White Nationalist Site Numbers Nationalist Party of Canada 14,900,000
NPC Archives 160,000
Don Andrews 624,000
Bob Smith 1,070,000
ssssssssssss Total 16,754,000
__________________________________________________________ _________ Andrew Anglin 312,000
British Peoples League 4,280 Infowars/Alex Jones 3,920,000
Paul Fromm/CAFE 29,400,000 National Vanguard 2,960,000 Rense_______________________________________________________________ 1,100,000
We remind you to reconsider your decision to impose tariffs on Canadian goods.
The threats they pose to Canadians are not very neighborly. and
Canadian White Nationalists want to continue our support of
you, as do American White Nationalists.
Nationalist Party of Canada,
Toronto Canada
Feb. 25, 2025.
Write to Trump with your opposition to the tariffs. ay
Sent to the producers of CNN's Very Scary People:
February 24, 2025
While we appreciate the research of your program, you should not be so kind
and lenient in your treatment the monstrous killers you profile, such as
Edward Kemper.
There is so much horror in the USA every day; why are you condemning of these
monsters? Perhaps if you were more condemning and clear to show
your disgust with them, there would be far less brutal killing in America.
To Elon Musk:
You are an arrogant jerk for wielding a chainsaw in public
to demonstrate the slashing of jobs and intending to leave
so many Americans out of work.
This behavior is disgusting-- how are you able to sleep at night? The
Nationalist Party of Canada condemns you for your belligerent attitude
towards public workers.
Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada
Billionaires don't care about people:
Let's all tell Elon Musk to go to hell with his cost-cutting crap
We will, here: info@tesla.com
Palestinians vow not to be displaced from Gaza and the West Bank
as Idiot Zionist stooges and their masters won't tell Trump his
You have caused enough anxiety and misery in Canada and made the US look
twice to US concerns over the your dictatorial manner toward a neighbor and
friend...Canada . Please back off and show him you are not just a greedy
American with no compassion and sense ad your wars have shown.
The Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada
Our reply: Feb. 4, 2025
Mr. President;
I am honored that you have chosen me as one of your cabinet level advisors.
It is an honor to be chosen for this position by a great historical figure like yourself, and I wish
you all success in the future and remind you to show fairness vis-a-vis your proposed tariffs
against Canada:
No one likes misery.
Don Andrews
Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada
To: Proctor & Gamble Ltd. Canada
We are protesting your commercial for Pepto-Bismol which show people touching
themselves in the rectal area and singing the word "Diarrhea" in a jingle. This is
rude and crude and inappropriate to advertise a medicinal product. And it is
not the White Man's Way.
Tell Trump -- again-- he would be a fool to put tariffs on
on America's good neighbour, Canada
we will, here: press@trumporg.com
White Nationalism works Well by Don Andrews
Two enemies of natural racism are on the ropes, almost defeated. First the ruler Jews show
their hand by the miserable treatment of poor Palestinians against the tanks and jets of a cult Nation called Israel.
Then came all these natural disasters like the fires in dry California when people in charge
found out that women were in charge as mayors and fire chiefs, making feminism look inept , rightly or wrongly
Sadly, these two politically powerful groups can be blamed for some of the ensuing misery
and danger these people have put the great White race in. Most feminists are failing nature
by not having enough children and the self-. centered cultists failed to promote child rearing,
the most important task in Nature for a species to survive.That by selfish mind set must end
and it starts by admonishing the so-called la-de-la celebrities in the anti-White media
harshly whenever they stick their ugly head above ground to spread their mental case
anti-racism while promoting black pride, etc. Let's shut down these sick idiots whenever they
spill their evil Jonestown. suicidal bile. The first order of business is to show us criminals and
evildoers' faces in their Jewsmedia where they routinely try to hide to promote their failed diversity--these bastards and bitches try to avoid nowadays
Let's shout, scream and swear at them until they show the populace who's committing all the
criminality in our land and who brought them here. One thing is for sure: White racism or
nationalism. is working for all who want the benefits of a peacefully and prosperous country--something we all want
but let's do it nicely...Tell Trump / we will.
Email: press@trump
A letter from Atlantic Canada:
Good day friends,
I purpose making a new chapter of your organization in Atlantic Canada specifically
Newfoundland and Labrador, as I know many including myself are sick of the foreigners
coming in and taking our jobs, and also the natives feeding off of our tax dollars whilst
doing NOTHING but sitting home and drinking and doing drugs all day and night, lazy dirt.
They don't work, they don't contribute to society, not a damn thing and I'm sick of it. I'm in full
belief that we're in need of a strong movement here and the white man NEEDS to grow some
damn balls and pick up for themselves. I apologize if I come across as angry but I'm just passionate about what I preach. It would be an honor to carry your name here in Atlantic Canada and stick it to these pos's.
Let me know what you think friends. I'm always open to discussion in the expansion of your
cause and doing what's right for the white working man.
Nova scotia
January 26, 2025
Thank you for your letter and your support of the Nationalist Party. It is good to hear
from all of our supporters and we appreciate you spreading our message to Atlantic Canada.
I send you al the best wishes and personal greetings from our leader Don Andrews.
Please keep in touch on your efforts.
Party Secretary
CBC Pro-Zionist Bias CONDEMNED
January 26, 2025
Your reporting on Israel and Jew cultist depredations on Palestinians is totally pro-Zionist-biased. That's not what wee pay taxes for to fud your government-sponsored network. Be more fair and compassionate toward poor Palestnians to face more criticism
from fair-minded people.
Fix this now!
Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada
Tell them at ww.cbcnews.ca
Fox Television Animation/
Underdog Productions/ Adult Swim
Your animated series American Dad is a disgusting piece of
anti-family shit that should not be anywhere on television,
ever. Its promotion of crude and violent scenes and pro-queer
attitude is disgraceful, This program should not be anywhere
on TV in any format.
Tell any Fox affiliates to remove it now.
The Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto ___________________________________________________
They have no principles or morality. Give them hell,
here: (Trustee Brea Corbet): brea.corbet@dpcsb.org ______________________________________________________
Let's give hell to greedy Amazon for closing
shops in Quebec...we will: amazon-pr@amazon.com
He's no Threat: Try to kill him with Kindness-- First with Trump
and his Canada threats--no one wants or needs an unfriendly neighbor https://www.thestar.com/best-of/
More hatred outside Trump's heart as a nasty moron calls him a
"creature" elected by millions of decent peoples' votes.
Curse the evil ones! https://www.rawstory.com/mary-trump-dark-day-creature/ ____________________________________________________________ NPC TELLS POPE FRANCIS to HELP
Forwarded to Pope Francis at the Vatican:
JANUARY 20, 2025
His Holiness,
To: Pope Francis, the Vatican, Rome
The Nationalist Party of Canada writes to you to ask that you do more to stop the Ukraine/Russia war
and the terrible killing of so many innocent people in this terrible conflict. Many Christians feel
you should promote peace there more. to the point of visiting the Ukraine and Russia to speak
personally to both their leaders. Your church has a moral obligation to stop this chaos and misery, and
as the Pontiff, you can make a difference to ending this carnage in Europe.
It is our hope you will be a champion for peace and provide a louder voice in halting
this terrible conflict.
Politics is too mean for this man...send him your thanks for his service.
We will, here: pm@pm.gc.ca ___________________________________________________________________
More needs to be done...all party leaders in Canada as more than
74,000 Canadians died on health care wait lists since 2018 We will:
Trudeau: pm@pm.gc.ca
Pierre Poilievre:(Conservatives) p.poilievre@parl.gc.ca
Jagmeet Singh (NDP) j.singh@parl.gc.ca
Why does your network show so much loyalty to Israel after you are
thrown out of Gaza? You should be more condemning of the genocide
in Gaza and elsewhere, not suck-holing to the Zionist overlords of
the West. Wake up, morons!
The Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada
Don't be afraid of the powerful Middle East Jew cultists. Say something
against their meanness to the Palestinian Arabs.. Fair is fair and the
Israelis are not with their re-establishment of a 2,000 year old state
with different ethnic Eurasian converts to this deity.
Speak up or lose the strong support of fair-minded White Nationalists
who battle the same enemies as you do. ...please!
Nationalist Party of Canada
CNN's Fareed Zakaria: You Don't have Racial Loyalty
Sent to of o Fareed Zakaria. CNN
Jan. 12, 2025
To: Fareed Zakaria
We are sick of you going overboard and criticism of
Donald Trump and sick of your globalist Jewsmedia
and its anti-White attitude.
It's all your problem that you don't have any racial loyalty
and respect for other ethnic feelings-- you are a bad media
moron example.
The Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada ________________________________________________________
Sent to CBC and CTV News and to President Elect Donald Trump:
January 11, 2024
The Nationalist Party condemns you for your failure to condemn
the murders of innocents in Gaza by Israel.
This is nothing short of an act of genocide and must be condemned
in the strongest terms for Israel's war crimes and mass murders.
Show some courage and fairness and let Israel know that it
cannot carry on this deadly campaign without the proper
condemning voices of the good people of the world.
The Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto, Canada
Sent to actor Chris Elliott of TV's Schitt's Creek:
January 8, 2025
You are a disgusting actor with no morals in your portrayal of Mayor "Roland" on the unfunny
sitcom Schitt's Creek. You undermine young people with the portrayals of these dishonest and
underhanded characters -- Schitt's Creek is not the first time you have done these kind of roles
(King of Queens, Everybody loves Raymond). Do you have a secret evil heart that enjoys
destroying moral values in the US? If so, then do not take these "Roland" roles to Canada -- t
they're not wanted here by good people -- or better still, retire from acting.
Sent to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on the day he
resigned as leader of Canada's Liberal Party:January 6, 2025
January 6, 2025
Mr. Prime Minister
Th Nationalist Party of Canada wants to thank you for your service
to Canada and Canadians in your ten years as Prime Minister.
You are a good leader and we wish you success in the future.
Don Andrews,
The Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada
NPC to New Democratic Party leader Jagmeet Singh
Sent to Jagmeet Singh, leader of Canada's New Democratic Party, We will be supporting
your candidate in the next federal election; even though we know you are an
anti-racist party, we know that you still maintain the NDP's reputation as a working man's party .
Paul Fromm and CAFE Salute 150th anniversary
of the Mississauga Freedom Fighters https://cafe.nfshost.com/?p=10287
Sent to President-elect Donald Trump
and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
Dear President Trump:
On behalf of all White Nationalist Canadians that I might represent
I wish you a safe and happy Christmas 2024 and a prosperous and satisfying
new year 2025. You are a special person and the White Peoples' champion.
God be with you... we are!
Don Andrews
Canadian White Nationalist Party
December 24, 2024
To: Justin Trudeau,
Prime Minister of Canada
Dear Sir:
Have a Merry Christmas in happiness with your family in 2925. We'll prove that
you're no dummy. The women still like you and you have kept Canada out of wars and
slowed the Third World tide starting with these 'students"; thanks. Multiculturalism and
diversity are unnatural failed Pollyanna policies. Never have Conservatives been so
Liberal, and vice versa, when all want a White Canada, not just with snow.
God bless you and your family.
Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada
December 24, 2024
____________________________________________________________________________________ DON ANDREWS writes to Pope Francis at the Vatican:
His Holiness Pope Francis
Vatican City, Italy
December 24, 2025 I'm a Canadian White Nationalist leader who wishes you a merry Christmas and a happy new year as you represent of good souls -- that's quite a burden. I'm not a religious man but I did come to know you a little better and more in my life when I rescued a coffee cup in perfectly good condition from the garbage day pickup with your face on it, holding your right hand up, in blessing with The Vatican in the
background in color. It's a nice cup and I'm grateful and mindful a little more every morning.... thanks, fate.
Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Canadian Patriot Paul Fromm Celebrates Winter Solstice
by standing for Freedom of Speech https://cafe.nfshost.com/?p=10280 _______________________________________________________
Dear President Putin:
Our Party Leader Don Andrews is calling upon you to stop using Korean troops in your war
with Ukraine. It is wrong to send those of foreign countries to fight against your own racial
kinsmen. No one should use foreign soldiers against their own people.
Hopefully this conflict will be settle through talks and negotiation instead of conflict. There
are too few of our White family of man left without dangerous and deadly war.
White Nationalist Proud Boys Persecuted by Courts:
One says, "You are not in charge!" https://www.rawstory.com/proud-boys-2670339146/ ________________________________________________________
Sent to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
and to the government of Syria, and the media:
November 30, 2024
Dear Mr. Prime Minister:
We are asking you to make efforts to free all 9 Canadian citizens living
in horrible conditions in the prisons of Syrian dictator Assad...it is the least
you can do for men and women who have been jailed for up to seven years
and is important for all Canadian citizens.
Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada
We encourage you to contact Trudeau and demand his help
to release these Canadians. His email address: pm@pm.gc.ca
NPC Complaint to Ontario Human Rights Commission who fined
Emo Township for refusing to display Pride Flag
November 26, 2024
The Nationalist Party of Canada condemns the action your commission has taken against Emo Township
and the unjust fine it has been levied for its refusal to fly a Pride Flag.
Ontario arms of government should not punish opposing perversion and danger to our children. Return
the amount of the fine to the township and start working all the community, not just those not old enough
to vote.
______________________________________________________________ DONALD TRUMP ADMONISHED OVER
The following was sent to Donald Trump after his announcement of a
25% tariff on Canadian goods entering the US:
Dear Mr. Trump:
Speaking as White Nationalists, we are very disappointed with you lumping Canada in with Mexico as a
target for your proposed 25 % tariff on goods coming into the US. You have stated that this is
meant to offset and target non-White migrants entering America and the illegal drug trade, yet have not
taken into account that only two percent of those coming to the USA from Canada pales in comparison
to the entrance of millions of those coming from Mexico and Latin America.
Such measures, once signed into law, would gravely affect our economy here and our employment
crisis and ultimately the quality of life of Canadians. We have existed for many years as neighbors
and strong trading partners. This tariff will only hurt Canada and damage that partnership for many years.
We hope you will reconsider this measure when you assume the presidency again in January.
The Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada
November 26, 2024
We are asking you nicely in refences to articles on your site, to please capitalize the letter W when
referring to our great White race.
We have received a number of letters from our site visitors who are not happy and regard the
de-capitalizing of "White" in this context as a form of disrespect, and we are asking you to
correct this error.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Nationalist Party of Canada
CAFE Rallies for Political Prisoner Les Bory https://cafe.nfshost.com/?p=10145
Tell Rosie di Manno: Zionist Jews are losing control of the narrative
we will, here: dimanno@thestar.ca
New Freedom Rallies Coming Soon https://cafe.nfshost.com/?p=10093
Canadian Couple Attacked in Panama--Trudeau Told to
Have Panama Fix This
Nov. 7, 2024
Mr. Prime Minister:
The Nationalist Party has taken note of the attack against two Canadians in Panama as covered
by CBC News. This is an intolerable situation of violence that you should fix
by contacting Panama officials and rulers and advising them that this must be addressed
immediately or risk Canada cutting diplomatic relations.
Canadians are entitled to our nation's protection wherever they go and the onus is on you
to speak up for those who are victimized.
The Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada ________________________________________________
John Beattie, a pioneer Canadian patriot since the 1960s, continues his Dinosaur News
broadcasts and always has something to say worth hearing. We wrote to him:
Hello John,
Good to see you're still at it with Dinosaur News. It's always
entertaining and unpredictable. You've never given up
and have kept an eye on the news and current events here
and in Minden. You are part of a great movement that is growing
and with elections n Europe and now the return of
Donald Trump, will keep growing as White people see new
hope for the future.
Stay strong and stay active. NPC Leader Don Andrews
sends you his best wishes, as do I and all White Nationalists
NPC Secretary
November 6, 2024
Contact him at his email: britishcanada@gmail.com
and visit his site here: http://britishpeoplesleague.com/
Canadian Political Prisoner Bill Whatcott Travelling in the
U.S.A. & Discussing Decline of Free Speech in Feminists' Canada https://cafe.nfshost.com/?p=10088
tell her that race trumps religion in the final analysis
we will, here: lettertoeditor@thestar.ca
Sent to CAFE's Paul Fromm on November 5:
NOV. 5, 2024
Hello Paul, What do you think of the predictions that were right--
in Brampton, where the Sikhs attacked with clubs and swords
nd all. Are you going to write about it, what you are thinking and
what you thought 30 years ago?
Your stuff is always entertaining...keep up the good work.
The Nationalist Party of Canada condemns you
and your warmonger husband for your remarks
against White people's choice Donald Trump.
You should be ashamed to wear the distinction
of "warmonger" wherever you go.
Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada __________________________________________________
As the US election campaigns winds down...
Mr. Trump:
Congratulations to you for keeping your composure at your rallies in spite of the
attempts of your enemies to rattle you. It is truly a presidential image you are
projecting in the last weekend of the campaign.
Best of luck to you on Tuesday, as you hopefully win back the presidency stolen from
With best wishes to you from NPC leader Don Andrews,
Bob Smith
Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada
Tell Putin not to send them into the Ukraine war-- we will,
here: http://en.letters.kremlin.ru/
From Paul Fromm's CAFE: Tell Canada's senators to vote no on Bill C-293 https://cafe.nfshost.com/?p=10069 ________________________________________________________
Trump's reply to Joe Biden calling his supporters "garbage"
Mr. Trump:
Congratulations to you for your appearance in a garbage truck at your Wisconsin rally,
It was an inspired move on your part, and may you have
continued success in your campaign.
Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada
October 31, 2024 ________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________ Patriot Paul Fromm shows how banks are
against patriots (all globalists). https://cafe.nfshost.com/?p=10065
Whites going more racist? Florida's Rick Scott to appear on podcast ..even
Marjorie Taylor Green thinks it's racist, commie site whines https://www.alternet.org/rick-scott-laura-loomer/
Paul Krugman tries to put down White peoples' choice Trump. that he's not
a hard working man https://www.alternet.org/paul-krugman-trump-con-man/
Tell him: You try to be Trump! We will, here: feedback@alternet.org
NPC Congratulates Donald Trump on New York Rally Oct. 28, 2024
Congratulations on the excellent performance at your at Madison Square Gardens in
New York, despite the evil media's criticism. You are truly on your way to winning
next week's election and we continue to wish you all success.
The Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada ___________________________________________________________
Your argumentative idiocies show up big
in your blind hatred of
Donald Trump.
Get off my TV screen!
Don Andrews,
Nationalist Party of Canada
Congratulations to you on your interview with Jake Tapper.
Donald Trump should be proud of you.
Nationalist Party of Canada
October 27, 2024
Sent to traitor Liz Cheney:
Stop criticizing Donald Trump for your
warmongering father.
You're a mean bitch and we're sick of your
garbage, traitor.
Your recent dumb media remark that "Texas stands strong with Israel" is nonsense
and false. You have no right to speak for Texans who oppose any support of the
mass murderers of over 50,000 Palestinians in Gaza and now are bombarding
Lebanon without mercy.
It's time you started caring about your constituents, and not
"standing strong" with killers. Texans, and the world are watching.
Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada
October 4, 2024
The people and nation of Lebanon are suffering under the attack of
Israeli bombs in their invasion of that nation. Canada should do its
part to help those who have been displaced from their homes and
wounded and the families of those killed.
Canada has a worldwide reputation for compassion -- it must be shown
now to those hurt and starving and homeless through Israeli aggression.
Help these people now.
Don't you White self-loathers and your female anchors and hosts have
anything better to do than giving hell to Donald Trump? It's shameful,
the level of unfairness and hatred you have toward him.
He's the White people's choice, and White people don't like you self-
loathers lying and demonizing him and his supporters.
Start being fair for once!
The Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto, Canada
October 3, 2024
To Jeremy Bowen, BBC News
Why are you so unfair to the poor Palestinian people being
killed and driven from their homes?
Israel is committing genocide and showing so
much arrogance...your pro-Zionist comments
and reporting are promoting it.
BBC needs to show some compassion and
Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada
October 3, 2024
To: Fox News Channel :
Why don't you move to Israel?
Your pro-Zionist reports on the conflicts are pure propaganda.
Why are you confusing Iran and Iraq in your reports?
You have done it three times now.
Be accurate.
Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada
October 2, 2024
Paul Fromm Strips the Zionists of their Victim Status
after the 50,000 + they killed in Gaza rampage https://cafe.nfshost.com/?p=9849
Jewsmedia Asked, Why are they not more condemning
of the killings in Gaza?
sent to CNN, Fox News, BBC;
August 14, 2024
Why is your network not more condemning the Israeli Jews' massacre of the
people in Gaza? Over 50,000 have been murdered in their homes, schools
and hospitals while not a word is spoken in anger or protest by your anchors
and "pundits".
Be ashamed..this is a disgraceful lack of compassion and morals!
Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada
Harris Condemned for Anti-White insults
Sent to Kamala Harris:
August 14:
Listen you crazy broad, don't put down the White people's KKK,
you anti-Whit witch!
Just lay off proud Whites. We won't forget your evil insults!
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tell the UK Independent to capitalize the letter W when
referring to our great White race
we will, here:
Managing Editor: Richard Best (managingeditor@independent.co.uk) ___________________________________________________________
Don't pretend anything compassionate toward
in the future if you don't condemn the slaughter of
50,000 Palestinians connected to your Jew donors,
the Israeli Jew war machine. Obviously you have
little compassion for persecuted people.
You should and can do better.
Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada.
at cpforcanada1@gmail.com
that there's no such thing as an Orwellian "terrorist"..
be more accurate!
Why can't you say kind and nice about the 40,000 confirmed dead
and 10,000 missing under Gaza's rubble created by your masters.
Are you too scared of Jew power in America? It's either you are just
plain mean or a coward (many White Nationalists are asking us)?
Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada
Fox War Network Condemned
August 10, 2024
Stop your dirty war reporting for your Zionist masters. You are a
hated network because of your Zionist propaganda . Curse all
your announcers and reporters until you become more fair.
Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada
Evil Needs to Be stopped: Man Kept Woman in tree Stump To the producers of Evil Lives Here:
Curse the coward son who helped keep a woman
in a tree stump, even though he was abused by the father and
boyfriend of the mother. He's a pig should be in jail along with
his murderous father. Why is the US so full of evil souls? A moral
revolution is needed to get all cruel characters in the country
wiped out!
Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada
August 10, 2024
Americans Should Not Smile Until...
Sent to Investigation Discovery Canada/Bell Media
August 10, 2024
To hear a cowardly piece of crap tell his story on Evil Lives Here of how he helped kill
a girlfriend of his father and burn her to death because he was afraid of his father is
sickening . To think there are such evil creatures in America with nothing done leaves
it to nature and fate to destroy this criminal society unless they wake up soon and wipe
out the evil among them.
Tell Investigation Discovery not to air evil bastards' criminal voices-- we will.
here : programming@bellmedia.ca
Nationalist Party of Canada
Aug. 10, 3024
we will, here; (email, lrobinson@pickering.ca )
North America, UK Media: NPC says
Show Compassion for the Palestinians
Forwarded to the news departments of ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox as well as CNN, the UK's BBC, Channel 4 and Sky News and Canada's CBC, CTV and Global news departments:
August 9, 2024
You are way too unsympathetic to the Palestinian people being killed every day by Israel. More compassion is needed from your networks as over 40,000 men women and children have died at Israel's children at the hands of the Jewish state,and your never-ending Zionist propaganda, bias and "panel experts" are disgusting.
Saw you on British TV criticizing the White Nationalists demonstrating on
British cities and towns. You are a White race traitor and a White self-
loather. You Disgust us!
Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada
August 9, 2024
UK PM Starmer Condemned for his
Anti-White Nationalist Rhetoric and Threats
Hey Starmer!
Stop your anti-White race treachery with your arrogant jail threats to White patriots.
Resign, you morn!
August 7, 2024
To JD Vance:
You are an idiot for pushing Jew cult state of Israel to keep the evil war going until they wipe out Hamas. Wipe your ass better, because you stink with you nasty Zionism which will bring America into
World War III, and fools like you will be responsible. White Nationalists won't forget.
Shave and wake up-- you're still a young man.
Happy Birthday,
Nationalist Party of Canada, Toronto Canada ____________________________________________________
Sent to BBC News:
Aug. 7, 2024
Stop your criticism of White nationalist demonstrators in Britain.
Your racial treachery will be remembered when the White Revolution comes--
if you don't change, be fair, or shut up.
Don't you have anything kind or compassionate about the suffering people
and destruction in Gaza? Or are you a complete immoral heartless Zionists
stooge that decent Whites wouldn't elect--including White Nationalists?
Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada
August 7, 2024
We don't like your racemixing TV ad, especially when our great
White race is dwindling through idiotic diversity and morons and
Shut your stupid ad down!
Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada
Sent to Donald Trump:
Talk About Missing Children and Women
Dear Donald Trump: You need to talk about the number of missing women
and children, and the terrible murder rate and the toll on families.
There were 206,471 women reported missing as of 2022 and in
2023, 8,545 children were reported missing in the USA
Thanks, and keep up the good work for White Nationalists like you,
not feminist commie Kamala Harris .. let's keep it that way.
Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada ===============================================================================================================================================
NPC Condemns Scottish National Party Leader John Swinney:
"You should resign!"
August 4, 2024
To: John Swinney,
Scottish National Party leader
You are a Scottish traitor in charge of an ethnic separatist party,
how dare you speak against White Nationalists you son of a
bitch! Lay off, you disgusting asshole... You should resign!
Don Andrews
Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada __________________________________________________________________
Sent to Brent Butt, producer/creator of Corner Gas:
Your anti-father attitude that is a regular part of Corner Gas is disgusting . This
disrespect towards fathers is the reason there is so much crime on the upswing
in Canada.
Hang your head in shame and don't put out out another "comedy" like this again.
Nationalist Party off Canada
Toronto Canada
July 1, 2024
Open borders subjecting women and girls to sexual violence http://Open borders subjecting women and girls to sexual violence Tell her and the Sun: anti-racist botches brought this evil here
Tell Ontario Premier Doug Ford to Stop Being a
Zionist Stooge ands Reinstate Goldie Ghamari and all her rights in
spite of meeting Nigel Farage.. we will. here https://correspondence.premier.gov.on.ca/en/feedback/default.aspx
To: the producers, Evil Lives Here
Why do you allow these monster creatures in your country to speak to the public?
Thy troll to kill in your blighted land of evil souls. Catch the evil creatures and execute them all!
Curse your country until you change.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sent to Toronto Mayor Chow, Councillor Paula Fletcher and
the Beach Metro newspaper:
June 26, 2024
The changing of street names in Toronto must stop now with the attempt to change Lower Coxwell
Avenue's name to Embbiidmok Avenue. Our councillot-s and City Hall are destroying White peoples'
culture, heritage and history. and it is needless and costly to taxpayers.
All should write to their councillors and Mayor Chow telling them stop this
insult to Torontonians.
The Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada.
Put Up Your Canadian Flag Today
for Canada Day July 1st /Amazon Has Some
Give hell to the author Tristin Hopper and the Post (letters@nationalpost.com) for
not capitalizing the W when referring to our great White race-- we will.
We find your true crime stories interesting and sickening.
American TV shows should be much more moral and condemning of these nasty
creatures all over your world garbage can of evil souls of last refuge--feminists'
North America.
Fix this soon.
Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada
June 25, 2024
White Nationalists have seen your pro-racemixing ad on Canadian television
and we don't like it. Are you mental? With White people dwindling, ads
promoting racemixing are the last thing we need.
Remove it.
White Nationalists are watching.
Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada
June 23, 2024
June 21, 2024
Forwarded to CBC, CTV, Global TV and City-TV:
Why do you hide the race and color of suspects and arrested criminals from the public?
There have been releases from police and photos/videos from security cameras that give
us some information, but you need to serve the public safety better by giving more
information on your newscasts.
You can do better, White Nationalists are watching.
Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada.
BIDEN CONDEMNED On Migrant Murders
You stand condemned for your comment on the non-White parents
who raped and murdered a 12-year old girl . Mind your own business
and take care of your American killers first.
Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada
June 21, 2024
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Evangelicals' Embrace: Morons on Commie Site Alternet
Try to Paint Trump as a Criminal that Christians Support. LOL! https://www.alternet.org/trump-right-wing-christians/
The times they are a-changing: Miami Newspaper runs
pro-Trump ad filled with racial slurs
You stand condemned for your comment on the non-White parents
who raped and murdered a 12-year old girl . Mind your own business
and take care of your American killers first.
Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada
Let's look for any so-called right-winger supporting this Middle East
evil by an anti-White racist rich globalist gang and give them proper
hell for their meanness and Zionist toadying... Curse all torturers
and their apologists!
Tell the Israeli Consulate to stop torturing Palestinian prisoners-- we will, here: consular@toronto.mfa.gov.il
You are a mean Oriental immigrant newcomer out to destroy the history and heritage of our
great White race with street name changes. Stop it, ingrate. You are creating a lot of hate
in Toronto; the sooner you are gone, the better. Curse all your work until you publicity
apologize and change your attitude toward our great White race.
Wake up, dummy!
The Nationalist Party of Canada
June 19, 2024
Forwarded to CNN's Wolf Blitzer
June 19, 2024
Your Jew propagandist Leon Panetta, along with your Zionist self,
are poor choices to report the news on the Middle East, and being
totally biased.
Why do you hide the race and color of suspects and arrested criminals from the public?
There have been releases from police and photos/videos from security cameras that give
us some information, but you need to serve the public safety better by giving more
information on your newscasts.
You can do better, White Nationalists are watching.
Forwarded to Nikos Christodoulides, president of Cyprus, and to
its representatives in Canada.
June 19, 2024
Are you mentally ill to allow Israeli warplanes to fly from your island
to attack poor Palestinians? If so you are real SOBs, and curse you
all for your evil.
Nationalist Party of Canada
To Donald Trump: Show some compassion
When will you speak up about the terrible Palestinian death toll? You need to
show dome compassion to the world aside from being a Zionist stooge. Your
base of White Nationalists is watching and listening-- remember, meanness is
not manliness. Targeting schools and hospitals is a war crime. Don't side with
killers. Be compassionate, and soon.
Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada
June 19, 2024 ________________________________________________________________
Toronto Star Endangers Citizens-- Give Racial Descriptions!
June 17, 2024
To the Editors: Toronto Star
In today's Star we notice a report on the hunt for two suspects in a shooting in Scarborough. Nowhere
in the story are there any racial descriptions of the wanted men, even though Toronto Police released
such details that were published in this day's Sun. If this was done deliberately the Star is endangering
the people of Toronto for the sake of political correctness.
This is unacceptable. A responsible newspapers should publish all important facts given
by police, including race and physical appearance. How can citizens help police catch dangerous
criminals if they don't know all they need to know about them?
Be better informers in the future, for everyone's safety.
We like your program but please don't say a "burglary or problem gone wrong" when a
murder happens--the former crimes are already wrong. Let's not minimize crime--thanks.
Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada
June 17, 2024
This is the first in a series of articles about Canada and its major cities.
Halifax Harbour Bluenose Dalhousie University
Halifax is the capital and most populous municipality of the Canadian provinces in 1996
The regional municipality consists of four former municipalities that were amalgamated in 1996:
Halifax, Dartmouth, Bedford and Halifax County. Halifax is an economic centre of Atlantic Canada,
home to a concentration of government offices and private companies.
Halifax City Hall
The Halifax Regional Municipality is governed by a mayor (elected at large) and a sixteen-person council. Councillors are elected by geographic
district, with municipal elections occurring every four years. The current mayor of Halifax is Mike Savage.
The four municipalities in the Halifax urban area had been coordinating delivery of some services through the Metropolitan Authority since the late
1970s, but remained independent towns and cities until April 1, 1996, when the provincial government amalgamated all municipal governments within
Halifax County to create the Halifax Regional Municipality. The municipal boundary thus now includes all of Halifax County except for several First
Nation reserves. Since amalgamation, the region has officially been known as the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM), although "Halifax" has remained in common
usage for brevity. On April 15, 2014, regional council approved the implementation of a new branding campaign for the municipality. The campaign
would see the region referred to in promotional materials simply as "Halifax", although "Halifax Regional Municipality" would remain the
region's official name.
Halifax is geographically large, and there are over 200 official communities and neighborhoods within the municipality. They vary from rural to
urban. The former town of Bedford, and the former cities of Dartmouth and Halifax have maintained their original geographic names. Furthermore,
communities that were suburban or even rural before 1996, now have become more urban and have attained community status.
The municipality has maintained many of its maritime and military traditions, while opening itself to a growing multicultural population. The
municipality's urban core also benefits from a large population of post-secondary students who strongly influence the local cultural scene.
Halifax has a number of art galleries, theatres and museums, as well as most of the region's national-quality sports and entertainment facilities.
Halifax is also the home to many of the region's major cultural attractions, such as Halifax Pop Explosion , Symphony Nova Scotia,
the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia and the Neptune Theatre.
Halifax's tourism industry showcases Nova Scotia's culture, scenery and coastline. There are several museums and art galleries in downtown
Halifax. The Canadian Museum of Immigration Pier 21, an immigrant entry point prominent throughout the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s, was opened
to the public as a National Historic Site of Canada in 1999 and is the only national museum in the Atlantic provinces.
The municipality is a centre for university education in eastern Canada. It is home to the following post secondary educational institutions:
Dalhousie University , Mount Saint Vincent University, , Saint Mary's University, the Atlantic School of Theology, and several private institutions.
The largest of these, Dalhousie, is Atlantic Canada's premier research-intensive university. This school is host to most of the province's
professional schools, while other institutions focus primarily though not exclusively on undergraduate education. The sizeable population
of university and college students contributes to the vibrant youth culture in the city.
NPC to Schitt's Creek: You're Not Funny To: Eugene Levy/Schitt's Creek/CBC Productions
June 15, 2024
We don't like your tolerance of criminality with Eugene Levy and that ugly blonde
guy Chris Elliott. We have enough crime and violence -- we don't need it from a supposed comedy.
The Nationalist Party of Canada
Give them hell here/we will: https://www.alternet.org/ __________________________________________________________ RITZ CRACKERS MAKERS CONDEMNED FOR RACEMIXING AD
To the makers of Ritz crackers
June 13, 2024
Stop the racemixing ad you are running in Canada. Whites don't
like it and will boycott your product until it is removed.
Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada
Contact them here: https://www.mondelezinternational.com/ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Sent to the Producers of Crime Beat (Global TV) and Forensic Files (CNN):
June 14, 2024
Why Don't you show more of what happens to the
criminal monsters, instead of interviews with these
evil culprits. Cover more executions and deaths in
prison...society needs it.
Nationalist Party of Canada
Toronto Canada
NPC to Israelis: Why do You Let Children Starve?
Forwarded to the Israeli Consulate in Ottawa:
Why are you besieging Gaza and making children die from
Your cult state won't last if you keep shoeing only your mean
side. You are the cause of rising anti-Semitism around the world.
Tell Trudeau: there's too many here now/we will, here: pm@pm.gc.ca
Toronto Star hides criminals' identities: Toronto teen charged after youth stabbed in large brawl near Weston high school
Tell the Star (at lettertoed@thestar.ca) to stop hiding the criminals
Tell America's Anthony Blinken to go to hell where
he came from along with his 'concrete' plans for Gaza... we will: https://www.state.gov/biographies/antony-j-blinken/