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in Canadian dollars (payable to Don Andrews);

                                                               Mail it to the NPC address:
                                                                300 Coxwell Ave. Box 3037
                                                                 Toronto Ontario M4L 2A0 



Posted February 27, 2025




  by Bob Smith   

 For years now, we in the Nationalist Party were singing the praises of  President  Donald Trump --

about how he was the White peoples' hero and how great the US would be once he defeated Joe Biden.
This year, as Trump formed his next government and how he emerged this time as nothing like what the
traditional meaning of conservatism was -- including defending tradition, history and  national well-being. But
this week, while Ontarians were  stewing over an election that never should have been called, Trump's 
mask came off as his good buddy Elon Musk wormed his way to observer status during Trump's first cabinet
meeting and raised the axe at the jobs of thousands of federal employees as part of this new "Department 
of Government Efficiency".   This is making America great again? No, it pushes the already-impoverished
into what Trump referred to as being 'on the bubble', a phrase taken from the TV industry to describe TV shows
in danger of cancellation, and now used in such a heartless and cavalier manner by none other than teh 
supposed leader of the free world.  

Conservatism , at least the kind I grew up with in my first years of political interest, was a comforting thought:
always there to protect and defend the ideals of preserving the values and things that made life in Canada a
of order and morality. Today's so-called conservatism is just mean, stingy cheapskate-ness aimed at
 the wallet. It is seeing your family's growing inability to pay bills over sky-high grocery costs, it is throwing 

thousands of government employees (soon, millions?) out  on the street, even when they are part of your own 

government.  Phoniness is the hallmark of the 'new' conservatives, their obsessing with hyper-frugality. Making life

bad or worse for others doesn't affect them

It was downright hearing ads on the radio sponsored by the provincial Conservatives with jingles proclaiming
"Doug's gonna fight for you". hearing Doug Ford  promising he'll give Trump and the US  both barrels over
Trump's intention to impose  tariffs that are slated to start on March 4th. We've written several times to the 
President, imploring him to not slap these dangerous tariffs on Canada in such a way that it will cause the most
damage together on both sides of the border, ruining more lives and eroding the Middle Class,  leaving only two
classes of people will thrive: the desperate poor and the super-rich.  Many of Trump's former supporters must be 

looking at how he is looking so bad, and starting now, even among his staunchest followers. Yet, Trump is 
determined to enforce these, guided by the multi-billionaire  Elon Musk, a man never elected to office, yet whose 

words are putting so many out of work nd giving birth to more tragedy and a frightful future for North Americans.  

Mr. Trump, you need to be aware  that you are the one who's "on the bubble" if you follow through on your tariff threats,

and stop this fifty-first state nonsense. Canada doesn't belong to you; you already have a large land you must tend to,
and focus your attention to, not meddle in foreign wars. Canadians across the land are concern, as Americans should be,
that your actions threaten the security and safety of all of us in North America. It is insane that our countries, that have
been allies in war and partners in prosperity should have this showdown. You are losing your friends, and then your
White base of support. You have accomplished much in a small time; don't throw it away on the perception that the
USA got cheated. 


                                                      Posted February 23, 2025

                        SOME THOUGHTS ON A
                                             FRAIL "FATHER"

by Bob Smith   

  I was raised as a Catholic here in Toronto. Many parts of it were mysterious to me -- saying the Mass in Latin
before the Church changed all that; the vestments the priests wore and the rituals and the liturgy of the church
Most important though, were the adherence to morality; the many rules for governing our lives as laid out in the
Ten Commandments and others rules we learned as kids in Catholic schools. 

In our family, we had a "red letter" Bible, a rare book wherein all the words attributed to Christ were printed in red
Growing up Catholic was a serious business, your life measured in sacraments of baptism. Holy Communion and
marriage to name a few. There were no gay, straight, trans or LGBTQ-- just two genders, as Donald Trump has just
announced is official US government policy. All this were conducted from beautiful magnificent churches  that
commanded awe at the sight of them. 

Even though the concept of morality has taken a back seat to the trendy and decadent in the past few decades.
Catholicism has withstood the test of its time -- and so has the papacy, not by men who could create miracle, but by
human beings who lived as long as the rest of us did. The current Pope, Francis,  is in his eighties and in frail.
failing health. He still tries to keep up with his duties as he rules over the world's 1.39 billion Catholics and may resign
to allow a new man to be selected as pontiff.  Be that as it may, the Catholic Church is a very different entity today, 
one where "morality" is not apparent. And there is virtually no mention of Christ. The traditional Church  is all but gone
and that goes right down to the dwindling numbers of people occupying pews each Sunday. And when the celebration of that
church's most sacred event -- the birth of Christ at Christmas -- has been reduced to disco-beat version of Mary's Boy 

Child you're sure to hear every holiday season.

It has been said on many occasions how science and religion are at odds with each other  -- I always thought the phrase
"Christian Science" was the ultimate oxymoron. Yet  Catholicism, despite the controversies surrounding the misconduct of
priests and that of the residential schools, still survives, and its wealth has been compared to that of US Steel. It has been
chastised for criticizing wealthy entities ("It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to
enter the Kingdom of Heaven', or so said Jesus), yet in nations that suppress and allow religion, it endures.

Pope Francis , like many others before him, has left his own  impact on the Catholic Church, and his failing health means that he
may not  live long enough to see his successor. Yet, he does deserve our prayers  given the importance of his position to the world's
nations and the hope for peace  in a world that is getting more fragile each day.

Get well soon, your Holiness.


                                                       Posted February 16, 2025


                           TOWARD THE ELDERLY
by Bob Smith 

 The other day Don Andrews and I were discussing another way that TV puts down families
and White people-- its abusive treatment and interpretation of the elderly, and not just recently.
It's been around for decades. 

There are few sections of our population more vulnerable than the elderly.  Human history has
ben full of societies and nations that cherished and respected its old citizens. On today's TV,
none are portrayed as being intelligent or compassionate, but rather as clumsy, angry, addle-
brained and eccentric to the point of craziness and beyond.  My first encounter with this was a
1970s eight episode series from the mind of Archie Bunker's creator, Norman Lear. Titled 
Apple Pie, it featured Golden Girls' Rue McLanahan as a 1933 hairdresser who cures her
loneliness by hiring people to be a fake family -- including a cranky, elderly blind man. Just
before that, CBS had a slew of comedies where the older generation was pushed to the rural
settings, where the older generation came off as stupid hicks  (Granny, The Beverly Hillbillies;
Fred Ziffel,  Green Acres; Uncle Joe, Petticoat Junction). In the 1980s, we had totally insane 
 Abraham Simpson-- Homers Dad, on Fox. and today there is Jerry Stiller as both the conniving
Frank Costanza on Seinfeld  and rude and crazy Arthur Spooner of King of Queens, along with

in the 2000s, Eric Peterson as mean bully Oscar Leroy on Corner Gas).

The terrible depiction of seniors goes hand in hand with how fictional television elevates the
feminists and the younger generation and is derisive and contemptuous of father figures-
Remember how matriarchy is a keystone of Jew culture: unless you mother is Jewish, you
aren't. On the hit show The Goldbergs, it starts with Grandpa Goldberg (George Segal) who
goes from spats with his daughter Beverly ,to playing the banjo, to the patriarchal grandfather
"Pop-pop" played by Judd Hirsch. And there is Frank Barone (the late Peter Boyle) of Everybody
Loves Raymond,
 who insults almost everyone around him and twice committed theft. Most of
these shows are playing in reruns somewhere around the world and still making money for the
actors and the syndicators like CBS and Warner Media.

You can bet there's more on the way as the TV networks and outlets like Netflix, FX, Amazon
and Apple TV Plus will soon be preparing this fall's TV schedules.  And remember, those 'in
charge' of TV read your mail. Keep a list of those you complain to-- and that includes the major
sponsors of these shows as well as the broadcasters along with the FCC in Washington and
the CRTC in Ottawa. It's just wrong and evil and allow our seniors to be so shamelessly and
falsely represented on TV-- and that's nothing to laugh about. 

                                                    Posted February 13, 2025


                                               FLAG DAY--FLY OUR FLAG!

                                    by Bob Smith   

The year was 1965, two years before Canada's Centennial, and the

nation was in another uproar--not over the latest scandal or

international incident, but over our flag then -- the Red Ensign-- being

replaced by a new flag that would distinctly represent Canada. Despite

the outcry of Monarchists and historians, on February 15th , the

Canadian government adopted the maple leaf red-and-white design

that we now know as our Canadian flag.  Many Canadians, young and

old, didn't like the idea of replacing the Red Ensign (including my

mom) with  a design that they claimed had no identification with

Canada's beginnings or its culture (if the maple leaf is not a symbol

of Canadian culture, then what is?) In any case, on February 15,

Parliament adopted the new maple leaf flag design as our national flag. 

It's a great design, simple and one that can be seen for miles, and in

one symbol, says, "Canada".  We haven't totally separated ourselves

from our ties with Britain (Our coin currency still features the

monarchy, and British symbols are all over our provincial flags,

heraldry and even private firms. And it carries the spirit of our sense

of Canadian nationalism as a land filled with great beauty and pride,

with a distinctive sense of oneness, optimism and hope, despite all


Right now, places  that sell Canadian flags are running out fast.

If you don't have a flag, get one. If you have a flag that is discolored

or worn from age, and fly it proudly from your house or place of

business every day. And yes, buy Canadian goods and brands where

you shop. Regardless of who will be running Canada this time next year,

we all need to stop and take time to show our gratitude to live in a nation

that despite its flaws, is still the greatest nation on Earth. 

Happy 60th anniversary, Canadian flag!


                                                   Posted February 11, 2025 

                                                                                     FOREIGN AID:
               Giving More To Them, So That They Come Here    

                                                                                         by Bob Smith

Canada has always between considered one of the world's richest nations. And we're no slouches when it comes to
compassion for the less fortunate -- save for our own country. It galls me to see and hear every day of the poor and
the desperate that we allow to live in parks, on benches, on street gratings and in below-zero weather in our most
affluent cities.   Giving money to nations that fate has not blessed with our wealth, and especially in the trade war now
blowing up between us and the USA, seems insane.  That's maybe why it's so hard for us to find out how much money
Ottawa sends out, and to where.   In good or bad times, foreign aid is never a popular item many of our elected officials
like to talk about . And you can bet they'll bristle when you  ask them why we are spending so much money to increase
their nations' well-being and bring more of them here to Canada. 

Just look at this: your giveaways, in millions, for the years 2022-2023:

Ukraine                       $37 Million

Nigeria                        $101M

Ethiopia                      $131M

Bangladesh                $124M

Tanzania                     $115M

Democratic Republic of Congo   $95M

Jordan                            $180M

Mozambique                   $98M

Kenya                               $66M

Pakistan                            $70M

Haiti                                 $129M

Senegal                             $96M

South Sudan                   $105M

Afghanistan                     $119M

How much of all of this could have fed our hungry, housed our homeless, and contributed to a better life for the unfortunate
of our society?


As a kid growing up Catholic, I learned of what they called the Three Theological Virtues -- faith, hope and what Christ was
said to be the greatest of them -- charity.  I say charity begins at home, We have a moral obligation and a racial imperative
that commands that we look after our own first. In this still-new year, when we could face the greatest economic crisis seen
here since the Great Depression, remember that a great nation exists when it puts itself first (the very essence of nationalism)
-- or, to put it in the words of the old pop hit, looking out for number one.  Oh, and Buy Canadian!


                                                        Posted February 7, 2025

ELON MUSK: Rise of An Oak Tree

                                                                                                            by Bob Smith 

Perhaps no one well-known person has faced closer scrutiny in the days just before and
after Donald Trump took office as US President for a second time than Elon Musk, who
was appointed to Trump's newly-created Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE).
He has been called the richest man in the world, whose wealth has been estimated  at
$ 436 billion (US). His corporate interests are varied, from Tesla Motors, to the social media
network Twitter (which he renamed "X", to his outer space projects such as Starlink and 
Space X. Today he has achieved the status of being one of Donald's Trumps key advisors. 

Yet, on a day just recently when he gave an out-stretched hand salute that the media as a
Nazi salute. he was pegged as the most dangerous man in America, and teamed with the
newly-elected Trump, there were gasps galore. Federal employees began to worry if their
jobs would be wiped out or getting  terminated as Trump began to set a new structure for
Washington's bloated gridlock of inefficiency. 

 Born in Pretoria South Africa to Dutch parents (his mother is from Saskatchewan, maiden
name, Haldeman), Musk lived in Canada and attended among other educational institutions,
the University of Guelph in Ontario, before moving to California and starting his many business
ventures, most prominent of them being X and Tesla and becoming a supporter of Trump in his
last presidential campaign.

Elon Musk is a puzzle to many people, and others fear him. Yet many White Nationalists see
him as part of a unique pair (although Trump's new concern with taking over Gaza may alienate
him from those same White Nationalists who supported him through two elections) and for now,
it's a good bet that Musk (whose full name means "oak tree" in Hebrew) will remain a part of
Trump's inner circle for quite a while and in this year of election and political turmoil, he will be
worth watching even more closely.


                                                     Posted February 4, 2025



                         DON ANDREWS SELECTED AS

                                                       by Bob Smith   

No matter what you do, how much talent you have,  it's nice to be recognized for making an
important  contribution to the world. This week. my friend and colleague,  Leader of the
Nationalist Party of Canada Don Andrews, received some of the highest compliments anyone
can get; US President Donald Trump has chosen him to be one of his cabinet-level advisors.
Since his first campaign for the presidency, the NPC has been  very supportive of Trump,
sending advice to him in that first campaign and now in the first days of his second term in
the White House, especially during this economic situation that in the next few weeks, may
reshape the relationships between Canada and the USA. We see the  future damage in
North America that tariffs and trade wars will cause and have reminded the President  and
asked him not to hurt America's neighbor for a  few dollars more.

Donald Trump's unwilligness to play the "political game" that's already been rigged, came
as a shock to the Jewsmedia pundits and owners when he was elected last year in a clear
victory. This time, there's no Pinocchio puppet to manipulate as he wasted no time in starting
to clean up the mess of Joe Biden's awful years.  At this point, after talking to the leaders of
Canada and Mexico, Trump will wait 30 days  to implement any tariffs he has proposed against
Canada. .. far from being the unstable person the media loves to portray him as. With multiple
wars and  migrants causing great agony and mayhem in North America, and several European
nations; these are among the many challenges President Trump must face -- the least should be
over any perceived trade imbalance.  One of the best things America and Canada can do to resolve
that concern is by not becoming a 51st state. Better to follow the White man's way, to compromise
and agree and incorporate common sense,  good will and fair play toward each other, on all issues
affecting our countries.  

Let's work toward a brighter future, as sovereign nations with a shared prosperity.




                                                       Posted February 1, 2025
                                                VERSION 2.0?

                                                                                          by Bob Smith 

Okay, so what's going on with Donald Trump? What happened to the happy, smiling confident man who took back the White
House and promised all he'd "drain the swamp"? That man now is poised to turn Canada's and America's economies upside
down with a 25 percent tariff  on Canadian goods and resources, which may include our oil.  His future plans may send
hundreds of thousands of people out of work and send the cost of so much we as Canadians consume skyrocketing  even
further, making life more unaffordable than it has been for many years.   And then there's the matter of foreign affairs --  the
stupid Slavic war between Russia and Ukraine, the genocide of Gaza as wrought by Israeli cult Jews, tensions between North
and South Korea, Taiwan and China and elsewhere, and the latest disasters at home such as the California wildfires and the
horrible crash of the American Airlines jet in Washington, killing over 60 people.

Here in Canada, the NDP leader Jagmeet Singh has called for our federal Parliament to be recalled to deal with the Trump tariffs
(good luck) and Conservative Ontario premier Doug Ford has just called an early election using Trump's tariff vow as his central
focus under the banner "Protect Ontario". World leaders are concerned about Trump Version 2.0, and in the USA, his current
concern is getting his proposed new team past the interrogation of Democrats who seem to have a problem (among others)
with his new defense head nomination and an East Indian man picked to run the FBI, in addition to Trump's other nominees. 
Trump seems to have no compassion for the slaughter of the Palestinian people who only now have been given permission
to return to their neighborhoods just levelled and destroyed along with so many of their residents by the Israeli Jew military.

Here in Canada there is worry everywhere; as one local radio pundit put it, it's going to be a long four years. And  Trump
seems to be  making new enemies daily. He has still to complete his wall and the coming spring may well see a trade war
between our nations the likes of which  we haven't seen in some time, and in the US, many shrug their shoulders and hope
for the next US midterm elections. In February, Trump will give his next State of the Union address and you can bet he will
be extolling the virtues of how he has changed  the USA for the better.  As the history of politics in many lands has seen
elected leaders go from hero to zero in short spaces of time (just look at our pretty-boy Justin Trudeau's meteoric rise, then
to where he is now, soon to be replaced by a  new Liberal leader or Pierre Poilevre's Tories). No matter who wins, Donald Trump
remains a man who, depending on your view, will actually make America great again, purge the world into a new recession or
depression. Right now, he "runs the table" as they say in the casinos, and there are fast-beating hearts and pearls being
clutched all over. 


We have repeatedly mailed to Donald Trump, telling him as White Nationalists, that we don't want America meddling in
foreign wars and now we are telling him not to slam Canada with these new tariffs.  You should too.


                                                                                                      Posted January 22, 2025

by Bob Smith

To: President Donald Trump,
The White House,
Washington DC

Congratulations on your victory as US President 47. You certainly wasted no time in going to work with your first
batch of executive orders to the dismay of the Left and the newsmedia. 

Now I'd like to tell you about my country, Canada.

Canada is roughly half as old as the US as a sovereign, self-governing land. We share similarities in culture, in
the style of our cities, in the natural beauty of our outdoors. As tourists, our respective nations travel across our
borders all year 'round, to see the sights and we also share many qualities that have strengthened our bond as
neighbors and as allies in two world wars. We share similar tastes in television, films, music, and in many ways,
are appreciative of each other . 

There is this matter of tariffs, that we hear will go into effect on February 1. It has been a bone of contention for
sometime and it is a matter that I hope can be resolved amicably soon . With the world in the state  that it is in,
it is more important than ever to remain as allies, economic and secure. Average Canadians are suffering from many
of the same problems as Americans: homelessness, concern over resources, poverty  and crime (although the latter
is a more serious crisis in your country that all Americans hope you will work to  reduce and eliminate). And you will
find Canadians to be the nicest Whites on Earth, a reputation that many American visitors and tourists can attest to. 

It is expected that Canadians will be electing a new government this year, Whoever becomes Canada's new Prime Minister
will be working hopefully with your administration in all our best interests, especially when  it coms to manufacturing and
industry. Our mutual success can count our friendship as a prime factor, and the pain caused by the proposed tariffs will
cause serious damage to our partnership. The problems that we share can be resolved with common sense, good will and fair play. 

In the meantime, I wish you continued success and  the best to you and your family. May you all enjoy happiness,
caring  and hope in 2025. 



I m pleased to say that Nationalist Party of Canada leader Don Andrews is home from the hospital after treatment from
a fall. And, he will soon be back commenting on the world and politics with the insight that only he has. He is grateful to
all his supporters , friends and family.


                                                                                                       Posted January 19, 2025

                    THE SHAME OF OUR      
                                                  'HEALTH CARE'

                                                                          by Bob Smith 

One thing that used to always be said about Canada was that our medical and health care
systems were the envy of many other countries, that no one died because they couldn't afford
to pay for care, that our system ran so smoothly,  the idea of putting patents on gurneys in
hallways was unthinkable.  Today, it's a way different matter.   

My sister Betty Teevens, studied nursing at Sick Kids' hospital in Toronto. You don't go into that
profession without feeling a sense of heart and duty to help those in need; I don't see her doing
nursing that today, when we have doctors and nurses leaving Canada in droves, leaving medical
facilities understaffed and overcrowded with a growing patient population at high risk of needing
medical care: the very young, the elderly and handicapped and immigrants and residents. The
overwork and stress of dealing with constant life-and-death circumstances have driven many
away, with their unions left to fight cheapskate governments (usually conservative) for a decent
wage and better hours and working conditions.  As a former hospital worker (and patient) I have
seen more aspects of this shabby system that does the average person and  it's scary, both for
patients, doctors and nurses.

I tip my hat to those of the past who fought to establishment competent, compassionate patient
care years ago in Canada; an outstanding aspect of our system is that it didn't mirror America's,
with its insurance-ridden and profit-margin-focused Health Management  
Organizations, and where
"Big Pharma" has such a stranglehold on US medicine, almost every TV commercial you see
for labs like Lilly or Abbott or Astra Seneca  shill their remedies for eczema, Chron's disease, 
depression (some of these ads contain warnings that certain anti-depression medicines "may
cause suicidal thoughts") and so on. 

You can always tell a society's value by the way it treats its less fortunate. We in Canada need to
do a better job of putting pressure on those of our governments' health ministries to put an end
to the overcrowding, the lack of proper care and the fixing of  procedures that turned many care
facilities into COVID hot zones not long ago. Putting a lot more money into patient care than we
have before is a far better investment than any of the dumb Diversity/Equality/Inclusion programs
that only succeed in encouraging more resentment of the new privileged (i.e., social and racial
minorities). Or, with federal elections looming, make it an important issue to your candidates.

Don't wait until you or your loved ones, God forbid, are on the needy side of patient care.

                                                                                          Posted January 13, 2025 

                                                                   CALIFORNIA FIRES 

                                                  by Bob Smith

Mother Nature and society haven't been kind to women these days. And with the wreckage and
ruin that is starting to be seems in the aftermath of the California fires (four are still burning),
many are looking to blame someone for the outbreak and the seemingly slow and incompetent
response from governments.   This is one sad result: Feminist mayors, police and fire chiefs
and other heads of  necessary services will take it on the chin and be wrongly blamed. 

Karen Bass, mayor of Los Angeles, has been on TV and trying her the best in face of one of the
worst disasters the city has ever faced. It's a pretty good bet that given the multicultural nature
of Los Angeles as a factor of her winning the local election, many local citizens later would join
with the media in blaming her for the inability of firefighters to battle the conflagration.

Kristin Crowley is head of LA's fire department, and was put on the griddle when hydrants badly
needed to fight the blazes ran dry.   Donald Trump went on record to blame  the state governor
Gavin Newsome for bad forest management, but this blame game phenomenon  looks to be
expanding as the city tries to recover after the fires. 

Sometimes, the media is no slouch when it comes to putting women officials on the hot seat: 
Just-defeated Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot, who is black and a lesbian, along with former
Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne and most recently, Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow, are three figures,
all took their share of heat on matters such as rampant crime, poor and homeless people and
rising taxes. 

 In media. women in film and TV have been presented for quite a while as being as tough and
smart as any man in fields that have traditionally been portrayed by men. Running governments
-- well, we had Commander In Chief, all about a woman president, and the  crude comedy Veep 
starring Julia Louis-Dreyfus.  Today in reality they are the scapegoats for every disaster and
failure to meet them; no one things that Nature has its own will which cannot be manipulated or

The best that can be done in California when this happens again (not if) is to organize communities
and neighborhoods to help each other with multiple plans for evacuations, and especially to help
the physically handicapped. At least three plans should be developed to show exists in homes
that can be used in case of fire or other natural disaster. And let's not blame women for any
"failures" to respond in emergencies. And tell President-Elect Trump to use the money the US
spends on fighting dumb wars to beef up FEMA and state and local emergency organizations. 

Nature will do what it wills. Let's spend all energy to fight its fires and floods, not women. 




                                                                   Posted December 24, 2024


                         TV SHOULD BE HEARD AND SEEN 
by Bob Smith 

For a while I've been mentioning the popularity of  true crime documentary series that have run
for awhile in North America and now appearing in the UK. They are in serious need of two things: 
proper narration of the stories , and better presenting of the captions you see describing the
words of witnesses and those participating in the investigation of these crimes. And now, with
the the expansion of the Oprah Winfrey-owned Oxygen: True Crime channel to Canada, a lot of
viewers have legitimate complaints about how many of these series are presented. 

Among the channels that feature these crime documentaries are A&E, HLN and Investigation
Discovery in America and  in Canada,  the Crime & Investigation channel, T&E and the
aforementioned True Crime channel in January. On some, you will see captions in small print
at the bottom of the screen in white letters display who is talking on screen or describing various
phases of the story. Some newer series use a black bar behind the letters to make them more
visible, while others do not, making it a strain to follow the stories. Given that these documentaries
are at the top of popularity with viewers, we have, and you should contact the distributors and
channels of these shows like Rogers Communications and Bell Media in Canada (or in the US,
where they are owned by Warner Media and NBC Universal Media). You can also write to the FCC
(and the CRTC in Canada) to express your views. Or, grab a paper and pen and write down the
names of some of these shows' major sponsors, like Proctor and Gamble, Unilever and  Heinz Kraft.

Let's make 2025 the year we make TV watchable again--and heard.

                                         Older items at Bob's Beat ARCHIVES


                                     Join the Nationalist Party of Canada!

Click on the Suncross logo at the left of this page-- Fill out, print and mail the NPC 
application with your first year's membership fee ($20 per year in cheque or money order

in Canadian dollars (payable to Don Andrews);

                                                                 Mail it to the NPC address:
                                                                300 Coxwell Ave. Box 3037
                                                                 Toronto Ontario M4L 2A0 




                                                                    Posted  December 19, 2024  


by Bob Smith   

 Well, we can't say we weren't warned. A pretty-boy son of a man who the women of Canada went wild for in 1968 is now
about as popular as chicken pox. The man who was given nine years of power  on the memory of a commie/failed
intellectual hippie and the promise to decriminalize marijuana possession is now fighting to keep in power with so many
of his party against him and his "feminist" views  challenged after firing his women ministers. His arrogance was on display
almost every day until the moment when after Parliament rose and he attended the Liberals' Christmas party this week with
a lame "All families fight..." excuse for the anger.

Justin Pierre James Trudeau is the son of Pierre Elliot Trudeau, a former Justice Minister under then Prime Minister Lester
Pearson and whose most famous act of tyranny was to author and pass Canada's "Hate laws" that made it a criminal offence
to make any statement likely to promote hatred against an identifiable group, punishable by up to five years in prison. I and
Nationalist Party leader Don Andrews were charged and convicted of this "crime" after fighting it all the way to Canada's
Supreme Court -- and that was after  Pierre Trudeau had won the leadership of the Liberal Party  in April of 1968 and then the
federal election in June in a wave of women-powered "Trudeaumania". What also followed was the forcing of bilingualism in
a national whose two founding peoples' relationship was already fractured, along with   "multiculturalism" and wide-open
immigration that turned major cities into violent crime zones for non-White gangs.   And there was October 1970, when  a
group of Quebec separatists known as the FLQ (Front de Liberation du Quebec) began bombing mail boxes and murdered a
Quebec provincial minister, and Trudeau single-handedly invoked the War Measures Act that saw Canadians' civil liberties
suspended and Canadian soldiers on major city streets for the first time in peacetime (FLQ leader Jacques Rose was
convicted of being an accessory to murder in  1973 and paroled fie years later). And there was poor Margaret Trudeau,
ridiculed by the media mercilessly, who Pierre hurt with his womanizing.

When Justin tried to follow in daddy's steps, the first thing the Conservatives pounced on was his inexperience; the TV ads
in Trudeau's first election that the Tories aired carried the tagline "Not ready".  Nine years later, he did duplicate his father's
accomplishment of alienating  as many groups of Canadians -- including Quebeckers -- as possible. He ended his current
term of Parliament with major labor disruptions, including a national month-long postal strike and  the bitter resignation of
his female  Deputy Minister Chrystia Freeland.

Right now, Parliament is in recess until the new year. Within that time, Trudeau has the following choices: To resign and shut
down the House of Commons and open the floor to a leadership convention; or stay on and ignore the howls for his scalp by
Canadians and those of his own party, or carry on as if nothing happened.  And his cheapskate behavior, lately demonstrated
by his recall of that $250 "bonus" to Canadians below a certain income, revealed him to be a sneaky, smiling cheapskate in
love with himself and himself only.

Either way, the Liberals can forget about being re-elected; there's just too much acrimony around. The public may even decimate
the NDP's numbers in the wake of that party propping up the Liberals for so long. And they can lay the blame at their own feet for
elevating a slick ex-drama teacher to the highest office in the land, then stand by quietly as he made Canada an embarrassment
to the world time and time again with his antics and alienated so much of the people, just as his father did in the 1970s.

It's a sad legacy of deceit, ego and total incompetence that will remain a chapter of modern Canadian history for some time to come.


                                                                     Posted  December 12, 2024


                                                                          by Bob Smith

Okay, enough is enough. Christmas in Canada for millions has already been ruined  by
this postal strike, and the time to end it is today.

CUPW, Canada's postal employees' union, have turned down every offer Ottawa has put
before them, and there has been no willing to compromise on anything. Parcels and letters
have come to a standstill and even if it were settled today, it has been spoken that it will
take two weeks for every day of the strike to clear the backlog. For many Canadians, Christmas
has been a time when the mail has been vital to their happiness and enjoyment of the season,
There's still a few issues still outstanding among its 55,000 members, such as Sunday delivery

of mail and pensions and benefits, but when you figure a number of factors -- how commerce
in Canada as well as delivery of goods and holiday presents will be negatively affected by this
action, and coming on the heels of other labour troubles such as the ports strikes, that it was
triggered just before Christmas, it doesn't put CUPW, nor its head Jan Simpson, in a good light.
And there has been a lockout of postal workers and also a complaint against Canada Post by
the union, that has since been withdrawn.

Then there is the Canada Post Corporation itself-- a crown corporation, like Canadian National or
the CBC -- a business owned and operated by the government of Canada ; essentially, the
Canadian taxpayers. Every few years, there is a flareup between CPC and CUPW over contacts
and there have been minor disruptions in those disputes, but not the entire system shutting down.

Despite what the media dumb bunnies say about Canada's mail, it is still an essential service,
especially for the elderly, the disabled and those in remote Canadian communities, many of
whom rely on it as their lifeline to the world. And as for those chair moisteners in Ottawa, they
have chosen to keep an arm's length and not do anything about it, and that is unacceptable.
And here will be more of a hit on our wallets when the new agreement is ratified. (Just in case
you didn't know, a Canada postal clerk makes $4,858 per year and its' director, a salary of

It's time we all had a hand in ended this strike. Write and e-mail your local Member of Parliament,
and also of course, Prime Minister Trudeau at pm@pm.gc.ca


                                                                                          Posted December 6, 2024

  DONALD TRUMP: A SELF MADE AMERICAN RETURNS TO                                                                       WASHINGTON
                                                              by  Bob Smith 

No matter how you feel about US President-Elect Donald Trump, you cannot say he has led a dull life. He is unique in that he is a
truly self-made American figure, unique in his view of the world. Born in Queens, New York in 1946 to  German and Scottish parents,
he attended military academy and got his Bachelor's Degree in Economics and later, took over his father's real estate business to
become one of the world's  most famous businessmen, even  before he announced his first plans to run for president on the 
Republican ticket. His business interests included luxury resorts such as the Taj Mahal in Atlantic City and Mar-a-Lago in Florida. 

Trump was always adventurous: he inherited his development and financial expertise from his father and went on to make a name  of
America's most successful developers. As befitting his wealth and style, he married two women and raised four children; his family
became active later when he entered his first race to become Republican nominee and later America's 45th president.

He shared two interests with the late Merv Griffin: a resort owner and game show producer. He hosted and produced the competition
series The Apprentice, where the grand prize was a job in his organization (the losing contestants were dismissed from the show with
what became his most famous line, "You're fired"). The other was the syndicated bingo-like quiz Trump Card. And he also owned the
Miss Universe pageant and fronted a Monopoly-like board game manufactured by Milton-Bradley. He wrote 19 books, his first, The Art
of the Deal, being an international best seller. 

America has a tradition of admiring those who  by themselves, achieve success. Donald Trump proved he can run America a lot better
than the Democrats like Biden and Barack Obama. He has the right blend of patriotism, cunning and also living up to his aims of
"draining the swamp" that has been Washington foe the  longest time. It will be change of pace and a relief as Americans welcome
back who knows that a big smile aren't enough to lead America, but paying attention to and solving its problems with common sense,
like being brokers for peace instead of warmongering, will win in the long run.

Congratulations, Mr. President. And good luck.


                                                                                     Posted November 30, 2024

            AND WHY DOES IT 

                                                                    by Bob Smith

Sure, you can't expect the characters on situation comedies to be real -- that's what fiction is.  And especially, those who occupy
the not-real town of Dog River Saskatchewan are as far away from real as you can get in a show that has become one of the
biggest hits on Canadian TV --and still going in reruns sixteen years after it stopped production of its first version and  has made
derision of small town people the backbone of its so-called comedy.

Corner Gas has had three versions-- the live-action series, the three-season animated one and a movie, and all feature people who
you will never meet if you travel to the Canadian prairies. Let's start with Brent Leroy (series creator Brent Butt) who inherited the
gas station from his out-of-it cranky dad Oscar (you really have to stretch your imagination to believe a man as  mean as him could
keep a business running for four decades) Approaching middle age, he reads superhero comics and thinks he is the superior to
everyone else. His beefy frame makes him the perfect bully and he constantly trades jabs with his college-educated assistant Wanda
(Nancy Robertson, his real-life wife). His parents are unbelievable: his aforementioned dad (Eric Peterson) with a mean temper and
who is only afraid of his wife Emma (the late Janet Wright)--the other Queen Bee bully of Dog River. Then we have the three town
employees: The befuddled mayor "Fitzy" Fitzgerald and the two police officers, native man-child Davis Quinton and Karen Pelly,
whose main complaint is how the town is virtually crime free. Local smart-aleck Hank Yarbo  (Fred Ewanuick) is perennially
unemployed but still manages to live in a house and  constantly runs his mouth and comes up with one harebrained get-rich-scheme
after another. He has an arrogant streak that, if he were real, he would have been put in the hospital years ago.  

Moving on, we have The Ruby, a restaurant  that connects to the gas station via a hallway, and run by one Lacey Burrows, who took
over after her aunt died and moving from Toronto. For a supposedly educated woman from a big city she is clueless about the area
and its people and impatient and barely tolerant of the locals.  Her one employee is "Josh" (portrayed by Josh Strait, who opened
the café that is used as The Ruby-- he's a muscular man whose back is for the most part is facing the camera , and has had maybe
two lines of dialogue in the series'  107-episode run. He was the owner of the restaurant before the deal he made with the producers
to use it found himself pushed to the rear.

The only positive character in the whole a series is liquor store owner/insurance salesman Wes Humboldt (played by the late
Mike O'Brien).  He doesn't have an ounce of meanness in him and is well-treated by the townspeople. That mean streak runs through
pretty much all of the show's eight regular characters. There's deceit, two-facedness and outright lying that  is dominant, and drives
way the rare outsider who comes there-- and soon leaves when they seen the town's real face. 

It's just as well that the Dog Riverites in no way resemble the real people of Canada -- but in the occasional scene when real people
from Rouleau, the real town where the series was filmed, are made out to be idiots and bumpkins. But it's still a nasty way to depict
the people of our nation, And it reveals the real Brent Butt  -not the successful stand up comic, but the small town man-child from
Tisdale, Saskatchewan who longs to be a super-success and found the way to do it was to run down his home town and its people
in the form of a sitcom.  Many comedians in the US headlined hit series like Roseanne, Home Improvement and Everybody Loves
by  taking an element of their lives and stretching it for comedic purpose. Corner Gas totally knocked out any semblance o
f what small towns are and their citizens. 

It's a lesson for us all why we shouldn't take sitcoms from anywhere as works of television entertainment, let alone sources of
instant laughs. Perhaps, at the Rouleau Bar and Grill (on CG, it's the Dog River hotel) right now the real folks are sipping drafts
and wondering, what have we done.....


                                                                                       Posted November 27, 2024


                                      THE NEW TARIFFS AND CANADA 

                                                          by Bob Smith 

 The return of Donald Trump to the White House earlier this month caused almost the same amount
of apoplexy as it did when he first claimed the president's chair. Finally, say goodbye to doddering
old Joe Biden and hello, hopefully, to a brokered solution to  the Russia/Ukraine conflict that many
feared would start a third -- and possibly last -- world war. 

This week, Trump stated as his first act as president would be to slap a 25% tariff (tax) on goods
coming into the US from Canada. Again, the pundits and news commentators  were sent reeling,
especially in Canada. Trudeau? well, with the deep well of trouble he's in that all but guarantees
that between now and next October, is sure to send him packing, all we heard was that he and
Trump had made a friendly phone call, and don't worry, everything would be all right, no matter
who would be running Canada this time next year.  Well that wasn't necessarily so.  There has
been speculation that no matter if Trudeau or Poilievre were to win the next election, the Trump
tariff would go on. And Donald Trump is not likely to negotiate on this one for now, citing the
relations between tariffs and keeping non-Whites and drugs out of the USA

The more a nation can charge another nation to accept its exports, then it's just a matter of time
before prices go up, and now. when prices are already too high, middle-income families are
struggling to make ends meet and the situation can only get worse. Let's remember that in his
first term, Trump re-made the NAFTA agreements, and is a member of good standing in that club
of the wealthiest men in America, if not the world. And he has promised to end the Slavic
bloodshed in the Ukraine. And there will be no worries about his legal troubles for quite some
time. And so, the new president, Commander-In-Chief  and the perceived leader of the free world,
heads into 2025, and we as Canadians will likely be the bystanders of a pretty interesting, if not
scary, year ahead.

It will be worth watching to see what happens this January: will Trudeau still be too obsessed
with tricking his way back to being re-elected (unlikely) or if Pierre Poilievre will keep things
"business as usual"?  We may not have to wait until next October if Canadians are forced to go
to the polls early. In any case, this is one issues that White people must watch carefully-- after all
it was White people who returned the White people's hero to Washington, and the economies of
an entire continent -- and the well-bring of White people -- hang in the balance.


                                                                                     Posted November 20, 2024


by Bob Smith

Right now, there is a campaign commercial airing on Toronto radio where, in two spots, actors
playing citizens express their concerns about crime just before an actress playing a police
officer explains that many Toronto police officers have quit or moved away.  It is a deep concern
by the sponsors of the ads, the Toronto Police Association, about how there are not enough of
them to deal with the growing non-White criminal element courtesy of Canada's immigration
disaster and the catch-and-release courts who constantly free multiple offenders, even those
who broke bail conditions. 

This city used to be  called "Toronto the good", and when there was a murder, it actually did
shock the community and not at all seem like an everyday occurrence as the media reports it
now (they also still fail to give complete descriptions and photos of suspects, including racial background).  
Toronto's politicians (especially this leftist bunch of chair moisteners we have
on City Council) can share the blame for this terrible situation by their attempts to defund police
and not give them the budget and tools they need to fight crime, but also took away such
necessary tools as profiling to enable police to keep a better watch on certain communities
whose members too often are criminals involved in the worst kinds of crime-- drugs, gangs,
rape. assault and murder. Enjoying the city night life -- going out on the town to a movie or a
nice restaurant-- is taking a chance now and areas such as Jane/Finch and many parts of
Scarborough are lost to non-White criminals. And now, busy parts of the center of the city
aren't safe:  During the week of November  11th, gangs turned the city's Queen Street West
area into a war zone; over 100 shots were reported fired. Fortunately, no one was killed, but
eight were arrested and a police car that was reportedly used for cover was fired on.  A nearby
club where video footage captured hands waving guns has not been shut down. 

This is the legacy of terrible multiculturalism that Justin Trudeau's father Pierre Trudeau forced
on this country during his reign that included allowing the Third World to have priority to enter
Canada and settle here. They were the fathers and grandfathers of those who have all but taken
ownership of our streets and neighborhoods. 

Imagine you've just been robbed. You call 911 and a voice informs you that an officer will arrive
in 22 minutes.  All you can be thankful for is that the rat who robbed you didn't shoot you. The
Toronto Police Association has launched campaigns like the radio ads described above and on
social media to make Torontonians aware of the growing danger of understaffing, underfunding
and neglect that has made a cop's job a lot harder and more dangerous than ever here. 

And the media -- whenever they do report crime, treat it like a daily occurrence, like the weather
-- there are either no descriptions of suspects' faces, which you can bet are pretty well the same
color (birds of a feather flock together) or are described as "youths";  words in media crime
reports are loaded with words like "brazen" and "gunplay", glorifying it to almost an adoring
attitude towards this epidemic.

The bottom line is, multicult needs policing, and as more non-Whites are committing violent
crime and getting away with it, so we need more officers to deal with them. And tougher laws
at the municipal, provincial and federal laws, including redoing the "youth justice" areas and
yes, the reinstatement of capital punishment for murder. There's elections going on and
coming soon in various parts of Canada and any months now, many expect a federal election. 
Talk to anyone who runs as a candidate and remind them that it's time Canada and its citizens
were made safe again.  Go to the Toronto Police Association's  Make Toronto Safe website at  https://keeptorontosafe.com/ .  Get involved in helping to stop crime in your area and
pressure our government for harder punishments for serious crimes. 


                                                                                      Posted November 10, 2024

                                             DON'T MEDDLE FOR WAR
by Bob Smith

This time of the year I think about my dad and the male members of the family I grew up in.
My dad never talked about how brutal war was or about anyone who was injured or died in
front of him. My closet experience to the worst of war was the time as a boy at a family
gathering I was introduced to my then-unknown uncle, Seamus. He made it back, but was
disfigured in his face and would never see again. In  those days, it was simpler: As a nation
we went to war as part of the Allies and left Europe and when it was over the continent was
devastated and broken.  I only became interested in war again in the Sixties, during the Vietnam
debacle. There were matches in the streets, violence, and a student of Kent State University's 
killing by an Ohio National Guardsman made worldwide news.

Today, there are conflagrations all over-- Israel's incursion and killings in Gaza and Lebanon, 
the Russia/Ukraine stupid border war, the growing hostility between Taiwan and Red China. Now,
especially in the first two of my examples, we have young White men being readied to meddle to
kill and killing each other-- for what?  Our so-called leaders haven't learned a damn
thing about the terrible and final cost of war since. Simply put-- there is no excuse -- none-- except
for your race -- to die in a war and  even that is a hell of a way to go. Let's remember that on
November 11, and not be fooled any more about "struggles for democracy", the "great threats"
of Russia and China, and how "important" it is to support Israel, now among those
who are victimizing others much in the way they were decades ago.

The soldiers of World War I are long gone and those who fought in World War II are disappearing
now. When you take up the gun for someone else's benefit or someone else's cause, it is wrong.
Peace and talk is what is so needed in this world today, not the warmongering of the Jewsmedia
and the legislators. And if you wore a poppy, remember on every Remembrance Day that we must never decimate
our race again in fratricidal wars for globalism, "democracy" "balance of power" or some other
stupid suicidal stupidity. That's the best way you can remember November 11.

Tell Donald Trump at press@trumporg.com
and Justin Trudeau at pm@pm.gc.ca


                                                                                  Posted  November 6, 2024   


by Bob Smith

Once upon a time , seeing a man wearing a turban in Canada was rare and considered by some to be a treat, a sort of exotic
thing. The planet Canada exists in today has changed -- at least the nature of our population has, to a great degree, and and
now Sikhs and people from India are turning the cities into violent battlegrounds-- something we have warned Canadians of
for years, as the Nationalist Party and reaching all the way back to the 1970s with the Western Guard.

Estimates of how many Sikhs are in North America are given: In Canada, 770,000, and in the United States, between 280,000
to half a million.
Sikhs--of which NDP leader Jagmeet Singh is one -- are known for their no-nonsense demeanor and their abilities as soldiers
under the British in their colonial days. In their religion, one of their five sacred customs -- the wearing of a knife (Kirpan)  --
has been allowed in the name of 'diversity', as has the allowance of wearing a turban incorporated into the uniform of the
Royal Canadian Mounted Police, which caused a bit of a stir that faded fast.  Today, many of them want set up a religious
separate state, broken away from India's Punjab, called Khalistan. They have demonstrated with weapons at places of worship
and have been accused of being involved in acts of violence worldwide. Under present  Indian leader Modi, it is doubtful that
they can accomplish a peaceful transition to a separate state, a tough prospect for a movement that has been around since
the 17th century, especially under current India leader  Narendra Modi. Militant Sikhism has been named for the downing of
at least one passenger plane and there is new concern that cells devoted to violent acts to promote the establishment of
Khalistan will grow and cause more mayhem. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, if he remains Liberal leader, has until next autumn
--Canada's mandatory federal election date -- to deal with growing Sikh/Hindu conflicts on our soil , which began in the era of
his father, Canadian multicult architect Pierre Trudeau; at present, his leadership is under pressure as his caucus grows as
disenchanted with him as many Canadians. The bottom line is, we have enough violent people in our communities putting us
all in great fear, without others fighting their foreign battles on our streets. For now, they are here.

Violence, to paraphrase many local leaders, cannot be tolerated in Canada. It is as dangerous to the safety of law-abiding
Canadians as the non-White gangs who have grown unchecked and now thrive in our cities, and now need urgent attention
from lawmakers and law enforcement.  Let us all be on our guard.



                                                                      Posted October 30, 2024


by Bob Smith   

The up-in-the air status of a federal election coming before the end of the year has, in at least three
provinces in Canada, been pushed aside by elections held in two provinces:  Saskatchewan, which
has just elected the Saskatchewan Party and leader Scott Moe for a fifth term; British Columbia,
where the NDP has just won 47 of the seats they win to form a majority, and Nova Scotia, which has
just called theirs for the end of November.
  Let's take a look at some of the parties of Saskatchewan,
BC and Nova Scotia, because our provinces and their policies have an effect on us all sooner or later.


As you can gather from the name, Western Canada's first provincial-centric party to be elected puts
those in that province first.  The Canadian West is critical to Canada's as a hub for food, agriculture
and natural resources.  They are opposed to the carbon tax for home heating and also to make
communities safer, as well as tax cuts to small businesses and affordable housing.

Leader: Tim Hutton

The PCs of Nova Scotia are running n a platform of accountability of government to voters as well as
trying to improve the environment and is the only provincial party that has a "Code of Conduct" and also promoting patriotism and the only one openly supporting the idea of gender equality and special rights for those of "alternate" sexual orientation.

BC's NDP (Just won that province's election)

David Eby leads BC into an uncertain next few years, having won a majority by the slimmest of margins. They promised  $1,000 to individuals in the province, quite a raise from the paltry $200 Doug Ford's
Ontario Conservatives announced (there is anticipation that he will call an early election next spring),
and expanding school meals  programs in an age when no province should even need schools to
oversee kids' nutritional needs.

Federally, Canadians are scheduled to go to the polls next October, but massive discontent with Trudeau that has culminated in a demand for him to resign as Liberal leader. Either way, the Liberals are doomed
to lose to Pierre Poilievre's Conservatives in the near future. In the meantime, BC, Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan are facing the years to come under Scott Moe, Tim Houston and David Eby. And the
outcome of all three elections may have a profound effect on who will rule Canada and how our federal Parliament will manage any problems it encounters with provincial laws and proposed laws.

If you'd like to know more about the landscape of these provincial governments, just go to the
following links:

Tim Houston's
Nova Scotia Conservatives

 Scott Moe's

David Eby's
BC NDP: https://www.bcndp.ca/actionplan

And remember. participate in your elections, at all three levels of government.


                                                                                     Posted OCTOBER 25, 2024


                                  JEWS' ATTACK ON PALESTINIANS
                                                              by Bob Smith  

Imagine someone from a foreign nation coming to your country to "promote peace", but wanted to install globalism globalism instead,
no matter the cost to your nation's economy and well-being. That man is real, and he is now possibly putting the USA on the path to a
global conflagration .

Anthony John Blinken, the current US Secretary of State, is now overseeing a process that will make it easier for Palestinians to be
killed -- ahem, murdered and bombed in their own land, and for Israel to steal their land after they've laid waste to -- ahem, as a
spokesman said, "Level Gaza flat". And, being a Jew himself, you can see the unfairness and bias creeping through in the tragedy
that has been unfolding for the past year. He perhaps is is as well known than another Jew by the name of Kissinger whose legacy
can only be measured by teh amount of American soldiers spilled as he faked his way through America's fiasco in Vietnam. 

Born in Yonkers, New York to two Jewish parents, Blinken's family established themselves to US government in high roles: his father
was US ambassador to Hungary and his uncle, US ambassador to Belgium. As well as serving under the Clinton and Bush
administrations, he and current president Biden formulated a plan to carve up Iraq after its US occupation, with Shias in the South,
Sunnis in the north an a new entity, tentatively called Iraq Kurdistan. That plan never came to fruition.  Afterwards, Blinken said  of
Barack Obama's 2011 decision to
 kill Osama bin Laden "I've never seen a more courageous decision made by a leader." In 2014, he
was voted to become Deputy Secretary of State and in 2021, took the oath of office as Secretary of State, where he serves today.

Given all this, chances are you haven't seen any of this deep background on TV news broadcasts, for the same reason you haven't
been allowed to see the full range of death, destruction and carnage Israeli Jews are committing in Gaza and now Lebanon -- the
Jew-owned newsmedia. So, we have a Jew who will be a key player, if not the key player, in deciding what will become of what is left
of Gaza and Lebanon.  The fix is in, as they supposedly say in boxing, and the cost now over 50,000 Palestinians who have seen their
homes flattened and their land reduced to rubble.

Here is a man who is supposed to be the go-between for he US and other nations: a negotiator, a problem solver, not a war dog who
thinks it's okay to invade sovereign nations to try to prop up America's losing image as an international powerhouse.  These are
perilous times for the West, Canada included. How the US acts towards other nations and the international conflicts that are taking
lives and making history  from now and going past the outcome of November 5, affects the world. It is imperative to know the real
truth about who is really on "our side", a man who so far has shown, upon close examination, that he is above all a Zionist, and a
credit to his Jew-cult. For the foreseeable future, that man is Anthony Blinken.



                                                                         POSTED  OCTOBER 13, 2024

                                                          DIVERSITY AND MULTICULTURALISM

                                                                  by Bob Smith   

Canada has a lot going through it this year. We have nationwide unemployment and poverty,
rampant crime and violence courtesy of our immigration and multiculturalism ministries and
a nationwide anxiety over the outcome of the US elections. If there is one thing we don't need
and shouldn't have, it is our meddling in the conflicts in other parts of the world. In a land
where we have people from almost every country in the world, it isn't hard to figure out why
we need to keep out of harm's way when it comes to foreign wars.

There is mostly in the military aspects of these wars, some being fought for the most stupid
reasons such as national borders (Russia and Ukraine, e.g.) and putting our two cents' worth
commenting on and trying to meddle when it comes to the other major confrontations, such as
Israel's genocidal attacks on Gaza and now Lebanon. And let's not forget China/Taiwan, many
African tribes and nations, snd so many others. Echoing many US political leaders, globalists
of our government (most particularly Justin Trudeau), have planted their feet firmly on Israel's
side, while at the same time decrying "violence" there. The worst-case scenario is that if or
when any of these or other flashpoints expand, our "commitments" to globalist outfits like
NATO and the United Nations may see our young men and women don uniforms of another military
entity and lay their lives on the line--and for what? Thanks to diversity and multiculturalism,
Canadian residents from so many countries  and on many fronts are lobbying, marching on our
streets in anger and ending up in confrontations needing the resources of police to keep some
semblance of order. More trouble for taxpayers,

All we know about the last two world wars are what they are still teaching (somewhere) and from
those who survived came home, bruised, battered, blinded and disfigured. If we are stupid
enough to be conned into another globalist confrontation, it may very well be the war that ends
all wars, with so much of Mankind decimated and dead that life on Earth with a nuclear winter
and all in ruins will not be worth living in. In Israel, knowing full well how many of the Western
government will throw in their lot with Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu may be the catalyst of that final conflagration. So-called experts say that Iran, a major vexing point for Israel, is a long ways away
from having a workable nuclear weapon. That, plus the growing anger of the Left and other non-
Muslim factions towards Israel's ongoing and unchallenged genocide, has almost made Jews who
don't live in Israel pariahs, pleading for protection and knowing that this time, playing the
"Holocaust/victim" card won't work. Neither will "You need us, we're the only democracy in the
Middle East. The nightly pictures, stories and videos of nations being buried under rubble and
its citizens killed, and the destruction of refugee centers and medical facilities have shown the
Jews' true faces.

Canada must not be apart of any violent or military response to foreign conflicts, anywhere: we
have better ways to spend our money on as a nation of the homeless and poor and neglected.
The costs to us is too great. 

What message could be simpler? -- Don't meddle -- butt out! Email Trudeau at pm@pm.gc.ca
or your local MP and tell them we have no v=business in stick out our necks for other  peoples'

                                                                                      Posted October 10, 2024

                                           WHITE CIVILIZATION

                                                       by Bob Smith 

 "News you can trust"-- yeah, right. 

How many TV stations across North America have used that old bromide? Today, on all levels, national,
international, regional and local, more people are getting their news from social media and the internet
than from sitting down every night with ABC, CBC, CTV, and even CNN and other all-news channels. 
And now, with US elections less than a month away,  the slight possibility of one here across Canada,
and the developments in Russia, Israel and the Middle East, can you blame so many who have publicly
said they don't trust mainstream news?  It's no big mystery. Ever since the broadcast networks set up
news divisions and the establishment of of Ted Turner's CNN (Now owned by Warner Media  under Ann
Sarnoff )  and Fox News Channel, the fight for "news" -- true and false -- has been fierce.

And now there is a new "enemy" for the Jewsmedia. The development and arrival of artificial intelligence
(AI) has driven more people away from Establishment news, so much so that an ad campaign is appearing
in Canadian newspapers that insists that people are coming back to traditional news outlets has been launched.

Then. there is the cowardice of those reporters, especially on crime, to hide the racial identities and descriptions
of non-White suspects and wanted criminals, even after they are caught; in Canada they point to restrictions in
laws that prevent young non-White suspects from being named on the air, even when police give such details.
This puts a severe burden on  already-swamped law enforcement and our courts, and when pictures and video
footage are released, the majority of those sought and arrested are non-Whites. In cities like Toronto, all you can
go by is specific locations (such as Jane Street and  St. James Town) of serious crime to avoid, if you're brave
enough to go out at all. 

In short, the North American Jewsmedia has made itself the enemy of White people, who can't trust a once-
respected profession -- and that goes for political reporting and coverage of world events, always with a pro-Israel
or anti-White slant and set up against any pro-White ideology, viewpoint or political candidate like Donald Trump.
But White people are waking up to this and are becoming smarter when it comes to what's fed to them on TV, the
Internet, social media and in print. Those in charge of the Jewsmedia are in charge of a world of lies, deceit and
alteration and omission of fact and real information that poses a serious danger to our racial future, here and
wherever in the world White people have built functioning and thriving societies. 

Being really informed means being truly ready.  Think about it, and demand truth from the media every day and
anytime you catch them in a lie or deception. They are easy to reach on the Internet with emails or contact pages
listed. Give them 57 kinds of hell and tell them you're not falling for their slants, and lies.  Now.


                                                                                  Posted October 5, 2024



by Bob Smith

 I can't recall when the cult-state of Israel was in a bigger fix or ay closer to annihilation than now. After its attack on Gaza
a year ago, it has now fired missiles into Lebanon. incurring the wrath of Hezbollah and picking a fight with Iran that may turn
the entire MiddleEast into a region-wide conflagration. Its so-called Iron Dome has been unable to deflect or stop all the deadly
missile attacks, and itsleader Benjamin Netanyahu, is willing to pay any price -- Israel's or Palestine's -- to win this latest war.

There have been voices raised in protest-- government official, pro-Palestinian groups and demonstrations, and even those
who will "chide" Israel for its refusal to stop the assaults, but will when the chips are down, still stand with the Zionist cultists.
The ongoing destruction in Gaza is bad enough, but now the conflict has entered Lebanon and no one is offering to try a
peaceful resolution. Prime Minister Trudeau has called for a ceasefire but like so many other voices, it fell on Benjamin
Netanyahu's deaf ears. Images of him and the Star of David have appeared alongside those of Hitler and swastikas all over
the world, and it looks like the horror over there willcontinue past the November US election, and not change no matter who wins. 

Since its establishment (courtesy of Britain and the Balfour Declaration) in 1948, Israel has been surrounded by enemies old
and new, and thanks to its' hold on Western nations, it believes that compromise is not a strategy to adopt always for survival. There is growing anger among many Israelis that a settlement must be made to save of what are left of those Israelis taken prisoner. It
has been a harrowing ordeal for those forced to evacuate to "safe" zones, only to have them bombed. This piece is being
written and posted on the week of the first anniversary of Israel's foray into Gaza. And today, Netanyhahu remains as defiant
to the world that Israel will do  anything and everything to wipe out any last trace of resistance to its

occupation of Palestine.

There are growing fears that a soon-regional war in the Middle East will become part of World War III

...and that is something we all need to pay attention to.


                                                                              Posted September 29, 2024



by Bob Smith   

All the money in your monthly bank balance couldn't buy a show like Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh
and Tory leader Pierre Poilievre put on for all of Canada to see this month as Parliament opened.

It was all at once funny and sort of sad that these three men are the ones elected to compose our national governing body. First of all,
we had Singh, who had propped up the Trudeau Liberals with their little supply agreement, only to tear it up and say they will no
longer keep Trudeau and his circus in power, only to vote with them on a non-confidence motion by Poilievre, which saved Justin's
bacon. They got a little help from the useless Bloc Quebecois, who later revealed they wanted to play Let's Make A Deal with Trudeau
with some demands of their own. When questioned by the press about why he broke his word about the he tore up, all Singh could
say was either he wanted to keep the federal Conservatives from winning,  to the broken record Justin gave to the media about
"keeping on working for Canadians." Also this month, Singh was confronted just outside Parliament by a few guys who called him
hypocritical bastard. Singh, if you believe the media reports, got in their faces and scared them off, calling them cowards.

Think about it--if you had a choice between losing your job, with all the pay and perks our MPs have of all parties, or keeping your
job by propping up an unpopular government that is sure to fall next year when Parliament must call an election, what would it be?
At this point, many think the Liberals will hang on at least until 2025--but who wants to go to vote in the middle of winter? It is still
the NDP, and the only federal political party  (the BQ), whose stated goal is to take the province out of Confederation. We're more or
less used to Trudeau's follies-- the carbon tax, the total incompetence on immigration, the support for the Israeli killers in Gaza and
now Lebanon, the list goes on. 

Either way. it's White Canadians who will have to go on putting up with this pack of warlocks until a future vote in the House brings
down the Liberals or until next October when Canadians must go to the polls by law. . Even though there is a bit of hope of a vote
by December or even January, Justin's dad might not be the only Trudeau to go for a "walk in the snow" and finally decide that's it 
-- he quits or we have a snap election. Time will tell.


                                                                                  Posted  September 19, 2024

                     GREEDY "GANGSTAS" AND THEIR "MUSIC"
                                                                                               by Bob Smith 

When the nonsense disguised as music known as "hip hop", and later "rap", came on the radios, it was also loud and angry and
made no secret of its worship of crime and its disrespect for women. At first, it was so controversial many rock/pop stations wouldn't
play it. It was just barely organized noise with a drumbeat, and with it came the menacing likes of people like the late Notorious B.I.G., 
R.Kelly and  groups like 2 Live Crew and Run DMC.

And now there is Sean "Diddy" Combs, who is now facing life in prison for what authorities believe he was building: a criminal
empire of drugs, violence and human trafficking. He is one of many who became a popular recording 'artist'. who recorded for labels
like Defjam records and labels like Atlantic -- all owned by the Jewsmedia whose executives saw dollar signs in rap -- and never mind
that it encouraged racemixing, hard drug use, violence and sexual assault of women and girls. This genre is a major factor of so many
North American cities being turned into gangland war zones. It's not too far away from how criminals who terrorized the USA like
Bonnie and Clyde and John Dillinger became folk heroes. Yet that is now confined to black North Americans. And it was a outgrowth
of the many "blaxploitation"  films that gained popularity in the 1970s and 1980s like Shaft and Superfly  (the former became a profitable
franchise for  Paramount and MGM and was spun off into a TV movie series in the late 1970s on CBS).

And the media doesn't help matters by hiding the fact that many of the suspects and culprit are black, and by lessening of the
viciousness of these crimes by using words and phrases like "gunplay" and "robbery gone wrong".  Combs is not the first black
mogul to face criminal charges; R. Kelly has still charges and lawsuits pending over allegations of sexual abuse and pornography.
And now, all the liberals who were cooing to these "gangstas" seem to be in a state of shock, and it looks like Combs will be in jail
for at least a year before his trial comes before a judge. His lawyer offered  a multi-million dollar bail bond and house arrest to free him,
but the judge said no to it all. Combs remains in federal jail.

Maybe a shock to the system would be good for the news divisions of the Jewsmedia -- they definitely need to open their eyes to
what these so-called artists are behind the bravado and garbage that passes for music -- criminals hiding behind dangerous noise
that has influenced countless numbers of young black men to violence and murder and  led to the deaths of others and to grieving
fatherless families.

Now that your MP is back in Ottawa (and your representatives in Washington DC), write to them and the CRTC, which governs
broadcasting and to black music-formatted TV and radio stations and networks in your town. 


                                                                                  Posted September 11, 2024



                                                                                 by Bob Smith 

 ABC be damned. Donald Trump won the Tuesday debate against Kamala Harris. And that's with the rigging of
rules and a format aimed at allowing Kamala Harris an unfair advantage over Trump with its rule of shutting off
a microphone to a candidate at the network's/moderator's discretion.

Consider: many of the so-called pundits opined that she was lacking in focus on the issues in her campaign,
having nothing to campaign on prior to Tuesday, if you don't count that oft-repeated "Joy", a variation of
Barack Obama's "hope" tagline two elections ago. Yet she barely managed to convey an image of coolness,
a self-assuredness that betrayed her to the point that all she could do was to say to Trump "You are a convicted
felon.".  And yet she just seemed well-prepared to take on the former president who totally demolished ailing
Joe Biden, kicking him off the Democratic ticket. The reality was, she was prepared-- by her staff.

It reminded me of the strategy some TV producers had in mind to boost ratings in the days of the game show
scandals in the Fifties. Then, contestants were coached, not just given answers to questions and puzzles but
were meticulously coached in such techniques as stuttering, taking long pauses to answer questions, and
mopping their brows in the isolation booths that were used.  Many walked away with a lot of cash after being
ordered to take a dive and lose the game. It was settled when the US federal courts decrees that game shows
were to be treated as only entertainment, like pro wrestling.

Kamala Harris needed that coaching. Though being Vice-President under Biden, she had (and still has) little
grasp of such issues as America's broken border and the criminals and crazies entering the US (she was okay
with that), abortion (pro) and even tighter gun controls (which means that only those who want to rob, rape and
murder you will have the guns to so it with).  Her omnipresent grin faded as she could barely hide her hatred for
Trump, and though the matter of the stolen election is still before the courts, had the audacity to tell Trump
he lost.

Trump, as always, didn't need coaching-- he thinks on his feet and was able to stand up to the raceless Harris'
baiting and dumb insults for the entirety of the debate, facing not just her but ABC floozie moderator Lindsey
Davis' jabs; he's seen enough of the world and met enough of its leaders, compared to zero for Harris. Her style
is just let everyone do what they please. And, she will take away Americans' guns. Her ignorance of economic
issues will assure the financial collapse of the US and create such a level and chaos not seen since the Great
Depression and the "Dirty Thirties".

ABC and its parent company (Walt Disney) should be condemned in all ways -- letters, social media platforms
and e-mails  on its disgraceful rigging of what is supposed to be a fair debate in which candidates face each
other and the voters. There was no live audience to ask questions or challenge the candidates. Yet, Trump won,
just as he had won the Biden debate, He was tough, he was ready for any response from Harris. 

This fall (how about now?) send an email to ABC News here: https://abcnews.go.com/contact
and to the Walt Disney company here; https://thewaltdisneycompany.com/contact-us/

Let them know that there are those outside the US who don't like the unfair treatment of White people's choice
Donald Trump, who prevailed  both times against a biased, Jewsmedia bent on preventing him from being
re-elected President of America.


                                                                          Posted September 4, 2024

                                                              TV 's BAD DADS 
                                                           by Bob Smith 

There are few species of human life that is portrayed so "wimpily" and so badly
as the sitcom husband/father. Today's "Head of the house" is not the sage, wise
father who aids his kids with good advice, discipline and morals. He's a
schemer, more often than not afraid of the wide, never lifts a finger around
the home and alternates his time whining about how little intimacy he has
with his wife or how
he never gets to enjoy sports.

In almost every episode there's a battle over finances or a problem with the
kids, or the father is cooking up or executing some scheme to get away from
the house and the family. Or he's portrayed as a perennial loser, like Married
with Children's
 Al Bundy--and these negative traits are pretty much foisted on
White fathers. You don't see shows with black families (Cosby, Black-ish, etc.)
with dads that carry on with that level of larceny. Even on Frasier, the prideful
father managed to get his son kicked off a spelling bee by relaying signals.
And there's Ray Barone (Ray Romano) of Everybody Loves Raymond , who
neglects his kids and whose wife and brother constantly remind him of it.

It's the perverts and queers who hate the traditional family, because they can't
have one. that's why it'll be a long time before the normal family returns to TV
and why you should keep track of the new series starting now and until May.



                                                                                 Posted August 26, 2024

Butterfly McQueen                              Phylicia Rashad


                                                                     by Bob Smith

Now that Kamala Harris is basking in the afterglow of her nomination at the Democrats; choice for President, I can't
help but wonder as to how the all-knowing "black mama" became the secret power in so many TV and movie homes
supposedly run by White families. 

 The first name of black women in films that comes to my mind was Butterfly McQueen, who was featured in the
1939 Southern US epic Gone With The Wind as the scatterbrained maid "Prissy" : "Oh, Miss Scarlett, I don't nothin'
about birthin' babies!" McQueen had her reservations about playing a maid, but that (along with roles like Mantan
Moreland of the Charlie Chan films) was all that was offered to black actresses, so she "climbed the latter", so to
speak; TV series such as Family Matters and Good Times had strong-willed black mothers not afraid to scare the
you-know-what out of spouses and offspring. And will we forget Phylicia Rashad as Claire Huxtable, TV wife of
now-disgraced Bill Cosby. She was a lawyer who took no guff from anyone? 

Much later would come black women playing tough gals in crime movies and TV shows (Maude, 21 Jump Street,
Law & Order, etc.).
 But the 'all-knowing' black mama' became the forerunner of the feminist-oriented black woman
of fiction and films to real-life Oprah Winfrey, Phylicia Rashad of The Cosby Show,  Harriet Winslow of Family
 and now Kamala Harris. And in both dramas and comedies, the black woman could outwit any black
man and, if she was a mom, her kids, with a conveyance and countenance of "Don't mess with me..."

Today, on sitcoms, both black and White women take a feminist attitude towards life and their fictional families.
Yet, the "black mama" was a pioneer of sorts in being firm, at times coarse, and having the certain image that
evolved from the loving "mammy" of yesteryear to the no-nonsense, take-no-guff woman that became a fixture
of films and television. And now, we have Kamala Harris, who while of multiracial origins, identified as African
and seeks to make history as America's first woman-of-color president, stealing a page from Barack Obama,
with a one-word slogan: "Joy" replacing Obama's "Hope".  And there's a growing number of Whites, including
a few newspaper columnists, who won't buy it.

And neither will a lot of voters.



                                       By Bob Smith   

Around the world, the White Nationalist movement is picking up new attention and getting new followers. Let's start with what's going on here in Canada.   

1. CAFE Canadian Association for Free Expression

Paul Fromm has continued his rallies, mostly in the British Columbia's"Rebel" Okanagan Valley with continuing essays and commentary on his website  ( https://cafe.nfshost.com/ ). His latest comments focus on Russia's plan to welcome those fed up with
Western 'democracy" and also, how Israeli Jews' brutality towards Palestinians has forced them to give up playing the 'victim card'.

2. British Peoples' League : Website,  http://britishpeoplesleague.com/   
    He just goes on and on. There's no stopping one of Canada's first White Nationalists, John Beattie as he has just
posted his August edition of "Dinosaur News", where he ponders about a possible civil war in Canada soon. All
White Nationalists should check it out-- get a look at part of living political history.

3. Infowars. com
     The US government's increasing efforts to put Alex Jones out of business have failed. His headlines, reports and videos presentations are unlike anything seen anywhere else. There's now a little more mainstream news covered on Infowars, featuring the US election and the remaining mysteries behind the attempt on Donald Trump's life.

4. Rense.com
    Jeff Rense's videos, reports and commentary are many on his site, also a mix of current events, video presentations, conspiracy stories and enough articles to keep you informed.

5. National Vanguard  (  https://nationalvanguard.org/ )
    This summer, Vanguard returns to its intellectual roots, with essays by the late Dr.Wiliam Pierce and 
Revillo P. Oliver, providing a history to the prominent White racist organization and its ideology.

6. Nordic Resistance Movement  ( https://nordicresistancemovement.org/ )
    The NRM's continued program of marches, rallies and street level recruitment in Sweden has earned it what could be
the White Nationalist group's highest compliment from our racial enemies:: this summer the US State Department
declared it and  three of its leaders as terrorists.

7. English Defence League
    In the wake of the UK riots that made news worldwide, Tommy Robinson's EDL has made its presence felt
with demonstrations and stablishing groups in Denmark, Australia and Norway. It also gave birth to another
pro-racist, anti-immigrant groups calling themselves the *Northeast England Infidels". They continue to grow
regardless of UK race traitor PM Starmer's threats of harsh punishment for racists.

8. Daily Stormer  ( https://dailystormer.in/ )

Andrew Anglin's mix of brash commentary and news coverage is still on the air despite numerous attempts to knock it
off the Internet
. Biting, funny and to-the-point, it's worth a read.

9.   National Rally (France) Website:  https://rassemblementnational.fr/

Marnie LePen heads this latest incarnation of the longtime National Front. As France simmers under
the racemixing chaos there and the decline in the economy it's just a matter of time for the French,
to get as fed up as Brits are with non-White immigrant crime and decay in its major cities, not the least being
its recent queer Olympics in Paris.

10. Australia First Party
The AFP has been operating there since 1996 and has been doing a great job of keeping up with the news and commentary on its website ( https://australiafirstparty.net/  ). including developments, conspiracy articles and local activities such as recruitment and demonstrations in that nation, where Whites are dwindling and non-Whites are growing along anti-racist threats such as Antifa, who the AFP have confronted and demonstrated overall resistance to anti-White tyranny.

Many of these groups can be accessed from our Links page at LInks (natparty.com). Learn about our worldwide movement.


                              THE SNOWBIRDS GONE?

                                                     by bob Smith   

Only in Canada could someone popularize a phrase like "Snowbirds" to the extent that it
became a permanent part of our national vocabulary. One way, it means a team of talented
pilots who put aerobatic stunts at places like county fairs. In another, it was a hit song by
Anne Murray. But now it has another, more human meaning: It refers to elderly pension-
age Canadians who take off when each winter's cold weather hits Canada and head South
to warmer climates. It won't be long, with summer coming to an end, when many older
Canadians will start planning to leave Canada and spend time in that place in the US or
just travel around in campers seeing the sights. 

But there's not as many as there used to be. Oh, they're still around -- after all if you're
of senior years and facing five-six months of bone-chilling weather in Canada. But
the mayhem (largely hype) of COVID in the past few years has been one factor in the
decline of  'Snowbirds' migrating south to Southern US states and further south. Many
businesses were destroyed by COVID and in the US big cities in nations like Mexico
and states like Florida, crime (especially non-White crime) keeps growing to the point
that seniors (amongcriminals' favored choices to prey on) are endangered. 

And there is the cost if you have an accident beyond our borders and your insurance
here doesn't cover it, One couple in Manitoba ended up stuck with a $12,000 bill after
a fall from a ladder. Plus, there's the other costs: Even with well-managed finances,
getting away for months is way beyond anyone these days, let along seniors. So,
many are stuck here to face the bad weather the criminals among our own population, in 
cities with efficient, well-funded police forces, murderous monsters have the upper hand
and so many seniors live in fear.   When you take that and add the rollercoaster
statistics of how the Canadian dollar does compared to America's, and the reality
of more severe weather such as hurricanes, which are getting more frequent and
causing more damage (remember Puerto Rico a few years ago?) you have seniors
wondering if it's all worth it.

It's a mixed blessing though. Staying home and supporting our local economies is a
help in these times when so many restaurants and businesses are going under, and
so-called economic "pundits" say things will get worse before they get better. And
there is the security of knowing that your parents are close by,  just a phone call

The decline of the Snowbirds isn't a tragedy. It will bring families closer together at
a time when our society is seeing the erosion of the traditional family in Canada,
our White population overall in decline and the population size of the "baby boomers"
is growing. It's something White Canadians should try to  see as a positive.


                                                                          August 12, 2024


Cyndi Lauper: Cosentyx ad
                                                                           By Bob Smith

 "Nothing is everything". Okay, that's an advertising slogan that grabs your attention. It's for Skyrizi, a medication
that is supposed to take care of psoriasis. And it's shown all the time if you're a watcher of American all-news channels,
And there's one for back pain called Cosentyx, starring Cyndi Lauper. Most of these ads have catchy jingles
accompanied by scenes of  young couples and singles attending parties, going to amusement parks, playing volleyball
and just having a great old time after taking their prescribed dose of whatever they need-- and it could be for anything
from depression to Chron's Disease to painful shingles. One diabetes drug, Ozempic, stole it's jingle from a top-40 
1980's pop song.

America's  pharmaceutical companies, who make all these wonder drugs, are among the nation's most profitable. Some
you've heard of, like maybe Eli Lilly or Pfizer, some like Novo Nordisk, aren't well known. My own favorite is a company
called Vanda, which makes a drug whose name is never mentioned in the ads but is made for something called Non24,
a sleep disorder that only affects totally blind people.  Yet a common factor in most of these ads is a narrator's voice that
starts off  in the middle with. "Do not take (our drug) if you are pregnant, allergic to our drug, or experience liver or vision
problems or have thoughts of suicide..."--that last one is for a drug sold made to treat depression. In an age when lawsuits
are a big industry, "Big Pharma" as it's known, needs to cover its collective behinds. And the names some of these drugs
are smaller versions whose real names consist of eight syllables. (Oh, and if it's your first time taking any drug, why would
anyone on TV ask you if you are allergic to it? Some drugs carry two-page ads in some magazines, all with a lot of details
in very fine print-- to cover their backsides in cases of lawsuits, which would choke America's legal system if the drug
outfits didn't provide some kind of disclaimer of what else their wonder drug can do to you while it's clearing up your
eczema. And they have deep pockets to see to it that the feds play ball (Food and Drug Administration in the US, and
Health Canada here).

There are those around who still remember the Tylenol tampering scandal that put a real dent in a product made by the
same people who make Johnson's Baby Powder. Band Aid bandages  and Listerine -- all products you can get from your
local drug store's shelves. The prescription drugs like I've described can only be made available through your doctor, and
that raises some disturbing questions.

The bottom line is, let the buyer beware, especially when it comes to your health and safety. Use good judgement if you
have a medical issue. And know your doctor-- they are responsible for seeing to your health needs.


                                                                                                August 7, 2024

                              Let's Speak Out and Find Our
                                      Missing Women and Children!

                                                                by Bob Smith 

On the night before I began writing this column, an all-too familiar interruption to my radio listening sounded: An Amber
Alert, the recorded signal followed by details that a child was lost or had been illegally taken from a parent. This alert cuts
into phones, radio and TV broadcasts in Ontario to give the widest possible news of a missing child who may be in critical

 It speaks volumes of a society when so many young children and single women disappear from their communities every
year in Ontario, across Canada and all over the USA. The increasing frequency and necessity of the Amber Alert system
speaks to a lack of morality and ability to care for our most vulnerable citizens. More often than not, the missing one is found
safe and sound ( as was the subject of that night's alert). and returned to their home and those who illegally take them face
the law.  Not only young children, but women of all backgrounds and nationalities and races go missing every single day.
Multiple organizations such as the RCMP, FBI and the Center or Missing and Exploited Children in the USA monitor  this
terrible phenomenon.  It happens so much that the latest figures available about missing women are for 2022, where 246,071
were reported missing. In 2023, 8, 545 children were reported missing.

Here in Canada. where once you could travel late at night down a city and not feel afraid, the streets are emptying and the
fear of women of that stranger lurking around is palpable. And it is as bad as America now.

And where is the shaming, the disgust from the media, for those who rob, rape and murder innocent lives in towns big or
small? Where are the executions for convicted murderers?  Where are the lawmakers all over North America to rise up and
demand the re-institution of capital punishment for murder all over North America?  Instead we have idiots who want to
defund our already struggling law enforcement apparatus, to make it nearly impossible to grab these creatures before they

Why are these creatures allowed to stalk and prey upon those who are the most vulnerable? Because there's no feeling of
anger collectively and deep enough that we demand the death penalty returned by our legislators. And let's not forget more
and more people killing who come into this nation, crossing our borders as easily as stepping into a convenience store.
There's a lot of work and pressure to be put on our politicians. And next year-- Canada's election year -- is when you have
an opportunity to pose these questions to your Member of parliament.

Better still, for  the safety of us ... How about right now?


                                                                                              August 3, 2024   

                        HOW DONALD TRUMP'S DOING:
                                        FROM THEN TO NOW

                                                              by Bob Smith 

You couldn't ask for a more exciting story than that of the 2024 US elections if you paid to see it
as a movie. Yet, one figure rose to become THE story of this election. Yes, he is Donald Trump,
who not only rose a few years back from businessman to President of the United States but had it
stolen from him by a party who put in a doddering old man from Delaware whose infirmities were
kept hidden (like that of Franklin Roosevelt) to end his term of office barely comprehending what
was around him. And it looks like history will repeat itself with the White people's choice again
entering the Oval Office after missing being killed by a rooftop sniper in an incident wrapped in
mystery and conspiracy. The media boobs again were slack-jawed when Trump, after his ear was
grazed, stood right up and waved his fist in defiance as the Secret Service -- who failed in their job
to protect him -- helped him away from the rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. And you can bet we'll hear
more on that, true and false--- in the weeks to come.

The progress that Trump has made in the avalanche of support from Whites of course, to a growing
number of women, and even non-White voters shocked the Jewsmedia anchors and pundits were
aghast and before long Trump's ascent was replaced in the news by the pathetic decline of  Joe
Biden, then the surprising who/what-is/she pop up candidate Kamala Harris for the Democrats. 

Then, Trump came roaring back into the news ready to take on the controversy of Harris' Jamaican/
Indian background -- and gutsy enough to do so in a gathering of US black journalists. Then,
"magically", polls claimed Harris was tightening the races of many states as Trump made an
overnight recovery from the closest any president/former president had come to being killed in
decades. He kept on going. confident, with fist-pumping defiance against those who would do
him in. Compare that to the nagging (we heard) it took until Biden decided his time was up after
insisting he was staying on.   

It's been a wild ride for Donald Trump, after all the 'legal' dung being thrown at him, an attempt
on his life and the endless buckets of venom thrown at him by the Jewsmedia. But he still stands
tall, still in the good fight and now that he has introduced the race issue, an open choice of the
White people of America. And as we head into the less-than-hundred days to November 5, as
the song goes, you ain't seen nothing yet.

                                                                                              July 17,2024

               TRUMP SHOOTING:
                                                      OBVIOUSLY A CONSPIRACY

                                                        by Bob Smith   

It took the shooting of a US former president to wipe two major wars off the front pages all over the world. Donald Trump's
near-murder in Butler, Pennsylvania last weekend left more questions than answers. And that is the only point the media
and I agree on. But some disturbing details did get through the mainstream and "non-conventional" media that point to a
conspiracy to take Trump out of politics for good.

The Associated Press ran a story on the Monday following the attack that asserted that 
police had a report of a suspicious
man pacing near the magnetometers and were apparently exchanging photos of the suspect (?). Witnesses pointed and
shouted at an armed man on a nearby roof. When a police officer climbed up to the roof to investigate, the gunman turned
and pointed his rifle at him. But the officer did not — or could not — fire a single shot. The delays to deal with this man took,
depending on what account you read. from one to two minutes.

And here's some other short but interesting points to ponder:
Nearby the area where the rally was to be held, there were a number of industrial buildings, none of which were rendered or
deemed safe, in spite of dozen local cops, deputies and the Pennsylvania Police allegedly assisting the Secret Service, who
did a totally sloppy job of protecting Trump.

In place of Trump’s permanent detail, “supplemental special agents” were sent from the Pittsburgh field office to provide all
of the security measures for the rally on Saturday.

Thomas Crooks, the shooter, was reported to have been kicked out from his school's rifle team, yet the wound that grazed
Trump was only inches from his temple. During his ascent of the roof, several people pointed him out to police and yelled
at the gunman for almost a minute, with no response.

We are to believe that a young man who lived within an hour's distance of the rally site carried a loaded AR rifle in plain view
as he walked toward the venue and was able to climb to the point where he laid, before he was taken down after firing what
was believed to be the first shot.

As the saying goes, dead men tell no tales, and there's no better way to assure a secret stays a secret than to shoot its
keeper in the head, 
which is precisely where Thomas Crooks was shot-- taken down by a Secret Service sniper after he was
allowed to get off several shots. When police searched his home, there were more than a dozen guns found, as well explosives
found on the property.  Both of his parents seemed shocked when the news broke; both Matthew Senior and Mary, were
reported to be guidance counselors at a local school.

And for a young man who at first no one knew, the FBI revealed that Crooks had their attention on him as a possible threat.
The Wall Street Journal online said that there may have been clues about Crooks on his cell phone--which the FBI had
confiscated to analyze in a Virginia lab.

As the Republican Convention started, the focus on the mainstream TV news networks seemed to shift away from the mystery
of Trump's shooter and his family and friends. We're told that a lot of questions will be asked of the people in charge of the
Secret Service, particularly its director Kimberly Cheatle, who should be fired right now, if not by the time you read this. From
start to finish, they did a next-to-nothing job of sweeping the area near the rally site, and were caught "off guard" when the
shooting started. And after it started was when Crooks' dad notified police about his missing rifle.

Something's going on here. The mainstream media was quick to try to neutralize the conspiracy angles, one of  which asserted
that Trump was shot twice, one in the ear and  once in his hip. Two images showed up on social media, one with a hole in
Trump's jacket, where the bullet was stopped by a bulletproof vest, and one with no bullet hole.

So, we have the local Butler, Pennsylvania Police, the state cops, the Secret Service and the FBI who are involved in the
investigation of the attack in what on the surface seems to be the most incompetent job of protecting a US president and
candidate-for-office ever recorded -- or. more likely, a conspiracy to kill a man hated by the Jewsmedia and the Left that if
successful, would have left America in the hands of a man whose mind was failing him and would have been forced out of the
running for the Oval Office -- or an even worse Democratic choice. Long before the attack on him, many speculated that there
would be an attempt on Donald Trump's life, and in the aftermath, the reaction ranged from the phony "this is not acceptable
in America" bromide to the idiotic Kyle Gass treacherous "Next time, don't miss" remark. Next month the Democrats will
decide whether Joe Biden goes or if they have no other choice but to take their chances with a feeble old man in November.
The consensus is among many, that Trump will return to power in the next vote. Already, as the rallies and reaction to Trump's
campaign and survival instincts have proven, White people may well give him a landslide victory. That path back to Washington
will for him, be easier than getting to the truth about what happened in the sleepy town on Butler, Pennsylvania that fateful
July afternoon.

                                                                                       July 11, 2024

                          JOE BIDEN's SENIOR ABUSE
                                                       FOR THE ELITES   

                                                   by Bob Smith   

  There's an untold story behind all the coverage of the 2024 US Elections, among the paranoid over
Donald Trump and the (at this writing)  mysteries of who will be the running mates for Trump and
incumbent Joe Biden, and that is the sad story of elderly abuse -- and not by some sick caregiver
or nurse, but from Biden's own family -- namely, his wife Jill. 

Jill Tracy Jacobs Biden, married to the President since 1977, knows how good it is to be First Lady
of the United States. It has been a source of great fame for others like Jackie Kennedy, Hillary Clinton
and Nancy Reagan. And that's hard to give up. The situation regarding the mental and physical acuity
of Joe Biden has been a nightmare for the Democrats. His disastrous performance at last month's presidential debate sealed the opinions of many Democrats who saw their hopes to stop Trump crumble
at the weak,  faltering 81-year old man that his predecessor mopped the floor with. You would think
the decent, humane thing to do would be to encourage Joe to step aside and enjoy his remaining years
in peace and dignity.  But even with so many of the Democrats wanting Biden to step down, she has
been the biggest pusher for him to remain in the race.

For the longest time, parents taught their kids about the importance of respecting and protecting the
elderly, who are among the most vulnerable citizens in any society. We allow people to retire in their
sixties. And now, we have a man who proved to the whole world that he is not up to the job many call
"Leader of the Free World", and with one bad decision could plummet the entire planet into a nuclear catastrophe or a world war so bad, there will assuredly never be a World War IV. The palpable fear among
the elites is that they can see that Donald Trump is again about to become the next US President, and
that  the last man on Earth who has a glimmer of a chance to stop him is this frail, senile man, further jeopardizing his already poor health.

The stakes in November are high for America and Americans faced with shrinking paychecks and
growing bloody crime everywhere, they don't want a man in serious medical health and advanced age
to have the fate of the world in his hands. Can you think of a worse form of elderly abuse than to subject
an 81-year old man to what many say is the most important job on Earth? I doubt that Jill Biden will
have a change of heart and let this man rest in peace. So many of the Democratic Party are hoping
Biden will step down-- it's their slimmest of hopes of keeping the White House --at a terrible human cost.

                                                                                           July 4, 2024


Poppa's House              Doctor Odyssey            Matlock

                        FALL TV 2024
                                                                        By Bob Smith   

Well, barring any more strikes in Hollywood, the end of summer will see  a new TV season from September through
November on the four major US networks. Many of these shows have been or will be bought by Canadian networks
and run at the same time as they broadcast on the American networks. And if there is any discernible trend, there is
just a bit of a slowdown on the promotion of sex perverts, weirdos and anti-family types. But criminal feminists and
a female Matlock are in play-- and there is gender/switching and White heritage- bashing. Let's take a look:

WATSON: CBS, Paramount + 
Although originally scheduled for midseason, this detective drama may appear sooner if another hourlong show gets
early cancellation. Set after the death of Sherlock Holmes, his longtime sidekick John Watson sets up a detective
agency and soon must confront Holmes' archenemy Moriarty. Oh, did I mention that black actor Morris Chestnut is

MURDER IN A SMALL TOWN: Fox, Global TV Canada.
Here, a real-life Canadian town (Gibsons, BC) becomes the scene of murders which the fictional detective Alden must
solve. The late Donald Sutherland's son Rossif stars along with Kristin Kruek (Smallville) and James Cameron (Babe).

The true-life story of a woman braving cancer is the center of this drama-- but she's not really sick as she dodges a
reporter's attempts to expose her. Yeah, fraud is okay if a woman does it.

JOAN, The CW: 
Another real -life badwoman gets the treatment in this six-part drama about a housewife in the 1980s who
becomes a master thief.

 A dramedy about another run-down US hospital and its staff, starring Wendi McLendon Covey (The Goldbergs

Zachary Quinto (Star Trek) heads the cast of this new medical drama, based upon real-life doctor Oliver Sacks

A single mother with a "brilliant mind" helps police solve mysteries.

Don Johnson of Miami Vice returns to TV as a physician who treats patients and medical emergencies at sea--
on a luxury liner.

Here's a sitcom about a black man, divorced, who is at odds with a  new female co-host of his radio talk show while 
putting up with his live-in, now-adult son.

Following Survivor on Wednesdays, this US version of an Australian game show challenges a group of players to
ascend a mountain to win a pot of cash that grows -- or depletes, if the team members drop out. It's from the company
behind Deal Or No Deal and MasterChef.

CBS... No, please, not another spinoff of The Big Bang Theory; Young Sheldon was bad enough.

No, not the late Andy Griffith-portrayed country lawyer. In this reboot. Kathy Bates (Misery) takes the role as Madelaine
Matlock, who's attempting to hit the big leagues in a big legal firm in New York.

Not all of them will succeed. Those who will make it past a few weeks will then have the new midseason entries to
compete with or be wiped off the schedules by December, and some may have their starts delayed--check your local
listings and be ready to contact the studios, producers and networks at the first sign of perversion, racemixing and
anti-family attitudes and plots. I'll be on the lookout too.


                                                                                           July 1, 2024

                                                        OLIVIA CHOW'S

                                                             by Bob Smith

Remember "the Better Way?"-- it was the slogan of our city's main public transit system. It had
lots of faults, like service late at night and the forever waiting for a bus in the middle of winter,
but was still a great way to get around.  Today you pay around four dollars a ride -- that's if you
don't have a Presto card or you  
have one that doesn't work. Oh yeah, and you might get mugged.
Or killed. According to a recent Toronto Sun article, eight people were murdered on the TTC
between April 7th and June 27th of this year. You'd think there weren't any, from the lack of
reaction from Toronto City Council and our Mayor/Dragon Lady Olivia Chow (they were busy
with more pressing matters, like getting the town in shape for the Pride parades). 

Toronto used to have a reputation as one of North America's safest cities. You could walk home
in the dark at night, or get home via cab, TTC or ride-share like Uber. No more. Just as you have
to be on your toes when you use an ATM, so you must be when boarding a TTC vehicle, above or
below ground. And it's not just the non-Whites you must be wary of, but also the mentally
unbalanced and aggressive passenger who acts irrational or loud. Violence on the TTC is just
one symptom of a syndrome of a city's moral breakdown and the lack of will among our lawmakers
to meet the violence head-on with not unarmed constables, but duty Toronto police officers, in
plainclothes and uniform. All that has been done to ensure "passenger safety" are yellow alarm
strips on the streetcars, buses an subway trains. which only stop the vehicle after the culprit has
long gone and the injury and theft occurs. 

Perhaps a factor in why we are so reluctant to do something about transit violence was the 1973 
killing of Sammy Yatim, who was shot by a Toronto police officer after pulling a knife on a
downtown streetcar, terrorizing the passengers and driver before being fatally shot. An immigrant
from Syria, Yatim did  not have any stated mental illness though an autopsy revealed he had the
drug ecstasy in his system. In the latest stabbing death just days ago, the suspects were described
as a black man and a White woman who fled the scene outside a subway station after the attack.

Violent crime on public transit is the kind of thing that is expected in and plagued major US cities
for years. Now it's here and no one is doing anything to confront it, or seems willing to. Many
people who use the TTC are vulnerable such as women, the poor, the elderly and the handicapped...
"special constables" aren't enough to discourage it, nor will they ever be. We need to up the
number of police riding the system, more money for better surveillance, and tougher treatment of
those charged instead of the catch-and-release (on bail) system we have now. Get hold of your
councillor and the Mayor (Chow's e-mail is mayor_chow@toronto.ca.

It would be nice to get a little more of a safe feeling for the ever-climbing transit fares instead of
a Ride of Fear.


                                                                                         June 25, 2024

                                        by Bob Smith 

 In Canada, a land of 41 million people and in the United States of America with a population of over 333 million, it is a travesty that the number of missing women in these countries is allowed to go unchallenged and their disappearances, unsolved. No longer do women fear only the dark corners at night-- kidnappings occur in broad daylight, in full view of witnesses and in secluded areas everywhere--big cities, small towns, lonely roads. And the tragedy of those found who have been murdered remains, devastating families, friends and entire communities with the taking of these souls. And the governments of both Canada and America have been slow to respond as vigorously as they should. 

In 2022, the US reported  a total of more than 270,000 women missing. In Canada, 33,698 were reported missing for that year (2022 being the most current year figures were available). Many murdered women have suffered terrible assaults and ordeals before their deaths at the hands of the monsters who took them. Some may have been your neighbors, your relatives, your friends.

 If you can help to find them, contact your RCMP detachment in Canada or your local FBI office in the US. :  



Missing from Alberta since 2020

Zyanna Connor
Missing from Red Deer, Alberta


Missing since 2002 from Georgia

Missing since 2024 from Upper Darby, Pennsylvania

Missing since 2005 from Philadelphia.  Pennsylvania

Suzanne Lyall
Missing since 1998 from Albany New York 


Missing from 2004 from Vermont


                                                                   Posted June 27, 2024

                                        COMPLAIN TO CNN!

By Bob Smith 

 The Presidential Debate tonight will be censored by CNN- with mute buttons in the control
of moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, who will enacting censorship on this debate.

Thursday night at 9 pm, CNN is changing the rules of the debate between Donald Trump and
Joe Biden in ways never done before -- biased, unfair and frightening in a so-called democracy.
CNN has chosen to not have a studio audience present. Its moderators Jake Tapper and Dana
Bash, will have devices that will enable them to mute the microphones on stage for both
candidates. Can you think of a better way for the Jewsmedia to censor what America
will be watching and listening to? There will be no spontaneous remarks and replies, no natural
reactions from the candidates, just a tightly controlled, phony manipulated "debate" full of
censorship under this format--- the fix is in.

Although the show will also air on the Fox News Channel and will likely be simulcast on the
CTV and CBC news channels, Tapper and Bash will have full control on what is heard around
the world (you can expect international news TV networks to play portions of the debate).
They have the permission to cut off the mikes, a decision never done by a debate moderator
moderator -- usually the director or producer is the one to make that call.

These new rules are ridiculous. And wrong. And they thwart the very purpose and spirit of the
presidential debates which the world on Thursday night will be watching. Republican Speaker
Mike Johnson has already said in an interview with MSNBC that CNN will try to rig the debate
in Biden's favor. Other 'notables' like Hilary Clinton have whined about Trump and debates and
every pundit with a Pepsodent smile or cute dress will be putting in their two cents before and
after the debate. Whites who support Trump have been effectively barred from  participating as
in past debates--no questions from the audience or via text, and there will likely be a high
security presence near and in the CNN studio. This is not democracy or any kind of fairness --
it is the Jewsmedia coming up with a way to censor their hated nemesis and boost the frail,
fumbling man they would rather see lead the USA possibly into the next-- and maybe last --
world war. Complain to CNN now... their email address is feedback@cnn.com ; the moderators
Jake Tapper and Dana Bash can be reached at their social media platforms,

@jaketapper on "X" and @DanaBashCNN , and give them proper curses and hell if they follow
through with this new censor format. We will!

                                                                                          June 21, 2014


                                                                      by Bob Smith

I guess I'm about as Canadian as any other man born in this land. I came into this world in
what was then East York, Ontario, by a family named Mlodzinski, two days after Christmas in
1951 (you can imagine what a great Christmas week I had every year). As an infant, I was
adopted by a Canadian war veteran (Naples) John Anthony Smith and his wife Alice (birthplace,
Essex England) and had a pretty good boyhood, along with my sister Betty who went from
Riverdale Collegiate to a nursing career at Toronto's world-famous Sick Kids Hospital. 

At school, I excelled at English and my marks were so good, on the night before our graduation,
our school principal Mother St. Mary called my house after the student picked to give the
graduation speech took ill, and asked me to fill in. Don't ask me how, but I gave a speech the
next night to an audience of students and parents, and the applause was so loud, Mother St.
Mary, the most feared woman in the school, clasped my hand, smiled-- smiled-- and said to me
and my parents "You brought down the house!"

High school was basically okay, although I still regret to this day choosing Latin as a subject
with the compulsory French. It still went fine until 19870, when one day after I went to the CNE
with my folks, my mom succumbed to a heart attack. Two winters later, my father also had a fatal
heart attack.  They were in their early fifties.

In 1972 I met Don Andrews, leader of what was then the Edmund Burke Society (founded in 1967
by Don Andrews, Paul Fromm and teacher Leigh Smith), which was evolving into what became
Canada's best known racist political organization, the Western Guard. My early years were spent
writing for its organ, Straight Talk., and distributing White Nationalist literature. During my travels
to other White leaders in American cities like Washington DC, National Vanguard's Dr. William
Pierce, JB Stoner and Dr. William Fields in Marietta, Georgia, and in New Orleans, Klansman
David Duke. After the WG made its reputation as the racist political party in Canada, others in
Canada also came to prominence, such as Armand Siksna, Canadian Klansman James McQuirter,
John Ross Taylor, Ernst Zundel and Wolfgang Droege, who became the figurehead for the Heritage
Front, a White Power group that was known far and wide even though it was funded by the
government and had one Grant Bristow as an agent.

The 1980's saw the rise of The Nationalist Party of Canada (first named the National Citizens
Alliance) and the prosecution of Don Andrews and I under the Orwellian anti-hate bill which
tens of thousands were spent taking the case to the Supreme Court of Canada. It stands as a
precedent on free speech in Canada and to this day, remains in modified form in Canadian law.
And now we fly Canada's flag along with one bearing our suncross symbol. Today we
communicate to all of you the White Nationalist ideology on the Internet--and the reaction in
hits is most gratifying.

Our Canadian flag, which made its debut in 1965, replacing the Red Ensign, is still a flag I'm
happy to stand under. Its simple, yet bold red-and-white design symbolizes Canada perfectly,
visible for miles. Its maple leaf symbolizes a land that is still filled with promise, progress in
many fields, and given how many people from other lands want to make Canada their home,
is unique-- a symbol we can all take pride in, and should.

Get a new Canadian flag if your present one is looking faded or frayed, and show it proudly at
your home, apartment, and place of business before and on Monday July 1st, Canada Day.
Canada is a great country, and by showing our pride, we also show our commitment to making
it a better place for White Canadians.


                                                                                            June 14, 2024

by Bob Smith   

Documentary shows about crime and police work have never been more popular. I don't
mean fictional mystery shows or"procedurals" like CSI or NCIS, but the kind of series that
began way back around 1990 when the then-new Fox network ran Cops, a series that not
only was a hit, but also paved the way for such series about crime and crime fighting like 
See No Evil, Forensic Files (HLN), The First 48 (A&E), 72 Hours (Crime and Investigation),
Deadline Crime (ID)
 and Very Scary People (HLN). All of them and more run 24 hours a day
on US networks like Investigation Discovery. HLN and now, A&E. Here in Canada, we have
the Crime and Investigation channel, which mixes real crime documentaries with fictional
series like  Due South and Bull

One big difference between ordinary people is that we instinctively run from danger; police
officers, by the nature of the job, run into danger. Here in Canada it is rare to see policemen
hurt or killed in the line of duty compared to what happens in major racemixed US cities,
but that will soon change.  Yet, it's tough to be a Canadian cop, especially in Toronto, where
many of the tools police need to identify suspects are taken away from them--lately non-
White crime has surged in urban areas. The closest we can get are documentary series that
provide accounts of criminal investigations by the police and prosecuting lawyers. Among
the best is Homicide Hunter, run on Mondays on the Canadian ID channel. Here, retired
Colorado cop Joe Kenda tells stories of some of the over-300 murders he has solved, He's
a no-nonsense old-style policeman, and never disguises his hatred of killers, making no
bones about his dedication, declaring , "If you kill, I will find you." . Many crime shows never
put a word of condemnation and disgust toward the evil monsters hunted by the law, or by
the lack of justice in many cases where, say, a murderer who has been convicted of a most
unspeakable killing isn't put to death, save in such states as New Jersey and Texas. Canada
needs to bring back capital punishment fter more than sicty years since we executed our last

Each of the documentary series has a different take on crime and investigation: See No Evil 
profiles the use of security cameras in finding kidnappers, robbers and killers. A&E's Body
 lets you see catching criminals from the perspective of an officer, an extension of the
portable cameras used to follow patrolmen on CopsForensic Files and the Canadian-
produced Forensic Factor delve into the role science plays in finding evidence used to catch
and prosecute killers.

Considering how in Canada we are experiencing a growth in the number of and brutality of
murders of innocent people, mostly by non-Whites, we can look upon US crime series as a
look into our own future. People here in Canada now lock their doors, install gates and super-
enforced locks and pray; our anti-gun laws are among the toughest in the world --but not for 
the evil creatures who  walk among us, striking fear and anger in us all. And make no
mistake about it -- evil is real and dwells in the most harmless-looking among us. We all need
to express that anger and condemnation for these monsters, and to put pressure on the
producers and thebroadcasters whenever not enough condemnation is placed against

these monsters or criminals' evil  is excused or "explained'. HLN, A&E and Investigation
Discovery in the US  are all owned by Warner Brothers Discovery, and Crime and
Investigation Channel and the series Crime Beat are owned by Canada's Corus Entertainment.
And among the largest sponsors of these shows you will find Proctor and Gamble, Unilever,
Taco Bell (Yum Brands) and Johnson and Johnson.

In your own way, you can fight crime by making sure that it is portrayed as it is -- evil, brutal
and only worthy of our collective contempt.


                                                                                            June 3 , 2024

                               THE U.S. INJUSTICE LEAGUE
by Bob Smith   

 It was a historic day, by all amounts and all accounts. For the first time in its history, on Friday
May 3131sta US President has been tried and convicted and is now a felon, tried by a vicious
mob of law-twisters, backstabbers, women of ill repute, Democrats, and others, and in such a
way that a great many Americans now have lost or are losing faith in its justice system.

The self-made billionaire and White peoples' hero, as it turned out, never had a chance, Political
cadres who at first thought nothing of his first run for the White House, later grew fearful of this
no-nonsense tough guy who won the hearts of White Americans by a can't-miss slogan "Make
America great Again" and a manner of connecting with Whites as a man dedicated to repairing
his fractured country and taking on the real threats to a stable USA--and with the financial clout
to do it. And imagine the smiles on the pundits' faces when they thought that Trump's victory
has been sleazily stolen from him and hoped he would head back to his New York headquarters
and his Florida resort never to be heard again beyond the financial pages.

 Their only hope for keeping their stranglehold on the nation was to stop Donald Trump --by
hook or by crook. The liberal Jewsmedia chortled with glee at the prospect of their enemy
number one would be sent to prison over some sloppy record-keeping -- not for murder or
selling secrets to Red China. The venom that came out from mostly everywhere in the news-
media -- well, now we all know why faith in TV news and newspapers has sunk to its lowest
point. They hate the way that Donald Trump has managed to unite White Americans by giving
them hope and by the demonstration of his first term in office.

In Washington, Trump posed a threat to the Establishment and the backroom treachery that
kept crime up and unemployment lines long -- now that's returned under Biden. And with the
steaming wars and growing battles around the world, only benefitting the globalists, they
didn't want anyone calming this US Ship of State about to capsize. Donald Trump has already
shown the courage to weather the treachery of the system's machinations. He will prevail.

Wish him luck.


                                                                                           May 20, 2024
Frank Barone                                                                                           Jay Pritchett                            
                             SENIORS GET NO RESPECT 

                                                                                              by Bob Smith 

 One of my favorite comics from the last century was the late Rodney Dangerfield. A fan favorite on TV, comedy clubs and a few films,
his self-depreciating humor was based on his tagline "I don't get no respect!", Today the same can be said for the way older men, father
figures and patriarchs are portrayed on TV.

When we get to what are our golden years, one of the things men look forward to is being treated with the reverence they deserve. It is
certainly a hallmark of how many Asian cultures treat their fathers and grandfathers. But to watch White TV dads and seniors in sitcoms
over the past few decades, you'd think that most White men over 60 are crazy, bellicose and generally mean and unloving. From the 1990s.
we had Martin Crane (the late John Mahoney), father to psychiatrist Frasier, who popped off about everything from Frasier's elitist attitude
to  Frank Barone, the always grouchy husband of long-suffering Marie on 
Everybody Loves Raymond, to retired businessman Jay Pritchett 
Modern Family,  and our very own acerbic Canadian small-towner Oscar Leroy of Corner Gas. All these series play every day on TV and
on streaming services and it bodes ill for future generations of young White males and the families they raise.

When the father in a family -- once in films a television, the source of courage and strength and morality -- is morphed into a foolish,
manchild-like and weak character who never exerts authority in his home and family, its an important step for the perverts and queers
who have manufactured situation comedy idea and scripts for decades. The "Man of the House" it's now a eunuch, made fun of by his partner and disrespected by his kids. It happens a lot more in sitcoms than in dramas. Some actors have made careers out of that type: the late Tom
Bosley played a dumb dad in the animated Hanna-Barbera toon 
Wait 'Till Your Father Gets Home, but had more success as store owner
Howard Cunningham in the 1970s hit 
Happy Days . And let's not forget the angry/acting nuts dad that was the star in Married With Children,
The Simpsons
, and later on, Black-ish, or the buffoonish dads of According to Jim, and Everybody Loves Raymond . Soon in this space
we'll be talking about what's coming up in the fall on the networks and streaming services and you'd be wise to take note of any and all
anti-elderly/anti-family new offerings and to let the networks and sponsors feel your anger.

                                                                                         May 16, 2024

                              WHITE NATIONALIST UPDATE: MAY 2024

                                                         by Bob Smith   

It's time to check up on our fellow White Nationalists, both here and around the world,
as life everywhere gets more exciting and nationalism grows steadily:


The British National Party (BNP) - Make Britain a Better Place to Live

The British National Party has come up with a new multi-point plan to challenge Britain's
ever-growing immigration problem. much of which is centered around the massive infux
of Muslims entering, a plan that includes stopping the building of new mosques, withdrawing
British troops from Muslim lands, and monitoring schools for the teaching of Muslim religion
and culture.

GERMANY  https://www.afd.de/

The rise of the nationalist AFD )Alternative for Deutschland party in Germany has been met with
stiff opposition by the federal government, which has already banned the use of nationalist and/or
nationalist symbols and whose federal courts have upheld a decision to classify the AFD as a
suspected right-wing extremist organization, after using the slogan "Everything for Germany",
part of a slogan attributed to Nazis in World War II. They continue to grow in support despite this

SWITZERLAND   https://www.svp.ch/

Their right-wing party, the Swiss People's Party, was founded in 1936, and became the SVP after
merging with Swiss Democrats. Crime has become a crucial issue  with the SVP and the loose
immigration and foreign workers implemented by the Left and local Green Party that brings criminals
to that land and causing chaos through its asylum program, costing taxpayers 4 million francs a year.


Norway's Fremskrittspartiet (FrP),  has demanded from their government tighter control of their
borders. Another new rising force in Norway is the new   Senterpartiet  Party
https://www.senterpartiet.no/)which has promised voters to get rid of their "elites".



The NRM  has been around since 1997 and has counted among its allies Greece's Golden Dawn
and Ukraine's Azov  Brigade. It has established presences in Norway, Denmark and Iceland and
staged demonstrations and interactions with Europeans to educate them on
nationalism and

AUSTRALIA   Website:  

The Australia First Party continues to grow with its platform of stopping multiculturalism, curbing
foreign ownership and reducing immigration. It hopes to play a major role in Australia's next

US and Canada

INFOWARS https://www.infowars.com/

Alex Jones has made an international name for his views and his site, which now carries a great
assortment of news on current affairs and conspiracies.

....on its' website (nsm88.org) has noted the rise of anti-Semitism and anti-Jew anger in the US,
and can now be also reached on social media's "X" (formerly Twitter). This summer will see them
again hit the streets and continuing its marches against Europe's immigrant invasion. 

Link:  National Vanguard | News. For us. For a change.
 One of America's oldest racial/nationalist parties, NV continues its inspiring essays in the spirit of its founder Dr. William Pierce, 
following in the format of National Vanguard Magazine.

 CAFE | Dedicated to Free Speech, Immigration Reform, and Restoring Political Sanity

Paul Fromm has juggled holding his Freedom Rallies in the rebel Okanagan Valley in BC with
forums featuring Canadian patriots under persecution foe freedom of speech, such as Monika
Schafer and Leslie Bory.  

British Peoples League – Working To Preserve Our Heritage

The one and only John Beattie is still at it, with two new posts on his Dinosaur News,  and it truly
is an  inspiration to see this movement pioneer still active in his later years.

Contact these groups through the links above.

                                                                                          May 6, 2024



                                                       by Bob Smith 

Britain has been known through its TV history as an innovator of sorts and producer of
television works that have for decades enjoyed audiences around the world, such as 
The Forsthye Saga
 and Upstairs, Downstairs.  But few could match the success of a science
fiction adventure that has since the 1960s gathered an audience all its own, than Doctor Who. 

Devised by a trio of writers including Canadian Sydney Newman, this long-running (1963)
BBC series seen internationally centers around an alien who is a "time lord" who uses a
machine known as a "Tardis" to travel in and out of dimensions and through time, usually with
a companion and always returning in each new season looking different. In many stories he
ends up saving the universe from disaster and his most deadly adversaries are another Time
Lord who's a bad guy known as The Master, and a group of metal-clad creatures known as
Daleks who are bent on taking over all galaxies.  To see old reruns of the series from the sixties
is a trip through the history of special effects on TV and to see the new season (on
Disney Plus, now with a black Doctor Who) you understand while why the few tweaks the show
has received every few years hasn't changed it fundamentally: it is a continuing story of good
triumphing over evil, something that's missing in this age of "anti-heroes" and criminals now
given their own franchises and films such as The Joker and the upcoming streaming series 
The Penguin.  And that is why Doctor Who has enjoyed among its audience people who normally
don't watch science fiction shows.

Doctor Who (just known  as "The Doctor') has taken many forms in his reincarnation, but mostly
he appears as an elderly British gentleman, a dandy sometimes, with floppy hat and scarf (Tom
Baker), or as latter day portrayals have shown, as a woman or black man. It has outlasted such
latter-day sci-fi hits as Star Trek (all versions), Knight Rider, The Six Million Dollar Man and 
Quantum Leap. As a time lord, he is not permitted to change history or culture, but a la Star Trek,
does so in order to stop evil. Depending on the reincarnation, he can be stern, scientific, humorous,
but always fun to watch. In a TV universe whose contents in all genres is nothing more than
electronic landfill, Doctor Who is a refreshing change that is worth the extra money you may
have to pay to get it on Disney Plus. 

So tune in on May 10, and  enjoy the ride, as millions have since the 1960s.

*Doctor Who debuts on Disney Plus  Friday May 10


                                                                                      April 28, 2024


by Bob Smith 

 The US and its allies have many differences among their cultures, but there is one
thing they do stand together on...and that's when their plans to make every nation
as globalized and as Western decadent as they are become endangered.  That's why
there are wars that topple heads of state in places like Iraq or nations who have
practiced and guarded their religions for centuries and are places feminists,
homosexual/ LGBTQers and various other degenerates fear that their polices may
make their way to here and spoil all their fun. Or for reasons of exploitation of
resources, the West will meddle in conflicts that are just none of their business.
At this time, three areas of world conflict dominate the news: Israel and Gaza, Russia
and Ukraine and China and Taiwan. have caught America's eye and soon the USA and
its sons and daughters may become involved in one or more of these wars, the worst
case scenario in the future the start of the next--and maybe last, World War.  Canada
has nothing to gain from being dragooned or jumping voluntarily into any of them,
except as we didn't learn in Afghanistan, dead bodies.

Taiwan had been at odds with Red China for years, an "errant province" officially
regarded as still part of Mainland China, and has been so since communism took
over in 1949 under Mao Tse-Tung and later, its current rulers still want back. Today,
tensions continue there as its citizens live with an angry neighbor that is nuclear

Ukraine (The Frontier) is still fighting an active war with Russia that is in reality a silly
border war where Slavs are stupidly killing each other in a battle that continues
in a new "country" just decades old, and recently was a recipient of of over $60 billion
n aid and armaments from the US--right out of taxpayers' pockets as Americans face
poverty, unemployment and never-ending violent crime.

And of course we have Israel, for the first time in its history facing anger worldwide for
its destruction in Gaza and genocide against the Palestinian people; where young
leftists have joined with Palestinian people in nonstop protests to end this war and
have resorted to occupations of buildings and marches in the thousands to express
their anger.

Canadians have enough on our collective plates without worrying how we will become
embroiled in these conflicts, It's a simple yet argument summed up in two words:
DON'T MEDDLE.  Tell Trudeau--today-- at pm@pm.gc.ca 

                                                                                            April 19, 2024

                                                               by Bob Smith

   It is said that in war, the first casualty is the truth. Much can be said the same for the events
on and after October 7, which culminated in a full-on assault on the area called Gaza by the
government of Israel and its defense forces, which literally destroyed that part of the world and
razed every building in it -- homes, hospitals, schools, shelters, everything burned or flattened
in a merciless attack of bombs, jets, drones, missiles and soldiers with guns. The estimates at
this writing put the death toll at 33,000, including thousands of babies and children, and 
thousands more injured, dismembered, and maimed. Benjamin Netanyahu defied the world
with the lies that each strike was "surgical" and with intent to destroy Hamas...it was nothing
more than a revenge attack and a revelation, finally to all, of the meanness and hate in their
being. And the world started to wake up. 

Israel, after it went through an attack launched from Iran, claimed that 99% of what was fired
at them had been taken down with the help of the USA. 99%...what a coincidence.. that is
exactly the same number of germs that TV ads say that Listerine mouthwash can clean from
your mouth.  At this point,  never has there been an amount of open anger levelled as Jews and
Israel as high and with so much vitriol, from North American and Europe's major nations, not
just Israel's known enemies. Even in the media they control and among some Jews themselves,
there was criticism, But not to worry, senile President Joe Biden echoed the words of previous
US leaders when he said that American support for Israel was "iron clad", and begged fruitlessly
to Netanyahu for restraint; it only angered him ad he continued the barrage and also a promise
of retaliation to Iran, thereby giving the conflict a possible regional turn--and maybe, a World
War III. 

Now the world saw, and not just on al-Jazeera news, the devastation and  horror inflicted on
the Palestinians now fated to drink unsafe water and to starve in the absence of food blocked
from being delivered by the Israeli Jews. It's a far cry from the victim image they have cultivated
for decades-- now the Reds are abandoning them; the many demonstrations held around the
world hasn't garnered a lot of sympathy for Jews and Israel, and this second attack, now on
Iran, has proved their arrogance in the eyes of more and more non-Jews, not just the people
of Palestine that they are on their way to wiping out.

Now, only the media they control, and not even all of that, are still trying to defend them. No
longer do people in all cases come to Israel's/Jews' defense. All that's left is to try to justify the
destruction of Gaza, which has been compared to Dresden. So now we are seeing a resurgence
of Hollywood Nazi/Holocaust films like the upcoming Tattooist of Auschwitz on Canada's
Showcase channel and the motion picture Bureau of Ungentlemanly Warfare.  It is an apparent
irony that is not lost on the fair and the just.  Either way it will be one spring and summer that
so many --especially pro-Zionists and White Nationalists-- will be watching closely.



                                                                                        April 7, 2024

                           WHITE NATIONALIST UPDATE  

                                                          by Bob Smith 

 This is an exciting time for White racists here and abroad as events from anti-hate laws to the reckoning of Israel after its 2023 attacks are coalescing into what promises to be a most interesting next few months Here's a groups update:   

The British National Party operates two sites now: one its main site and the other its national forum, where issues are delved into in depth and more information is available to the public. They're at www.bnp.org

It's been a while since we have heard from the British Peoples' League and John Beattie, a White Nationalist legend. His site and Dinosaur News messages are still active in Minden Ontario, but are dated, If you have any knowledge of what's up with him, get in touch. His site is
at http://www.britishpeoplesleague.com/

Germans, now dealing with an influx of non-White immigrants and refugees, are turning to the AFD (German Alternative) which is rising in popularity, scoring 16% at the polls in the Bavaria October 2023 elections Reach them at https://www.afd.de/

The Scottish National Party is fighting Orwellian anti-;'hare' legislation with a Freedom Speech act of their own, Learn about it at
their site, www.snp.org.

Paul Fromm continues his rallies in the rebel Okanagan Valley in British Columbia and commentary on the news. Read the latest
at the C.A.F.E. site,  https://cafe.nfshost.com/

One of North America's premier racist organizations, National Vanguard, continues the activity of its late founder Dr. William Piece,
with essays from him featured along with news and comment, at https://nationalvanguard.org/

Poland's National Radical Camp is a strong nationalist group conducting demonstrations around that nation. They can be reached at https://www.onr.com.pl/

Blood and Honour operates from Serbia with news, a calendar of events and radio broadcasting. Visit them at https://www.bloodandhonourworldwide.co.uk/bhww/

In South Africa, the AWB  (Afrikaaner Resistance Movement) is in its 51st year, still going strong in that ruined
nation. their site is at https://awb.co.za/

Stormfront still remains one of the most popular social media sites for White Nationalists around the world.
Reach them here: https://www.stormfront.org/forum/


                                                                   Posted December 24, 2024


                         TV SHOULD BE HEARD AND SEEN 
by Bob Smith 

For a while I've been mentioning the popularity of  true crime documentary series that have run
for awhile in North America and now appearing in the UK. They are in serious need of two things: 
proper narration of the stories , and better presenting of the captions you see describing the
words of witnesses and those participating in the investigation of these crimes. And now, with
the the expansion of the Oprah Winfrey-owned Oxygen: True Crime channel to Canada, a lot of
viewers have legitimate complaints about how many of these series are presented. 

Among the channels that feature these crime documentaries are A&E, HLN and Investigation
Discovery in America and  in Canada,  the Crime & Investigation channel, T&E and the
aforementioned True Crime channel in January. On some, you will see captions in small print
at the bottom of the screen in white letters display who is talking on screen or describing various
phases of the story. Some newer series use a black bar behind the letters to make them more
visible, while others do not, making it a strain to follow the stories. Given that these documentaries
are at the top of popularity with viewers, we have, and you should contact the distributors and
channels of these shows like Rogers Communications and Bell Media in Canada (or in the US,
where they are owned by Warner Media and NBC Universal Media). You can also write to the FCC
(and the CRTC in Canada) to express your views. Or, grab a paper and pen and write down the
names of some of these shows' major sponsors, like Proctor and Gamble, Unilever and  Heinz Kraft.

Let's make 2025 the year we make TV watchable again--and heard.

                                         Older items at Bob's Beat ARCHIVES


                                     Join the Nationalist Party of Canada!

Click on the Suncross logo at the left of this page-- Fill out, print and mail the NPC 
application with your first year's membership fee ($20 per year in cheque or money order

in Canadian dollars (payable to Don Andrews);

                                                                 Mail it to the NPC address:
                                                                300 Coxwell Ave. Box 3037
                                                                 Toronto Ontario M4L 2A0 




                                                                    Posted  December 19, 2024  


by Bob Smith   

 Well, we can't say we weren't warned. A pretty-boy son of a man who the women of Canada went wild for in 1968 is now
about as popular as chicken pox. The man who was given nine years of power  on the memory of a commie/failed
intellectual hippie and the promise to decriminalize marijuana possession is now fighting to keep in power with so many
of his party against him and his "feminist" views  challenged after firing his women ministers. His arrogance was on display
almost every day until the moment when after Parliament rose and he attended the Liberals' Christmas party this week with
a lame "All families fight..." excuse for the anger.

Justin Pierre James Trudeau is the son of Pierre Elliot Trudeau, a former Justice Minister under then Prime Minister Lester
Pearson and whose most famous act of tyranny was to author and pass Canada's "Hate laws" that made it a criminal offence
to make any statement likely to promote hatred against an identifiable group, punishable by up to five years in prison. I and
Nationalist Party leader Don Andrews were charged and convicted of this "crime" after fighting it all the way to Canada's
Supreme Court -- and that was after  Pierre Trudeau had won the leadership of the Liberal Party  in April of 1968 and then the
federal election in June in a wave of women-powered "Trudeaumania". What also followed was the forcing of bilingualism in
a national whose two founding peoples' relationship was already fractured, along with   "multiculturalism" and wide-open
immigration that turned major cities into violent crime zones for non-White gangs.   And there was October 1970, when  a
group of Quebec separatists known as the FLQ (Front de Liberation du Quebec) began bombing mail boxes and murdered a
Quebec provincial minister, and Trudeau single-handedly invoked the War Measures Act that saw Canadians' civil liberties
suspended and Canadian soldiers on major city streets for the first time in peacetime (FLQ leader Jacques Rose was
convicted of being an accessory to murder in  1973 and paroled fie years later). And there was poor Margaret Trudeau,
ridiculed by the media mercilessly, who Pierre hurt with his womanizing.

When Justin tried to follow in daddy's steps, the first thing the Conservatives pounced on was his inexperience; the TV ads
in Trudeau's first election that the Tories aired carried the tagline "Not ready".  Nine years later, he did duplicate his father's
accomplishment of alienating  as many groups of Canadians -- including Quebeckers -- as possible. He ended his current
term of Parliament with major labor disruptions, including a national month-long postal strike and  the bitter resignation of
his female  Deputy Minister Chrystia Freeland.

Right now, Parliament is in recess until the new year. Within that time, Trudeau has the following choices: To resign and shut
down the House of Commons and open the floor to a leadership convention; or stay on and ignore the howls for his scalp by
Canadians and those of his own party, or carry on as if nothing happened.  And his cheapskate behavior, lately demonstrated
by his recall of that $250 "bonus" to Canadians below a certain income, revealed him to be a sneaky, smiling cheapskate in
love with himself and himself only.

Either way, the Liberals can forget about being re-elected; there's just too much acrimony around. The public may even decimate
the NDP's numbers in the wake of that party propping up the Liberals for so long. And they can lay the blame at their own feet for
elevating a slick ex-drama teacher to the highest office in the land, then stand by quietly as he made Canada an embarrassment
to the world time and time again with his antics and alienated so much of the people, just as his father did in the 1970s.

It's a sad legacy of deceit, ego and total incompetence that will remain a chapter of modern Canadian history for some time to come.


                                                                     Posted  December 12, 2024


                                                                          by Bob Smith

Okay, enough is enough. Christmas in Canada for millions has already been ruined  by
this postal strike, and the time to end it is today.

CUPW, Canada's postal employees' union, have turned down every offer Ottawa has put
before them, and there has been no willing to compromise on anything. Parcels and letters
have come to a standstill and even if it were settled today, it has been spoken that it will
take two weeks for every day of the strike to clear the backlog. For many Canadians, Christmas
has been a time when the mail has been vital to their happiness and enjoyment of the season,
There's still a few issues still outstanding among its 55,000 members, such as Sunday delivery

of mail and pensions and benefits, but when you figure a number of factors -- how commerce
in Canada as well as delivery of goods and holiday presents will be negatively affected by this
action, and coming on the heels of other labour troubles such as the ports strikes, that it was
triggered just before Christmas, it doesn't put CUPW, nor its head Jan Simpson, in a good light.
And there has been a lockout of postal workers and also a complaint against Canada Post by
the union, that has since been withdrawn.

Then there is the Canada Post Corporation itself-- a crown corporation, like Canadian National or
the CBC -- a business owned and operated by the government of Canada ; essentially, the
Canadian taxpayers. Every few years, there is a flareup between CPC and CUPW over contacts
and there have been minor disruptions in those disputes, but not the entire system shutting down.

Despite what the media dumb bunnies say about Canada's mail, it is still an essential service,
especially for the elderly, the disabled and those in remote Canadian communities, many of
whom rely on it as their lifeline to the world. And as for those chair moisteners in Ottawa, they
have chosen to keep an arm's length and not do anything about it, and that is unacceptable.
And here will be more of a hit on our wallets when the new agreement is ratified. (Just in case
you didn't know, a Canada postal clerk makes $4,858 per year and its' director, a salary of

It's time we all had a hand in ended this strike. Write and e-mail your local Member of Parliament,
and also of course, Prime Minister Trudeau at pm@pm.gc.ca


                                                                                          Posted December 6, 2024

  DONALD TRUMP: A SELF MADE AMERICAN RETURNS TO                                                                       WASHINGTON
                                                              by  Bob Smith 

No matter how you feel about US President-Elect Donald Trump, you cannot say he has led a dull life. He is unique in that he is a
truly self-made American figure, unique in his view of the world. Born in Queens, New York in 1946 to  German and Scottish parents,
he attended military academy and got his Bachelor's Degree in Economics and later, took over his father's real estate business to
become one of the world's  most famous businessmen, even  before he announced his first plans to run for president on the 
Republican ticket. His business interests included luxury resorts such as the Taj Mahal in Atlantic City and Mar-a-Lago in Florida. 

Trump was always adventurous: he inherited his development and financial expertise from his father and went on to make a name  of
America's most successful developers. As befitting his wealth and style, he married two women and raised four children; his family
became active later when he entered his first race to become Republican nominee and later America's 45th president.

He shared two interests with the late Merv Griffin: a resort owner and game show producer. He hosted and produced the competition
series The Apprentice, where the grand prize was a job in his organization (the losing contestants were dismissed from the show with
what became his most famous line, "You're fired"). The other was the syndicated bingo-like quiz Trump Card. And he also owned the
Miss Universe pageant and fronted a Monopoly-like board game manufactured by Milton-Bradley. He wrote 19 books, his first, The Art
of the Deal, being an international best seller. 

America has a tradition of admiring those who  by themselves, achieve success. Donald Trump proved he can run America a lot better
than the Democrats like Biden and Barack Obama. He has the right blend of patriotism, cunning and also living up to his aims of
"draining the swamp" that has been Washington foe the  longest time. It will be change of pace and a relief as Americans welcome
back who knows that a big smile aren't enough to lead America, but paying attention to and solving its problems with common sense,
like being brokers for peace instead of warmongering, will win in the long run.

Congratulations, Mr. President. And good luck.


                                                                                     Posted November 30, 2024

            AND WHY DOES IT 

                                                                    by Bob Smith

Sure, you can't expect the characters on situation comedies to be real -- that's what fiction is.  And especially, those who occupy
the not-real town of Dog River Saskatchewan are as far away from real as you can get in a show that has become one of the
biggest hits on Canadian TV --and still going in reruns sixteen years after it stopped production of its first version and  has made
derision of small town people the backbone of its so-called comedy.

Corner Gas has had three versions-- the live-action series, the three-season animated one and a movie, and all feature people who
you will never meet if you travel to the Canadian prairies. Let's start with Brent Leroy (series creator Brent Butt) who inherited the
gas station from his out-of-it cranky dad Oscar (you really have to stretch your imagination to believe a man as  mean as him could
keep a business running for four decades) Approaching middle age, he reads superhero comics and thinks he is the superior to
everyone else. His beefy frame makes him the perfect bully and he constantly trades jabs with his college-educated assistant Wanda
(Nancy Robertson, his real-life wife). His parents are unbelievable: his aforementioned dad (Eric Peterson) with a mean temper and
who is only afraid of his wife Emma (the late Janet Wright)--the other Queen Bee bully of Dog River. Then we have the three town
employees: The befuddled mayor "Fitzy" Fitzgerald and the two police officers, native man-child Davis Quinton and Karen Pelly,
whose main complaint is how the town is virtually crime free. Local smart-aleck Hank Yarbo  (Fred Ewanuick) is perennially
unemployed but still manages to live in a house and  constantly runs his mouth and comes up with one harebrained get-rich-scheme
after another. He has an arrogant streak that, if he were real, he would have been put in the hospital years ago.  

Moving on, we have The Ruby, a restaurant  that connects to the gas station via a hallway, and run by one Lacey Burrows, who took
over after her aunt died and moving from Toronto. For a supposedly educated woman from a big city she is clueless about the area
and its people and impatient and barely tolerant of the locals.  Her one employee is "Josh" (portrayed by Josh Strait, who opened
the café that is used as The Ruby-- he's a muscular man whose back is for the most part is facing the camera , and has had maybe
two lines of dialogue in the series'  107-episode run. He was the owner of the restaurant before the deal he made with the producers
to use it found himself pushed to the rear.

The only positive character in the whole a series is liquor store owner/insurance salesman Wes Humboldt (played by the late
Mike O'Brien).  He doesn't have an ounce of meanness in him and is well-treated by the townspeople. That mean streak runs through
pretty much all of the show's eight regular characters. There's deceit, two-facedness and outright lying that  is dominant, and drives
way the rare outsider who comes there-- and soon leaves when they seen the town's real face. 

It's just as well that the Dog Riverites in no way resemble the real people of Canada -- but in the occasional scene when real people
from Rouleau, the real town where the series was filmed, are made out to be idiots and bumpkins. But it's still a nasty way to depict
the people of our nation, And it reveals the real Brent Butt  -not the successful stand up comic, but the small town man-child from
Tisdale, Saskatchewan who longs to be a super-success and found the way to do it was to run down his home town and its people
in the form of a sitcom.  Many comedians in the US headlined hit series like Roseanne, Home Improvement and Everybody Loves
by  taking an element of their lives and stretching it for comedic purpose. Corner Gas totally knocked out any semblance o
f what small towns are and their citizens. 

It's a lesson for us all why we shouldn't take sitcoms from anywhere as works of television entertainment, let alone sources of
instant laughs. Perhaps, at the Rouleau Bar and Grill (on CG, it's the Dog River hotel) right now the real folks are sipping drafts
and wondering, what have we done.....


                                                                                       Posted November 27, 2024


                                      THE NEW TARIFFS AND CANADA 

                                                          by Bob Smith 

 The return of Donald Trump to the White House earlier this month caused almost the same amount
of apoplexy as it did when he first claimed the president's chair. Finally, say goodbye to doddering
old Joe Biden and hello, hopefully, to a brokered solution to  the Russia/Ukraine conflict that many
feared would start a third -- and possibly last -- world war. 

This week, Trump stated as his first act as president would be to slap a 25% tariff (tax) on goods
coming into the US from Canada. Again, the pundits and news commentators  were sent reeling,
especially in Canada. Trudeau? well, with the deep well of trouble he's in that all but guarantees
that between now and next October, is sure to send him packing, all we heard was that he and
Trump had made a friendly phone call, and don't worry, everything would be all right, no matter
who would be running Canada this time next year.  Well that wasn't necessarily so.  There has
been speculation that no matter if Trudeau or Poilievre were to win the next election, the Trump
tariff would go on. And Donald Trump is not likely to negotiate on this one for now, citing the
relations between tariffs and keeping non-Whites and drugs out of the USA

The more a nation can charge another nation to accept its exports, then it's just a matter of time
before prices go up, and now. when prices are already too high, middle-income families are
struggling to make ends meet and the situation can only get worse. Let's remember that in his
first term, Trump re-made the NAFTA agreements, and is a member of good standing in that club
of the wealthiest men in America, if not the world. And he has promised to end the Slavic
bloodshed in the Ukraine. And there will be no worries about his legal troubles for quite some
time. And so, the new president, Commander-In-Chief  and the perceived leader of the free world,
heads into 2025, and we as Canadians will likely be the bystanders of a pretty interesting, if not
scary, year ahead.

It will be worth watching to see what happens this January: will Trudeau still be too obsessed
with tricking his way back to being re-elected (unlikely) or if Pierre Poilievre will keep things
"business as usual"?  We may not have to wait until next October if Canadians are forced to go
to the polls early. In any case, this is one issues that White people must watch carefully-- after all
it was White people who returned the White people's hero to Washington, and the economies of
an entire continent -- and the well-bring of White people -- hang in the balance.


                                                                                     Posted November 20, 2024


by Bob Smith

Right now, there is a campaign commercial airing on Toronto radio where, in two spots, actors
playing citizens express their concerns about crime just before an actress playing a police
officer explains that many Toronto police officers have quit or moved away.  It is a deep concern
by the sponsors of the ads, the Toronto Police Association, about how there are not enough of
them to deal with the growing non-White criminal element courtesy of Canada's immigration
disaster and the catch-and-release courts who constantly free multiple offenders, even those
who broke bail conditions. 

This city used to be  called "Toronto the good", and when there was a murder, it actually did
shock the community and not at all seem like an everyday occurrence as the media reports it
now (they also still fail to give complete descriptions and photos of suspects, including racial background).  
Toronto's politicians (especially this leftist bunch of chair moisteners we have
on City Council) can share the blame for this terrible situation by their attempts to defund police
and not give them the budget and tools they need to fight crime, but also took away such
necessary tools as profiling to enable police to keep a better watch on certain communities
whose members too often are criminals involved in the worst kinds of crime-- drugs, gangs,
rape. assault and murder. Enjoying the city night life -- going out on the town to a movie or a
nice restaurant-- is taking a chance now and areas such as Jane/Finch and many parts of
Scarborough are lost to non-White criminals. And now, busy parts of the center of the city
aren't safe:  During the week of November  11th, gangs turned the city's Queen Street West
area into a war zone; over 100 shots were reported fired. Fortunately, no one was killed, but
eight were arrested and a police car that was reportedly used for cover was fired on.  A nearby
club where video footage captured hands waving guns has not been shut down. 

This is the legacy of terrible multiculturalism that Justin Trudeau's father Pierre Trudeau forced
on this country during his reign that included allowing the Third World to have priority to enter
Canada and settle here. They were the fathers and grandfathers of those who have all but taken
ownership of our streets and neighborhoods. 

Imagine you've just been robbed. You call 911 and a voice informs you that an officer will arrive
in 22 minutes.  All you can be thankful for is that the rat who robbed you didn't shoot you. The
Toronto Police Association has launched campaigns like the radio ads described above and on
social media to make Torontonians aware of the growing danger of understaffing, underfunding
and neglect that has made a cop's job a lot harder and more dangerous than ever here. 

And the media -- whenever they do report crime, treat it like a daily occurrence, like the weather
-- there are either no descriptions of suspects' faces, which you can bet are pretty well the same
color (birds of a feather flock together) or are described as "youths";  words in media crime
reports are loaded with words like "brazen" and "gunplay", glorifying it to almost an adoring
attitude towards this epidemic.

The bottom line is, multicult needs policing, and as more non-Whites are committing violent
crime and getting away with it, so we need more officers to deal with them. And tougher laws
at the municipal, provincial and federal laws, including redoing the "youth justice" areas and
yes, the reinstatement of capital punishment for murder. There's elections going on and
coming soon in various parts of Canada and any months now, many expect a federal election. 
Talk to anyone who runs as a candidate and remind them that it's time Canada and its citizens
were made safe again.  Go to the Toronto Police Association's  Make Toronto Safe website at  https://keeptorontosafe.com/ .  Get involved in helping to stop crime in your area and
pressure our government for harder punishments for serious crimes. 



                                                                                              July 17,2024

               TRUMP SHOOTING:
                                                      OBVIOUSLY A CONSPIRACY

                                                        by Bob Smith   

It took the shooting of a US former president to wipe two major wars off the front pages all over the world. Donald Trump's
near-murder in Butler, Pennsylvania last weekend left more questions than answers. And that is the only point the media
and I agree on. But some disturbing details did get through the mainstream and "non-conventional" media that point to a
conspiracy to take Trump out of politics for good.

The Associated Press ran a story on the Monday following the attack that asserted that 
police had a report of a suspicious
man pacing near the magnetometers and were apparently exchanging photos of the suspect (?). Witnesses pointed and
shouted at an armed man on a nearby roof. When a police officer climbed up to the roof to investigate, the gunman turned
and pointed his rifle at him. But the officer did not — or could not — fire a single shot. The delays to deal with this man took,
depending on what account you read. from one to two minutes.

And here's some other short but interesting points to ponder:
Nearby the area where the rally was to be held, there were a number of industrial buildings, none of which were rendered or
deemed safe, in spite of dozen local cops, deputies and the Pennsylvania Police allegedly assisting the Secret Service, who
did a totally sloppy job of protecting Trump.

In place of Trump’s permanent detail, “supplemental special agents” were sent from the Pittsburgh field office to provide all
of the security measures for the rally on Saturday.

Thomas Crooks, the shooter, was reported to have been kicked out from his school's rifle team, yet the wound that grazed
Trump was only inches from his temple. During his ascent of the roof, several people pointed him out to police and yelled
at the gunman for almost a minute, with no response.

We are to believe that a young man who lived within an hour's distance of the rally site carried a loaded AR rifle in plain view
as he walked toward the venue and was able to climb to the point where he laid, before he was taken down after firing what
was believed to be the first shot.

As the saying goes, dead men tell no tales, and there's no better way to assure a secret stays a secret than to shoot its
keeper in the head, 
which is precisely where Thomas Crooks was shot-- taken down by a Secret Service sniper after he was
allowed to get off several shots. When police searched his home, there were more than a dozen guns found, as well explosives
found on the property.  Both of his parents seemed shocked when the news broke; both Matthew Senior and Mary, were
reported to be guidance counselors at a local school.

And for a young man who at first no one knew, the FBI revealed that Crooks had their attention on him as a possible threat.
The Wall Street Journal online said that there may have been clues about Crooks on his cell phone--which the FBI had
confiscated to analyze in a Virginia lab.

As the Republican Convention started, the focus on the mainstream TV news networks seemed to shift away from the mystery
of Trump's shooter and his family and friends. We're told that a lot of questions will be asked of the people in charge of the
Secret Service, particularly its director Kimberly Cheatle, who should be fired right now, if not by the time you read this. From
start to finish, they did a next-to-nothing job of sweeping the area near the rally site, and were caught "off guard" when the
shooting started. And after it started was when Crooks' dad notified police about his missing rifle.

Something's going on here. The mainstream media was quick to try to neutralize the conspiracy angles, one of  which asserted
that Trump was shot twice, one in the ear and  once in his hip. Two images showed up on social media, one with a hole in
Trump's jacket, where the bullet was stopped by a bulletproof vest, and one with no bullet hole.

So, we have the local Butler, Pennsylvania Police, the state cops, the Secret Service and the FBI who are involved in the
investigation of the attack in what on the surface seems to be the most incompetent job of protecting a US president and
candidate-for-office ever recorded -- or. more likely, a conspiracy to kill a man hated by the Jewsmedia and the Left that if
successful, would have left America in the hands of a man whose mind was failing him and would have been forced out of the
running for the Oval Office -- or an even worse Democratic choice. Long before the attack on him, many speculated that there
would be an attempt on Donald Trump's life, and in the aftermath, the reaction ranged from the phony "this is not acceptable
in America" bromide to the idiotic Kyle Gass treacherous "Next time, don't miss" remark. Next month the Democrats will
decide whether Joe Biden goes or if they have no other choice but to take their chances with a feeble old man in November.
The consensus is among many, that Trump will return to power in the next vote. Already, as the rallies and reaction to Trump's
campaign and survival instincts have proven, White people may well give him a landslide victory. That path back to Washington
will for him, be easier than getting to the truth about what happened in the sleepy town on Butler, Pennsylvania that fateful
July afternoon.

                                                                                       July 11, 2024

                          JOE BIDEN's SENIOR ABUSE
                                                       FOR THE ELITES   

                                                   by Bob Smith   

  There's an untold story behind all the coverage of the 2024 US Elections, among the paranoid over
Donald Trump and the (at this writing)  mysteries of who will be the running mates for Trump and
incumbent Joe Biden, and that is the sad story of elderly abuse -- and not by some sick caregiver
or nurse, but from Biden's own family -- namely, his wife Jill. 

Jill Tracy Jacobs Biden, married to the President since 1977, knows how good it is to be First Lady
of the United States. It has been a source of great fame for others like Jackie Kennedy, Hillary Clinton
and Nancy Reagan. And that's hard to give up. The situation regarding the mental and physical acuity
of Joe Biden has been a nightmare for the Democrats. His disastrous performance at last month's presidential debate sealed the opinions of many Democrats who saw their hopes to stop Trump crumble
at the weak,  faltering 81-year old man that his predecessor mopped the floor with. You would think
the decent, humane thing to do would be to encourage Joe to step aside and enjoy his remaining years
in peace and dignity.  But even with so many of the Democrats wanting Biden to step down, she has
been the biggest pusher for him to remain in the race.

For the longest time, parents taught their kids about the importance of respecting and protecting the
elderly, who are among the most vulnerable citizens in any society. We allow people to retire in their
sixties. And now, we have a man who proved to the whole world that he is not up to the job many call
"Leader of the Free World", and with one bad decision could plummet the entire planet into a nuclear catastrophe or a world war so bad, there will assuredly never be a World War IV. The palpable fear among
the elites is that they can see that Donald Trump is again about to become the next US President, and
that  the last man on Earth who has a glimmer of a chance to stop him is this frail, senile man, further jeopardizing his already poor health.

The stakes in November are high for America and Americans faced with shrinking paychecks and
growing bloody crime everywhere, they don't want a man in serious medical health and advanced age
to have the fate of the world in his hands. Can you think of a worse form of elderly abuse than to subject
an 81-year old man to what many say is the most important job on Earth? I doubt that Jill Biden will
have a change of heart and let this man rest in peace. So many of the Democratic Party are hoping
Biden will step down-- it's their slimmest of hopes of keeping the White House --at a terrible human cost.

                                                                                           July 4, 2024


Poppa's House              Doctor Odyssey            Matlock

                        FALL TV 2024
                                                                        By Bob Smith   

Well, barring any more strikes in Hollywood, the end of summer will see  a new TV season from September through
November on the four major US networks. Many of these shows have been or will be bought by Canadian networks
and run at the same time as they broadcast on the American networks. And if there is any discernible trend, there is
just a bit of a slowdown on the promotion of sex perverts, weirdos and anti-family types. But criminal feminists and
a female Matlock are in play-- and there is gender/switching and White heritage- bashing. Let's take a look:

WATSON: CBS, Paramount + 
Although originally scheduled for midseason, this detective drama may appear sooner if another hourlong show gets
early cancellation. Set after the death of Sherlock Holmes, his longtime sidekick John Watson sets up a detective
agency and soon must confront Holmes' archenemy Moriarty. Oh, did I mention that black actor Morris Chestnut is

MURDER IN A SMALL TOWN: Fox, Global TV Canada.
Here, a real-life Canadian town (Gibsons, BC) becomes the scene of murders which the fictional detective Alden must
solve. The late Donald Sutherland's son Rossif stars along with Kristin Kruek (Smallville) and James Cameron (Babe).

The true-life story of a woman braving cancer is the center of this drama-- but she's not really sick as she dodges a
reporter's attempts to expose her. Yeah, fraud is okay if a woman does it.

JOAN, The CW: 
Another real -life badwoman gets the treatment in this six-part drama about a housewife in the 1980s who
becomes a master thief.

 A dramedy about another run-down US hospital and its staff, starring Wendi McLendon Covey (The Goldbergs

Zachary Quinto (Star Trek) heads the cast of this new medical drama, based upon real-life doctor Oliver Sacks

A single mother with a "brilliant mind" helps police solve mysteries.

Don Johnson of Miami Vice returns to TV as a physician who treats patients and medical emergencies at sea--
on a luxury liner.

Here's a sitcom about a black man, divorced, who is at odds with a  new female co-host of his radio talk show while 
putting up with his live-in, now-adult son.

Following Survivor on Wednesdays, this US version of an Australian game show challenges a group of players to
ascend a mountain to win a pot of cash that grows -- or depletes, if the team members drop out. It's from the company
behind Deal Or No Deal and MasterChef.

CBS... No, please, not another spinoff of The Big Bang Theory; Young Sheldon was bad enough.

No, not the late Andy Griffith-portrayed country lawyer. In this reboot. Kathy Bates (Misery) takes the role as Madelaine
Matlock, who's attempting to hit the big leagues in a big legal firm in New York.

Not all of them will succeed. Those who will make it past a few weeks will then have the new midseason entries to
compete with or be wiped off the schedules by December, and some may have their starts delayed--check your local
listings and be ready to contact the studios, producers and networks at the first sign of perversion, racemixing and
anti-family attitudes and plots. I'll be on the lookout too.


                                                                                           July 1, 2024

                                                        OLIVIA CHOW'S

                                                             by Bob Smith

Remember "the Better Way?"-- it was the slogan of our city's main public transit system. It had
lots of faults, like service late at night and the forever waiting for a bus in the middle of winter,
but was still a great way to get around.  Today you pay around four dollars a ride -- that's if you
don't have a Presto card or you  
have one that doesn't work. Oh yeah, and you might get mugged.
Or killed. According to a recent Toronto Sun article, eight people were murdered on the TTC
between April 7th and June 27th of this year. You'd think there weren't any, from the lack of
reaction from Toronto City Council and our Mayor/Dragon Lady Olivia Chow (they were busy
with more pressing matters, like getting the town in shape for the Pride parades). 

Toronto used to have a reputation as one of North America's safest cities. You could walk home
in the dark at night, or get home via cab, TTC or ride-share like Uber. No more. Just as you have
to be on your toes when you use an ATM, so you must be when boarding a TTC vehicle, above or
below ground. And it's not just the non-Whites you must be wary of, but also the mentally
unbalanced and aggressive passenger who acts irrational or loud. Violence on the TTC is just
one symptom of a syndrome of a city's moral breakdown and the lack of will among our lawmakers
to meet the violence head-on with not unarmed constables, but duty Toronto police officers, in
plainclothes and uniform. All that has been done to ensure "passenger safety" are yellow alarm
strips on the streetcars, buses an subway trains. which only stop the vehicle after the culprit has
long gone and the injury and theft occurs. 

Perhaps a factor in why we are so reluctant to do something about transit violence was the 1973 
killing of Sammy Yatim, who was shot by a Toronto police officer after pulling a knife on a
downtown streetcar, terrorizing the passengers and driver before being fatally shot. An immigrant
from Syria, Yatim did  not have any stated mental illness though an autopsy revealed he had the
drug ecstasy in his system. In the latest stabbing death just days ago, the suspects were described
as a black man and a White woman who fled the scene outside a subway station after the attack.

Violent crime on public transit is the kind of thing that is expected in and plagued major US cities
for years. Now it's here and no one is doing anything to confront it, or seems willing to. Many
people who use the TTC are vulnerable such as women, the poor, the elderly and the handicapped...
"special constables" aren't enough to discourage it, nor will they ever be. We need to up the
number of police riding the system, more money for better surveillance, and tougher treatment of
those charged instead of the catch-and-release (on bail) system we have now. Get hold of your
councillor and the Mayor (Chow's e-mail is mayor_chow@toronto.ca.

It would be nice to get a little more of a safe feeling for the ever-climbing transit fares instead of
a Ride of Fear.


                                                                                         June 25, 2024

                                        by Bob Smith 

 In Canada, a land of 41 million people and in the United States of America with a population of over 333 million, it is a travesty that the number of missing women in these countries is allowed to go unchallenged and their disappearances, unsolved. No longer do women fear only the dark corners at night-- kidnappings occur in broad daylight, in full view of witnesses and in secluded areas everywhere--big cities, small towns, lonely roads. And the tragedy of those found who have been murdered remains, devastating families, friends and entire communities with the taking of these souls. And the governments of both Canada and America have been slow to respond as vigorously as they should. 

In 2022, the US reported  a total of more than 270,000 women missing. In Canada, 33,698 were reported missing for that year (2022 being the most current year figures were available). Many murdered women have suffered terrible assaults and ordeals before their deaths at the hands of the monsters who took them. Some may have been your neighbors, your relatives, your friends.

 If you can help to find them, contact your RCMP detachment in Canada or your local FBI office in the US. :  



Missing from Alberta since 2020

Zyanna Connor
Missing from Red Deer, Alberta


Missing since 2002 from Georgia

Missing since 2024 from Upper Darby, Pennsylvania

Missing since 2005 from Philadelphia.  Pennsylvania

Suzanne Lyall
Missing since 1998 from Albany New York 


Missing from 2004 from Vermont


                                                                   Posted June 27, 2024

                                        COMPLAIN TO CNN!

By Bob Smith 

 The Presidential Debate tonight will be censored by CNN- with mute buttons in the control
of moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, who will enacting censorship on this debate.

Thursday night at 9 pm, CNN is changing the rules of the debate between Donald Trump and
Joe Biden in ways never done before -- biased, unfair and frightening in a so-called democracy.
CNN has chosen to not have a studio audience present. Its moderators Jake Tapper and Dana
Bash, will have devices that will enable them to mute the microphones on stage for both
candidates. Can you think of a better way for the Jewsmedia to censor what America
will be watching and listening to? There will be no spontaneous remarks and replies, no natural
reactions from the candidates, just a tightly controlled, phony manipulated "debate" full of
censorship under this format--- the fix is in.

Although the show will also air on the Fox News Channel and will likely be simulcast on the
CTV and CBC news channels, Tapper and Bash will have full control on what is heard around
the world (you can expect international news TV networks to play portions of the debate).
They have the permission to cut off the mikes, a decision never done by a debate moderator
moderator -- usually the director or producer is the one to make that call.

These new rules are ridiculous. And wrong. And they thwart the very purpose and spirit of the
presidential debates which the world on Thursday night will be watching. Republican Speaker
Mike Johnson has already said in an interview with MSNBC that CNN will try to rig the debate
in Biden's favor. Other 'notables' like Hilary Clinton have whined about Trump and debates and
every pundit with a Pepsodent smile or cute dress will be putting in their two cents before and
after the debate. Whites who support Trump have been effectively barred from  participating as
in past debates--no questions from the audience or via text, and there will likely be a high
security presence near and in the CNN studio. This is not democracy or any kind of fairness --
it is the Jewsmedia coming up with a way to censor their hated nemesis and boost the frail,
fumbling man they would rather see lead the USA possibly into the next-- and maybe last --
world war. Complain to CNN now... their email address is feedback@cnn.com ; the moderators
Jake Tapper and Dana Bash can be reached at their social media platforms,

@jaketapper on "X" and @DanaBashCNN , and give them proper curses and hell if they follow
through with this new censor format. We will!

                                                                                          June 21, 2014


                                                                      by Bob Smith

I guess I'm about as Canadian as any other man born in this land. I came into this world in
what was then East York, Ontario, by a family named Mlodzinski, two days after Christmas in
1951 (you can imagine what a great Christmas week I had every year). As an infant, I was
adopted by a Canadian war veteran (Naples) John Anthony Smith and his wife Alice (birthplace,
Essex England) and had a pretty good boyhood, along with my sister Betty who went from
Riverdale Collegiate to a nursing career at Toronto's world-famous Sick Kids Hospital. 

At school, I excelled at English and my marks were so good, on the night before our graduation,
our school principal Mother St. Mary called my house after the student picked to give the
graduation speech took ill, and asked me to fill in. Don't ask me how, but I gave a speech the
next night to an audience of students and parents, and the applause was so loud, Mother St.
Mary, the most feared woman in the school, clasped my hand, smiled-- smiled-- and said to me
and my parents "You brought down the house!"

High school was basically okay, although I still regret to this day choosing Latin as a subject
with the compulsory French. It still went fine until 19870, when one day after I went to the CNE
with my folks, my mom succumbed to a heart attack. Two winters later, my father also had a fatal
heart attack.  They were in their early fifties.

In 1972 I met Don Andrews, leader of what was then the Edmund Burke Society (founded in 1967
by Don Andrews, Paul Fromm and teacher Leigh Smith), which was evolving into what became
Canada's best known racist political organization, the Western Guard. My early years were spent
writing for its organ, Straight Talk., and distributing White Nationalist literature. During my travels
to other White leaders in American cities like Washington DC, National Vanguard's Dr. William
Pierce, JB Stoner and Dr. William Fields in Marietta, Georgia, and in New Orleans, Klansman
David Duke. After the WG made its reputation as the racist political party in Canada, others in
Canada also came to prominence, such as Armand Siksna, Canadian Klansman James McQuirter,
John Ross Taylor, Ernst Zundel and Wolfgang Droege, who became the figurehead for the Heritage
Front, a White Power group that was known far and wide even though it was funded by the
government and had one Grant Bristow as an agent.

The 1980's saw the rise of The Nationalist Party of Canada (first named the National Citizens
Alliance) and the prosecution of Don Andrews and I under the Orwellian anti-hate bill which
tens of thousands were spent taking the case to the Supreme Court of Canada. It stands as a
precedent on free speech in Canada and to this day, remains in modified form in Canadian law.
And now we fly Canada's flag along with one bearing our suncross symbol. Today we
communicate to all of you the White Nationalist ideology on the Internet--and the reaction in
hits is most gratifying.

Our Canadian flag, which made its debut in 1965, replacing the Red Ensign, is still a flag I'm
happy to stand under. Its simple, yet bold red-and-white design symbolizes Canada perfectly,
visible for miles. Its maple leaf symbolizes a land that is still filled with promise, progress in
many fields, and given how many people from other lands want to make Canada their home,
is unique-- a symbol we can all take pride in, and should.

Get a new Canadian flag if your present one is looking faded or frayed, and show it proudly at
your home, apartment, and place of business before and on Monday July 1st, Canada Day.
Canada is a great country, and by showing our pride, we also show our commitment to making
it a better place for White Canadians.


                                                                                            June 14, 2024

by Bob Smith   

Documentary shows about crime and police work have never been more popular. I don't
mean fictional mystery shows or"procedurals" like CSI or NCIS, but the kind of series that
began way back around 1990 when the then-new Fox network ran Cops, a series that not
only was a hit, but also paved the way for such series about crime and crime fighting like 
See No Evil, Forensic Files (HLN), The First 48 (A&E), 72 Hours (Crime and Investigation),
Deadline Crime (ID)
 and Very Scary People (HLN). All of them and more run 24 hours a day
on US networks like Investigation Discovery. HLN and now, A&E. Here in Canada, we have
the Crime and Investigation channel, which mixes real crime documentaries with fictional
series like  Due South and Bull

One big difference between ordinary people is that we instinctively run from danger; police
officers, by the nature of the job, run into danger. Here in Canada it is rare to see policemen
hurt or killed in the line of duty compared to what happens in major racemixed US cities,
but that will soon change.  Yet, it's tough to be a Canadian cop, especially in Toronto, where
many of the tools police need to identify suspects are taken away from them--lately non-
White crime has surged in urban areas. The closest we can get are documentary series that
provide accounts of criminal investigations by the police and prosecuting lawyers. Among
the best is Homicide Hunter, run on Mondays on the Canadian ID channel. Here, retired
Colorado cop Joe Kenda tells stories of some of the over-300 murders he has solved, He's
a no-nonsense old-style policeman, and never disguises his hatred of killers, making no
bones about his dedication, declaring , "If you kill, I will find you." . Many crime shows never
put a word of condemnation and disgust toward the evil monsters hunted by the law, or by
the lack of justice in many cases where, say, a murderer who has been convicted of a most
unspeakable killing isn't put to death, save in such states as New Jersey and Texas. Canada
needs to bring back capital punishment fter more than sicty years since we executed our last

Each of the documentary series has a different take on crime and investigation: See No Evil 
profiles the use of security cameras in finding kidnappers, robbers and killers. A&E's Body
 lets you see catching criminals from the perspective of an officer, an extension of the
portable cameras used to follow patrolmen on CopsForensic Files and the Canadian-
produced Forensic Factor delve into the role science plays in finding evidence used to catch
and prosecute killers.

Considering how in Canada we are experiencing a growth in the number of and brutality of
murders of innocent people, mostly by non-Whites, we can look upon US crime series as a
look into our own future. People here in Canada now lock their doors, install gates and super-
enforced locks and pray; our anti-gun laws are among the toughest in the world --but not for 
the evil creatures who  walk among us, striking fear and anger in us all. And make no
mistake about it -- evil is real and dwells in the most harmless-looking among us. We all need
to express that anger and condemnation for these monsters, and to put pressure on the
producers and thebroadcasters whenever not enough condemnation is placed against

these monsters or criminals' evil  is excused or "explained'. HLN, A&E and Investigation
Discovery in the US  are all owned by Warner Brothers Discovery, and Crime and
Investigation Channel and the series Crime Beat are owned by Canada's Corus Entertainment.
And among the largest sponsors of these shows you will find Proctor and Gamble, Unilever,
Taco Bell (Yum Brands) and Johnson and Johnson.

In your own way, you can fight crime by making sure that it is portrayed as it is -- evil, brutal
and only worthy of our collective contempt.


                                                                                            June 3 , 2024

                               THE U.S. INJUSTICE LEAGUE
by Bob Smith   

 It was a historic day, by all amounts and all accounts. For the first time in its history, on Friday
May 3131sta US President has been tried and convicted and is now a felon, tried by a vicious
mob of law-twisters, backstabbers, women of ill repute, Democrats, and others, and in such a
way that a great many Americans now have lost or are losing faith in its justice system.

The self-made billionaire and White peoples' hero, as it turned out, never had a chance, Political
cadres who at first thought nothing of his first run for the White House, later grew fearful of this
no-nonsense tough guy who won the hearts of White Americans by a can't-miss slogan "Make
America great Again" and a manner of connecting with Whites as a man dedicated to repairing
his fractured country and taking on the real threats to a stable USA--and with the financial clout
to do it. And imagine the smiles on the pundits' faces when they thought that Trump's victory
has been sleazily stolen from him and hoped he would head back to his New York headquarters
and his Florida resort never to be heard again beyond the financial pages.

 Their only hope for keeping their stranglehold on the nation was to stop Donald Trump --by
hook or by crook. The liberal Jewsmedia chortled with glee at the prospect of their enemy
number one would be sent to prison over some sloppy record-keeping -- not for murder or
selling secrets to Red China. The venom that came out from mostly everywhere in the news-
media -- well, now we all know why faith in TV news and newspapers has sunk to its lowest
point. They hate the way that Donald Trump has managed to unite White Americans by giving
them hope and by the demonstration of his first term in office.

In Washington, Trump posed a threat to the Establishment and the backroom treachery that
kept crime up and unemployment lines long -- now that's returned under Biden. And with the
steaming wars and growing battles around the world, only benefitting the globalists, they
didn't want anyone calming this US Ship of State about to capsize. Donald Trump has already
shown the courage to weather the treachery of the system's machinations. He will prevail.

Wish him luck.


                                                                                           May 20, 2024
Frank Barone                                                                                           Jay Pritchett                            
                             SENIORS GET NO RESPECT 

                                                                                              by Bob Smith 

 One of my favorite comics from the last century was the late Rodney Dangerfield. A fan favorite on TV, comedy clubs and a few films,
his self-depreciating humor was based on his tagline "I don't get no respect!", Today the same can be said for the way older men, father
figures and patriarchs are portrayed on TV.

When we get to what are our golden years, one of the things men look forward to is being treated with the reverence they deserve. It is
certainly a hallmark of how many Asian cultures treat their fathers and grandfathers. But to watch White TV dads and seniors in sitcoms
over the past few decades, you'd think that most White men over 60 are crazy, bellicose and generally mean and unloving. From the 1990s.
we had Martin Crane (the late John Mahoney), father to psychiatrist Frasier, who popped off about everything from Frasier's elitist attitude
to  Frank Barone, the always grouchy husband of long-suffering Marie on 
Everybody Loves Raymond, to retired businessman Jay Pritchett 
Modern Family,  and our very own acerbic Canadian small-towner Oscar Leroy of Corner Gas. All these series play every day on TV and
on streaming services and it bodes ill for future generations of young White males and the families they raise.

When the father in a family -- once in films a television, the source of courage and strength and morality -- is morphed into a foolish,
manchild-like and weak character who never exerts authority in his home and family, its an important step for the perverts and queers
who have manufactured situation comedy idea and scripts for decades. The "Man of the House" it's now a eunuch, made fun of by his partner and disrespected by his kids. It happens a lot more in sitcoms than in dramas. Some actors have made careers out of that type: the late Tom
Bosley played a dumb dad in the animated Hanna-Barbera toon 
Wait 'Till Your Father Gets Home, but had more success as store owner
Howard Cunningham in the 1970s hit 
Happy Days . And let's not forget the angry/acting nuts dad that was the star in Married With Children,
The Simpsons
, and later on, Black-ish, or the buffoonish dads of According to Jim, and Everybody Loves Raymond . Soon in this space
we'll be talking about what's coming up in the fall on the networks and streaming services and you'd be wise to take note of any and all
anti-elderly/anti-family new offerings and to let the networks and sponsors feel your anger.

                                                                                         May 16, 2024

                              WHITE NATIONALIST UPDATE: MAY 2024

                                                         by Bob Smith   

It's time to check up on our fellow White Nationalists, both here and around the world,
as life everywhere gets more exciting and nationalism grows steadily:


The British National Party (BNP) - Make Britain a Better Place to Live

The British National Party has come up with a new multi-point plan to challenge Britain's
ever-growing immigration problem. much of which is centered around the massive infux
of Muslims entering, a plan that includes stopping the building of new mosques, withdrawing
British troops from Muslim lands, and monitoring schools for the teaching of Muslim religion
and culture.

GERMANY  https://www.afd.de/

The rise of the nationalist AFD )Alternative for Deutschland party in Germany has been met with
stiff opposition by the federal government, which has already banned the use of nationalist and/or
nationalist symbols and whose federal courts have upheld a decision to classify the AFD as a
suspected right-wing extremist organization, after using the slogan "Everything for Germany",
part of a slogan attributed to Nazis in World War II. They continue to grow in support despite this

SWITZERLAND   https://www.svp.ch/

Their right-wing party, the Swiss People's Party, was founded in 1936, and became the SVP after
merging with Swiss Democrats. Crime has become a crucial issue  with the SVP and the loose
immigration and foreign workers implemented by the Left and local Green Party that brings criminals
to that land and causing chaos through its asylum program, costing taxpayers 4 million francs a year.


Norway's Fremskrittspartiet (FrP),  has demanded from their government tighter control of their
borders. Another new rising force in Norway is the new   Senterpartiet  Party
https://www.senterpartiet.no/)which has promised voters to get rid of their "elites".



The NRM  has been around since 1997 and has counted among its allies Greece's Golden Dawn
and Ukraine's Azov  Brigade. It has established presences in Norway, Denmark and Iceland and
staged demonstrations and interactions with Europeans to educate them on
nationalism and

AUSTRALIA   Website:  

The Australia First Party continues to grow with its platform of stopping multiculturalism, curbing
foreign ownership and reducing immigration. It hopes to play a major role in Australia's next

US and Canada

INFOWARS https://www.infowars.com/

Alex Jones has made an international name for his views and his site, which now carries a great
assortment of news on current affairs and conspiracies.

....on its' website (nsm88.org) has noted the rise of anti-Semitism and anti-Jew anger in the US,
and can now be also reached on social media's "X" (formerly Twitter). This summer will see them
again hit the streets and continuing its marches against Europe's immigrant invasion. 

Link:  National Vanguard | News. For us. For a change.
 One of America's oldest racial/nationalist parties, NV continues its inspiring essays in the spirit of its founder Dr. William Pierce, 
following in the format of National Vanguard Magazine.

 CAFE | Dedicated to Free Speech, Immigration Reform, and Restoring Political Sanity

Paul Fromm has juggled holding his Freedom Rallies in the rebel Okanagan Valley in BC with
forums featuring Canadian patriots under persecution foe freedom of speech, such as Monika
Schafer and Leslie Bory.  

British Peoples League – Working To Preserve Our Heritage

The one and only John Beattie is still at it, with two new posts on his Dinosaur News,  and it truly
is an  inspiration to see this movement pioneer still active in his later years.

Contact these groups through the links above.

                                                                                          May 6, 2024



                                                       by Bob Smith 

Britain has been known through its TV history as an innovator of sorts and producer of
television works that have for decades enjoyed audiences around the world, such as 
The Forsthye Saga
 and Upstairs, Downstairs.  But few could match the success of a science
fiction adventure that has since the 1960s gathered an audience all its own, than Doctor Who. 

Devised by a trio of writers including Canadian Sydney Newman, this long-running (1963)
BBC series seen internationally centers around an alien who is a "time lord" who uses a
machine known as a "Tardis" to travel in and out of dimensions and through time, usually with
a companion and always returning in each new season looking different. In many stories he
ends up saving the universe from disaster and his most deadly adversaries are another Time
Lord who's a bad guy known as The Master, and a group of metal-clad creatures known as
Daleks who are bent on taking over all galaxies.  To see old reruns of the series from the sixties
is a trip through the history of special effects on TV and to see the new season (on
Disney Plus, now with a black Doctor Who) you understand while why the few tweaks the show
has received every few years hasn't changed it fundamentally: it is a continuing story of good
triumphing over evil, something that's missing in this age of "anti-heroes" and criminals now
given their own franchises and films such as The Joker and the upcoming streaming series 
The Penguin.  And that is why Doctor Who has enjoyed among its audience people who normally
don't watch science fiction shows.

Doctor Who (just known  as "The Doctor') has taken many forms in his reincarnation, but mostly
he appears as an elderly British gentleman, a dandy sometimes, with floppy hat and scarf (Tom
Baker), or as latter day portrayals have shown, as a woman or black man. It has outlasted such
latter-day sci-fi hits as Star Trek (all versions), Knight Rider, The Six Million Dollar Man and 
Quantum Leap. As a time lord, he is not permitted to change history or culture, but a la Star Trek,
does so in order to stop evil. Depending on the reincarnation, he can be stern, scientific, humorous,
but always fun to watch. In a TV universe whose contents in all genres is nothing more than
electronic landfill, Doctor Who is a refreshing change that is worth the extra money you may
have to pay to get it on Disney Plus. 

So tune in on May 10, and  enjoy the ride, as millions have since the 1960s.

*Doctor Who debuts on Disney Plus  Friday May 10


                                                                                      April 28, 2024


by Bob Smith 

 The US and its allies have many differences among their cultures, but there is one
thing they do stand together on...and that's when their plans to make every nation
as globalized and as Western decadent as they are become endangered.  That's why
there are wars that topple heads of state in places like Iraq or nations who have
practiced and guarded their religions for centuries and are places feminists,
homosexual/ LGBTQers and various other degenerates fear that their polices may
make their way to here and spoil all their fun. Or for reasons of exploitation of
resources, the West will meddle in conflicts that are just none of their business.
At this time, three areas of world conflict dominate the news: Israel and Gaza, Russia
and Ukraine and China and Taiwan. have caught America's eye and soon the USA and
its sons and daughters may become involved in one or more of these wars, the worst
case scenario in the future the start of the next--and maybe last, World War.  Canada
has nothing to gain from being dragooned or jumping voluntarily into any of them,
except as we didn't learn in Afghanistan, dead bodies.

Taiwan had been at odds with Red China for years, an "errant province" officially
regarded as still part of Mainland China, and has been so since communism took
over in 1949 under Mao Tse-Tung and later, its current rulers still want back. Today,
tensions continue there as its citizens live with an angry neighbor that is nuclear

Ukraine (The Frontier) is still fighting an active war with Russia that is in reality a silly
border war where Slavs are stupidly killing each other in a battle that continues
in a new "country" just decades old, and recently was a recipient of of over $60 billion
n aid and armaments from the US--right out of taxpayers' pockets as Americans face
poverty, unemployment and never-ending violent crime.

And of course we have Israel, for the first time in its history facing anger worldwide for
its destruction in Gaza and genocide against the Palestinian people; where young
leftists have joined with Palestinian people in nonstop protests to end this war and
have resorted to occupations of buildings and marches in the thousands to express
their anger.

Canadians have enough on our collective plates without worrying how we will become
embroiled in these conflicts, It's a simple yet argument summed up in two words:
DON'T MEDDLE.  Tell Trudeau--today-- at pm@pm.gc.ca 

                                                                                            April 19, 2024

                                                               by Bob Smith

   It is said that in war, the first casualty is the truth. Much can be said the same for the events
on and after October 7, which culminated in a full-on assault on the area called Gaza by the
government of Israel and its defense forces, which literally destroyed that part of the world and
razed every building in it -- homes, hospitals, schools, shelters, everything burned or flattened
in a merciless attack of bombs, jets, drones, missiles and soldiers with guns. The estimates at
this writing put the death toll at 33,000, including thousands of babies and children, and 
thousands more injured, dismembered, and maimed. Benjamin Netanyahu defied the world
with the lies that each strike was "surgical" and with intent to destroy Hamas...it was nothing
more than a revenge attack and a revelation, finally to all, of the meanness and hate in their
being. And the world started to wake up. 

Israel, after it went through an attack launched from Iran, claimed that 99% of what was fired
at them had been taken down with the help of the USA. 99%...what a coincidence.. that is
exactly the same number of germs that TV ads say that Listerine mouthwash can clean from
your mouth.  At this point,  never has there been an amount of open anger levelled as Jews and
Israel as high and with so much vitriol, from North American and Europe's major nations, not
just Israel's known enemies. Even in the media they control and among some Jews themselves,
there was criticism, But not to worry, senile President Joe Biden echoed the words of previous
US leaders when he said that American support for Israel was "iron clad", and begged fruitlessly
to Netanyahu for restraint; it only angered him ad he continued the barrage and also a promise
of retaliation to Iran, thereby giving the conflict a possible regional turn--and maybe, a World
War III. 

Now the world saw, and not just on al-Jazeera news, the devastation and  horror inflicted on
the Palestinians now fated to drink unsafe water and to starve in the absence of food blocked
from being delivered by the Israeli Jews. It's a far cry from the victim image they have cultivated
for decades-- now the Reds are abandoning them; the many demonstrations held around the
world hasn't garnered a lot of sympathy for Jews and Israel, and this second attack, now on
Iran, has proved their arrogance in the eyes of more and more non-Jews, not just the people
of Palestine that they are on their way to wiping out.

Now, only the media they control, and not even all of that, are still trying to defend them. No
longer do people in all cases come to Israel's/Jews' defense. All that's left is to try to justify the
destruction of Gaza, which has been compared to Dresden. So now we are seeing a resurgence
of Hollywood Nazi/Holocaust films like the upcoming Tattooist of Auschwitz on Canada's
Showcase channel and the motion picture Bureau of Ungentlemanly Warfare.  It is an apparent
irony that is not lost on the fair and the just.  Either way it will be one spring and summer that
so many --especially pro-Zionists and White Nationalists-- will be watching closely.



                                                                                        April 7, 2024

                           WHITE NATIONALIST UPDATE  

                                                          by Bob Smith 

 This is an exciting time for White racists here and abroad as events from anti-hate laws to the reckoning of Israel after its 2023 attacks are coalescing into what promises to be a most interesting next few months Here's a groups update:   

The British National Party operates two sites now: one its main site and the other its national forum, where issues are delved into in depth and more information is available to the public. They're at www.bnp.org

It's been a while since we have heard from the British Peoples' League and John Beattie, a White Nationalist legend. His site and Dinosaur News messages are still active in Minden Ontario, but are dated, If you have any knowledge of what's up with him, get in touch. His site is
at http://www.britishpeoplesleague.com/

Germans, now dealing with an influx of non-White immigrants and refugees, are turning to the AFD (German Alternative) which is rising in popularity, scoring 16% at the polls in the Bavaria October 2023 elections Reach them at https://www.afd.de/

The Scottish National Party is fighting Orwellian anti-;'hare' legislation with a Freedom Speech act of their own, Learn about it at
their site, www.snp.org.

Paul Fromm continues his rallies in the rebel Okanagan Valley in British Columbia and commentary on the news. Read the latest
at the C.A.F.E. site,  https://cafe.nfshost.com/

One of North America's premier racist organizations, National Vanguard, continues the activity of its late founder Dr. William Piece,
with essays from him featured along with news and comment, at https://nationalvanguard.org/

Poland's National Radical Camp is a strong nationalist group conducting demonstrations around that nation. They can be reached at https://www.onr.com.pl/

Blood and Honour operates from Serbia with news, a calendar of events and radio broadcasting. Visit them at https://www.bloodandhonourworldwide.co.uk/bhww/

In South Africa, the AWB  (Afrikaaner Resistance Movement) is in its 51st year, still going strong in that ruined
nation. their site is at https://awb.co.za/

Stormfront still remains one of the most popular social media sites for White Nationalists around the world.
Reach them here: https://www.stormfront.org/forum/
