with warlike North Korean help . I'm sure the Japs will accommodate  their mainland
Asiatic neighbors and origins. South Korea will fall just like South Vietnam and Afghanistan -- that will be a powerful combination, Red Chinese, Korea and
Japs (bye bye, North American and European intervention!) Whites will end up in  Fortress North America as the racemixed migrants try to storm the
southern border, that an intervention into a Northern Mexican desert will be required  to set up a real border fence like the Chinese did to keep out the
wild Mongols with the Great Wall of China.

The days of White meddling are over. We're the ones who overpopulated the Third World with our aid and health care, only to lose our society to them through immigration and migration. Shrinking Whites need time to recuperate and reconstitute our race and matriarchal death-wish culture. White nationalists will
have the answers; we will be here long after the barren leftists are all dead and gone as a bad memory. Smart people are turning on the globalists, even now
as we hear them complain about how much they are hated and harassed as race traitor politicians, and they should be.  The proud White Racists' Day is
coming and woe to our unnatural evil enemies. White patriots will be searching and investigating the past for writings that you are reading now to find their
heroes of our history.

I hope and wish that you are one also. 

Today's List of Jewsmedia Articles That Needs to be Corrected

Toronto Star June 27 

Carolyn Bennett :
Reducing the Stigma the Improve Well-Being
          ...but Living a perverted life..The Weird Sex society is over

Tell her - we will, here:

Rosie diMnno:
Assange is No Hero in White Armor

Tell DiManno what she is --an evil feminist globalists' hack with no heart, like the Establishment
here -- we will:


Toronto Star   June 26, 2022

Tory Party is a "Coat of Many Colors"  Without White Nationalism they're finished
Tell  Stephanie Levitz --Without White Nationalism they're finished  at

Canada's Broken Promise of Culture
by Daniel Bezalel Richardsen
(Thank our multiculturalism policy--tell this media liar here:)

Gun Myths Lead to Bad Policy
by Robin Sears

Tell Sears-- don't give up your'll need them for an uncertain future
                                 Here: @robinvsears  on Twitter

Toronto Sun, June 24

Blame Multiculturalism for Peel Region's Record
                              Most Slayings in One Year

Tell The Sun's Joe Warmington (and not to lie) here -- we will:

Tell The Sun's Joe Warmington (and not to lie) here -- we will:

In a Violent racemixed nation, It's Okay to Pack a Gun
                     Tell Jessica Gresko why, here (we will):

Toronto Star, June 24

Street-Renaming Efforts Hit Roadblock
Tell John Tory to Stop Destroying White Heritage with Street name changes...
                                       we will:

  Progress and Pride (Stupid or What?)

 Tell them what they are and our response:


Posted June 13, 2202


by Don Andrews

It's the middle of June 2022, and time to purchase and raise your country's beautiful red and white maple leaf flag for Canada's 155th birthday. Show your
patriotism to the nicest  White nation in the world and in history by unfurling your nationalist pride with our simple, poignant and beautiful Red and white
maple leaf flag. Oh, they look so good, especially with the new bright red on balconies. home entrances and windows (you can get them in paper too). 

The Canadian flag always stand out with green or against white snow's nature as its background. It's not buggy or out-of-place. Somehow it always elevates
the location; it certainly says you're not afraid to attract a gaze -- in fact you're quite proud of the connection you have to the importance of a national symbol;
the Canadian flag makes you feel proud and good. What more can you ask for? So don't be lazy and put it off to another day--that's cowardly, too.

Initially when the flag was presented on February 15, 1965, I was too busy with my personal life to care  and thought the flag was symbolic (there's a lot of
maple trees in Canada), if not being a little simple. Plus, being red did not endear the anti-communist spirit to me too well. However, now I see the clever
simplicity with nature's eleven-point maple leaf from trees that have provided lots of lumber and shade for Canada's settlers. Never mind their color-changing
beauty, you couldn't ask for anything more.

I know there are many good White patriots who like the old Red Ensign with all the British symbols, so these flags should be respected as part of our history.
The red maple leaf is a new start flag to bring in a White racial  awareness  feeling very much necessary at this multicult crossroad, and we have already
'captured the flag' in this power game of survival after the great demo in Ottawa this year with the Freedom Convoy, which the idiot anti-White media is whining about lately. Every Canadian flag flying is suspect to these mental case morons' minds as a display of 'dreaded' White Nationalism. Believe me, our movement is greater than what they see as they were complaining about in an article recently that we believe and act without them.

Who needs cowards, traitors and White self-loathers? Oh yeah... globalists.


Posted June 12, 2202


I notice that the evil anti-White media crying about the fact that we don't need them and their White race destructive plans
and ideas. White racists, the future of our people, have their own networking and racial survivalist ideas. We know the importance of our race for a viable civilization -- and it's not in diversity or multiculturalism, but racial realities and nature
that matters. We don't need their degeneracy and racemixing weirdness that generally results in chaos. I know personally
some racemixed couples and situations that seem to work but exceptions are not the rule, they make the rule. It's only a
matter of time until Whites are not around; it's coming soon to South Africa, whose Whites tried  apartheid and still use
non-Whites' labor  -- how did that work out? If Whites cannot do their own dirty work then nature says they do not deserve to survive. I agree.

One thing is for sure -- the dumb anti-racist White self-loathers and fellow-travelers  are doomed to extinction, as I see
and hear fewer of these divided people around., except in the evil Jewsmedia and the bought politicians. The rest of the
White population is becoming more racially aware, and the terrible crimes being perpetrated in major cities is driving
more Whites to the nationalists' side. That's why the multicult media hides the faces of caught culprits and give little
information on the criminals. For that fact alone the Jewsmedia is called evil.

White Nationalists have one big thing on their side: they are feared, even individually by our rotten enemies know that we
won't change our natural racist ways and thinking. We are highly motivated, backed up by nature to do the right thing ...
survive. And all that entails considering the nature of our enemies inside and out, or race and community.

There are two choices for American Whites to survive as a people: One, live with the non-Whites and disappear, or
separate slowly but surely into your own neighborhoods and suburbs, then, little towns and finally areas of control for a
future all-White nation. Anyone working against us are no better than the greedy slavers who brought twelve million
African slaves here for a few bucks more to spend on "m'lady". These ugly greedbags need total condemnation, and
their evil seed is still around. There can be no compromise with self-serving capitalists who don't care about our race first.

Half-measures won't work.

Posted  June 6, 2022



by Don Andrews

Unlike cultists like Christians, Jews or Hare Krishnas, White nationalists are self-sustaining. They know they're in tune
with nature when being racist for their survival. It's within us and those who fight it (anti-racists, et al) are usually private
bigots and consequently hypocrites out of tune with nature to the point of stupid self-loathing (mumbling Christians come to mind). 

Weird anti-racists on the other hand have to remind themselves  of their utopian thinking when dealing with others while
still holding catty personal views bordering on natural racism. The whole exercise and convoluted wishful think will all be
a waste of time as their 'now' anti-racist wimp Whites get old; have you ever seen old racists and racemixers (maybe
among the help in old age homes). I just don't believe they even exist, unless someone is paying for them one way or
another; your grandfather or grandmother do bent on multiculturalism, diversity and racemixing in their youth, finally
realized their folly. Ask any of them in the coffee shops they attend or park benches -- candidly, you'll hear a lot of racism. They should and do know now (a little late, but still solvable with future racial separation as the non-White population jumps
n leaps and bounds). I can see entire non-White cities, like Toronto East Indian suburbs, right now.

I know my history, and I try to be fair like a demi-god, but I am still half-human for sure, and as that I demand my own
space to grow the way I see fit -- not with strangers and their rules. Nature has already screwed the White race if it mixes
with other races' more powerful genes -- you never get pure Whites again, it's always racemixed to one level or another.
I think that all the old people can see the result of their hippie crap as they try to avoid contact with the minorities that
they so protected and adored in their dumb past.

Welcome -- and cheers!


Posted June 2, 2022


by Don Andrews 

 There is nothing important to go on and on about right now, but a few short comments on a few subjects is warranted.

First, let's congratulate our 96-year old Queen Elizabeth II, who has reigned figuratively for 70 years. That's quite a historical record, and basically unblemished by the
still-publicly active Queen. Getting a glimpse of the pomp and ceremony of  the UK military parade was a pleasant sight with the Queen on the balcony  and
her close family and consort looking on. God Bless the Queen (I'm always grateful to her for sending me a letter from Buckingham Palace congratulating me
and supporting the creation of European Heritage Week).

Secondly, the war in Ukraine looks more like a globalist effort to intimidate patriarchal  Russia fight in its own backyard. The feminist Jewsmedia failed to
rally any real support for the Ukraine war. Who wants to fight for an anti-White racist self-loathing regime? No one -- smart!

Third: On Jerusalem Day the organized Palestinian groups failed to act, especially Hamas and other Islamists who look like they have been bought out or
infiltrated by Zionist spies. These groups look to be more useless every day for the liberation of a Palestinian state. More and more people see that Israel
is a god-cultist theocratic for their believers, so why bother fighting jihadists in the future -- they just want to set up an Islamic theocratic state similar to
what Jews have for their 'deceivers' only.

Fourth: It's interesting which way overpopulated China will spread; they can't go West, it's full of Indians, and the North is too cold, so there's only East and
South like the Pacific Islands, the ex-cannibal Solomon Islands and Fiji is a start, until lonely, isolated Australia complained. As I've said before, Canada's
British Columbia looks great for Chinese  expansion, first by legal immigration through Canada's idiotic multicult polices, then by force to protect their
citizens from Whites' racism. Don't think it couldn't happen as long as multiculturalism is the official fools' policy.

As to the mass shootings in a mentally-unstable  racemixers' society in America. What do you expect when there is no warmth and understanding of White
men's needs buried in a multicult  minority-ruled country? What kind of society hates its own kind? Hopefully the regime fools and media liars who created
this untenable chaos will see the light before it's too late for them also. You can't hide in your ivory towers and Florida cottages forever. Their days are
finished as more Whites turn to racial nationalism to live in, if there is going to be a future!




Posted May 29, 2022



by Don Andrews 

 I notice that the media morons are reading our stuff already  as they mentioned the other day that racist Whites
were worried  about the White race's "dwindling" population. These are White Nationalist concerns; any negativity

toward natural racism, as if it's something you don't want to be connected to, is like being disconnected to reality.
Those who shun racism are the sneaks and snakes of White society -- and you know what Saint Patrick supposedly
did to them in Ireland.

White Nationalists must not give an inch when it comes to racist semantics; once you start apologizing for your survival
as a type of nature's creation, that's your end. Self-loathing suicidal people are everywhere, especially in nut houses, so
not let's imitate weirdness and weakness, the results being a  race that disappears while mixing with any other races for
any future. The partnerships for breeding are obvious unless of course, you are a self-centered hedonist who only lives
for the moment , and to hell with what White men did before -- or if any will be around for the future. Sorry to waste your
time... scoundrel. What's the 
point of having a brain if you won't use it.

Hopefully, cheapskate mean conservatives will expand their brains past profit and entertainment and proudly adopt
natural racism as an attitude with pride and respect and not intimate that they might be on the White man's side during elections, like Pierre Poilievre, who showed concern for non-White immigration, but went silent recently.  That's what
happens with wimps and phonies. Now is the time to put all conservatives to the test on race and find out if they are just
like the Liberal and New Democratic parties -- anti-White race idiots. Stupid or what?

Remember, race is all.

Posted May 27, 2022

A Letter to Corner Gas, a Great Piece of Canadiana

Brent Butt, Sparrow Media

As a great piece of Canadiana we're interested in you bringing back the first version of Corner Gas with the original cast, except for the character of
Emma Leroy, the mean bitch mother. If you do bring her back, make her nicer and stop the depreciation of the father figure as a fool. Other than
that, you're pretty funny as a boring fat boy.

And can you give the disrespectfully-treated Josh Strait more air and speaking time..Or are you afraid of him?

Nationalist Party of Canada


Posted May 24, 2022


by Don Andrews

The Green Party won't probably like it, but  White Nationalists who follow this site are asked to vote for the only viable alternative to the three main Ontario parties (the ruling Conservatives, the Liberals and the New Democrats), which
have pretty well the same anti-White racist policies that will destroy White civilization in Canada to a dangerous "Brazil
North". However, underneath, I'm sure that the more votes the better for any sensible political party during an election.

Who knows -- White Nationalist votes could make the difference in a close race, even if it's only a few thousand across
Ontario (especially Toronto) our headquarters support is good for at least two to five thousand votes. Don't forget the
Great White Show on January 6. In Ottawa many of those demonstrators White Nationalists also, as I've been made
aware of.

The Greens seem to be the nicer, more concerned with the environment party than the Liberals and the NDP. As for the
kosher conservatives in power, they appear set to get another slim majority again, with no appeal to traditional White
social conservatives; so far they have been nothing but mean cheapskates who need to help the working and non-
working poor a lot more than they have so far.

Take note, Doug Ford --  we will not be taken for granted.

Posted May 21, 2202

by Don Andrews

I feel like my political work is done when I read and watch the Jewsmedia dismiss, but explain what the 'Great

Replacement Theory'  says how Whites are purposely replaced by Third World migrants in North America while pushing
for mostly White abortion laws to ensure  few replacements as the White population dwindles. Of course the Jewsmedia bastards and bitches won't admit what's really happening. But Toronto alone is expected to have a White minority in just
a few years.  With all the crime and mayhem associated with a racemixed society, the phrase "you can't live with them"
will become a hold-water adage for racially aware Whites.

In the old days the conspiracy theorists were just that. But today even the evil media won't deny there are no conspiracies.
But they do advertise who the racially-aware Whites think is at the bottom of this hate-filled program against against White Nationalists... a globalist matriarchal Semitic god of Judaism. Yeah, Jews, who need to look in the mirror today and ask themselves, what side will I be on when a racial war starts; so far they're on the wrong side. Do they want to make the
same arrogant mistakes of World War II? Race trumps religion and anyone working against nature is bound to lose. Lots
of White people know the score about race today, and the more that non-Whites create crime and unlivable conditions for Whites the more the Jews will look racemixer stupid Only moron multiculturalism has failed-- get that into your fat, snooty heads. Get on board the White Nationalist train before it's too late and you are considered enemies of the White race.
Natural racism is the future for surviving Whites in a multicult idiots' world, and we're growing to the point of mainstream
party influence,. Any conservative cheapskate who does not appeal to White voters' racial pride should be shunned.
That's why we like Pierre Poilievre for the new leadership race: no one else has had the courage to mention White
immigration except this brave French-Canadian.

White Nationalists have started the ball rolling for Whites in North America. Now it's up to the people -- do you want to
survive or not? That is the question for all Whites now... Let nature rule!

Posted May 15, 2202


by Don Andrews

It's terrible that ten people have to die for White Nationalists' views to be aired on the anti-White race Jewsmedia, but
|that's the case in the murder of ten innocents in Buffalo, New York by a disgruntled White racist who couldn't take it
anymore of all the evil propaganda peddled by the mainstream media against White Nationalists daily.

Now of course, because of all the deaths this evil media is looking at our fears, predictions and solutions to an impossible
racemixed society for Whites to live in. Murder rates are sky-high in black and racemixed cities but the Jewsmedia only
blames these on guns -- as if they were animated and started to kill humans. This feminism, bound for the garbage pit of
history, won't last long, even without a new Third World War  -- it's falling apart. Queers and perverts cannot build a viable future, nor will loudmouthed barren feminists; all natural men know this -- only White wimps stand in our way in a father-disrespected society, and they're dying off also.

I'm sorry for the ten poor innocents who lost their lives in Buffalo, but let it be a lesson: Don't disregard or disrespect
White Nationalists and their natural views. Pay more attention to our criticisms and wishes, because if you don't, you
edia morons will regret your unfairness, because White Nationalists operate their lives first with common sense,
good will and fair play -- something our enemies need to practice, too.

We're watching, listening and waiting..... but not forever!



Posted May 13, 2022

                Jewsmedia Failed to Be Condemned by al-Jazeera

by Don Andrews, sent to global news media offices

"Condolences for the murder of your reporter... but why don't you ever mention the reason why
the globalist  newsmedia is owned and run by Zionist Jews?... or are you also?"

Ask them!

Here Are Contact points to give them hell:


ABC News
CBS News
NBC News
Fox News
BBC News:
Sky News:


CBC News
CTV News
Global News


Posted May 7, 2022



by Don Andrews

It was bound to happen: loudmouth "unnaturals" failed to procreate; now are becoming less relevant with their peculiar demands and anti-White race survival opinions. These creatures hated our White civilization and race from which most
of them came from, and now  their treachery is paid back by Nature itself which says "enough" and "no more" to
hedonistic idiocies that come to a dead end.

Oh, yes, they will be remembered as the last of days of Western women's feminist meddling world. The only thing left is a
severe lesson on those countries which harbored such stupidity and evil with all the dead babies in hospitals and clinic
garbage cans. Good riddance to all the ant-White racists and their fellow-traveler ilk, whether they are political or
'religious', their days are over! The upcoming US  Supreme Court abortion decision will further put a nail in their rotten
coffins; don't you just love to hear them whine? But to whom? Their non-existent offspring? I love it when our enemies
whine, especially during their last days on Earth.

The weird laws these hateful anti-racists put into place will eventually be overturned as a new generation that cares not
for their grandparents
views of catering to the unnatural and mean-spirited queers, perverts and feminists. If a war should start it will only
accelerate the hatred of useless and non-participants (although they are all mean and nasty to White nationalists and
the general public. Their pointless nastiness will only hurt their public image more.

Let's watch and listen  for their Gay Pride march on June 26th and see their dead end faces for the last time 
-- for most of them.

Posted May 4, 2022



 by Don Andrews

All the really bad decisions made by governments like official multiculturalism and open borders 'diversity' immigration
are supported by the majority of White women voters in particular. These anti-White idiot policies have  further dwindled
the genetically weak-when-racemixing Whites. It's like nature says -- if you racemix as Whites you are finished as a
species. All this mentally-ill thinking has to stop, even if women don't vote, which is more important, our great White race
or mean women's rights? I'll stick with nature.

It's sad to see  the White race at loggerheads with itself due to their disloyal females. What's the point of nature making
men stronger if only to abide by their dead-end women's wishes of no racial White future? Anti-male heterosexual women
live like queers who hate them privately while using them publicly; Heterosexual men are their enemies, competing for
the same dicks in reality, anyway. Some White women act like they are a different species than their men, and see little if
no connection to their ideological beliefs -- they think they know it all, don't they? Non-Whites must be laughing at us,
how smart we are, but can't keep our loudmouthed women  loyal or quiet and they have a right to laugh at us.

White men must become assertive first with their own women before lecturing or invading other races. Everything will be destroyed if your home life is in unnatural disarray. If women voters manage to destroy the race with their dumb selfish
votes (women were given voting rights in Canada in 1918 and in the Unite States in 1920), then what's the solution? Use
the muscles God and nature gave White men to re-assert our future over deadly deadly intelligence and betrayal.
Remember, what Man has done before, he can do again.

Posted April 29, 2022

                                    WHITE MAN'S PROTEST

                                                                                   By Don Andrews

The Jewsmedia is afraid of the White man's revolt. They  are being very careful how they talk about the upcoming Rolling Thunder biker demo coming to Ottawa tomorrow, April 30th (the last day of cold weather we'll accept in Canada).
The evil White media (mostly owned by a cult sect religion) know they are hated by racially-aware Whites; they're fearful
of us because they know it doesn't take too many to cause mayhem. They'll be careful with their cameras not to show them too much to be identified in an angry crowd. They know they're traitors to the White race and act and write like it.

It's hard for cowards to act like heroes when needed. Fortunately, we still have brave White men, not all 'cuckolded', as
most and they will be at Canada's Parliament Hill on Saturday. Lend them your support by criticizing any media morons
who dare betray our race publicly. We're all there in spirit, and wish everyone participating to act with common sense,
good will and fair play -- the White man's way.



Posted April 24, 2022


by Don Andrews

Hey, look -- no other human race on Earth has their females "empowered" like the White race. From voting
rights to special social rights, White women run the show , in reality imitating  their Europeanized Semitic
god-cult of the Jews.  The "you're not a Jew unless your mother rule" puts their menfolk into an almost useless
neurotic "sperm donors" with little power or importance, a mean boss of outsiders because of a mean boss at
home. It's unnatural for a man -- hence the general unhappiness shown in their humor.

Unfortunately for us,  very few White women care about our racial survival; there is only Marine Le Pen of France

around the White world, usually pilloried by the Jewsmedia, reflecting their extinction-bound feminism; What do
male queers and perverts care if there is no racial future -- they only live for their hedonist days and feminists fall 
for this stuff, they all want to be "woke'. As it looks now the feminist West appears hell-bent to start a war with 
still-patriarchal Russia over a new thirty-year old country called the Ukraine (the Frontier), the area between  Europe
and Russia where it's said that the wives beat their husbands. I guess whenever people start in a new area, old social
norms take a while to re-establish. But the fact that the Ukraine has lots of beautiful women in media and government
shows why they broke racial loyalty and sided and armed themselves to the teeth against their patriarchal neighbor
(and to many, the 'old country') Russia. That's betrayal.

It's doubtful there will be a World War III as long as Putin has Jews still around him; they won't let their pals in the West
destroy them although many are running to Israel right now, whose foreign policy on the Ukraine looks uncertain and nebulous.
They are a nuclear power, but so is Russia, which has a lot more space to absorb any nuke attack, unlike little Israel.

Canada could be dragged into a war in Europe or even in the South American jungles of Colombia in defense of democracy of
fellow NATO members. That's a recipe for future wars for sure, with 27 nations now in NATO. Politicians here must be pressed
to put this issue on their platforms. Along with sincere peace activists, White Nationalists  will work to get Canada out of all 
globalists' war institutions and organizations, while raising a well-armed White Peoples' Militia that no enemy would want to
deal with over time.  Let's get on it!  



To The Editor, Toronto Star:

Please sir, capitalize the W whenever you are referring to our great White race. We notice that on
occasion you already capitalize the B in Black race so it shouldn't be a philosophical problem --
just good grammar and respect.

Again. please don't disappoint us and common saense, good will and fair play  rules we live by.
Looking forward to your cooperation and reading Toronto's top paper


White Nationalist Party of Canada
April 2, 2022


Posted April 13, 2022



by Don Andrews

Feminists' Ukraine must face the facts.

History has shown that you can't trust either side when it comes to war propaganda, There's a bit of truth in most of it but the most
successful lies are those which art stated with impunity, as the "truth". So it is in the Ukraine-Russia war; a little Euro-Asiatic USA
empty "pale", where losers and kickouts ended.

First of all, I'm disgusted at Whites killing Whites for protection and territory of same-Slavs' land. Even the war Jewsmedia knows Ukrainians
are just like Slavs mostly, with an addition of some Western Whites' genes. Secondly I'm appalled at how willing women of the media are
willing to risk a destructive world war over the Ukraine ("the frontier"). It's like they don't have any brains, definitely, no knowledge of how
important it is to keep a conflict localized. like the Spanish Civil War. Thirdly, of all the talk of massacres and POW mutilations and torture
accusations, if true, betrays White humanity. How dare anyone do anything like this? Remember, both sides accuse each other , and there is
suspicion on both sides with past Russian behavior and Ukrainians' bloody threats to castrate Russian POWs. Only a feminist wimp's mind
could come up with that horrific indignity. It's also interesting how long the globalists'  matriarchal sect Western Jews' regimes want to keep
the Ukraine war going "for years" as their CIA spokesman said. Hmmm... how does he know?

Pressure should be brought on the politicians and war-media not to involve Canada or get the US involved for 'the Frontier' back door to
Russia. Everyone wants their sphere of influence; Ukrainians should try to appease their origins' big neighbor Russia, and not be a launching
pad for globalists against it. Let's be like White men and show common sense, good will and fair play, please; Anything less will lead to
destruction. Let's have peace for the White race's sake.

Tell the Ukrainians here:

And the Russians, here:

We will.


Posted March 30, 2022

 There is a White Man's Way...
                                          Do It!

In a multicult anti-racist society put on the White race exclusively it's hard to act consciously 
racially but  we do anyways because it comes from within many of us non-Whites and far away
(Africa) try to do the same, even when Whites forget to do so themselves. Don't you notice the 
snooty Limey accented Africans speaking at the UN, etc.? White man's manners and mores are everywhere in the world,
even if they go extinct

Telling the truth with common sense, good will and fair play is still our staple. So obviously we
would be against torture and mutilation of prisoners of war. Its unconscionable to do this and
think otherwise. Talk and threats of these kinds of evil acts does not become any "man"--only
servants of feminist whores could come up with suggestions of brutal castrations of prisoners,
as that asshole in the Ukraine suggested: the stench remains, even if it had been retracted
by the pro-West feminist regime. Putin looks like an angel compared to these bloodthirsty Slav
racetraitor mish-mash population of 'the Ukraine' (the Frontier).

The evil anti-White media has failed to rally real men for a war on still patriarchal Putin's White's 
Russia. So how will they get any White fools yo go and die in the defense of Taiwan when Red China
decides to take its island province back? The White wimps and non-Whites who the media appeals to
are not enough to win any war against Russia and its allies. NATO is unnecessary and should be 
absolved like the Warsaw Pact was. We don't want a globalists' White policeman to rule the planet...
That's not independence. The only question remaining now is, will Putin turn on the West's globalist
Jews  as he already hinting, or will his regime go down in a coup or in flames if he allows the
Ukraine war to carry on,  as Russia makes sure there are no nukes in a big territory known as
the Frontier (Ukraine) on its doorstep; how would the US like nukes in Mexico?

Dwindling Whites don't need another destructive war. The more we isolate the Ukraine problem the
better for all. Ukrainians must remember that Russians are not Asiatic Mongols but first protectors
first protectors of our lives from any threat from the East . All Europeans agree.


Posted March 23, 2022


by Don Andrews

When moderate and extremist anti-racist idiots get together. racially-aware Whites beware. This is where and
when democracy is dangerous to our dwindling White race, thanks to mean feminism and anti-white
multiculturalism nastiness. These fools hate natural White racists and would like to see us all wiped
out if they cannot silence us with fines and prison.

White self-loathers and anti-racists are mentally ill with their hatred of nature that the world White Nationalists
live in. Our enemies have little depth, like the media and entertainment degenerates they watch and listen to.
When was the last time you heard one of these anti-racist haters offers dialogue or understanding? Never,
right down from the Pope to all their pundits and editors, we get nothing....just bile and hatred. Then this
hypocrite scum calls us haters! Look in the mirror, you one-time childless idiots who appear now. Your days
are gone, queer or celibate -- your DNA is dead for any future.

This self-hating malaise starts  with our White women still running our society in a dangerous multicult
society. No other race on the planet has such traitorous partners to try to breed with for any White future.
Effeminate Christianity does not help either with celibate priests and asexual proverbs from a crucified guy
who didn't have a girlfriend, wife or children. But he's the 'Son of God' (Joseph being nothing), and his
twelve all-male disciplines do little for family life. Any religion that does not care about your future existence
is useless and stupid that only selfish women might follow. If there is a 'God', then he's a poor communicator
and should not blame anyone for not hearing or seeing him/it?

I'm a White Nationalist and after seeing the Semites' idea of an all-powerful, loving, but stern God for the last
eighty years, I'm not impressed when one looks at the crime and carnage all over the world. "Where's God?"
is my favorite question that I'll be asking in the next dimension, too. Meanwhile, let's behave like "little gods"
to put up with his creations on Earth. Until that day, to hell with all the anti-White racists and self-loathers!

Posted  March 20, 2022


by Don Andrews

White Nationalists have been maligned, persecuted and prosecuted in Western women's society and now they expect us to go and
fight Putin's puritanical patriarchy. Doubt it!

The degenerate Jew-run Western world run by matriarchal Semitic cultists can't fight its own battles and needs male sucker killers to do
their dirty work, but all racially aware real males are reluctant to spread a White-on-White war for the pro-West feminist Ukraine. Aside from
the military grunts, I doubt it will happen in spite of our dumb involvement in globalists' war tool NATO. There is just no enthusiasm for this
unnatural anti-racist society to go and kill for them. Also, no matter what the evil anti-racist media says or tries. That's why we've heard so
much about possible 'false flag' operations to get us into a war.

Russia and China are the last societal holdouts to Western degeneracy where queers are treated better than White race patriots. One has
to be careful when women are in charge; they can be very nasty and irrational  -- anything can happen in a country where masculinity is
abhorred. I've said it before and I'll say it again: their time ( our enemies) is coming to an end and will come faster as their queer
non-reproducing numbers go down. Let's see how their planned 'Gay Pride' (can you imagine?) parade goes in Toronto this year 
on June 26th.

Natural White Nationalism is the future. So, let our enemies grind their teeth -- many for the last time, ever!


Posted March 17, 2022


by Don Andrews

Don't let the women's war in Ukraine nuke Western Civilization.

Aside from their ex-comedian little Jew President Zelensky, all the voices from the Ukraine asking for jets and weapons are mostly women. The old adage
I learned from either East Europe and is the Ukraine (The Frontier), is the place where "wives beat their husbands", seems quite  possible when one sees all the dames who are asking for more weapons, even jets.

I thought women were against wars -- well, some wars, if it's against a patriarchy like the Taliban in Afghanistan or patriarchal Putin's Russia. These
careless warmongers from the West and East are playing with a nuclear war fire that doesn't seem to bother the latest crop of mostly-childless feminists
all over the news channels (no nuke worries for these bitches). Don't forget the Ukraine is traditionally Russia's land, just like the Crimea, which the idiots
in the West want to fight over again, having lost in the first Crimean war.

Ukraine women betray their Slavic kith and kin in Russia and elsewhere by siding with the degenerate West who Putin condemned  in his latest speech. 
Race is all, but don't ask most women in the White world -- they couldn't care less and seem to have a narrow view of life, only for the 'here and now'
future? (What future?)

White Nationalists hate to see dwindling Whites killing each other, so we don't want this  war for 
'the Pale'(the Ukraine) to spread or go on too long.
Where do the 'Ukrainians' come from -- if not from such countries and peoples all around 'the Pale'?

Canada needs to get out of NATO now -- a 27-country membership, from Turkey to Colombia, South America -- a real war tool for globalists to control
the planet militarily. Canadians should not be responsible for 26 other countries' well-being politically that we have to protect them and go to war for
them like suckers in the past, at the expense of a dwindling White race's way too much. The US would not allow an invasion of Canada, except by
themselves, so we don't need NATO or any of their globalists' wars as far as Afghanistan.

For true Canadian independence we must get out of war alliances, because that's what NATO is, a tool for anti-White racist globalist traitors to put
down nationalists and natural racists.

Goodbye, NATO!

Write to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at ... we will

Posted March 13, 2022


by Don Andrews

The least Canada should do to show its abhorrence at the brutal invasion of the Ukraine by Putin's Russia forces, is to threaten to expel
the Russian ambassador to Canada and withdraw our embassy from Russia, short of  entering the Ukraine war through our NATO participation.
Tell Trudeau to threaten to cut all diplomatic activity with Russia and to stop this war madness, and to get rid of weapons and a neo-Nazi
regiment (if only) in the Ukraine. It's all old, discredited commie propaganda, while they are acting far worse than their opponents.

Also, Russian TV channels should not be blocked by Bell's satellite services. That's called censorship and Bell Canada (contact them at ) needs to be told to stop their ban on free speech, not much different than that commie Russia's practice.

The White race is dwindling, with anti-child feminism and dumb wars. We don't need to add to our racial demise by joining any stupid war 
"over there". Let's try to confine this to the vast Ukraine. Hopefully, they will come around a bit and realize that Slavs are under threat by
globalist Anglos and their Jew pals, who are definitely anti-White racist. Whites must stop killing each other in pointless, stupid and reckless

Tell Trudeau, Putin and the globalist Jewsmedia. We will!

Posted March 9, 2022


by Don Andrews 

NATO member Canada is a nuclear target that's coming closer to reality than you think. I hope it's
not so, but to get involved in a feminist media's women's war in the Ukraine is madness to begin with when
we don't have to, and can stop it by getting out of the matriarchal globalists' machine NATO's  (North Atlantic
Treaty Organization) BS, now with 27 nations, including Turks and Colombians, possibly one day marching through
our streets. Don't think it can't happen, with anti-racist  women and queers and perverts running the West's
show. They've raised natural racism to a capital crime, imitating any tyranny with its stolen hypocrisy while practicing
religious and cultural bigotry in their real lives.

Obviously, commie Putin believed his own lies on anti-racism with his stated goal of eliminating a Nazi state in the
Ukraine, whose people have always been proud of their  "ethnicity" as runaways and kickouts of neighboring peoples'
losers and renegades, who not only went "beyond the Pale", referring to the Great Plains of the Ukraine (the Frontier),
but to the Pale to build a nation now about 30 years old. This is an experiment, just like the kickouts and runaways of
the USA -- both are self-indulged and proudly feminine, and dangerously ambitious enough to arm themselves from
expanding globalist foreigners, just like the American Revolution. It's up to the nations around to decide their boundaries 
if they don't want to end up like North America's Indians in barren reservations (I notice Romania, a previous populated area like the Ukraine, is very quiet, watching NATO build it up).

For Canada, NATO is obsolete with our pals in the US. That's all we need to protect this continent. We are not world
policemen, or ready mercenaries for globalists, even if the US is in the lead. We've all seen their dumb wars done by
a too-confident women-meddling people. We don't need to be part of it, unless you like to war about the "bomb".
Let's get out of NATO before it's too late. Tell Trudeau, and watch him squirm as he realizes that Canadians are saying,
Hell no, we won't go to a  Third World War. What do you say?

Trudeau's Email address: .

Posted March 7, 2022


By Don Andrews

Western globalists, feminists and the Jewsmedia are having a hard time convincing the public that NATO should stop
Putin's brutal invasion of the Ukraine (The Frontier), a newly-created country after the dissolution of the Soviet Union,

a once-great power and multicult empire ruled from Moscow that went out with a whimper; so much for communism
and its myths that had to be enforced by brute force.

One would think the time to rein in "the Frontier" would have been in those days, but now Russia is alone and feeling
very vulnerable with globalist war tool NATO expanding to 27 members, all the way from the Baltic states to Colombia,
South America -- oh yeah, and Turkey, too. How would you like some troops from NATO now ruling your streets?

Apparently Putin was promised verbally that NATO would not move eastward. Well, they did, and a lot, too, surrounding
Russia from the north, west and south. Who the hell voted for NATO to rule our future? These moves should have been
publicly discussed, that the rotten anti-racist media nightly ignored. The politicians talk about NATO like a god. It's
only an organization, you fools, that comes and goes, like the Gestapo and the Stasi, being bound for the security of
26 other nations, some far away and with cultures unlike our own, and no public discourse, is a recipe for war. NATO
is like an empire of disassociated people under one force. No regime inimical to NATO would be welcome and might
actually be put down if their globalist masters wanted it. Canada does not need NATO; we have America, and Americans
would not allow a foreign takeover of Canada. NATO needs sucker Canadians to die in their pointless wars against
peoples' customs, like in Afghanistan and Serbia. NATO is a meddler behind the scenes; just look at how they armed
the Ukraine, and cointinue to do so.

Putin is no Hitler; No matter how hard the Western media tries, there are no pizzazz marches. no rallies, no big mob
speeches. Putin seems proud of his Slavicness and tries to play up the racial unity card long torn by religion and
politics. However, some Ukrainians (Slavs in the Ukraine) seem confused and saddened by Putin's Russia attack. So,
there is still hope for White racial unity. Let's start with the Slavs and tell Putin: if he really means his words, to stop
this dirty war on fellow Slavs..... we will.

Putin's contact page:


Posted  March 5, 2022


by Don Andrews

I always check my premises when I like to capsulize great events like the posibility of a 'Women's World War III developing
in the Russia/Ukraine conflict today. It's the matriarchal feminist "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" degenerate racemixing
West against a great power-strict patriarchy called Russia. The women's Hollywood degenerate West should be able to
beat Russia, all neatly compact and mostly barren. But then again, others have tried: Napoleon and Hitler -- then they got
stuck and beat it back in disarray, hoping Russians  don't take Berlin.

Slavs are good fighters when they believe in a cause, from the Adriatic to Siberia. NATO cannot win, nor should NATO,
the EU, the UN or any other organization decide our future whether we die in a war or not. Most of the warmonger hosts
on TV appear to be women using NATO as their feminist hammer -- they're not the family types; They all look like they have an ax to grind into Putin's head. We've been there before, with Saddam Hussein in Iraq and NATO's bombings of Serbia over Milosevic. Now it's Putin -- before that, it was feminist Hollywood and America against Hitler and Mussolini -- all matriarchal wars against a patriarchal man's regime.

Win or lose, war regimes are always toppled after it's over as isolationist Whites take over and show the folly of foreign
wars and interventions, unless they directly threaten our safety. Obviously Putin saw that with the pro-West ragtag
population of many ethnics, and Ukraine acting more like America then America itself, considering their origins and
reasons for being Russia's 
"Wild West" Ukraine (The Frontier).

Posted  March 1, 2022


by Don Andrews

I don't like war and especially seeing dwindling Whites killing each other, It's macabre, watching a smiling young
White Russian soldier one day and the next day on the news of a lot of channels, lying sprawled out, dead beside
his destroyed tank on a Ukrainian field while news-gawkers take pictures and videos... sad, or what?

Putin has miscalculated the West and its feminist-run side. I'm sure he was surprised at the matriarchal Jewsmedia 
hyping up his invasion worldwide and comparing the ex-commie KGB agent a "Hitler", this time coming from the East
... Russia. You know the Ukraine (the Frontier) is a recently-invented "country". It is the 'wild west' for the Russians, where kickouts and runaways go, coming from all kinds of nations and even races, like the Mongols. Its a mixed-bag
population of dark and short, like their Jew leader Zelensky, or tall and blond, like some of their women (runaway

Although they are not  common sense bigots, Ukrainians are anti-racist on the surface; they are not  straightforward
Slavs and seem to show little interest in Slavic racial unity, much like the stupid fight with two different Catholic
churches, Catholic Croats and Orthodox Serbs. It shows how mean and naive religion can be.

Putin seemed surprised at the lack of racial loyalty to Slavs that Ukraine has shown by arming themselves to the teeth
from the feminists' and the Jews' West. Putin has Jews around him, too. We'll see if they or he does anything for or
against each other; Putin must know who runs the world, and he can't count on commies who are on the feminists'
side -- just like the Jewish religion. 

There are two sides to every story, especially when it comes to the cause of a war. But when a regime which is
persecuting White Nationalists, then goes to war and shuts down Russian channels like your "freedom of speech"
with so-called hate laws, well that's not a regime that I would go out and kill for. That would be not only stupid but
immoral, too. The more that this foolish war is isolated, the better for all concerned.

Obviously, The Frontier (The Ukraine) needs some border adjustments, like any country starting out, and we're seeing
that now. Plebiscites should be held in different ethnic and linguistic areas of the Ukraine to see who wants what.
Today's boundaries are Lenin's idea of unworkable so-called multiculturalism. Now we can sort out who's who among
the runaways in the vast Ukraine.


Posted February 21, 2022


by Don Andrews

The proposed Emergencies Act that is going to be voted on by the Canadian Parliament  is so unnecessary and way overboard for a regime to enforce
on its populace by a democratically-elected minority government of the women and wimps' electorate. It's so irrational that it will hurt them in the short
and the long run as people learn to hate their tyrannical arrogance and mandates. The White people have had enough -- that's right, it's not the vaccine
(I haven't had one). It's the "mandate" idea that sticks in peoples' throats. It's like living in a dictatorship of nanny-state communism. That's why smart
Americans are so interested in seeing how a mostly-woman elected minority can be so stupid and mean, like an old witch (by the way, most of the
communicators, pundits, reporters and members of parliament are female). But whenever you go overboard you shoot yourself in the foot, as they say.
People remember, and no $500 or $600 cheque from our taxpayer coffers, like last autumn, will do. Next election, the Liberals are toast along with their
turbaned multicult leader Jagmeet Singh, if he should vote with the women-run Liberals to make the Draconian Emergency Laws into law. Already the feminist moron Liberals have closed down almost one hundred peoples' bank accounts, and the globalist banks are cooperating without your day in court or even a notice...
don't tell me this isn't a communist state!

Canadian society, mostly on gender terms, is now openly divided. Oh yeah, I know there are some smart women in the Freedom Convoy. However they
are the few, loyal, moral ones. I'm just amazed how the slimy media females don't get the concept of freedom, especially of speech. It almost becomes a
discussion of women voting --remember, whatever Man has done before he can do again. Don't think that many men haven't in frustration thought that
The minority with political ideas runs society, the rest just go along and there is always a back-and-forth from one idea to another. 2022 is like 1905 in
Russia: a little put-down revolt, then the big one twelve years later, as people steamed some more. Establishments and orders come or go, if you know
your history. These are the last days of 'democracy' with a multicultural society. White Nationalists will not allow themselves to be voted into extinction. It's

in peoples' heads now, the real anti-Establishment politics are macho White Nationalists, racists, Nazis and fascists.

If I was the Establishment I would try to be very nice to White Nationalist patriots, so that the eventual turnover is peaceful. Otherwise, as I've written before,
Woe To Our Enemies (NPC Archives). Tell your Member of Parliament and Jagmeet Singh (E-mail, ) not to introduce or support
this further police state law, for everyone's sake -- him and his evil media pals.... Thanks.

Posted  February 20, 2022


by Don Andrews

It appears that Jews, non-Whites and feminists on the controlled evil anti-White media are against the peaceful White
peoples' protest in Ottawa. as for the some 50,000 Ottawa citizens who have been disrupted, I say don't live in that part
of the capital if you can't take it. I've never heard these wimps ever complain about other occupations and anti-White race demos -- just about White Nationalist complaining along with the help of the anti-White hell with them, then!

I lived in Ottawa for a while, working as a health inspector, so I know the city, which should have gotten used to protests
long ago. Why don't the residents join the White Nationalists -- or are they all race traitors and White self-loathers?
I know feminized Whites are useless now -- worse, they are siding with the tyrant Trudeau and a legitimate frustrated
protest against two years of dictatorial mandates, so what's three weeks of demo inconvenience?

Please don't tell me the Trudeau regimes and all the other globalist are not reacting to the demonstrators across Canada -- that's just anti-White race morons trying to deny their victory. So petty and mean, that's what these Emergency Act feminist
goofs are, that it's right to start a war on patriarchal Russia. Let's keep up the fight for freedom in any legal way we can,
starting with verbal, E-mail and Twitter challenges to the globalist Jewsmedia lies and propaganda.
We're winning -- and we're with you, good people of Canada.

Posted February 17, 2022

Globalists' Traitor Trudeau on the Ropes, Blames
White Nationalists for Emergency Act

by Don Andrews

So Trudeau is scared of racially aware Whites (White Nationalists) so much that he wants to put into law Canada's Emergencies Act to scare
his opponents who he calls 'right wing extremists'. However, this is no Americans' January 6 takeover of public buildings planned or any
'insurrection', like the orderly mob which found itself in the US capitol while the "people's representatives" hid in a basement while the mob
stayed within the moveable ropes. Some revolution!?Justin Trudeau is afraid of the Canadian public; we'll see when he'll face (if ever)
another regular Canadian public audience (doubt it). Trudeau's finished as a leader, going down the same way as his ex-PM dad "just watch
me" during his War Measures Act, replaced by the little-less-stringent  Emergency Act  now declared.

Sure there are some that will praise him, especially his naive feminist base, looking longingly at the truckers' Freedom Convoy success.
Capturing our maple leaf flag and the word "freedom" really grinds the evil hearts of the media morons who continually like to say,
"the so-called freedom convoy", almost choking on their words. Would they dare to say "so-called" with any minority protesting group ?
Doubt it. The media already dubbed the Freedom Convoy as extremist and as White Nationalists, but they are laying off a bit recently;
they don't want to give us any credit or get any new recruits for a rally.

No one is trying to remove Trudeau by force -- that's his private fear for all the globalist treachery he's put on Canada with immigration
and multiculturalism. Whites don't want it, so tell him to resign and tell the NDP not to support commie tyrant legislation by propping up
Trudeau and his emergency declaration. Tell Sikh cultist leader Jagmeet Singh not to betray his constituents by voting for this Draconian
bill, or they too will be hated and ignored in Canada's next election. Any politician who votes for these restrictions is a wannabe tyrant.

Tell them -- we will.

Prime Minister Trudeau's e-mail:
NDP Website   :

Posted February 14, 2022


By Don Andrews

I'm not beating a little broken drum on this issue that appears small, but is as large as survival:
capitalizing the letter W when writing about our great White race. Little things mean a lot and when
the traitorous  media shows their anti-White racism by continually using the small "w" when dealing
with White people shows their racial self-loather evil. They pretend Whites are not a race for fear of 

appearing to be racist. They are nothing but a bunch of self-loather hedonists whose lives are a general
waste as sterile one-time life people. They know what they are doing; it's on purpose, these people should
be told in the harshest of ways, without threats. Their egos and lives are thin and no one wants angry
people out there against them with the angry White demos going on in Canada.

Our enemies are worried, their future looks dim and grim; they will have to manage their views or stand
out of the way as the commie Antifa counter- demonstrators found out in Ontario.The White self-loathers'
days are over -- all are worried; now what's the mob thinking? Will they rise? Will they attack all who have
brought these problems to White Canadians.

Canadians are not united and won't be until evil media pays respect to White race survival and deals fairly
with these who will try to guarantee that -- White one else.

Let them know (we will), at the contact pints below:

Toronto Sun
Toronto Star
Globe and Mail
National Post

Read related passage from the book Black and White by Stephen Dorsey,
from Nimbus Publishing:


Posted February 10, 2022


By Don Andrews

Extremists are the only ones who make history, without extremists we wouldn't have ideas that we can use or avoid.

There is a lot of talk about "extremists" on the globalists' Jewsmedia, which is against White Nationalism, being part of a matriarchal Semitic God-cult
connected to their Middle East Christian hosts. That's against nature's order. How extremist can you get? A "God" cult which makes males nervous
wrecks is also "extremist", and an unhealthy matriarchy. That's the state of Christian and Jew male believers. It's clever to get new adherents to a
religion by automatically calling all Jewesses' children as Jews; a put-on burden from the start, typical of a cult which does not want you to escape.
New "recruits" are born every day without their consent. That's the yoke new "Jews" wear automatically. No wonder they are continually unhappy with
their biittersweet humorists; only The Three Stooges didn't seem to care (Real names: Jerome and Moses Horowitz  and Larry Fineberg). The Jews' cult
should be the last to slam extremists... when you read their terrible history and their extremists, especially those who ran the vicious Soviet Union for three

One man's extremist is another man's bore.

Posted February 8, 2022


by Don Andrews

I love to see the evil media squirm. At first they were dismissive of the populist Peoples' Party-type nationalists starting to protest at Canada's Parliament buildings in wanting to stay in a small-town capital of Ottawa. However, when
the crowd was estimated at 250,000 mostly White working type Canadians, they became scared and showed 
continual shame with narrow images of the angry White crowd which, to their amazement, were able to wander around the 'sacred' Parliament buildings (supposedly representing these very people), 'rioting' within the moveable ropes
(a Canadian version of victorious 'rebels'). All that seemed totally impromptu, a surprise for the regime and
the rebels as the 'ancient ' regime's representatives hid in secret rooms and chambers. Why did the
representatives of the people go and address the people? What did they feel that was different from the
impromptu Canadians outside of Parliament? They all acted like traitors of the old regime, hiding like snakes
or cowards -- or both.

The evil media now is siding with the police (that's a new one) because they know that these are the Whites
they are betraying; they know why they are hated, because they are against a homogeneous White country.
They want the mayhem of multiculturalism -- that's the milieu of libertines, weirdos, perverts and most queers 
like. But they too want some order, especially if the disorder is aimed at them.

If nothing else, this re-awakened White mob says enough. So let's see what they do next: call in the army and
get us some martyrs? Hopefully, not. Getting rid of all the restrictions is nicer.

Posted February 6, 2022


by Don Andrews

Ordinary people have seen the hared of the effeminate Jewsmedia's reporting on the fed-up mostly White
Canadian peoples' uprising against a globalists' regime. There is the precious word called "Freedom" not
properly appropriated by the put-down, proud, patriarchal people. "Freedom Convoy"  is a dangerous word
phrase to any tyranny and the dumb media has now nicely advertised and repeated the idea which will be
associated with those words  -- White people.

Another word which is overused, even as an ultimate condemnation is "racist", a natural feeling that turns
the world topsy-turvy with its hated sound. However, once your detractors call you something more extreme
than they are, eventually you accept the term and look on it positively, like a nickname you might not like
until you get used to it. The media's continual attacks on the demonstrators will backfire, with nastier attitudes toward the media morns to make them think twice about fairness in the future toward White racists.

Yes, the longer that the now media-called "occupiers" stay and the more outside support they get, the more
the media will call them racists, and the word will spread worldwide. A White insurrection in Canada carrying
on further than the Americans' great White January 6, 2021 show has already been heard, so the cops have
a reason for action, much to the complaining non-Whites' desire.

Let's hope no one gets hurt. And congrats to all the freedom-loving White Canadian patriots.

Posted February 2, 2022


by Don Andrews

Many good things have come from Canada's truck convoy demonstration on Parliament Hill.
First of all,  the idea of "White Nationalism" has been put into White peoples' heads by the dumb
anti-White media, thinking that this will scare the kosher conservative (cheapskates) away. But the
opposite is true; now Whites have a road to survival in a White self-loathers-run country. It's in their
now thanks to our stupid enemies.

Secondly, White Canadians have shown that cannot be taken for granted by the any globalists'
politician. They have "woken up" and now the anti-racist fools have to watch their P's and Q's 
or end up sounding like that White self-loather Justin Trudeau with their criticism of the demonstrators
as a "fringe". Wake up, dummies, it's the believers that rule any group, not money.
Also, this is an embarrassment to all non-White Canadians (except the few turbaned warlike
Sikhs who joined the rally at one point). Non-Whites look irrelevant on Trudeau's side with their grim
silence on the convoy and rally in Ottawa and elsewhere, especially in White rebels' Alberta.

Hopefully, the Ottawa demo will disappear peacefully as the evil media keeps attacking the remaining
stalwarts shivering in the cold Ottawa weather. Actually, the more that the evil media attack the demonstrators the more White Nationalists they will make for future activities as the hatred for the anti-White media grows and people
realize that all their news sources are anti-White biased.

We know that what we write on our site is important for common sense, good will and fair play, and
our numbers are way up high as Canadians learn there is good White Nationalism instead of uncertain,
destructive globalism. Never give up on racial survival! -- we won't.

Posted January 31



by Don Andrews

I just can't get enough of the media whining over their enemies occupying
Canada's capital and the Parliament  area. They're crying over petty incidents
involving people standing on Terry Fox statue as if he was a founding father
of Confederation or something really big. Please--let's get real. It's about
time the evil media sees some of the hate directed at their treacherous
anti-White activities such as pushing disruptive diversity on our nation
and culture.

Curse the media, and do you want your enemies -- scared?
That's the only way from creeps and crooks from doing evil...fear. And there's
plenty of it in their voices, not just their whiny words.

It started with the macho truckers , now it's been taken over by patriarchal concerns
that the feminist globalist media is against. Oh yeah, and then there were some
demonstrators on top of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier for all the killing sprees
Canadians were so willing to get into, from Germany to Afghanistan, much to the chagrin of 
globalist Jews and the continuing interventions. What do you expect when you put it there,
when demos happen? Also, enough of Canada's continued war activity any time the US or
the UN or NATO ask. it's not a good image to be known as ready killers, wherever the conflict is.

There is a lot of frustration among Whites in Canada with the globalist idiots'
multiculturalism that has brought crime and uncertainty for many of Canada's
urban Whites. You country folk should pay attention before you are the last of
the Whites in Canada as the cities go racemixed and dark. This demonstration
against globalist restrictions frightens the Establishment -- help and
thank the Ottawa demonstrators.

Posted January 27


by Don Andrews 

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hah! If you know yours' and others' histories and have an objective view of mankind you can predict the future like a modern-day Nostradamus, especially if you can do it in versethat can be interpreted many different ways. However, one thing is for  sure: Man never really changes -- just his gadgets; underneath, the same attitude remains, So we're doomed to repeat ourselves with different clothes and manners. That's why all maligned racially-aware Whites can relax in that guaranteed vengeful upheaval which is usually followed by a grisly defeat of today's establishment like their recent NATO war footing over an area known as "the Frontier" -- the Ukraine, where a bunch of kick-outs and runaways from Russia and Europe ran wild like their Cossacks but were subservient to their females.  Sounds like the US -- sorry, but you can see the matriarchal superiority on their home front which prefers the effeminate West as a partner in politics.

But back to the vengeance stuff: Those in power today had better watch it -- depression or war defeat will bring them down quick. Half a million Whites can still be repeated at our capital or America's Capitol Hill. The recent truckers' convoy spells dissatisfaction from the working White man. Do you notice how afraid Trudeau is, that he tried to malign them, calling them terrorists in league with people like me?... Well? 

Today's extremists are the norm for the future, especially if they are survivalist types: They won't take too kindly to the establishment propagandists, especially the media types who are daily complaining in their columns how nasty the people are to them. So it's working -- nothing lasts forever, and if I was the anti-racist idiot with an ounce of brains  I would offer the olive branch to my most hateful enemy, the White racists. I'll ask the Pope as a start, because without White Nationalism, there is no future for our great White race.

Posted January 26, 2022

For Whites, Nature Separated The Wheat
from the Anti-Racist Chaff

by Don Andrews

The Establishment and the globalists' anti-White racist media are
always warning us against "extremists" as if they are not with their
anti-nature anti-racism. Without "extremists" you wouldn't have any
political movements our original ideas. The 'extremists' are the ones who
keep any political movement going of any political consequence, also
true in the latest job action by international truckers who don't want the untested
and almost useless anti-virus vaccine that puts a "dead"  
virus into your body to activate 
your immune system that may bring some sickly side effects. That's why it's crazy to give
the vaccine to ill or very old people, some of whom need surgery. But the arrogant know-it-all 
doctors won't perform it  unless you got your vaccine, it's a catch-22. as they say. This virus
is a global phenomenon created in a Red Chinese lab to get rid of the economically useless
and mostly old and weak. Don't tell methey wouldn't do that; only the evil media propagandists lie
and cheat about these facts.

Anti-White globalist  anti-racists have been in power for a while now, since the early sixties -- 
that's three generations now  and the fourth generation has begun who will not know these
myopic morons who hated their own kind. Don't worry, nature hates them-- that's why you are
not seeing bigger gay marches as these naive generations die off of their own barren accord.

Nature has a way of getting rid of the chaff from the reproductive healthy wheat. That's who races are,
of all races. Now let's read the papers and watch the news and find out which anti-racist in the
entertainment world or politics is dead. LOL!

Posted January 23, 3022


by Don Andrews

It's madness for dwindling Whites to fight amongst each other. Anyone who puts petty politics above their race is a
traitor to nature. This is why White Nationalists are against any wars for Whites unless it's for their preservation as a
people. Any nuclear war would be mostly directed against the White part of the planet. They're not going to direct nuclear missiles at Africa, so let's just back off the Ukrainian macho talk about taking Moscow as a threat. They have not
retracted in the country where they say that the women beat the men;  What's that tell you? That's why they're so
pro-West, economically and culturally.

Ukraine could be run over with tanks in days; the whole place is like an Ontario farm (usually 160 acres) with a small
wood lot area and occasional fallow fields -- the rest is farmed, like Canada's flat prairie provinces, with far horizons
that make you feel like the tallest thing around under the sky. Perhaps I digress, but you get the point of how a Ukrainian (frontiersman) might feel in this globalist world... narrow?

Fortunately, there are White racially aware groups to see the big picture -- no more wars for Whites, a race that needs
peace to regenerate itself and separate into their  exclusive spheres of control. Killing each other is not the answer
that the globalists' media has found out; they won't admit it, so don't forget to remind them of it. There is no stomach
for war for the Ukraine, Taiwan and Israel, and the right wing won't go for war. 

Keep up your good work -- we will!

Posted January 17, 2022:


by Don Andrews

The fact that Prince Andrew has to pay for his own  protection is ridiculous. as a monarch-in-waiting of a very rich family
(The Windsors). It's a bad mark on Buckingham Palace, where the Queen should have stepped in long ago and buried
this embarrassment with her own bucks.

No one wants to be ruled by cheapskate royalty. Hopefully, the Queen's entourage will realize this with discreet help
to Prince Andrew. We all make mistakes -- let's not augment them with meanness.

Tell Queen Elizabeth .. we will, here:
                      Royal Family Contact page:

Posted January 14, 2022


by Don Andrews

You would think that a colony of ex-criminals like Australia would be more rebellious
-- instead the opposite is true. They always come up first with stringent measures on
personal freedoms, showing that criminals are just lazy hedonists without a 'rebel' thought
in their petty, greedy lives. The other first Whites also had the "Jailers' mindset" to keep
those criminal bastards down, with probably personal relish.

Hedonism brings short memories; the alliance of the few Australian Whites with the
overcrowded Japanese islands is sheer madness for their now-iffy future, Don't think that
Jap troops won't be on the island eventually unless there are enough White Nationalists
to remind them of the evil Japanese concentration camps for Whites (women too) in World
War II. They have no respect foe losers -- not even pity.

Sometimes someone removed from a potential problem sees it rest. I'm telling you this all
the way from Canada; don't be naive down there. Tear up this alliance and build yourself the biggest submarine fleet
the world has seen when you want them too; you can slow an invader's advance before they land. After that it's guerrilla
war in your 'mountains' and swamps as the Orientals move in. It's interesting how the Japanese hate the Chinese so much
they themselves are just runaways and kickouts of the continent...probably the worst bunch, eh? Just like all islands off any continent, but not too far, like Africa and Madagascar. It seems like the runaways and kickouts have a chip on their
shoulder living off a continent and most often come back, bellicose for some slight or another. Sound familiar?

For Australia this is what happens with unnatural Whites' anti-racism policies while others keep
practicing their racial pride to the applause of the White idiots disappearing off the face of the planet like an Atlantis
civilization repopulated by new natives. You don't have to be a Nostradamus or genius to see the future here.

Let's see if anyone has the guts to complain in this "Sheila country" of tough women and BS men on an issue much
bigger than sports or feminism-- Djokovic is a joke --this is much more important. Wake up, Australians. Reject this
so-called alliance with Japan who conquered most of the Pacific and half of China in the last big war, always giving
themselves more troops like the Koreans who joined them in World War II. Tell your politicians and media to tear up this dangerous agreement. Your White future depends on it.




Red China and Globalism Brought You The COVID Pandemic!

by Don Andrews

It looks like we will have to live with a made-in-a -Red Chinese lab COVID 19 engineered as a "serious flu" to get rid of the very old
and sick economically useless and costly population.

Don't tell me the Red Chinese wouldn't do it; the fact that none of the rotten mainstream media does not  advertise that or
recommend any anti-globalist measures shows they are arrogant assholes, part of the same plan. In the pervert media, the
old are irrelevant and disrespected with their emphasis on "youth culture", like all queers and perverts. They hate the old and
are generally dismissive of seniors wishing their moral values
would disappearalong with them.

More pressure needs to be applied to the anti-White media and globalist politicians on
this issue, in no uncertain terms. Let's make the health ministers admit that globalism
is dangerous from diseases alone, especially guys like Dr. Fauci of the US, who loves to
whine when properly and deservedly criticized over COVID's rapid spread to get rid of the
old and weak. More blame on globalism is necessary; tell the evil media and your 
politicians -- let them know we are not that naive about the origins of this man-made

More isolation of countries is needed, and to hell with the frequent-fliers and those with

money for foreign holidays. Vacation at home and put a moratorium on all foreign travel
until this situation subsides. Until then, curse the globalist anti-White racist idiots who
won't listen publicly.  We will!

Posted January 12, 2022

by Don Andrews

I can understand why older Canadians go to Florida in the winter with temperatures as low
as 21 degrees below zero yesterday in Toronto. It was just God-awful , no excuses or cute
phrases. It was totally miserable to be outside; you just wanted to get inside somewhere.
Very unpleasant! Today is a bit better still ugly cold outside, I don't like it!

Not much of any great news outside of that, except NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
causing more trouble for White Slavs in Russia. Some say the Ukraine is run by their women.
It certainly looks that way, with the "new country" always sucking up to the Zionist-ruled
West and all the economic goodies to gain. I have seen little, if one, loyalty to the White race
and Slavs in general from this upstart  "country", more understanding by these so-called
Ukrainians (the Ukraine means "the frontier") for compromise and White unity. Is that alien
to a woman in society? I'm very disappointed in them in spite of all their dances and songs.

Let's not let "the Ukrainians" be the cause of a new war among Whites -- the last thing a
dwindling White race needs. Tell that to Zelensky and Putin, whose contact points are listed
below. We will.

Russian President Putin:

Ukrainian President Zelensky:


Posted January 10, 2022

Here's what Don Andrews wants you to do today:

Bound, Gagged, Shot: What the Evil Military in Myanmar Does to Their Civilians
               Tell Trudeau: Canada Should Cut all ties. We will -- here:


Posted January 8, 2022


by Don Andrews

Australians are stupid to ally themselves with once war-like Japan.

They're all afraid of Red China, which hasn't gone on an invasion spree recently, unlike Japan.
Australia is an island -- so is Japan, always ready to tackle the sea in war or peace. It took two atomic
bombs on their civilians in two cities to make the Japs give up in World War II.

Little  Japan, with its samurai spirit, established the biggest Asiatic empire in that war, including
large chunks of China. Their military was merciless, and now you want to get into an alliance with
a 'worried' country stripped of its empire, and have a good excuse for Japan to send troops to
Australia one protect Whites there from a Chinese invasion. Are you nuts? This defense
alliance is a provocation in itself. There are no Red Guards running around in Red China, nor are
they building a fleet like Kublai Khan during the Mongol wars.

Whites are fools to meddle in other peoples' business. We are not angels running around, straightening out the world -- nor should we be. But there are mindless self-styled
do-gooders who meddle all the time from the West's women-run world.  It's just too
dangerous to have an official excuse to be "occupied" for  "defense reasons", or perhaps the globalists' establishment regime is replaced by White Nationalists. You think the Orientals
would like that?

The deal stinks and should be rejected. Write and contact  your politicians down under now,
or the days of a White homeland  hiding way down there will become another Atlantis.

Contact the Australian Prime Minister here:

Read related article here:

January 6, 2022

Here's what Don Andrews wants you to do today:

 A Real Hero:   Professor Critical  of Black Lives Matter Fired from Mount Royal University
                                  Give hell to Mount Royal University -- we will, here

                                                                                                                                                    Disgusting -- Toronto Fires 461 Employees
                          Tell Mayor John Tory he'll be sorry (how does he sleep at night?)

         Tony Blair is a Slimy Limey Warmonger That Does Not Deserve a Knighthood
                                   Tell Queen Elizabeth-- we will, here:


January 4, 2022


by Don Andrews

I don't know if Donald Trump is up to the task of leading angry White Americans in an election. He seems to be  a little afraid of his own supporters
(too long working with the Establishment?) as he shies away from properly leading White Americans in public statements to the anti-White evil media.
"Beating around the bush" does not breed confidence. However, the White protesters still need a leader who's unafraid to tell the much-needed truths
in a make-believe racemixed society that will eventually separate  to their own corners racially.

Whites are giving up on an impossible peaceful racemixed society by cutting out their own space and sphere of influence in North America. Crazy
multiculturalism and unnecessary "diversity" only makes everyone feel uncertain for the future. It's doubtful if another big White demo can happen
again without some brave politicians encouraging it, judging by the poor show for a White protest later in 2021.

The morons who called last January 6th's protest an insurrection have a lot to learn about rebellions.  The crowd was so disorganized and proper
that they stayed in line  in the US Capitol and just took over, but still walked in between the movable ropes and path, surprised at how far they got.
That's not how insurrectionists act! It's the evil anti-White race media morons who have hyped this demo into an 'insurrection' ...oh please!

North American Whites are unhappy with all the idiots' anti-racism crap, but putting blacks, etc., into their daily lives, as if it will work itself out will
only make Whites disappear sooner. Since we never get Whites from any racemixing unions, looking toward a safe and sensible future, they know 
that separation is the only solution.

Now is the time for Whites to stake out their territory, away from the non-Whites, because everything else is deadly for our race. The large White crowd
last January 6 were not all White racists, but have been appropriated by the White Nationalists as their own, and what White wimp would dare to disagree?

This year, 2022, is the year to go after our sworn enemies in the rotten anti-White media. Call them every name in the book but legally -- don't let them
get away with anything anti-White, especially and including White Nationalists. Criticism from going-down-the-drain Whites will not be tolerated. Don't
let them get away with anything, whether they are media or self-loather politicians. Don't let their racial treachery go unpunished. Nature is on our side;
it wants us to survive, like all its creations. Act naturally and don't disappoint your great White race. We will!


January 3, 2002

Here's what Don Andrews want you to do today:

  Afghan Refugees Response Demands Attention

Tell the authors -- we don't need loser Afghans here (we will):


Posted January 2, 2022


by Don Andrews

Well, I'm happy I made it 2022. I used to be a health inspector and attended dozens of disinterments and admired all the tombstones and read many, trying to figure out how old the person lived. 1942 to 2022 is easy to figure. But seriously let me assure you that ideology of of White Nationalism I was privileged to participate in will live on endlessly, thanks in great part to our detractors dying off because of their own hedonistic reasons. Commies and their ilk never seem to have large families. This is something White Nationalists must participate  and encourage -- have children this year.

I notice that the first four babies born in the New Year in Toronto  were all non-White; what's that tell you? Now get off your video games and go and have children before you forget why you are you. I also notice  that the Nationalist Party site numbers are way up with more interest in my name on Google (although there are other Don Andrews, I think I'm the main White Nationalist racist in Wikipedia, etc.) But going from 70,000 hits to 240,000 hits in a month shows interest in our ideas. You'll need them in the future if I know my history (my favorite subject).

Don't mind his COVID crap -- we all know it's an exaggerated emergency that sometimes even embarrasses the media pushers when there's no bodies falling down on the streets. But they have to keep the hype up on this serious flu made in a Red Chinese lab to get rid of the economically useless and the very old, and they save on pensions, too.... Typical mean commies' morality

Let's make 2022 the Year of the White Man -- something to live up to, proudly and legally!

by Don Andrews

Catholicism and the  Christianity religion in general have taken a beating in many peoples' minds. Fratricidal God-belief was already on the wane in the White world due to the crazy Islamists' blowing themselves up all  around the world. The continual wars and conflicts in the Middle East where all the those mythological religions originated didn't bring Whites closer to the Bible's "Chosen People" either, but it showed the Jews to be just as vicious and warlike. like all the rest of the Semites in that part of the planet.  There will be no general interest in any new "crusade" to save the Jews again, especially if they are the the cause of a nuclear World War Three.

Christianity did very little to save, if nothing, the White race other than telling Catholics to have at least three kids, while at the same time increasing the populations of the Third World with their  missionaries and importation to White men's lands to prosper, even more to the point of replacement. And, there's also their killer residential schools in Canada. Christianity has always been unfriendly to White racists. Notice how silent they have been on the  
'Critical Race Theory' discussions and protests, a theory that says that the races are different and favored by Black and White Nationalists, but not by purposefully greedy naive conservatives and liberals. Interesting...

Aside from our humanity, natural racism is the next level of belonging here on Earth; when religion and political ideologies have failed, nature won't. Sure, Man's myths will come back in vogue, but now, when all is mixed up and weak we have racial belonging to fall back on, consciously or subconsciously; you're thinking like I'm writing. It's the natural way, whatever race or color you belong to, somewhere, naturally, without all the man-made rigamarole associated with religion. All you have to do is look into your heart and soul with common sense, good will and fair play and you'll know what to do, morally, the White man's way...what any God-creator would want you to do. Good luck!


Posted June 30, 2021

                          by Don Andrews

 God and White Nationalists bless Canada on its 154th birthday! We are blessed if you look at it. We live generally abundant lives in a naturally beautiful land. Of course it was started as an English  colony, where one behaved, or else, even after the importation of tens of thousands of "Oliver Twist" Barnardo children, all always ready to do some killing for the Mother country Britain, from the Boer War in South Africa to two world wars wiping out fellow Whitemen. Therefore it's no surprise how these Whites took the land from the Indians.

Hey, Canadians are still the one of the nicest Whites around, as we try to figure out how to repay the surviving indigenous people off far from our ancestors' roughness. Still, they should feel lucky they are not in China. Fortunately Canada has not killed anyone since the globalist UN meddler mission in Somalia. Let's keep it that way and concentrate  on upping our own White population for a generation at least, while staying out of other peoples'  business and being flunkies for the US and NATO globalists. Keep in mind that Canada has never been invaded, yet has participated in major wars, including the Cold War. The time is due, if we meddle.

White Nationalists must become more vocal in the coming years; to retreat is to admit defeat. What happened to the Whites of South Africa? Thy are silent, and hardly surviving. White Nationalism has caught the imagination of thousands of people, where we have a chance to influence the future with our historic objection to globalists' unnatural multiculturalism. It's a great payoff for speaking up when you should, with common sense, good will and fair play, the White man's and White woman's way. Nature expects you to fight for your survival.   We will.


Posted June 23, 2021


by Don Andrews

January 6, 2021 should  be a White Nationalist holiday; as far as I'm concerned it is, especially in my mind.

That's the day over 250,000 almost-entirely White people turned out to protest the federal government in Washington D.C. I've never seen such a crowd in my lifetime as a protest and a demonstration. Of course, during this the media were especially silent as to the actual size of the crowd and the angry White faces and emboldened by their numbers. Only later did the media announce the enormous size of the White people's demonstration, because all these bastards and bitches are against White race preservation.

But even they couldn't keep the threatening secret against their globalist daydream lives and had to yap on about it, and are still at it to this day with dumb questions like "Was it an insurrection?". I've never seen insurrectionists obeying barriers to walk in line while in the hallowed halls of the Capitol (some revolutionaries, hah!) But the potential is still there, and that's what White Nationalists still have to remember: we're not yelling into the wind, our voices and ideas are being heard. In fact they're the only ones conservatives have, except for their cheapskateness. We are the keepers of our culture and race, and January 6 proves that our message is not falling on deaf ears.

Bless all those who were there on January 6  and who still support the White Nationalist cause.

And thank you.


Posted  June 22, 2021

White Racists Like the Critical Race Theory Too!
  by Don Andrews

Just because your enemies like something does not mean it's no good for you , and that's the case with the so-called Critical Race Theory, which says that the races are different, as opposed to those who are against racial self-recognition that some racist blacks like. Since we are in favor of eventual separation of the races as nature intended, we agree with any theory that will lead in that direction.

The naive White racemixers and non-Whites who want to live off the White man's society are against any theory which goes otherwise; therefore, let's not get involved in any squabble with non-White racist radicals over their desire to recognize themselves racially -- something many supposedly 'smart' Whites need to do. That's why we must correct or dismiss any kosher conservative tendencies on the part of the greedy capitalists and daydreamer reds when it comes to White Nationalists' desires for the preservation of their race.

The Critical Race Theory is at least making many Whites think of themselves racially, something that the globalist Jewsmedia frowns upon (except for other races' self-recognition or pride...what Whites really need right now). Thank you to the Critical Race Theory proponents, because, as you and they know, race is all for a more peaceful and secure life.

Posted June 19, 2021

Race and Israel Dividing World's "Leftists"

by Don Andrews 

Sometimes, 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend', as the old saying goes, and organized anti-White racist Jewry is on its back foot trying to reclaim the victim mantle after coming back from continuing Gaza air raids toppling their squalid homes and highrises.

For many leftists now, the poor Palestinians are the victims of a fully-armed modern war machine operated by ex-descendants of barbed-wire Auschwitz fence faces running a fully-theocratic state not allowed to Muslims by the Zionist-ruled West. The last thing rebel socialists or communists want is Bible prattle about a state from Middle Eastern deity (God) for his cultists, so the Jews can never fully trust them, as the ex-Soviet bloc has shown. Everything is back as it was before for all their Marxist (Jew) propaganda for three generations; the unnatural dogma couldn't make it to a fourth. So, there will be no Christian pity for the Hebrews here. Canada has gone racemixed including major cities like Toronto, thanks to internationalist Jews' policies, which will bite them back in the ass, as Muslims and other independent non-White groups question Jew rule in Israel and here.

The much-ballyhooed Critical Race Theory, which Black racists like, says that the races are different, and is a good start for White racists, too. Who wants to hear the Disney Channel crap that "We're all the same, Johnny"? Please. That kind of superficial media "thinking" has led to an unsafe society all over North America...thanks to you morons, especially in the media.

Send your support to the Green Party's Black leader Annamie Paul, to stand firm on her principles.

You can e-mail her here:

And a message about Father's Day in Fatherless America:

As a dad who has fathered six children , I know how important Father's Day is and the importance of fathers in the continuance of our race. We need to respect and celebrate fathers worldwide. That's why I wish everyone a Happy Fathers' Day 2021

Posted June 17, 2021


by Don Andrews

It seems that the globalist media is against Whites getting    along as a race, and that's the first thing we have to do, considering all the terrible was we have participated in that have left tons of Canadian carcasses on bloody battlefields... for no good reason. Oh yeah, there is "fighting against tyranny" , to be replaced by another subtle tyranny with no free speech and gag laws to send you to prison, if you are truly the opposition to the Establishment.

It seems that the media is unhappy with Biden getting along with Putin by heaping abuse on "Sleepy Joe's" conferences and political meetings in a very personal way. They don't have any political objections to communism. if that's what you call it in Russia, China and elsewhere. They just want the world divided for the lucrative warmongers and couldn't care less about White racial unity as a first start to long term peace on the planet. White Nationalists believe that race before politicians is the natural way to go, and we will continue to be against foreign interventions and wars, because we believe our race needs rejuvenation and a respite from war and colonialism, which has elevated the Third World economically far beyond their personal capacity.

So let's not get fooled into another Vietnam, Afghanistan or Somalia stupidity and concentrate on revitalizing our dwindling race with children and happiness for a bright future.


Posted June 12, 2021

When French Separatists Speak for English Canadians!

by Don Andrews

Since the globalists' Jewsmedia is anti-White racist, real White Nationalists can't get a break to present their opposing position to the gullible public, it's left to the official conservatives to do it in a most cowardly way. Who wants to hear the same old liberal crap in a meaner way?  That's the 'kosher konservatives' today.

That's why it takes a racially-aware French Canadian politician like Maxime Bernier to state our position and millions of other English and French Canadians in politics. Maxime knows that a multicult country is doomed from the start. It's an oxymoron, a contradiction in terms, trying to maintain what isn't. Maxime's efforts to dismantle a multicult country are not the first or the last, because even when it's 'mixed-up', it's separating as we talk.

Major conservative parties have to rely on White Nationalist and Rightist groups and sites for the basic idea or cheapskate meanness. White Nationalists are on almost every issue and case in the news of consequence to their race. Where else will they get such info? Just think of all the politicians Paul Fromm has influenced with his meetings all over Canada. Our site is doing well too, with thousands of visitors and hits daily. So the word is getting out and for a change the public is educating the politicians, as it should be in a democracy. Keep up the good work!

Contact Maxime Bernier at the People's Party of Canada here and congratulate him:



June 7, 2021


by Don Andrews

I was surprised the other day when I checked some comments on US sites about the political and social situation in our country. It seems that most Americans have been clued into the total failure of globalists' multiculturalism that's the official policy of the fools in our capital Ottawa. It's not just Americans who are condemning the mixed-race theories purported to be "modern and progressive" that have led to the rise in crime and anxiety in Canada, the land of the real nice Whites now going down the drain population-wise.

The worst comments came from Canadians living abroad who wrote like they we're lucky to get out of the multicult country. They were darn right mean and derogatory toward Canada for allowing itself to be a nonwhite foreigners' country. I won't repeat the slurs and condemnation from fellow Canadian citizens in the country and abroad: we're not nice, but on the money when it comes to racial realities.

Next time when you're walking around, proud to be a Canadian White man or woman, don't forget what others think of our feminist-slanted politicians and their stupid voters who have brought future ruin and today's uncertainty and misery on you. Forgiving the sins of nut cases will only spur them all on to do more anti-White human evil. Insert race and the White peoples' future at their events and interviews. Don't let the cowards get away with racial treachery. We don't, every day.

June 4, 2021


By Don Andrews

If my only achievement of my many years in White Nationalist politics is the capitalization of the "W" when referring to our great White race, it will be success enough for me. After all, the public opponents of the destruction of the White race during our time -- who could complain about that fact?

The negro race, now commonly called 'Blacks' is always capitalized by the anti-White globalist Jewsmedia, so why not Whites? to do less is to minimalize our race while elevating others. It's a small point by all we know, but little things mean a lot in a very subtle way that secretly eats at you until you get to the bottom of the matter. Refusing to capitalize the 'W' for Whites is a sign  of animosity towards Whites' racism which cannot be tolerated if you really care about White race survival.

Proud White Nationalists have rules of behavior and generally show respect toward other races' racists, since separation is ours' and nature's final goal. But we cannot do this without respect all around. So, let's capitalize the 'W' if you are a sincere White racist. To do less is not enough. Thanks.


June 2, 2021

Don Andrews Asks Pope to Aid in the Investigation of Canada's Catholic (Universalist) Residential School Horrors

...and we're asking all our supporters to write to Pope Francis at the Vatican to aid in this 

You can contact the Vatican here:


May 27, 2021

Canada Should Cut Ties With Criminal Countries

by Don Andrews

The diverting of an international flight into Minsk, Belarus (White Russia) and the arrest and kidnapping of a young reporter dissident is totally unacceptable from any democracy, especially a dictator's state. Belarus' dictator Lukashenko should apologize or resign and definitely, release the reporter now facing trumped-up charges of criticizing a dictatorial regime.

I don't care what kind of system of government you have -- but if it's operating against international norms and human rights, then I'm all ears and eyes against you. Belarus is a new 'country' with the blessings of Mother Russia. Putin could have Lukashenko behave better (Isn't he the darling of the newsmedia?) Yet, they and Putin have been suspiciously silent on this issue regarding Russia's role, who these new countries, like the Ukraine and other former Soviet satellite states enjoy. It's time to put the pressure on these regimes' embassies here or get out of Canada. Common sense, good will and fair play, or get lost, is my attitude toward all associates. So it should be with negative rulers like in Belarus.

Email Prime Minister Trudeau at , and tell him to act on this now!

May 24, 2021

By Don Andrews

There's little over a month before Canada Day to have the best nationalist holiday for a still-white country trying to stay that way as that species dwindles and disappears like the dinosaur. I know I'm replacing my big Canadian flag with a bright new red and white one on Canada Day, July 1.
I want to make it a tradition, although these Canadian flags last at least three years in our rough seasons before they fade.

We have encouraged dozens of commercial enterprises to hold a Canadian Flag Sale this June. Some have said they will consider it -- that's a start. And we will be writing to  ten Canadian provincial premiers and a selection of Canadian municipalities to encourage them to have a Canadian Flag sale, and fly our Canadian flag. I like the simplicity of our Canadian flag; it's quite intricate, with nature's shape of a maple leaf, a plentiful tree synonymous with with Canada.

If you don't have a porch, then put one in your apartment or your room window -- it will keep the slimebags away, they'll know there's a Canadian patriot her who means business. Anyway you cut it, it's a win-win for the flag flyer. And, it lasts all year long. That's a lot of benefit for a small but important patriotic act.

Don't be lazy. No excuses --please, fly the flag!

May 21, 2021


by Don Andrews

It makes no sense killing Muslims who just want to establish an Islamist theocratic state while militarily supporting and giving billions of citizens' tax dollars to another theocratic state. Yeah, called "Israel", established for the followers of a matriarchal Semitic god cult in 1948.

When the colonialist Limeys finally abandoned the Middle East. leaving it into a civil war that international Europeanized Jewry won against the Semitic Arabs' semi-united war effort, the still-Bible-believing "Christians" were a more feminine version of the same severe Semitic mind-god. So the idea of being against a strict theocratic state and carrying on an Orwellian 'war on terror' across the planet turned out to be all bullshit. Only the enemies of the Jews cult are in for criminal prosecution under new laws for aerial bombings. The Jews in the West  and Israel are operating and appearing like bullies, which none of their fake news Jewsmedia pundits can fix with too-long 'explanations' and twisted logic.

The other idea that needs to be pointed out is that the Arabs are Semites, and have been  a lot longer than 2,000 years ago, a wandering tribe who created a cult. So let's stop this anti-Semitic crap when it's only directed at a little Europeanized wandering mercantile portion of them. I don't hate Arabs or any natural creation, but I am opposed to any cult or group which stifles my free expression. 

The hypocrisy is glaring in America's war on terror; it seems more like an excuse to meddle and rule throughout the world. Only morons and unfair idiots worry about "terrorists", an opposition who, being smaller and disadvantaged, has to resort to unconventional methods to respond to an occupier or a tyranny. That's just the way it is, with Hollywood's Jews rejoicing when making anti-Nazi movies --then everything is 'fair'.

The "left" has left the Jews; now, there's only mean, cheapskate, anti-racist conservatism waning; without a little White Nationalism or some kind of National Socialism where all benefit. Then, the Jews could become the New Nazis.


Editorial May 20



by Don Andrews 

So the black female mayor of Chicago Lori Lightfoot refuses to speak to White reporters. Isn't that racism? But you see it's okay if Whites don't stand up for their type, according to the stupid Jewsmedia.

This should be a big story about black racist hypocrisy in a mostly-black racemixed city. So, I guess the black mama mayor doesn't want to answer for its kids' criminal activities. This will drive the Whites out of Chicago, when the whole nation sees that a White reporter is now allowed to ask the relevant racial questions to Big Mama Lightfoot, who certainly won't stand by her last name considering the heavy-handed way she deals with Chicago's crime problems; Unless the Whites wake up there now, Chicago will be a black city in America's future separatism.

Shame on the wimpy media that has not elevated this hypocrisy and racial unfairness to the front page that it deserves during this time of their self-loathing supposed anti-racism for all.

Sad, but true.


May 16 Editorial


By Don Andrews

I hate repeating myself --it's boring and no none is paying for my words. It's tedious and begging, none of which I like. It's rare when archive editorials are just as meaningful today ; that much this site has achieved. Other than to connect current events to our racial philosophy and explain the players, everything ideologically has been said and written from a Semitic-God skeptical , but nature-observant, point of view.

As the Spartans said, "Few words best". I always pay heed, especially since being penitentary-imprisoned for Orwellian "hate speech" charges under Canada's notorious anti-free speech laws that need to be abolished immediately. The Establishment's latest Bill C-10 seems to be faltering as more freedom-loving Canadians to the latest onslaught on free expression in Canada, this time on our Internet whose powerful globalist censors are eager to participate in. Did you see how they even censored the White peoples' president Trump?

Our main detractors (the Jews) have a hard time maintaining their victimhood position with their destruction of little Gaza with aerial bombing and no slanted media coverage of the conflict will change the public perspective, thus making Jews look like mean bullies, as they have been to White racists for a long time. Will they change to save Israel?

May 14 Editorial

 Will Israel Be Saved or Sacrificed?
        by Don Andrews

Will the Europeanized Semites (Jews) play the race card to save Israel? 

As the war between modern-day Europeanized Jews trying to re-establish and maintain a matriarchal Semitic god state called still-ancient Israel over two thousand years later on patriarchal Semitic God Semites' (Arabs) land proceeds, one thing is for sure to the general public: there are two types of Jews -- those in Israel (Israelis) and the Jews in the society around them. That's why in site of all the bluster by serving Western leaders who will defend Israel to the end. It's not the same; had they called their state "Jewsland" or something simple and identifiable with the Jews who suffered so much under the Nazis in World War II, as the world found out with their Holocaust campaign in the schools, media, etc. Bought Western leaders will have to go the public and explain why Jews are so important  for White men to go and die for a pipe-dreaming Semitic God-cult peoples' state.

Bible quotes won't help this un-religious time when feminists fear religious fanatics, especially those who want to establish a God-cult state like the Islamists of ISIS or al-Qaeda. Oh, what --the Jews have such a state already and for a God (religion) worshipping purpose. There you go --now Israel has lost all the LGBTQ and females. Throw in the communists, too; now you have quite and anti-Middle East war participation crowd. Of course we can't forget our White Nationalists and Muslims who will be against supporting Israel to the hilt, now the anti-war protest crowd is getting bigger.

The only way I could see Israel surviving is if they press their Europeaness. You can see it in their stormtrooper-dressed cops hitting the Palestinians with their sticks. More than one person in my life has told me the Jews secretly admired their fascist persecutors and loved to imitate them (and doing a good job at it, judging by Jewsmedia clips that we see). Now if they weren't fully racial, that would divide their opposition because as I've said before, race trumps religion -- and naturally pulls at your heartstrings, if you humanely have any.

Right now, Israel is in a  precarious place with world opinion growing against violent religious cult bombers...suicide or from jets, and now you're being asked to fight for one of these Semitic God-cult states, called Israel? Naaaaaah! On top of all this, the real next Middle East war has not begun. Poor little Gaza has been equipped by the Iranians with lots of rockets as their leader says to Israel.... Come on. Will they re-enter Gaza with force. 
It took the Christian zealot Crusaders 200 years to realize that they could occupy but not control the Semites, now re-filled with Muhammad's zeal. How long will it take this time? If the land is war-torn, who will want to go and settle in it, even if it's free while previous owners plot to kill you?

Even the Bible will have a hell of a time (no pun intended) reintroducing itself to a libertine whorehouse society, even if the Christians bless anal marriages like the Catholics did the other day, millions of their followers won't.  That shows the weakness of this female Semitic, Jew-connected God-cult religion. Their empty temples (churches) will be turned into housing for the poor, unless they come up with a miracle, or a Second Coming that would save both Christians and Jews... oh sorry, Israelis. To me, knowing history, the world is turning out as it should. I hope the Jews (a Europeanized Semitic tribe) are listening and learning too.


May 7 Editorial


by Don Andrews

When I first heard of a virus that targeted the old and sick, I thought, that's naturally unusual for viruses. Then I read that this virus 'escaped' from a Red Chinese experimental laboratory. Then, I knew it was a mean man-made virus created to get rid of the Reds'  old and useless to save money on pensions and health care as I pointed out at the time.

Now they're admitting it, kinda, by pointing out with contrived surprise that applications for pensions and old-age security  were way down, saving our Whites' tax dollars for their foreign wars and foreign aid idiocies. And now we're told that their dreaded COVID-19 will stick around and we'll just have to learn to live (die) with it, thanks to open-borders globalism of the naive and/or stupid anti-White racist White self-loathers often called 'liberals".

As an ex-health inspector I can only recommend:  be careful who you associate with and wash your hands a lot until the hype is over and the Establishment has dealt with outcroppings of this virus until it's isolated in rare places and situations. Of course this means a lot of misery and death, like all epidemics, natural or man-made. One thing is for sure: the tyrannical trial lockdowns and social and travel restrictions have created a lot of lonely self-reflective people, a little like being in jail for nothing that you have  done -- everything seems worse...and this anger will stay, mostly directed toward the politicians and their slovenly fake newsmedia who will never blame China, communism and globalism for this disease. Distrust opens eyes.

May 5 2021 Editorial


by Don Andrews

The descendants of the Nationalist Chinese who lost the late 1940s civil war to their communist Chinese enemies fled to the last province they ever held -- the large Asian  continent called Taiwan (or Formosa, when the Portuguese held it for a while). Obviously the Red Chinese din't have the navy or air force to follow them to Taiwan and stop the charade that another "China" regime existed and vowed to return in triumph.

Well, they never did or even try hard to start an anticommunist rebellion, when other ethnic groups were being persecuted by the new Red regime, like the Tibetans, Uighurs, and you won't see  any other 'nationalist' help. Instead, they settled down in lush Taiwan with American help and turned it into a fortress with a good navy and air force. This has been going on for 70 years without a plan to forcefully return and end the new neo-communist/capitalist- accommodating reds, other than a few propaganda leaflets sent over by balloon to bug the regime in Beijing, going more and more National Socialist than Marxist, daily peddling their cheaply-made merchandise (some say from prisoner slave labor) across the capitalist world while acting more and more Nationalist Chinese, determined to get all its provinces together with an invasion of Taiwan.

It could happen soon, so White Nationalists should be prepared to be anti-war participants in any new Asian war (remember Vietnam and Cambodia?) Tell that to your politicians and media outlets any way you can, and join any anti-war movement to put our voices in. Don't be lazy like the Nationalist Chinese regime in Taiwan who would do well to consider  a simultaneous invasion of continental China if they are invaded and get this whole show-cause on the road for the whole world to see instead of the last gasp of civil war losers trapped on an off-continent island which is always a danger to the continental people when they become a refuge for angry runaways and kickouts of the continent; Britain and Japan are good examples.

Aside from re-launching a war of liberation for China (if they have the zeal after three generations since their lost civil war). If not, make a peaceful accommodation with the 'neo-Nazi'-looking reds  and allow open travel and economics with the continent, which I'm sure the Beijing regime would love, with Taiwan's military and industrial progress and American aid. It would save the US taxpayer plenty not to have this pointless protection racket going on for some globalist corporations to grow richer. The choice for the Taiwanese people is simple: attack or accommodate -- but don't drag the White man in -- it's your cause and your war if you want it.

Mutual accommodation is possible, while political concepts never change. But political parties always do, as Hitler said. I'd say you're ready. We're watching, but not participating, Thanks anyway.

May 3 Editorial

by Don Andrews

I'm so sick of COVID. I don't have it, but I know people who claim they had it but are better now. But that doesn't stop the media extravaganza on promoting the fear of China's virus but never blame them or open-border globalism. The whole situation has been exaggerated for governments  to bring totalitarian restrictions on the population that they would never vote for in their right minds. The media has created a hysteria with this little-understood disease, that they can peddle any idiocy almost to get their control, rules and points across. Who's going to argue with a doctor?

However, now is the time to tell the anti-White Nationalist commentators to lay off the COVID hsyeria; it's all overboard and undemocratic. We've had enough. Tell all the media anyway you can -- letters, phone calls, e-mails, teaxts, even demos. But let's put a stop to this scaremongering emergency and get back to some regular living instead of this neo-prisonlike existence
causing a lot more physical and mental depression than any serious flu, even one made in a Red Chinese lab and 'allowed' to escape by accident as they claim.

It's good to see all the successful anti-lockdown rallies across Canada participated in by our allies and supporters at every turn, like Paul Fromm's  CAFE (Canadian Association for Free Expression). I congratulate you all as true Canadian patriots. Good work -- hopefully more small business merchants will rally at Canada's government buildings and get this lockdown opened soon, while large corporations and their megastores stay open.

Even though some media morons have complained that White Nationalist Canadians are being accepted by many other Internet groups more and more every day. We are united by globalists' tyrannical ways. Our future looks bright with sunshine and roses as we enjoy our spring. Hail to you all!

APRIL 26 Editorial

by Don Andrews

The title sums up White Nationalists' world when it comes to the continuous daily attacks on his race and homeland space. In other words, I have nothing new to complain about since the world is turning out naturally as it should with its creation, its history showing the past wrong ways for anyone to see. Doomsayers are never listened to until it's too late.

The major achievement and good development is the stoppage of the Russia-versus-Ukraine war. killing more dwindling Whites over who controls some dirt somewhere. Let's keep the pressure on their leaders, embassies and media to solve these land disputes through dialogue and plebiscite only; Whites cannot afford any more foreign adventures. I think we've done enough throughout the last two thousand years, and look where it's gotten us (hated and envied, for sure) while worrying about our own species' survival.
The COVID story (a super flu made in a Red Chinese lab then somehow getting out, yeah, right), putting multiculturalism down with most Whites distrusting globalism and foreigners, especially when they see the bodies of flu victims left on the streets of New Delhi, India. All are suspect now, no matter how hard the distrusted fake newsmedia spins it against natural racism.

Participating in White Nationalism in White Nationalist politics is making history; even if you are just reading this now, someone has recorded it somewhere official and made you part of the history of the opposition to the anti-racists' persecution and hatred of the White traitor establishment and regimes.
Thanks, you're welcome.

This year I'm urging all Whites to reproduce responsibly, while those who can't, to help families and act as godfather and godmother figures to impressionable children with their parents' approval. White Nationalists should always be helpful and generous ...that's the Whiteman's way, with common sense, good will and fair play. That's enough to keep anyone busy other than ranting about something new.

APRIL 21 Editorial

by Don Andrews

The impossible policing that's being forced on American cops in a difficult racemixed society through the George Floyd  debacle is increasing the separation efforts of racially-conscious Whites as they flee the criminally-infected racemixed urban centres for small towns and hard-to-reach suburbs. This would have happened anyway if the dwindling women-run  White race didn't disappear before they have had a chance to disengage from deadly failed multiculturalism, like in South Africa. What happened to those supposedly tough racist Caucasians? Never rely on other races to do your dirty work, is the first lesson in this case.

Now, police, especially Whites, will be real reluctant to wage into any racemixed, potentially violent  criminal situation, leaving all criminals emboldened to carry out their evil. Who wants to live in a criminal society, not even non-Whites? Once Whites have fled their "new" communities, non-Whites cities will be much tougher on their own race. Criminals don't worry, their big Black mamas will demand it. The non-Whites there will wish for the days of the White man's justice and benign order, just like the people in today's Hong Kong under Red China rule again, hankering for  the fair British. I'm sure it's the same in the former colonies of  non-Whites, even though colonialism and foreign interventions and wars always bring non-Whites to our homelands.

North America will become a jigsaw puzzle of a myriad of "indpendent" cities and countries within two to three generations (40 to 60 years) if this anti- policing trend continues, as it seems it will. White Nationalists must keep their racial faith and guide our race toward independence through separatism , which will definitely come. History calls us; our naive media- influenced people need us. Let's lead the way! 


April 10 NPC Editorial


By Don Andrews

Various races are all going into their own corners in North America as the anti-racist/anti-White media and courts prevent proper policing of all according to their crimes and criminal history, starting with the much-publicized George Floyd case, the second minute-by-minute details of the big black career criminal's death at the hands of a White police officer trying to restrain him (Floyd was no stranger to trouble, was alleged to have held as gun to the head of a Latina and threatened to shoot her to get his way -- the USA is full of these devils) .The media will make sure that Floyd's seven-minute death ordeal is pounded into the mostly-White female audience, which does not have to deal with a racemixed bag of spoiled miscreants in the world, as various medical and police experts drone over their evidence against the cop (Derek Chauvin) in this case.

Your best bet is to turn the channel and deny the media your number participation in this over-popularized tragedy, other than complaining to the local advertising who may be sponsoring this propaganda. Inevitably the races will separate of their own accord if they are not assimilated first, especially Whites. It's easy to criticize cops who have a hard job dealing with immoral people all the time, and ask them to be color blind in their dangerous dealings with all kinds and races of criminals. But to deny them to use all their information in their dealings is to put all of us at risk; no one wants that.

Peaceful racemixed civilizations are a daydream of childish liberals. If it weren't for the police the whole nation (especially in the racemixed urban areas) would go to hell in a handbasket, as the saying goes. There has to be a concerted effort by all of us, to support the police in your neighborhood any way you can, in action or words;  I'm starting it now. Let's help the police keep the peace until we separate.





'Multiculturalism' and 'diversity' are just garbage words.

"They" started using 'multiculturalism' first. It sounded so clever using that snooty "CL" sound of refinement -- an who doesn't want want a lot of it (multiculturalism). Also, there was that supposedly intellectual understanding of an "ism" -- communism, socialism, and fascism --now don't you sound smart, spouting of the 'isms' of the multicultural times. However, the word means nothing ; there is no such thing as 'multiculturalism'. It's all a fake, intended to downgrade your existing white man's culture with all the recent ex-cannibal cultures to fool you into accepting your  country of Canada to be re-colonized by the nonwhite world for cheap labor and wacky 'communism' ideas by a few nut cases and those pretending to liberals and conservatives (for their pocketbooks only). These white traitors promote a promise of a happy multicultural life to be replaced by a deflated soon-to-be-extinct white minority, with crime and economic uncertainty., all while the new burgeoning nonwhite minorities demand their multicultural rights. That's a recipe for uncertainty and disorder.

After some of the hoi polloi (unwashed masses) couldn't pronounce multculturalism, let alone explain it, the clever communist wags came up with a kids' desire in an ice cream parlor (where else could you find diversity?) Everyone wants variety -- you're boring if you don't, but too much of anything, especially multiculturalism and diversity is deadly for the sophisticated,slow-breeding whites. Inviting the Third World to your country is either stupidity or treachery ( I can't believe the anti-racists, so it's definitely the latter).

The benefits of 'diversity' were never really explained to the populace, let alone how 'diverse' we should be from the Third World. The original white population, let alone the indigenous population, were never told why European culture was going to be mixed with Eastern, African and South American cultures. That's all part of the multicult deception. I'd like to know where 'diversity' begins... wouldn't you?  However, these are all propganda words, and their originators know it. That's why they're running away from the now-stinky multiculturalism, pushing just diversity (don't you get it) that can destroy your neighborhood and change your feelings for the future and potentially cause mayhem, and chaos. Soon they'll know where they can stick their 'diversity',

It's interesting how fate has dictated that a new group of racially-conscious whites came forward to save their species -- not the Establishment or some of the institutions and religions, some of whom want to save jungle natives rather than the white race. Racial preservation is above ideology and theology.

It's natural for us to appear when we are needed, and to be a common sense/good will/fair-minded racist of any race is in tune with Nature. Good luck to all those who agree.


MARCH 2 2020


By Don Andrews

You can probably tell by our headlines that we're for a Bernie Sanders versus a second term for Donald Trump in the 2020 Election, because your Jewish communist Uncle Bernie  will bring up the issues that matter to the poor and ordinary people in the United States, like universal Medicare, housing for the homeless and general poverty in America. I can't remember one issue from the last presidential debate that was different from the other candidates'. Boring Joe Biden represents that controlling Establishment-- now they're trying to put him back in again.

So far Donald Trump has done well as a first term President of the United States. He hasn't started any new wars, but he hasn't brought any troops home from all kinds of meddling that the United States' degenerate empire has its nose in. Let's see if he can accomplish that, and do some social work for the American people in his second term, while sarcastic Uncle Bernie debates the Showman President.

Now let's see if Sanders squeaks by, or does well on Super Tuesday.


FEBRUARY 20, 2020


Canada's Native Crisis Promotes White Nationalism

by Don Andrews

Racial pride is an ascendance.

I hate to say it but the latest of Canada's Indigenous problems is helpful for the racists in the long run. People know that this is a racial fight, especially when the Natives and their commie anti-white racist spokespeople keep referring to Canada's Aboriginals as 'Nations". Whaaaat? --They're taking their original Indian wars attitude and 'loser' references in the forced-peace treaties as such as real, based on race (just like white nationalists feel). Any future harsh dealings with white power advocates by the Establishment will be questioned by the public .. and they know it!

The Establishment, even though it does not want it, is being lumped in by the nonwhite public who has to decide what side they are on. I haven't seen South African Mestizos joining the Natives' barricades -- only some nice sucky whites on TV during some of the early arrests. Whatever the case, race is discussed in the brains of my people as this 'crisis' plays out (that could have been solved immediately if white nationalists were in charge while conducting dialogue and re-starting those peace treaties) allowing nations within nations to exist, that few knew about.

FEBRUARY 20, 2020



By Don Andrews

They don't know enough about the new Chinese Coronavirus other than it can exist outside the human body, for who knows how long or under what uncertain conditions the virus will survive, and for how long, or in what nook or cranny it's lying dormant on a cruise ship somewhere.

No, you can't trust  the salvage characters or the germs, that they wouldn't spread them really worldwide with their sneaky and cheapskate ways that they wouldn't survive in dock or on land, right from the masked Chinese scientists' Petrie Dish into the world.

YIPPIE!!!! Let's not let that happen... try the Mariana's Trench.


FEBRUARY 15, 2020



by Don Andrews

Having had a precarious orphan-like experience early in life I've always been for the underdog -- if they have any goodness to their cause. So it is with local rebels fighting foreign invaders trying to impose their way of life on them, similar to know-it-all governments  and commie globalists' anti-white race idiots.

Not too many people can afford the physical and economic challenges facing public white nationalists; we are similar to the Afghanistan's Taliban trying to bring back the true and proven ways instead of anti-white US globalism, as their population darkens more and more each year from Third World immigrants and refugees and a low white birthrate in need of a white baby boom. White nationalists are not just fighting the new arrivals, propganada-wise, but their own race traitor governments (non-violently of course, as it hasn't come down to  violence yet, thankfully). Let's not go the Taliban way, like the dozen-plus characters in the picture above which I have had for a while on my computer screen to remind me that things could be as lot worse. Hopefully, the white man's traitorous regimes will dialogue with white rebel racists whose real and only enemy is the diversity and multiculturalism ideology and sentiment that will see all whites disappear in miscegenation as nature intended.
if you care. The Taliban doesn't.

White Power!

FEBRUARY 13 2020

by Don Andrews

I don't have any strong preferences for any candidate running to beat Donald Trump for his second term for President of the United States. For the "Democratic" Party's choices so far none of them will defeat him. Americans are used to giving their presidents two terms as long as they have not caused too much trouble or have a personal secret or problem revealed.

Donald Trump's presidency appears successful as the economy and middle class prosper on the general slave minimum wage of $7.50 an hour labor force of poor whites and struggling minorities, some with two jobs, just to survive in Trump's tableau of America. Besides, all the "Democratic" candidates look alike on their policies, other than some who are more Marxist, like old Jew Bernie Sanders and the other 'socialist' candidates who want the minimum wage raised as high as $22.00 an hour. All of them are slow to advocate pulling US troops out of Afghanistan and other war-meddler locations, as if the USA is the keeper of the planet. As soon as they leave, the people there will go back to their peculiar ways, anyway. White Nationalists are isolationists; first, we take care of our own country and people.

The "Democratic" Party convention is the white liberals' chance to put a woman candidate up for president. If they are too afraid, then perhaps they should start with an emasculated  queer guy like Peter Buttigieg and a female vice presidential running mate. Either way Buttigieg will be there as a first, as I notice that his homosexuality is never brought up by the crowning Jewsmedia, as it's already a fait accompli. The public has accepted an admitted gay person into the political arena and power structure without a whimper or a whine ever from from a holly roller doomsayer; that's quite an accomplishment.

Whatever happens with the "Democrats" so far, they are not offering any peace plan to the costly, unnecessary military activities on five continents and spend the money on America and its people. Many are missing out. Trump should visit the homeless shelters and food banks that millions rely on instead of prancing around with his rich Mar-i-Lago friends now and in his second term if he wants to be remembered more fondly. Build more affordable housing and recommend a white race baby boom instead of inviting more Third World migrants into small towns as idiot queer Buttigieg suggested.

Tell them both... there's still hope!

JANUARY 31, 2020


by Don Andrews

Well, with the China bio-weapon Corona Virus in all the news you can imagine that natural racism has arisen... like you wouldn't believe. It's not only intellectual anti-globalists who are against open borders-racemixed societies fearful of  getting the Oriental Corona virus, but ordinary people on a bus or any other public places acting inordinately fearful of "slant-eyed" people; some blacks reportedly are telling some Orientals to stay away from them while riding diversity-city Toronto transit.  

We have never tried to convert people to white people to white nationalism but encourage all to be proud of their racial background when we have such a beautiful lifestyle when we are uniracial in a country. However, fears of foreign reasons for your early demise  are bound to interest ordinary folk. Some say globalism is expanding with cooperative rules to fight the flu epidemic. But I say racism is rising in every household, with the labelling and origin of the flu from China. Nature's doing our work for us; our site's increased activity proves it.

On the matter of Brexit, leaving the European Union (Brexit) , that's the smartest thing the DNA of the runaways, kickouts and rebels of their European continent can do. These people deserve their own independent future.

The Trump impeachment trial is a farce-- the anti-white racist Democrat only want to besmirch his name for history by carrying on with it. The more people find out about Trump, the more they liken him to themselves. He's just an ordinary, but greedy guy who got a head start in the family from his father.
He's certainly an all-American hero type -- you know, full of it, but with such an outgoing gregarious personality he deserves a second term for history, if nothing else.

JANUARY 22, 2020


by Don Andrews

It was an experience I don't like on public transit, but this week I had an occasion to the Toronto's transit from east to west, then north on the Dufferin Street bus loaded with black women and their children. The ride from and to the subway was uneventful with the usual number of weirdos and oddballs from across the world
with multicult Toronto's official pro-diversity policy -- meaning whites are to be gradually replaced to a Brazilian complexion mixture. The white race traitors and anti-racist nut bars have done a fine job. What I really noticed on the Dufferin Street bus.

I didn't notice it at first...I'm not looking for trouble. In fact I know a number of of friendly nonwhites, but after the fourth of fifth young black woman with a child in a baby stroller some holding a second older toddler by the hand I realized that this is the future family of this neighborhood, The black mothers all appeared happy  and animated -- same type of people in the same enterprise of raising children, I talk about my plug for a white baby boom, and if it would ever reach this satisfied level. I didn't see any young black fathers and all the kids were definitely black, not racemixed and how far white women will have to go to succumb to the simple pleasures of life...families. It certainly is in the feminists' interests. These people are so selfish, not for the sake of their own liberty, they'll destroy the white race.  One thing's for sure -- all serious nationals must promote a white baby boom as a conscientious program and life-effort, because other more healthier natural people will take over this land, and they'll deserve it if we didn't try.

Because that's Nature's way. So let's get in tune with Nature. Start tonight.

JANUARY 16, 2020
by Don Andrews

I haven't been motivated to write anything of great urgency or interest. All is well; white nationalist ideology has been established in peoples' minds thanks to our efforts and other real white racists.The matriarchal Semitic Godcultits (Jews) rule both sides of the ocean, so there will be no big nuclear, just little Risk game small country problems for the egotistic rulers' entertainment while making history (who could ask for anything more under these anti-white circumstances in education and the media?)

I blame the Trump regime for jittery Iranians who didn't know they were at war with America and her allies when the President ordered the killing of their top general Suleimani. No wonder they shot down that passenger plane out of the sky when most other flights were cancelled. Four more years of Trump anxiety isn't worth it; socialist nice guy Bernie Sanders or a woman would be more stable and dependable with care for the many poor that better-off American citizens should look into.

Nonwhite immigration into Canada is being discussed openly thanks to sites like ours. The general Jewsmedia inspects the public anxiety as citizens' skin color darkens in city scenes -- it's too obvious to ignore nowadays. Our white nationalist movement has matured while we are always on the lookout for the ever-present government trying to hype things up with their agent provocateurs.

We will not support our support and interest in the white race cause for a bright and prosperous future, and we appreciate all those who agree with us on our mission for white race recognition an a happy future by participating in any possible way you can to establish the Big White Baby Boom that I'm always talking about.

God Bless you all-- now let's get going; empty cribs are waiting.

Anti-White Racist White Wimps Will Lose... Tell Trump

The universe is unfolding as it should.

Geert Wilder's attempts to be the leader of The Netherlands is another dismal failure of feminist-based bigot politics. Wilders is a gay Zionist anti-racist trying to revive Dutch nationalism, a crappy example of a family man (what's needed to revive a dwindling white race facing nonwhite racemixer immigration that our recessive white genes that cannot stop many mixed unions -- as we predicted. Wilders cannot save the Dutch race.

The same situation exists in France with the women-led Marine LePen's National Front vying for power, while declaring that sh is an anti-racist in total disagreement with her father, the NF's founder Jean-Marie LePen, whom she is at odds with over required white nationalism. In the end, the matriarchies will lose, as Nature intended for mankind. Where are the Amazons today? 

Donald Trump's attempts to curb terrorism from six nations is naive and inefficient. Trump would be better off to bring all US troops home from their lost globalist missions in Iraq, Afghanistan and now, Syria, and start rebuilding the US infrastructure to provide jobs for millions of underemployed Americans. Trying to control Third World countries for military occupations only brings about more racemixing and enormous tax dollar waste.

Everyone of every color should that to Trump. Let's have more nationalism and less globalization and interventionism that will destroy the white race in the end.

Tell Trump at his contact page link below-- he's one of the few presidents in recent history who listens to the people.

Contact Page:
