Letters to Editors
Toronto Star February 28
Grab a shovel, neighbors
You have a 90-yar old woman living on
your street. She can't get out because of the
miserable efforts by the City to remove the
snowbanks. Get off your duffs, grab a shovel
and dig her out. Remember. many hands
make light work.
Bev Moroz, Pickering Ontario
(Most definitely)
Toronto Star February 27
CBC A Necessity
The CBC is vital to Canada. Its CEO should
be appointed by its board members and with a
salary cap. I enjoy its investigative programs
that expose scammers, thieves and gangs.
Brian Mellor
Midland, Ontario
(We agree)
Toronto Star February 26
Proportional Representation
I was pleased to see NDP leader Merit Styles'
support of proportional representation.
It is crucial for fostering a more inclusive democracy,
not only in Ontario but across Canada. It would
provide equal representation, and ensure that
all parties have a genuine voice in the decision-
making process. I encourage ongoing
discussions on thus important topic and hope
that more politicians advocate for a system that
truly reflects the will of the people.
Sara Crane
Chatsworth Ontario
(We agree)
Toronto Star February 24
US Advertising
I have long complained about
Doug Ford using our taxes o promote his party.
His obvious corruption is all her; His
assumption is that we're all idiots who can't see
through his attempts to sway voters bed\fore
the election was called.
Sue Prestedge
Hamilton Ontario
(He should be sorry, but he's too arrogant now)
Toronto Star February 20
Freeland can lead the way
David Olive brought Chrystia Freeland's anticipation
of the world's economics. His article showing
her awareness of the world's economics were heading
points out her full understanding of the issue. We need her
as prime minister to lad us back to being a positive
Chris Andrews
Vaughan Ontario
(But she back-stabbed Trudeau--no thanks!)
Toronto Sun Feb. 15
Gulf of America
So, Donald Trump can proclaim a change of name for the Gulf of Mexico
and Google accommodates the request. Can Canada proclaim the United States as
“Crapland”? It has a beautiful ring to it and covers a lot of ground! I can’t wait
to see the new maps.
Bruce MacDonald
Coleman, Alta.
(A little mean)
Words to the Wise
Ford Bucks go a long way. I've found some in the $200 Ford sent
to Ontarians: I will give $200 to Liberal leader Bonnie Crombie,
I get $150 back as tax credit give that $150 to a federal party and
get back $12 as tax credit give the $12 to charity and get $3 7 as
a tax credit.
In total I give away $462 and still have money left to have lunch
on Fiord's dime.
Glen Wedlock, Newmarket Ontario
Toronto Sun Feb. 13
Aside from his misguided attitude towards tariffs, President Donald Trump has done overwhelmingly positive
things for the U.S.A. in the first three weeks of his second term, to the pathetic lament of Liberals everywhere,
including Sun columnist Warren Kinsella and not-so-funny cartoonist Andy Donato. Oh, that we should be so
lucky here in Canada. Indirectly, Trump’s blizzard of measures has killed woke, killed DEI, exposed huge waste
and theft of taxpayers’ money, reduced taxes, and started to get illegal immigrant criminals off the streets. We
should emulate these policies. We need to live up to our defense commitments and get control of our borders.
As an immigrant, I chose Canada. I don’t feel threatened at all by the U.S.A.
Gerard E. (Tim) Wood , Toronto
(He needs to forget about tariffs)
Toronto Sun Feb. 9
Not in Our Country
Kudos to Kevin Vuong (“Obey the laws of Canada or be deported,” Feb. 3).
I would go a step further.
For naturalized citizens who are guilty of serious misconduct or disloyalty to Canada, e.g. anti-semitic
protests, that may be grounds for citizenship revocation and deportation.
Alan Lauder
Etobicoke Ontatio
( Beef up our laws and the border)
Toronto Star February 5
Stopping Guns at the Border
Sending troops to guard the Canada/US border sounds like a
great idea but not for the reason Poilievre and Trump are giving.
If the US Border Patrol can't stop guns and drugs from crossing
into Canada extra security on our side should be able to catch
them coming in.
Pretty sure there will be far more guns and drugs caught going north
than drugs going south.
Michael Bines, Toronto
( Stop non-Whites from entering Canada first)
Toronto Star February 3
Fear of Diversity
One of the lessons learned from the Holocaust was about
unity: Rev, Martin Niemoller summed it up in 1947:"First they
came for the Communists.. and I did bot speak out because I was
not a communist" and so on. Eleven million killed, including
six million Jews. Americans will be speaking out as heir new administration attacks
one group after another. Sticking together will be essential and might prove costly.
The question is, how can we deal with this fear of human diversity?
Rev. Robert Wardlaw, Toronto
(A naive idiot's view...Ugh!)
Toronto Star January 31
Responding to Tariffs
While others ponder a response to Trump's tariffs
there is something we can all do now: Cancel plans.
That won't cost Canadians a cent in lost trade.
Gregory Sorbara, Toronto
( If tariffs happen--yes)
Toronto Star January 28
City Hall worth Saving
If walls could speak Toronto's old City Hall would have countless stories to tell. No
other building attracted so many visitors on Open Doors Weekend. Let's not miss
an opportunity to repurpose this location as a destination for all-- a public library,
a youth/elder hotel, a gallery museum or a shop to tell and sell Toronto's stories and
June French, Toronto
(All good ideas--now tell Chow)
Toronto Star January 24
Moral Compass
As a child of Holocaust survivors I am horrified by
what appeared to be a Nazi salute by Elon Musk
during Trump's inauguration. These are the kinds
of people Trump has around him, people who will
shape the US political and social direction for the
next four years. This contagion will continue to
spread until it's stopped in its tracks. What has
happened to the world's moral compass?
Michael Bines, Toronto
(History repeats itself)
Toronto Star January 23
Poilievre and Musk
Considering Elon Musk appeared to give the Nazi salute, not
just once but twice, at Donald Trump's inauguration rally.
and that he has endorsed Pierre Poilievre as his preferred |candidate
for our next prime minister I would like to ask, "Do you accept
the endorsement of Elon Musk?"
Teresa Porter
Newmarket, Ontario
(Get over it--it's no big deal)
Ford and Election Call
Doug Ford can call the election. I don't care,
as long as the Ontario Progressive Conservative
Party pays the full cos of $150 to $200 million.
Terry Middlemiss,
Hamilton Ontario
(Good one)
Toronto Sun January 22
I use transit. I recently sent an email to TTC management expressing
my dismay at the amount of fare evasion rampant on the bus and streetcar
system. I watched as people used the back doors, and did not tap their card.
Not one or two, but 17 evaders on one short bus trip. I proposed that all
riders should board at the front doors to fix this problem, and was told that
“the TTC was trying to eliminate lines to give commuters ease of use.” The
TTC relies on fare collection for a large part of its revenue. How can we have
a world-class system when fare evasion is costing the system millions? As a senior,
with the tax increase, I can ill afford an increase in fares when I am in danger of l
osing my home. Mayor Olivia Chow has frozen fares, but what will happen in the future
when she must raise fares or raise taxes further to combat rampant fare evasion?
When will the TTC and city council admit that all-door boarding is failing?
(Following fair fare rules s good
for all society)
Toronto Star January 22
Fox Honor Long Overdue
It is long overdue--Terry Fox will be featured
on the $5 bill. I have just read the book
Forever Terry by his brother Darrell. It is a
collection of inspirational letters written by
50 well-known Canadians, including Jann Arden,
Daryl Sittler and Bobby Orr.
The next generations needs to have an answer ready
when pessimists among us state that "one man
can't really make a difference". The response can be
made in two words: Terry Fox . his book is a must-
read for every Canadian.
Bruce Wakjer,
Oakville Ontario
( How true)
Toronto Star January 20
Carney no Fiscal Conservative
I am reading Marc Carney's book " Building a Better
World for All" .He offers a progressive perspective on
how we can use the values of sustainability, solidarity
and fairness to deal with problems like climate change
and the growing gap between rich and poor. laying out
a blueprint for building a just future for our children ,
and our grandchildren and generations to come.
Joanne Clarke, Toronto
(So he's smart and nice too?)
Toronto Star January 15
I'm surprised any possible contenders for the Liberal leader don't consider
themselves aa cannon fodder, as anyone who heads this party will be a
prime target for constant shots from the opposition . I se no future for
the leader of the Liberals; whoever takes over, their fate is sealed.
Bran Mellor, Midland Ontario
( What are Liberals, anyway?)
Toronto Sun January 11, 2025
Here is a thought: Doug Ford for prime minister of Canada! Let’s face it, with no
functioning federal government, he is doing most of the work defending our jobs and
identity. Maybe add Danielle Smith as deputy prime minister? Let’s stop buying American
wine and spirits, etc. Who needs U.S.-made cars, we can make our own.
Jack Hoke
Caledon East, Ontario
Toronto Sun January 8, 2025
Despite the huge amount of harm Trudeau’s authority did to Canada, I feel genuinely sorry for him now
that he’s being stabbed in the back by his many friends who either fully supported his actions or persuaded
him to take those actions. He’s a man who has lost everything but his money; the actions of the Liberal Party
now reveal itself for what it is. Don’t blame Justin alone.
Bob Mosurinjohn
Port Hope Ontario
(No, don't blame him-- he kept us out of wars )